Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Messages ❯ Messages ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Digimon belongs to Yuen Wong Yu and Bandai.

Summary: Yamato’s been on tour for a little too long and Taichi’s getting frustrated. Taito, lemon!

Warning: This story contains sexual situations between two boys-or maybe men? Anal, oral, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, all that good stuff. If that isn’t your cup of tea, hit the back button.

And F.Y.I., all flames are fed to my muse, Magical Angel.

“Hey, you’ve reached my voicemail. Sorry I couldn’t answer your call. Just, uh, leave your name and number after the beep and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.”


“Yama, this is your loving husband. Call me back when you get this message. Love you. Bye.” Taichi pressed the off button and lay the phone down to rest on his chest. Three months. That’s how long the blond man had been gone on a tour with his band. It was driving Taichi crazy, being alone in that eerily quiet apartment without his lover, without hearing that melodious voice coming from the shower. The brunette soccer player did whatever he could to pass the time, but it just wasn’t enough of a distraction from his overly lonely thoughts. There were the occasional video games with Daisuke, the occasional soccer game with Sora, and an occasional study session with Koushiro but none of that could hold his attention for more than a few minutes.

Taichi sighed and picked up the phone again, dialing a number he knew all too well. After a few rings, there was a voice from the other end.

“Moshi moshi. Motimiya residence.”

“So formal.” Taichi grinned; sure Daisuke could tell it was there even through the phone line. The chocolate haired man made himself comfortable on the couch, stretching his legs out on the length of it.

“Taichi-senpai!” Daisuke chirped, always glad to hear from his idol. As of late, the chocolate haired man had been down in the dumps. With Yamato gone on tour, Taichi had nothing to do with his free time so he ended up dividing it among the most important people in his life. As it was, everyone one but Daisuke seemed to be busier than he ever wanted to be. “What’s up, senpai? You wanna hang out again?”

“Mm. I’m bummed out, too. Yama didn’t answer his phone again.”

“Ah. You need a little cheering up.” The cinnamon eyed boy chewed on his lip thoughtfully, already making plans to get Taichi’s mind off his blond lover. First, they were going to have a video game tournament, most likely Soul Caliber II. Then, after that, they were going to watch some action packed movies. And finally, if time permitted it, they were going to play a violent game of one-on-one soccer so Taichi could vent some…anger. “All right, Taichi-senpai! I’ll be over there as soon as possible.”

“All right, then. I’ll see you soon.” Taichi hit the off button on the phone and placed it back on his chest. Daisuke was about the only person that could distract him long enough to actually have some fun. And hopefully, Yamato would finally call him back tonight.


Daisuke arrived not twenty minutes later, lugging around his black and red duffel bag. Taichi could only assume the smaller man had packed it with his soccer stuff, his Xbox, and a lot of action movies. The chocolate haired man felt the beginnings of a promising night just ahead of them.

“I have this whole night planned out, Taichi-senpai! I brought everything we would need.” Daisuke took his shoes off at the door and dropped the duffel bag just at Taichi’s feet. The smaller man bent to unzip the bag and pulled his Xbox from inside, just like Taichi had expected. “We’re gonna start off with a Soul Caliber II tournament! And after that, we’re gonna play some soccer so you can vent. And then, a movie!”

“Sounds like a plan.” Taichi nodded, entirely pleased with what Daisuke had come up with. It was both of their ideas of a good night. The chocolate haired man watched patiently as his prodigy hooked the Xbox into the wide screen TV, then plugged in two controllers. Daisuke tossed one at Taichi and grabbed one for himself before joining the older male on the lumpy couch.

Two hours later the controllers hit the floor and Daisuke stretched on the couch, his muscles stiff from sitting so long. Taichi stood up instead, and bent over to touch his toes.

“Soccer, then?” He grinned, already making his way to his room to throw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Daisuke nodded from his seat before getting up and unplugging his Xbox. While Taichi was changing in his room, the cinnamon eyed boy pulled on his soccer shorts in the living room.

“Ano, Taichi-senpai? What if Yamato-san calls when we’re outside?” Daisuke mumbled as he pulled his T-shit off, slipping on another, thinner one. He looked up just as the older man was coming into the room, a frown marring his tanned face. “Do you want to stay inside instead?”

“No. No, it’s fine. If he calls he’ll just leave a message.” Taichi stuck his keys in the pocket of his shorts and grabbed his soccer ball from the closet in the hall. There were scuff marks along the dull white with grass stains spotted here and there on the whole ball.

Daisuke watched him for a few moments before nodding and making his way back over to the door. He pulled his shoes back on then waited until Taichi was ready to leave before he pulled the door open. The chocolate haired man pulled the door shut behind them, and locked it before they headed towards the elevators.

“How long has he been gone again?” Daisuke asked, knowing that Taichi had been keeping tracks of the blond’s tour on a calendar in their kitchen. The cinnamon eyed boy hadn’t looked at it yet, but he remembered the blond musician has at least two months of tours that he knew of.

“Oh. He’s been gone for three months so far. I swear, this tour thing is gonna be the death of me.” Taichi sighed, trying not to let the shorter man know how much it really bothered him. He wasn’t weak and he didn’t like people to think he was. It was just…he needed Yamato more than Yamato needed him. “I’ve been tracking the days, and tonight he should be in Tokyo.”

“You should drive out and see him, then, Taichi-senpai.” The shorter man suggested, watching his idol push the down button on the elevator panel. When the doors dinged open, they stepped inside the elevator. “Tokyo’s not really that far, and I bet Yamato-san would be happy to see you.”

“Nah. He wouldn’t have enough time to notice me.” The chocolate haired man sighed, running a hand through his wild hair then dropping it to his side. He couldn’t say the idea didn’t tempt him. If there was even the slightest chance Yamato would see him in the crowd, then he’d happily drop everything and drive out. But it was highly unlikely for the blond man to notice anything but the screams of his own name.

Daisuke nodded in understanding, deciding that mentioning Yamato was the last thing he wanted to do if it made his idol hang his head. He knew better than anyone how much Taichi loved the singer. They were two sides to the same coin; they were yin and yang.

The elevator doors opened again as they reached the lobby, and both men walked towards the swinging doors in the front. There was a small park just across from their apartment complex that had a makeshift soccer field. They could play there without having to bother with making up fake nets.

Taichi shook his head and tried to get himself riled up for their one-on-one game. It wouldn’t do if he was distracted with his overly lonely thoughts. He had Daisuke here with him, who was more than capable of distracting him from everything else for long periods of time. It was a blessing in itself.

“You ready, Taichi-senpai?” Daisuke grinned, plucking the ball from under the taller man’s arm and balancing it on his knee. Taichi gave a little grin as he nodded, waiting for Daisuke to put the ball on the ground. When he did, Daisuke counted off and the game started.


Taichi dropped onto the couch first, his shirt sticking to the sweat coating his belly. Daisuke sprawled himself on the floor and stared blankly up at the ceiling as his body cooled off.

“Hey, there’s a new message.” Taichi yawned, reaching over to press the blinking red button with a sweaty finger. An electronic voice filled the room.

“You have one new message.”


“Hey, Tai, it’s me. I got your message…and you’re not home to get mine. Damn. Anyway, once you get this please call me back. I’ll be free until six tonight. Love you. Bye.”

There was a click, signaling the end of the message. Taichi checked the time on the phone and was disappointed to find that it was half past six. He sighed heavily as he reached up to wipe the sweat off his forehead, then wiped his hand on his shorts.

“What’s next, Dai?” Taichi asked tiredly, knowing his friend was watching him with worry in his eyes. He tried to ignore it as he rolled the soccer ball down his lap and right into Daisuke’s outstretched arm. Cinnamon met chocolate in a moment that seemed to freeze entirely.

“I brought action movies.” Daisuke said in a strained whisper, pointing lazily to the duffel sitting innocently by one of the cushy chairs in the living room. Taichi reached down to pull it onto his lap and rifled through the cords and videos until he pulled out a movie he hadn’t seen yet. He showed it to his smaller companion with a tiny grin on his face. “Rush Hour 3? You’ve got good taste, senpai.”

“Who do you think you got it from?” The chocolate haired man teased, joining the other man on the floor in front of the television. He poked the DVD player until the slot opened up, and he slipped the disc into it. He pushed it shut, then hit play and turned on the television.

“We need popcorn.” Daisuke moaned, not moving from his position on the floor.

“We don’t have any, man.” Taichi mumbled, making himself more comfortable on the floor, laying down much like Daisuke was. He skipped the previews and went straight to the menu, then hit play on the DVD player with his toe. The movie started a couple seconds later.

An hour into the movie Taichi was startled awake by the phone ringing. Daisuke reached it first-he was still awake-and handed him the phone not a few minutes later.

“Yeah?” Taichi mumbled groggily, sitting up so he could hold onto the phone better. His stomach tingled pleasantly when the person on the other line spoke.

“Is that any way to greet your loving husband?” Yamato teased, his voice sounding breathless like he’d just gotten done running a marathon. Or singing for a concert. Taichi could hear loud voices in the background on Yamato’s line. “I’m glad you were home this time, koi.”

“Mmm. I was out with Daisuke last time.” Taichi answered.

“Figures. Venting some frustrations, I’m guessing.”

“You bet. Tons of it.” Taichi managed a tiny smirk as he leaned up against the couch, stretching his legs out in front of him. It felt good to hear his lover’s voice, even if only for a little while. It sounded like he was still at the concert, if the screams in the background were any clue. “Hey, Yama, where are you?”

“Backstage. It’s the opening act out there right now.”

“Hey, Yamato, get off the phone! We’re going on soon!” Came a loud voice that was barely audible over the crowd. Yamato told the man to leave him alone for three more minutes, and Taichi felt his heart swell with his lover’s blatant disobedience to the man that had to be his manager.

“Dammit. I gotta go, Tai. I’ll call later, okay, babe?” The last part Yamato said in a breathy voice that made Taichi’s skin tingle. That was obviously the blond’s intention. “I love you, Tai.”

“I love you more.” Taichi answered cheekily. Yamato laughed softly on the other side of the line before he said a quick good bye and hung up. The chocolate haired man pulled the phone away from his ear and hit the off button. He stared at it for a long moment before putting it back on the charger. “So…shall we continue Rush Hour 3?” He asked, taking up his earlier position.

Daisuke didn’t say anything as he hit play on the DVD remote and made himself comfortable on the couch. Taichi was fast asleep before the movie even finished.


When Taichi woke up a few hours later, the apartment was dark and Daisuke was nowhere to be seen. Taichi sat up and winced at the crick in his neck. Daisuke could’ve woken him up before he left.

Sighing, Taichi pulled himself up from the floor and made his way into his and Yamato’s bedroom. He didn’t bother to turn on the light, or to change out of his clothes, and instead just crawled into the bed and underneath the sheets. He was asleep a few minutes later.


Taichi was woken up some time later as extra weight was added to the bed. He opened his eyes and looked around, only able to make out a faint shadow looming over him. But that cologne was very familiar.

“Yama?” Taichi mumbled, reaching out for the blond through the dark. Yamato seized his wrist and brought the brunette’s hand to his lips, kissing the tips of his fingers. “How’d you get here?”

“I begged Yuuta to drop me off for a while.” The blond answered, leaning forward to kiss Taichi softly on his lips. The chocolate haired man wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer, feeling Yamato just melt in his arms. Taichi felt nimble fingers slip underneath his tank and groaned softly when they brushed over a nipple.

“Turn on the light so I can see you.” The brunette mumbled against Yamato’s lips, sliding his hands down to the small of the other man’s back, splaying his fingers. Yamato complied without a moment’s hesitation, reaching over to flick on the small lamp next to their bed. Taichi winced as light flooded the room, and Yamato’s lithe frame finally swam into focus. His hair looked slightly damp, his eyes bright with the high he only got from singing. His black, mesh shirt stuck to his pale skin, and his leather pants fit snugly on his slim thighs. Frankly, he looked drop dead gorgeous.

Taichi slipped his hands underneath the back of the blond’s mesh shirt and stroked his fingers up the blond’s back. It was still sticky with sweat, but Taichi didn’t mind. As long as he got to see Yamato, nothing so trivial really mattered to him.

“Did you miss me?” Yamato asked, his voice already thick with passion. He brushed his lips down Taichi’s neck and stopped to suck at the spot just under the brunette’s ear. Taichi let out a soft gasp and bared his neck more to the blond man straddling his stomach.

“Of course I missed you.” Taichi answered, his voice strained from the angle of his neck. He felt Yamato’s teeth sink into the skin at the base of his neck and hissed at the borderline painful sensation. The blond soothed the bite with a sweep of his tongue, and dipped it into the hollow of the other man’s throat. The new sensation made the brunette shiver as anticipation for what was to come bubbled in his stomach.

Soft hair brushed Taichi’s neck as Yamato shifted lower and grabbed the hem of the brunette’s T-shirt. He lifted it up his torso and pulled the article of clothing over his head and off.

“You’re in a hurry.” The brunette breathed, likewise pulling the blond’s shirt over his head. Yamato stopped in his ministrations for only a second before latching back onto his lover’s neck. His hands were busy themselves, stroking up the other man’s sides and over his toned stomach. The light tickling feeling made Taichi laugh. “Hey, stop it. I don’t like to be tickled, you know that.”

Yamato didn’t seem to realize what he’d said as he trailed his lips down lower, and latched onto one of Taichi’s nipples. The blond’s fingers hooked into the waistband of his shorts, and the flimsy article of clothing was pulled down to the brunette’s knees, then pushed off the rest of the way with the blond’s foot.

Taichi shivered as his skin met the cool air of the room, and the half of his body that was underneath Yamato felt overly heated. The blond’s skin-the parts that weren’t covered-felt hot against his, and he could feel the other man’s erection throbbing against his thigh.

Nimble fingers wrapped around his erection and gave him a firm, long stroke. That familiar fire started to build in his stomach and he let out a strangled gasp when Yamato’s hands tightened around his shaft. He tried not to whine as Yamato pulled his hand away, and trailed both hands down to Taichi’s waist and pinned his hips in place. Chocolate brown eyes widened as a soft, pink tongue rubbed across the head of his erection, and without so much as a warning, a warm mouth closed around him.

“Ah!” Taichi gasped, biting softly on his bottom lip at the inability to move his hips in the blond’s hold. That soft tongue was tracing patterns on his erection, his mouth pulling softly on the taut skin. The blond’s excess of energy could only be from his concert earlier in the day, and since it had built up so strongly over the course of a couple hours, there was only one way to burn it off. “Ah. H-how long do you have?”

Yamato lifted his head enough to mutter, “A few hours, give or take” before he lowered his head again and Taichi was lost in a pleasurable world where nothing existed but them. He fisted his hand and shoved it into his mouth, not knowing if Daisuke had really left, or if he was asleep in the guestroom. The brunette didn’t want his friend to get rudely awakened by his cries of pleasure.

That heavenly warm wetness left his cock and traveled up his chest, stopping briefly to suck a pert nipple into its depths. A sharp canine suck into the heated flesh, and Taichi let out a tiny moan that sounded like the blond’s name, and all things considered, it probably was.

“So sexy.” Yamato murmured, grinning as he placed a feather-light kiss on the brunette’s lips. Taichi cupped the back of the blond’s head and tangled his fingers in the soft hair at the nape of his neck. That soft tongue brushed over his lips, and Taichi opened his mouth to grant the other man entrance, meeting Yamato’s searching tongue with his own. They started an oral dance inside of the blond’s mouth as Taichi reached down to undo Yamato’s pants, pushing the leather down those silky thighs as far as the sticky material would go. Yamato grunted softly as the leather stopped short at his knees, and shifted onto his rear to pull the constricting garment off.

Taichi covered his body as soon as the leather hit the floor, and his mouth was taken over by a very insistent tongue. Yamato moaned into the slightly painful kiss and pushed his straining erection into the one above him. He grinned at the strangled gasp he got from the brunette, and did it again just because he could.

“Tease.” Taichi growled, moving his hands to pin the other man’s hips to the bed. The brunette pushed their mouths back together, and wormed his tongue past those yielding, pink lips. He felt the moan reverberate through the blond’s chest, and his own desire rang out in answer. He pushed his hips down roughly, grinding their bare erections together, and bit the blond’s lower lip.

Yamato let out a soft growl and hooked a leg around Taichi’s waist, pulling the brunette’s hips closer to his own. He hooked his other leg around that tanned waist and lifted the lower half of his body to meet Taichi’s erection. The brunette’s cock probed at his entrance, the head slicked with precum and Taichi’s saliva. Yamato didn’t know when he slicked himself, but he could hardly say he cared. Taichi was slowly pushing himself inside the silken walls, and the lack of preparation made the penetration sting that much more.

“Fuck.” The blond swore, digging his nails into the brunette’s biceps as Taichi went deeper still. He felt the head of the other man’s cock brush his prostate and couldn’t stop the unmanly whine that fluttered past his lips. But Taichi didn’t say anything as he steadied himself and waited for the blond man to adjust. Yamato wriggled his hips slightly and pushed his erection against the other man’s stomach, telling him to move. The pain was already melting into warmth with every shudder he felt go through him.

Taichi took Yamato’s hands in his and laced their fingers together on either side of the blond’s head as he pulled out until just the head of his cock was left in the restricting heat. He bit the side of a pale neck as he thrusted back in, the blond’s pleasure-filled screams echoing off the walls. He winced as Yamato’s inner walls squeezed him unbearably tight, forcing a few choked gasps from his throat.

Yamato’s fingers were squeezing his tightly, and it was painful when coupled with the muscles squeezing his length. He took in a few breaths before squeezing the blond’s hips and pulling himself out. Two soft moans sounded in the little room, and Yamato’s arms moved to wrap around Taichi’s neck.

“I love you.” The brunette whispered, kissing the blond softly as he thrusted back into the clenching heat. Yamato met Taichi’s thrusts as best as he could, raising his hips to meet every downward movement. His blood was rushing in his ears and he almost missed Taichi’s soft profession of love.

“I love you, too.” The blond choked out, lifting his head slightly to claim a kiss from the other man. Every thrust suddenly melted together, getting faster, deeper, and harder than the last. It was a harsh race to climax that both of them desperately wanted to reach. Yamato wrapped himself tightly around Taichi’s body, tightening his arms and legs, inadvertently bringing the brunette even deeper than before. Now, with every thrust, Taichi stroked his prostate and made stars burst sharply behind his closed eyes.

Everything was melting together into one: his concert, the phone calls, the feeling of Taichi moving inside of him. He could feel the energy building up with the pressure, spiraling and centering in one place. He could feel it building just behind his cock, ready to explode from his body with one burst. He was so close to orgasm, so close and so far away that it almost hurt.

Taichi wrapped his fingers around the blond’s straining erection, and a single, firm stroke was all it took for everything to coming spiraling out. His orgasm rushed through him like wild fire, singeing his very veins and catching his soul on fire. He screamed Taichi’s name in a horse voice, his body arching off the bed and into the brunette’s body. The muscles around Taichi’s length held him in a vice-like grip before his own orgasm rushed through him, forcing out choked moans that sounded like the blond’s name.

They stayed frozen for a few moments, giving their bodies time to cool off and their hearts time to stop racing. Taichi placed his forehead against the blond’s and let their breath mingle in the space between them.

“I missed you, too.” Yamato said, his voice soft. The brunette let a grin cross his face as he bent to kiss the blond affectionately. It only lasted for a few short minutes, but it was still the sweetest of them all.

“Like I didn’t already know that.” The brunette laughed, leaning back on his heels to pull out of the blond. They both moaned softly as the brunette finished the process and made himself more comfortable on top of the blond. Yamato’s skin was still hot to the touch, and he could barely feel the chill in the air. “Mmm. So how much time did you say you had left?”

“A couple hours.” Yamato murmured sleepily, nuzzling his cheek against Taichi’s and reveling in the feeling of their skin pressed together. He had to remember to thank Yuuta later.

“That’s good enough for me.” Taichi yawned, moving to pull the blanket over them. He shifted onto his side and pulled the blond against his chest, and buried his nose in the blond’s hair. He wasn’t surprised when the blond strands smelled like strawberries. “For now, let’s just sleep, okay?”

“Mmm hmm.” Yamato murmured, already off in dreamland. Taichi pulled him closer and tucked the blond’s head under his chin. He wasn’t really all that tired, and just watching Yamato sleep was the best idea he’d had in a while. So he just held the blond until his eyes wouldn’t stay open.


Light peeked in through the curtains, burning his eyes behind his eyelids. Taichi moaned and reached down to pull his blanket over his head, and sought out Yamato with his free hand. Of course, he wasn’t surprised when the spot his lover had been occupying was empty.

Sighing, the brunette forced himself to sit up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The blanket felt oddly pleasant against his bare skin as he shifted to throw his legs over the side of his bed. There was no trace of Yamato anywhere in the room; no proof that he had been there the other night. If he’d been dressed, Taichi would’ve thought it was a dream. But he was still naked, and there was still dried come on his belly.

Taichi stood up and stretched out his aching muscles, and checked the clock on the table next to his bed. It was blinking 1:34 at him in bright, red numbers.

“Woke up late.” The brunette mumbled, locating the shorts he wore yesterday and pulling them on. He walked over to the door and opened it, the smell of bacon wafting to him from in the kitchen. Curious, Taichi quickly grabbed a towel from the hall closet then moved into the living room and caught sight of a cinnamon colored head. “Hey, I thought you left last night.” The brunette took a step into the room and looked at the two plates set out on the table.

“I fell asleep in the guest room last night.” Daisuke answered distractedly, spilling a couple pieces of bacon into a frying pan. He turned his cinnamon eyes towards Taichi, and started at him with his mouth hanging open. “Uh, Taichi-senpai? You have a little…” Daisuke made a vague motion with his hand, a blush coming to his cheeks. It was obvious what the smaller man was getting at.

“Ah. Yeah, forgot about that.” Taichi blushed, too, and raised the towel to cover the white stains dotting his chest and belly. But he was smiling for the first time in nearly three months. And it was a real smile, not one that was strained and fake like they were as of late.

“Go take a shower. I’ve got breakfast on.” Daisuke laughed, shooing Taichi away with a spatula. Before the brunette got too far, the cinnamon eyed boy pointed towards the phone. “And you’ve got a new message.”

“Thanks, Dai.” Taichi yawned, scratching his belly as he went over to the phone. He pressed the flashing red button and made his way to the bathroom.

“You have one new message.”


“Hey, baby, it’s me. Sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up. Yuuta called at seven this morning, yelling at me ‘cause I got him in trouble. But it was so worth it.”

“Thanks a lot, Taichi!

“Shut up, Yuuta. Anyway, I wanted to call and say I love you, and last night was…beyond words. Maybe I’ll talk Yuuta into driving me over there again, ne?”

“I don’t think so.”

“You’re so cruel. Anyway, I’ve gotta go now. Manager-san is glaring at me. Call me later, okay? I love you. Bye.”

There was a click, signaling the end of the call. Taichi grinned as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He’d definitely have to convince Yuuta to drive Yamato over again. Very soon.
