Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mesmermon's Castle ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Truth or Dare
By Archangel Nightshade Bloodraven


AN: Okay, we left off with a drunken TK and Kari having a little late night fun. This story features our infamous candles and six bored teenagers.


"So Mes, you ready for another round?" Nymphomon asked.

"One more round like that and you won't have anyone to play with." Mesmermon said pulling on his robe.

"There's always the digidestined." Nymphomon purred.

"That reminds me. Did you have anything planned for yours today?"

"Not really." She said throwing on a robe of her own.

"Do you mind if I borrow them and half a dozen of your candles?"


"Games 'destined play." He said smirking.


Sora, Joe, and Mimi were sitting down to breakfast when a bleary eyed Kari stumbled in. "Mornin'" She mumbled. The others managed feeble nods. "Look I don't remember what I said last night but if I hurt anyone, I'm sorry."

"That's all right Kari." Mimi said. "All's forgiven."

"Good morning all!" Izzy sang dancing into the dining room.

"Why are you so cheerful?" Joe muttered.

"Why aren't you hung over like the rest the rest of us?" TK mumbled sitting between Mimi and Sora.

"Because," He yawned. "I've been up all night working on my computer so..." He then launched into some rant about how alcohol leaves the bloodstream.

"Then why are you here with us?" Sora managed pouring herself some coffee before passing the pot to TK.

"The power went out in my room." He said sadly. "So I've got nothing to do."

"Well," TK said feeling a bit better now that there was more caffeine in his veins than alcohol. "we're all bored too. After breakfast we can come up with something to do."

"Where are Tai and Matt?" Mimi asked.

"Probably still sleeping it off. They were still drinking when I went to bed." Joe said.

"Then we'll save them some breakfast." Kari said, her usual cheer returning as her hangover left her.

An hour and a half later the table was cleared except for the two plates they left for the absent 'destined.

"So." Sora said as they sat in the main room. "What do we do now?"

As if on cue the room was plunged into darkness as the candles in the chandelier were blown out by a mysterious draft.

"Now it would be most feasible that we find a secondary source of illumination." Izzy said.

"Say what?" Mimi asked.

"He said we should find some more light." Kari said rolling her eyes in the darkness. "Let's split up into pairs. TK and I will be one pair."

"Ooh." Sora cooed from the darkness.

"Sora and Mimi will be another pair." Kari said. "Joe you and Izzy are our last pair by default. Let's split up and find some candles or something." Something was nagging at the back of Kari's mind about candles, but she couldn't remember what.

A few minutes later Kari returned from the kitchen with half a dozen candles.

Moments later Mimi said, "We didn't find any candles, but we did find these candleholders."

"And we found these matches."

"And we've got the candles." Kari said. How convenient. She thought. The candles were lit and soon the room was well lighted and filled with a cinnamon like fragrance. "Now, what will we do."

"I know a game we can play, but it's only for grown ups." Mimi said.

"Hey TK and I can handle anything you can dish out!" Kari snapped.

"So what's the game?"

"Truth or Dare." Mimi replied.

"Strip." TK said.

"Beg your pardon?" Mimi said looking more than a little bewildered.

"You heard him." Kari said tossing her shoes into the middle of the circle. "Ante up."


"Nice setup Mes." Nymphomon said approvingly. "How long do you think they can keep it going?"

"Well your little Kari seems to be quite the wildcat." Mesmermon said.

"Yes. TK's innocence is a good balance." Nymphomon said. "Although he didn't seem that innocent last night."

"Yes. We're corrupting them slowly, but surely." Mesmermon replied. "But we haven't touched the other's yet."

"And this the perfect way to start." Nymphomon said.


Kari looked around trying to gauge how long it would take to eliminate the others. Izzy would probably be first, as he was still dressed in his pants and tunic from the previous evening. Joe would be next, with his gray slacks and turtleneck. Mimi might take a while because she was wearing a tan pant suit with a matching blazer over a pink button down shirt. Sora would probably be next, wearing blue jeans, a zippered sweatshirt with a sleeveless vest under it and a blue t-shirt under that. She and TK were the most well dressed. He was wearing blue jeans, a blue turtleneck, under a blue button down shirt, along with a matching vest, necktie and suit jacket. She was wearing red overalls, matching pantyhose, mock turtleneck, jacket, and fedora, and the red pumps she had thrown in. "So are we gonna play or what?" She asked.

"I'm in." TK said tossing in his shoes.

"I'm game." Sora said throwing in her sneakers.

"I'm playing." Joe said tossing in his shoes and sitting down.

"Me too." Izzy said tossing his shoes into the pile.

Kari and Mimi locked eyes. "Are you in, or out?" The younger girl asked.

Mimi grit her teeth. She was not going to be upstaged by this child. With a sickeningly sweet smile she stripped off her shoes and sat down. "Who's going first?"

In an uncharacteristically bold move, Izzy said. "I'll start. Random?"

"No, lets go clockwise." TK said.

Izzy nodded. "Sora, truth or dare?"


"Do you masturbate?"

"Why, Izzy? You wanna show?" She asked lustily. "Yes I do. Joe, truth or dare?"

Joe however was in shock and incapable of a coherent sentence "Duh duh " He stammered.

"Dare it is." Sora said tapping her chin a moment. "All you have to do is ... stand perfectly still for five minutes."

"Okay. That doesn't seem so hard." Joe said. "I accept."

"Remember Joe, you can't move at all no matter what. Izzy call time please at your leisure." Sora said as Joe stood up in the center of the circle of chairs.

"Time begins...now." Izzy said calmly as Joe froze in place. Sora walked up to him and gave him a passionate French kiss that nearly knocked him off his feet.

"I never said it was going to be an easy five minutes Joe." Sora said running her hand down Joes chest as he blushed. He did a passable tomato impersonation when Sora unzipped his pants and reached for his rock hard penis.

"I yield!" Joe said panicking.

"You owe me Joe. And I intend to collect." She smiled wickedly as she returned to her seat.

"I'll just keep picking truth." Joe said zipping his pants and resuming his seat.

"First, you can't do that. You can only pick truth three times in a row before you automatically get a dare. And second, aren't we forgetting something? A penalty perhaps?"

"What do you mean I automatically get a dare?" He asked throwing his turtleneck onto the pile.

"It's just the rules of the game Joe." Mimi said. "Don't get bent out of shape about it. It's your turn to ask me."

"Mimi, truth or dare?" He asked slumping back into his seat.


"Are you a virgin?"

"Yes. TK truth or dare?"

TK blinked at the speed with which Mimi had answered that question. "Truth."

"What did you really do last night after Kari left?"

"I walked her to her room and then went to mine." He said smoothly.

"Kari, is that how it happened?" Sora asked.

"No, I dragged him into the bedroom and we screwed like rabbits. Of course that's how it happened."

"Kari, truth or dare?" TK asked.

Kari pondered this. TK was the least sexually knowledgeable of the group, but a dare would be just the way to spice things up. Besides, it would be interesting to see what he came up with. "Dare."

TK thought a moment then left and returned with a blindfold. "The dare is to identify which one of us boys kisses you."

"You're on." She said as he tied on the blindfold and led her to the center of the group, while motioning for Joe and Izzy to come up too. He quickly spun the eighth child bringing her to a stop in front of Izzy who kissed her for about ninety seconds, before spinning her quickly the other way.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed, pulling off her blindfold. "Okay, that was mind blowing."

"But which one was it?" Mimi called shooting her eyes towards Joe.

"Give it up Mimi. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. I think it was..." She trailed off, grabbed Izzy, and attempted to remove his stomach with her tongue. "Izzy. Truth or dare?"

Izzy nodded in shock. "Dare." He said numbly.

Kari tried to think but her hormones overrode her brain. "I dare you to let us see your dick."

Izzy's face turned flaming red, then he smiled.

"What's wrong Izzy," Sora asked in a husky voice. "all that computer time leave you underendowed?"

"Quite the contrary." Izzy said dropping his pants to display ten inches of prime hard man meat.

"Oh." Kari began.

"My." Mimi gasped.

"Lord." Sora said. "That's really..."

"Yeah." Izzy said. "That's all real."

"Ladies, I think we found our holy grail." Sora said, as Izzy threw his tunic onto the pile.

"Izzy you won the dare. No penalty."

"I know, but judging from the way things have been going, I'm not the only one with sex on their mind. Let's speed up the foreplay then we can have some real fun." He said running a hand through Sora's hair. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Sora said tossing her sweatshirt into the pile.

Izzy was going to ask if she would have really given Joe that blowjob, but another question came to him. "Have you ever thought about another woman as a sexual partner?"

"No." She said. "Joe. Truth or dare?"

"Well, I might as well get it over with. Dare." He said reaching for his pants.

"Kari the blindfold please." Sora said. When she was sure Joe was thoroughly sightless, she pulled down his pants revealing a modest six inch erection. "We girls are each going to give you a blowjob and you have to tell us the order."

"Okay." Joe said nervously. Mimi licked her lips and pounced on Joe running her tongue along his balls and up his hard shaft before swirling her tongue around the tip of his shaft causing him to moan and writhe in pleasure. She continued her oral teasing for a few moments longer before stepping away. Sora immediately took her place and began sucking like a vacuum cleaner as though she were trying to suck out his internal organs. Needless to say Joe didn't mind. Finally Sora gave up and let Kari at it.

The young girl began by gently blowing on Joe's already sensitive member, sending him into an ecstatic orbit of pleasure. When she tired of that, she took his bulging testacles in her mouth and rolled them around on her tongue before gently nibbling her way up his shaft. By now poor Joe was half insane with pleasure as Kari began to nibble and lick the sensitive head of his engorged member. That was too much as the orgasm ripped through Joe filling Kari's mouth with his seed which she quickly swallowed. She stepped back to her seat seconds before Joe pulled off his blindfold.

"That was ..." He stammered at a loss for words before throwing his slacks into the pile. "I'll never get it right, but I'm gonna guess, Kari, then Mimi, and finally Sora."

"I'm glad you hold me in such high regard ," Sora said returning to her seat. "But that was Mimi, then me."

"You mean..." He trailed off as Kari wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve and the others stared at her.

"Hey TK, if you're good maybe I'll do that to you too."

"Mimi, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Mimi said.

"I dare you to..." He paused, then his eyes lit up with inspiration. "French kiss Sora."

"What?" Mimi seemed a little shocked.

"French Sora for two minutes." He said.

"All right." Mimi said. "Izzy call time whenever." She said stepping up to the red haired girl.

"Time begins now." Izzy said as the pair locked lips. "Two minutes." He said when the required time had elapsed. "Two ten." Still kissing. "Two twenty." No change. "Two thirty. Get a crowbar." He said to Joe.

"No need to go that far." Mimi said as the pair reluctantly broke apart. "That got my blood boiling." She said tossing her blazer and shirt onto the pile as the others stared at her. "Didn't you know I was bi? TK truth or dare?"

"Hmm. Dare." He said quietly.

"I dare you to...eat Kari's pussy!" Mimi grinned evilly sure the young boy would never go through with it.

"What's that mean Kari?" He asked with a puzzled look. Kari leaned over and whispered in his ear. TK scratched his head a moment. "You wanna?"

In response, Kari stripped from the waist down and threw her clothes onto the pile. "That'll do for a start." She said pushing TK to his knees. Mimi looked on in shock as the boy slowly slid his tongue along Kari's inner thigh teasing her inner lips. Kari moaned softly as TK slowly worked his tongue deeper into her wet pussy. With skill that exceeded his years, he tenderly nibbled her clit triggering her orgasm flooding her with wave after wave of pleasure.

"Where did y-you learn that?" She gasped.

TK just smiled sweetly and said "Truth or dare."

"Dare." She panted with a challenging gleam in her eye.

"I dare you to..." He paused dragging out the moment. "have... sex... with..."

"Come on kid." She said tossing her hat into the pile. "Or you're going down."

"Me." He said. The words had barely left his lips when Kari tackled him to the floor.

"I told you were going down." She said stripping off her jacket and turtleneck. "Playtime's over." She purred working at his pants.

The others stared in shock. "I didn't know women could be so..." Joe trailed off in shock.

"What's the matter Joe? Don't you like aggressive women?" Sora said sweeping his legs out from under him as she pounced on his chest kissing him passionately.

"Some people have no sense of decorum." Mimi said unbuttoning her vest.

"Miss Takichawa, may I have the pleasure of this fuck?" Izzy said innocently.

"But of course Mr. Izumi, but be gentle. It's my first time."

Izzy was indeed gentle as he kissed Mimi and took over the chore of removing her clothes. As her bra hit the floor Mimi's kissing became more frenzied as Izzy took a hold of her breasts and gently squeezed and caressed them feeling his member harden beneath him.

"I could do something about that you know." Mimi murmured as she pulled Izzy's boxers down to pool around his ankles as she idly caressed his throbbing manhood.

"N-not yet." The redhead stammered.

Mimi frowned, sincerely insulted. "I'm not good enough for you?" She growled ripping off his shirt.

"You're more than good enough for me." Izzy said, gently sliding his hand between her legs. "But I want our first time together to be special."

Mimi whimpered as her anger melted into passion, kissing Izzy deeply as his hands roamed slowly over her nude body.

"You know Joe, you really need to loosen up." Sora managed between kisses. "You are way too tense for a man your age."

"Well, that's cause my father's always after me to become a doctor. But there is a plus side."

"Oh really?" Sora asked rubbing Joe's aching member as she ground her firm young tits into his chest. "What's that?"

In a blur of motion Joe reversed the position pinning Sora beneath him. "There are a number of really interesting places on the female body, like the earlobes." He whispered gently nibbling on Sora's ear causing her to moan erotically. "And the nipples." He said casually in the same tone that one would use to describe the weather as he rolled her nipples between his fingers causing her to shake with pleasure. "Then there's the inner and outer labia." He said in that same infuriatingly calm voice as he slowly stroked her pussy lips with the tip of his cock.

"Joe forget the biology lesson and just fuck me!" Sora wailed as Kari cried out in throes of her own orgasm.

"Now cowgirl," TK said gently rolling her onto her side as he pulled out. "You've ridden me hard and fast. How about you let me slow down a little?" Before the younger girl could protest, TK knelt at her feet and began to massage them.

"Isn't that sweet." Joe sighed before plunging his hard steely member into Sora's pussy, causing her to cry out in surprise. "Now you're not a virgin Sora." Joe said analytically as he began to pump steadily in and out in fluid but solid strokes. "When did that happen?"

"Back at Datamon's pyramid." She panted. "Tai wanted to show me exactly how grateful he was to have me back and I certainly wasn't complaining."

"Oh." He said thrusting in as Sora's body began to shake and quiver. "I." He drew back with excruciating slowness, feeling the young red haired beauty beneath him devastatingly close to orgasm. He paused for a long moment before slowly sliding his rock hard cock back in for the final stroke. "see." He finished his sentence and thrust at the same moment reducing Sora to a quivering mass of orgasming flesh. "Do you need any help over there Izzy?"

"He's dooooooooooing great, Joe." Mimi shivered as she pushed Izzy's head back between her legs. "No need for any help here."

"Hey Mimi," Sora panted coming out of her orgasmic daze as Joe lazily rolled a finger around her pussy. "Share the good stuff."

"Oh I think you've got the better end of the deal over there. Ah! Ah! Ah! Kami sama that's it 'Shiro- chan! I'm-" Mimi was cut off as her own orgasm hit her like a freight train.

"So, still think Sora has the better end of the deal?" He whispered laying beside her as he gently massaged her soaking pussy.

"Only in experience." Mimi cooed wrapping her hand around Izzy's hard cock and letting it slip up and down his engorged cock. "Kou, can I feel you inside me?"

"It will hurt Mimi." He cautioned her slipping the tip of his shaft gently between her legs.

"I want that pain. I'm tired of being a little girl. I want you to make me a woman."

"As you wish." The red haired genius whispered slipping his tool deeper into her womanhood, until it met an obstruction. "Are you sure?"

"Mmm Hmm." She nodded.

Izzy nodded once before plunging his cock deep into her pussy, taking her virginity as Mimi shuddered for a long moment. "Let me know when you're ready to continue." He whispered laying his head on her breast.

"Joe, it doesn't seem fair that I was the only one who enjoyed myself just now." Sora said. "So I'm gonna make it up to you." She said, turning so that her pussy was directly in his face. "On the condition that you keep your mouth shut."

Joe smiled before running his tongue the length of her pussy and swirling it around her still sensitive clit.

"Now are you sure you want me to keep my mouth shut?"

"Joe stop talking and do that again." Sora panted taking his dick in her mouth. Joe chuckled and complied.

"Is Kari still awake over there?" Izzy asked playfully as Mimi took the initiative and began slowly riding Izzy.

"Mmm. Kin'a." The younger girl mumbled as TK gently slipped into her again. "Oooh." She said moving to slide TK's shaft deeper in her hot love box.

"Don't move, Kari." He said slowly pumping in and out, turning each stroke into a gesture of passion, love, and adoration. "Just let me take care of you."

"See Mimi," Izzy whispered. "Sex can be an expression of love and tenderness."

"Mmm hmm." She replied deliberately slowing her pace. On the other side of the room, Sora and Joe had decelerated their oral acrobatics. For the longest time there were only three couples lost in their own world of physical love. But all good things come to an end as TK shot his load deep into Kari as the two youngest lovers separated from each other and fell asleep in each others arms.

Joe and Sora were the next to come and go as their oral ministration came to a head. Sora retained consciousness long enough to turn around as Joe wrapped his arms around her carrying her to blissful oblivion.

Mimi was oblivious to her friends as her own passion began building within her.

"Mimi I-"

"Shh, Kou. Just go with it." She whispered panting with exertion as the twin orgasm's rocked both teens to the core and sleep overcame them moments later.

As hands drifted in dreams to cup and caress various body parts, a warm breeze drifted through the room extinguishing the red candles. As the candles in the chandelier slowly flared back to life their crimson counterparts faded away.


"Why did you do that, Nymph?" Mesmermon pouted.

"I'm sorry Mes, but if you left them aroused for too long they would seriously hurt themselves." She smiled slightly as she gazed into the fountain. "And I'm growing fond of these children. All of them."

"Me two. I think we may actually have friends once their stay is over."

"What will you do about their memories? You can't leave them as they are or they'll never be able to look at each other again."

"Don't worry. After lunch they won't remember a thing."


Kari purred and stretched before she realized three things.

She was naked.

Someone was touching her breast.

Her own hand was wedged between a young man's legs.

She panicked a moment before looking into TK's sleeping face. She relaxed before panic set in all over again. "TK wake up! If Tai and Matt find us like this we're dead!"

At the mention of his brother's name the younger blonde untangled himself and bolted into the pile of clothes flinging them every which way effectively sorting them back to their respective owners.

"You know you two could wait a while longer." Joe murmured shrugging his pants off his head.

"Yeah and have our brothers rip us limb from limb? I don't think so." Kari said as TK slipped behind her to help her with her bra. In record time the youngest teens were dressed and primping each other. "Besides, I'm starved. It's almost noon."

"She's got a point." Sora said as her stomach growled. "I wonder how many calories we burned during our little workout."

"Approximmmmm" Izzy was cut off by a passionate kiss from Mimi.

"No number crunching okay 'Shiro chan?" She whispered before gathering her clothes.

"So," Kari said as they trooped into the dining room. "What are we gonna do with the rest of the day?"

"Hmm. Mushroom omelets." TK said as they all sat down and started devouring their meal.

"Is it still raining outside?" Sora asked.

Izzy tipped his head to one side and listened. "Affirmative."

"Well then, I guess we explore the castle. There's got to be something to around here for fun." Mimi said.

"So are you saying you didn't have fun all morning?" Joe quipped before frowning. "What did we do all morning? It's kind of hazy."

"I couldn't tell you if I wanted to." Sora said perplexed.

"It's there but it's like I can't get a grip on it." Mimi frowned.

"I can't remember." Izzy said simply.

"Well I feel like I just ran a marathon." Kari said.

"And I need a shower." TK said pushing away from the table.


"Mushrooms of forgetfulness?"

"Just a touch. Enough to wipe out this mornings memory."

"Well I think someone is about to have troubles all their own." Nymph said.


TK had just barely closed the door to his room when a white blur slammed him to the floor.

"Gatomon!" He gasped staring at the small champion level digimon.

"Shut up you rapist! You'll pay for hurting Kari!"