Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to be as One ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]

*Disclaimer* Well I don't own Digimon or the character of Jun or Matt or the Teenage Wolves. As much as I like Digimon I will never own it ^^ Anyway I also do not own the song "Love At First Sight" by Kylie Minogue. I've always felt that Jun was unappreciated and while listening to this song, I thought of her. Now don't get me wrong I'm not a Jun/Matt supporter, I'm actually really happy about Sorato. It's just I like the idea of Jun chasing Matt and sometime I feel like her. She's a character that I can relate to. So here are my feelings on Jun ^^


Jun sighed as she placed her pen down and looked at her diary. She had just been to a Teenage Wolves concert and once again it was one of the most magical nights in her life. Just watching Matt on stage made her happier than ever.

Jun decided to read some of her older entries. She flipped back to the first day she had found out about Teenage Wolves.

"Thought that I was going crazy. Just having one of those days… Yeah.

Didn't know what to do. Then there was you and everything went from wrong to right. And the stars came out and filled up the sky.

The music you were playing really blew my mind. It was love at first sight. `Cause baby when I heard you for the first time I knew we were meant to be as one."

Jun laughed as she remembered it all. She had always loved listening to the Teenage Wolves music but she had always had something for their lead singer. It took her a while to find out his name but once she did, she never forgot it. Yamato Ishida.

Of course throughout her diary she had writing things like `Matt & Jun 2gether 4ever' or `Jun Ishida'. She had even done the True Love game with their names. It had ended up with only a score of 33% so Jun had scratched it out with her pen after finishing.

Just flipped forward in her diary to a day when everything had seemed to go wrong. She had gotten back a few bad marks and everything else had just gone from bad to worse. But later that day when she had been able to see the Teenage Wolves, Matt had made her fell better just though his music. She decided to read that entry.

"Was tired of running out of luck. Thinking `bout giving up… yeah. Didn't know what to do. Then there was you.

And everything went from wrong to right … The music you were playing really blew my mind…

`cause baby when I heard you… I knew we were meant to be as one."

Jun sighed. It had been a while that she had been chasing Matt. Even her stupid little brother was closer to him that she was and that just wasn't fair.

Maybe she wouldn't be able to have Matt. At least in this world she couldn't. But no one could take him away from her in her dreams as she slept at night.

It was her only comfort for her because she knew that her love with matt was truly one sided affection on her part.

Jun picked up her pen up and flipped back to the entry she had just written earlier that night. She had one more thing to add.

"And everything went from wrong to right, and the stars came out and filled up the sky.

The music you were playing really blew my mind.

It was love at first sight."

