Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Tyler and Sara ❯ Sara Takenouchi ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Hello again. This is the next and last chapter of Biographies, because that’s just what this is. As I said before, this chapter will be kind of short, since Sara’s an ‘02 dig destined. She met with the gang on one other occasion sometime before ‘02 started up, which is where the story really starts. There will be dialogue in here as well, unlike the first chapter. Anyway, here is her introduction.

* Phone talk

Disclaimer: You know it. I don’t own anything from digimon, just my characters.

Chapter 2

Meet Sara Takenouchi

Sara Takenouchi is Sora’s older cousin on her father’s side. Being sort of a late bloomer, she was born one week after her due date, which was supposed to be October 25, 1988 and is now November 3, 1988. This didn’t bother her as it did the rest of her family. Though she doesn’t cause trouble for anyone, Sora gets nervous whenever she comes to visit due to her personality disorder, especially with her friends there. One minute she’s the chippy ball of energy, and the next minute she has a serious look on her face when someone is around, as though she’s measuring.
This sort of thing happened when Sora’s friends came to visit once.


It is the summer 2000, one year after the defeat of Apocalymon. The digiworld was reformatting itself, and the digidestined were enjoying their time off from school. Mimi moved to America since her dad got a business deal there. She and Tyler shared a long distance relationship, which annoyed the both of them. Sora and Tai were starting to bud their relationship (after she slapped him for giving her a hairpin for her birthday present), Matt’s band was starting to make it big, Joe was still studying to be a doctor as usual, Izzy busied himself with upgrading his computer, TK moved to Nihon-Bashi with his dad, and Kari was being…well…Kari. On this one particular day, though, a certain red head was going to get a visit from a relative she didn’t expect to see since their last family reunion.
Sora Takenouchi laid on her bed, the phone up to her ear. She was calling everyone to come to her house later on in the day to chat around. In reality, she was bored but so was everyone else. So it was no surprise when they agreed to come over. Right now she was on the phone with Tai.

*What time do you want us to be there?* asked Tai.

“About five-thirty,” answered Sora. “that’s what I told everyone.”

*Sounds logical,* Tai mused.

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

*Come on, it was a joke!*

Sora rolled her eyes, even though Tai couldn’t see it.

*You’re rolling your eyes, aren’t you?*

Sora let a smile form on her face. “You really know me, don’t you? How did you know?”

*Because you had that awkward silence. You do that a lot when I’m on the phone with you.*

“That’s because you say a lot of weird--”

Sora was interrupted by a gentle knock on her bedroom door. “Hang on right quick Tai.”

She got up and went to the door. As soon as she opened it, she was grabbed by her wrist and slammed on the ground in a blink of an eye. Before she could get up to retaliate on her assailant, however, she was forced back down by the person sitting on her stomach. Sora looked up into a pair of light brown eyes full of enthusiasm, surrounded by a face with soft, creamy skin that seemed to glow with energy, long auburn hair that was put in pigtails, and full light red lips that were parted in a wide grin showing white teeth.

“You should work out more,” the person said in a perky voice.

“AAAAAGGGGHHH!!!! SARA, GET OFF ME!!!!!!!!” yelled Sora.

“Is that any way to treat your guest?” Sara pouted.

“What are you doing here?” Sora grunted.

“Nice to meet you too,” said Sara sarcastically.

“I’m serious, Sara. If you don’t get off of me in the next two seconds,”

“Okay, okay, okay! I’m up already!” Sara got off of Sora and helped her to her feet.

*Sora? What’s going on there? Sora!* cried Tai who was still on the line.

“Nothing, Tai. It’s just my cousin Sara,” Sora told Tai while glaring daggers at Sara, who just put on a wide grin.

*You have a cousin?*

“Of course I have a cousin! I have cousins on both sides of my family, Tai!” Sora turned abruptly from her cousin and went back into her room, with Sara following.


“I’ll talk to you later when everyone is here, okay?”

*Okay. Bye, Sora*

“See ya, Tai.”

Sora hung up the phone and turned to look at her cousin, who now had a light grin on her face.

“Why are you in my room?” Sora spat out.

“Why are you being so hostile?” Sara said, still with a grin on her face. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you didn’t want me here.”

“I didn’t even know you were coming.”

“Wow, that’s a surprise. I thought your mom would have told you.”

“I’m sorry, Sora. I meant to, but I totally forgot,” said Sora’s mom who came into the room after hearing the commotion.

“It’s okay mom,” said Sora turning back to Sara. “When did you get here?”

“I arrived at the airport at seven-thirty this morning,” replied Sara. “Aunt Niyami was waiting for me out front.”

“Sora, her bags are still in the living room. Could you help her unpack please?” Niyami asked.

“Yes, mom,” Sora said as her mom left.
(A/N: I don’t know the name of Sora’s mom, so I just made one up. Please don’t hit me!)

“So, I heard you say you were inviting friends over?” Sara asked they went into the living room.

“Yes, they’ll be over here this evening, and yes you will meet them,” Sora replied to the unspoken question.

“I would meet them regardless if you allow me or not,” Sara said with a smirk.

Sora looked at her cousin’s attire, which consisted of a yellow Polo collar shirt with a white shirt underneath, baggy red shorts that went past her knees, and a pair of white ankle high sneakers.

“You’re not wearing that, are you?” Sora asked inquisitively.

“What’s wrong with the way I dress?” Sara asked while picking up one of her traveling bags and taking it to the guest room. “And when did you become Miss Fashion Designer Extraordinaire?”

“I‘m just saying, it just looks so…redundant,” Sora said while following her.

“Redundant?” Sara looked at her incredulously while putting her bag down inside the room. “Sora, you can’t even spell redundant! I doubt you even know what it means.”

“Whatever! I’m just saying you look like a six-year-old on stilts. You’re supposed to look like my older cousin, not an annoying sibling.”

“Hardy har har,” Sara laughed dryly. “Knowing you Sora, I doubt you’d have any guy friends coming over except that one guy you were talking to.”

“Shows how much you know,” Sora sneered. “I wouldn’t invite just one guy without inviting others for him to talk to.”

This caught Sara’s attention. “Are they cute?” she asked hopefully.

“You’ll just have to see,” said Sora, turning away from her and walking out of the room.

‘Hmmm…I’d better get something good out to wear then,’ Sara thought while rummaging through her bags.

Later that evening, Sora was preparing snacks in the living room when Sara came out of her room wearing a navy blue jean vest over a loose white v-neck shirt that hugged her torso just enough to show her beautiful curves and ample cleavage, a pair of blue jean knickerbockers, and the same white ankle high sneakers from this morning. On her left wrist, she had a multicolored charm bracelet, and a black choker around her neck. Her hair was still in the same pigtails, though. Sora looked her over as if she was doing a uniform inspection. Sara rolled her eyes at this.

“Nice improvement,” Sora said. “Not what I was expecting, though.”

“You wanna find yourself on the ground again?” Sara said with her arms crossed.

Sora just smirked at her remark. Just then, the doorbell rang. “That should be them now,” Sora said moving towards the door. Sara smoothed out her clothes and moved behind the couch, resting her hands on the back.

Sora opened the door to reveal a grinning Tai Kamiya. “Hey love,” he said, giving her a small peck on the cheek. This caused everyone else behind him to groan.

“Hey Tai. Hey guys. Come in,” Sora said while trying to hide her blush. Everyone followed Sora to the living room, where they noticed Sara standing behind the couch smiling at them.

“Guys, this is my cousin, Sara.” Sora motioned for her cousin to come over to them. Sora started introducing them one by one.

“This is Tai, my BOYFRIEND,” Sora stressed the word while glaring at Sara. This caused Sara to jump slightly.

“Why’d you say it like that?” Sara asked looking at her.

“In case you try anything,” Sora snapped.

Sara gave her a look that said “You gotta be kidding me.” She turned back to Tai. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you Tai,” she said shaking his hand.

“Nice to meet you too,” said Tai wincing slightly at the strength of her grip. ‘This girl is going to break my hand off!’ he thought.

“Moving on,” said Sora, getting Sara’s attention. “This is Kari, his little sister.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Kari said.

“Likewise,” Sara said with a grin while shaking her hand. Kari slightly flinched when she shook her hand. ‘Feels like a tree trunk with smooth skin,’ she thought.

‘And here I thought her brother was weak,’ Sara thought, noticing earlier how Tai reacted.

“This is Izzy,” said Sora moving to Izzy.

“Ah. The computer geek,” Sara said enthusiastically.

“Wh-what?!” exclaimed Izzy. “How’d you know?”

“Three ways,” said Sara holding up three fingers. “One, you look like one. Two, you have a backpack big enough to carry one in, and three, because you told me.”

Her last statement confused him as he looked at her blankly. Sara just grinned at him and moved on.
“And you are?” she asked the odd looking blonde.

“Matt Ishida,” said Matt nonchalantly. ‘She doesn’t scare me,’ he thought.

“Are you supposed to be some kind of rock star or something?” Sara asked cocking an eyebrow at him, noticing the way his hair curved and waved.

“Yes, as a matter of fact,” he stated proudly.

She looked at him grimly for a second. “You’re out of tune on your guitar. Tighten the strings, and maybe you’ll get calluses on your fingers.”

‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’ Matt thought as she moved on to a deeply tanned person who looked to be about her age that seemed to be absorbed in the flower painting hanging on the wall.

‘What’s up with this guy?’ she thought.

“This is Tyler,” said Sora, catching Tyler’s attention and causing him to turn around. As soon as he did, he caught sight of Sara’s eyes just as she caught sight of his, which triggered an intense stand-off between the two. Earlier I said that she has a tendency to stare at people as if she’s measuring them. This she was doing now, but at the same time, Tyler was looking at her the same way as if he was searching her eyes for something. Both had stern looks on their faces, and time seemed to had stopped for only the two of them, but was still going forward for everyone else.

“Uhh, Tyler? Sara?” Sora tried to get their attention, but had no luck.

Sara looked deeply into his mahogany eyes, noticing many things at once: Joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, love, regret, and many other feelings that mixed together. Suddenly she noticed a silver glow behind everything she saw in his eyes, and one word came to her mind as she looked on: Hope. Sara felt something stir inside of her that she never felt before. ‘What’s going on?’ she thought. ‘What is this feeling?’
Tyler was thinking the same thing as he stared into her rich brown eyes. He saw more happiness in those eyes than when he was younger. It was the same type of happiness in his mom’s eyes, but it was a bit stronger. Behind that barrier, he saw a spot of dark, which first suggested to him that she was evil, but as he looked on, the spot was bouncing about, as if it were overjoyed. This made something inside of him click, something he never expected to feel again since his father left: Unconditional love. Tyler didn’t know where it came from, but that’s what he felt.
After a minute they broke out of the hypnotic trance they were absorbed in and blinked their eyes a couple of times, as if trying to discern what just transpired. Sara looked at Tyler for a second, then introduced herself.

“Hello, my name is Sara,” she said.

“My name is Tyler,” said Tyler. “I am pleased to meet your acquaintance.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Sara replied holding out her hand in which Tyler shook warmly.

As soon as their hands touched they noticed the strength in each other’s grip. ‘Wow,’ thought Sara. ‘This guy’s no joke!’

‘She’s got quite a grip. She nearly matches my strength!’ thought Tyler.

Once again, those feelings that seemed to captivate them a few minutes ago returned two-fold. They quickly let go of each other’s hands, so the others wouldn’t think anything. Unfortunately, everyone was staring at them awkwardly.

“What are you looking at?” asked Tyler, slightly blushing. Matt and Tai shared a grin. Sara stuck her tongue at them and walked over to the couch and sat down.
The small get together went on without any incident, other than Tyler being the butt of many jokes from the incident. Once or twice he and Sara would happen to catch one glancing at the other, which earned Tyler more jokes. He was relieved when his cell phone rang, excusing himself outside.
Sara watched him as he left. She knew there was something about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. ‘I don’t understand it,’ she thought. ‘Why do I feel so…so…comfortable around him? It’s like I’ve known him for a long time, yet I’ve never saw him before.’ She was brought out of her trance by Kari.

“Are you okay?” Kari asked with concern.

“Yes, why?”

“You look as if something was bothering you.”

“I’m fine, really,” Sara said. “How about you and I go spy on the two lovebirds over there?” She pointed over to Tai and Sora, who were standing by the wall talking.
Kari had a mischievous glint in her eye. “Why not?” she said with a grin.

____________________________________________________________ _______________________

The gathering ended at eight. Sora and Sara said their byes to everyone, with Sora and Tai giving each other a goodnight kiss, causing everyone to groan again. After they left, the two girls started getting ready for bed.

“Nice friends you got,” Sara said, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush.

“Thanks, even though they can be weird sometimes,” Sora replied.

“Which suites you just fine,” Sara said, sticking her toothbrush in her mouth. Sora made a face at her and started brushing her teeth.

“What’s up with that Tyler person? Is he a mixed breed, or did he stay in the tanning salon too long?” Sara asked after a minute.

“You sound as if you want to talk to him,” Sora said with a grin.

“Whatever. But seriously, what’s the deal on him?”

Sora sighed. “Yes, he’s a mixed breed. His dad is a black guy from America, which explains his ‘tanned’ skin. He’s had a hard life, so don’t be surprised if he tends to be a little distant. Plus he has a girlfriend who’s in America right now.”

“Okay, so? I didn’t ask all that. I only wanted to know what the deal with him was.” ‘Man! He has a girlfriend! I wonder what she looks like?’ she thought to herself.

“Sorry. He also has this weird power that makes him turn all silver. Don’t ask me what it is, though.” Sora finished brushing her teeth and rinsed out her mouth. “Goodnight, Sara,” she said.

“Mm,” Sara waved at her. ‘Silver,’ she thought. ‘That glow behind his eyes was silver. Wonder what it means?’

“Sara,” Sora poked her head back into the bathroom. Sara turned around.

“Just because they’re together doesn’t mean it’ll last. You just might have a sporting chance.”

“Will you get out of here!” Sara threw water at Sora, who ran away giggling. Sara turned back to the mirror reflecting on what Sora said. Though she tried not to think about it, she couldn’t keep off the smile that slowly crept upon her face.


Sara joined the ‘02 digidestined after the conversion of Ken from the Digimon Emperor. She happened to walk into the computer lab right when the others just opened the gate to go. As a result, she was unwittingly pulled in. A few days after the event, in which the others stopped Ken, she got her own digivice and D-terminal as well as her digimon Dynamon, a miniature black, bipedal dragon with two white horns on her head, and gray wings on her back which enabled her to fly, but not at great heights or speeds. She has an attack called Dark Sphere, in which she fires a ball of darkness from her hands. Dynamon’s personality is like Sara in miniature version. Sara’s crest represents Virtue,and she posesses the digiegg of Virtuosity, which allows Dynamon to Armor Digivolve to Weredragowomon, a somewhat slender, less armored female version of Weredragomon, who has long dark hair that cascades freely over her shoulders, A well-developed face despite being half dragon, a slender, toned body, no tail or wings (though she is capable of jumping great heights and distances), and golden glaives on each of her arms that went up to her shoulders. Her clothes consisted of a black leather vest with no sleeves that fastened with the use of strings in the front, loose leather pants with two long dagger holders as a belt buckle, and light, metal ankle boots with spikes on the toes. She has various weapons hidden about her person, and uses two long, slender daggers that have four edges as her primary weapons. Like Weredragomon, she is strength based with few projectile attacks. Her regular digivolution form is called Reptilamon, a green clad female ninja with reptilian capabilities that enable her to mimic almost any reptile digimon, except for ultimate level digimon. Her green hair is pulled into tight ponytail, her eyes are green with slits for pupils she wears a green mask over her mouth, and her skin is brown with smooth scales. She can grow a tail or wings if she so desires, and is able to heal any bruises instantly. She is balanced in both melee and magic attacks, and all of her attacks are energy based. Like Weredragowoman, she has many weapons about her, and uses two sharp, curved daggers, which she can attach and detach from her arms, as primary weapons. She DNA Digivolves with Dracomon to become Stardragomon.

Stardragomon: Evolved from Dracomon and Reptilamon. Stardragomon is an ultimate level digimon, with strength and power that surpasses Paildramon, but is rivaled by Imperialdramon. Like Moondragomon, he is clad in ninja clothes similar to Hattori Hanzo from Samurai Showdown with slight variations, in the fact that he has a half mask that covers his eyes, no shoulder pads, and his uniform is golden. He is a biped, with strong wings and a strong prehensile tail. His powers are galactic based, so he is considered celestial in most cases. He has three swords: two small ones, and one big golden sparkling one, called Starblade. This he uses as a last resort, as it harnesses his most powerful attack called Galaxy Storm, which is capable of destroying even ultimate level digimon more powerful than him. It also siphons their energy and transfers it back into his sword, but leaves him temporarily drained. He has many other attacks, all galactic based, but he often uses a beam attack called Starlight.

Well, here is the second and last chapter in Biographies, an introduction to two of my very own characters. The first chapter didn’t have any dialogue because I had enough time to develop him to a point where there was no need for it. I gave Sara dialogue because she needed to have a small background where she was able to fit into the franchise. Plus, she wasn’t very easy to develop, and I was running out of ideas on how to fit her in. Her personality spoke for itself, though. It came out of nowhere, but I like it.
I put Stardragomon here because he needed to be explained in detail. Some of my stories might write themselves, but this is just a general idea on what to expect. She won’t be in every story as well. Gotta keep everything the way it is, right? Keep tuning in for my stories. Goodbye for now!