Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight ❯ Deep ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi! A songfic… Here it is... the first chapter, hope you like it. Please make sure you read the lyrics as well!

Disclaimer: The song isn't mine (Charlton Hill's), Digimon Frontier is not mine... The plot and story is mine.

Song featured: "Deep" by Charlton Hill (in the album namely "Waterline")


Chapter 1 - Deep

~Slip past the water line Plunge in to the world I know,
Hear silence all around me Here I go with the flow~

"Kouji?" You're calling me. Every time you say my name, it's like I have a strong urge to hold you close and kiss your soft, tender lips. It's getting harder and harder for me to refrain cuddling you and do what I wish.

"Kouji?" You called me again. I turned my head around to face you. Your cherub face highlighted by the moon.

"What?" I snapped. I saw the sad look on your face for a second, and then it returned to its normal expression. I didn't mean to do that, I don't mean to sound so harsh. It's just that I'm use to it.

"It's getting dark, should we find a place to stay the night and find the others later?"

We got separated from the rest of the group. Takuya and I were separated from Izumi, Tomoki and JP. We walked the whole day, trying to look for them.


The two of us walked to a place where it looks safe to stay and settled there. We're, yet again, going to sleep in the middle of the forest. This forest isn't the scary kind of forest, this one is beautiful actually.

~Don't hold me under I'm coming up for air,
Like distant thunder Soon I will be there~

I looked at you. Sometimes I wonder why I love you so much. I just love that cheesy grin, your soft brown hair, your beautiful innocent eyes, your smile... everything. I love your zany attitude and yes, I even love the hot-headed you. You look really cute when you argue with me. It's not that I want to have little arguments with you, I just... they just seem to happen between us. I wondered if your face belied your thoughts, just how mine are.

~I'm in too deep, don't let me drown,
I'm in too deep, rescue me now,
So hard to keep from fading out of sight,
I'm in too deep, come save my life~

I can't find the exact words to describe the feeling I have inside. Perhaps, there are no words to describe this feeling. My love for you is just too deep that words can no longer be expressed.

Perhaps only one word can describe it all. Love. I don't know, it couldn't be that succinct.

Each day, you're making me want you more and more. I wake up in the morning just to see your angelic face. I want to hear that sweet voice of yours again. I want to stroke your hair, and look deep into your eyes. I want you to tell me that you love me the same way I love you. I want you... I need you...

~I start to mouth the words But find I cannot speak
In my private universe But my arms are getting weak~

I tried to tell you how I feel at first, but I couldn't.


"Takuya, tell me. Why are you here? Tell me why you are in the Digital world?" I grabbed his shirt. I'm doing this just to show you my way of caring. Really, I don't mean to hurt you. You must be thinking that I really hate you, but there is nothing further away from the truth.


"Listen Takuya, we can't beat him. He's too strong for us. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I---" I can't say it. I can't tell him I love him. I just can't. The words won't escape from my mouth.

The ground started to shake violently as he shook out of my grip and ran towards the rest of the group.

#End flashback#

~This floating feeling Please make it never end,
The ocean ceiling So far I can't pretend~

I looked over to you; you look like you're sleeping. You're smiling. That makes me wonder what you're dreaming about.

I went in deep thought once again, recalling all the moments we've been through. I was frigid, before I met you, that is. I wouldn't have joined the group if it wasn't for you. At first, you tried to befriend me, but I just pushed you away like everyone else. I tried to fight the emotion inside, telling myself that I wasn't in love with you and love was weak. Just when my heart was winning over and I admitted to myself that I loved you, you were the one who gave me strength.

~I'm in too deep, don't let me drown,
I'm in too deep, rescue me now,
So hard to keep from fading out of sight,
I'm in too deep, come save my life~

I could do just about -anything- for you, even if it involves dying. I remembered the time when Duskmon was about to attack you. When I saw you in danger, all I could think of was, "I can't let you get hurt, I can't let you die, I won't ever forgive myself" and stood in front of you, blocking Duskmon's attack for you. I felt the pain, then fell unconscious and fainted.

~Don't hold me under I'm coming up for air,
Like distant thunder Soon I will be there~

While I was on the floor, I could hear everything that was going on. You rushed to my side, holding me, supporting me, telling me that it was your entire fault. Now that I think about it, it's partly true. It's your fault you're so cute and adorable that accidentally made me fell in love with you. I fell hard for you... but I don't regret it. I don't regret falling for you, it's worth it.

I could feel your tears rolling down your cheeks and falling on my shirt. I could hear you say "why'd you do it Kouji???" I want to answer you, but I couldn't move nor wake up. I want to say "because I love you Takuya. Because I can't bear it if you were the one who got hurt." But I couldn't. I knew that and I made no attempt. Even if I could, I wouldn't tell you my feelings for you. I'm afraid of how you might react.

~I'm in too deep, don't let me drown,
I'm in too deep, rescue me now,
So hard to keep from fading out of sight,
I'm in too deep, come save my life~

It's getting dark; I suppose I'll have to sleep now. Tomorrow would be a long day. I looked over to you again.


~I'm in too deep~

You'll always be my flame, I love you Takuya


Ok, end of chapter one! There's three chapters altogether. The first is about Kouji's thoughts, the second is about Takuya's thoughts and the third one would be called "kiss me". Hehehe… I grow impatient when I write a long long chaptered fiction. And man, I'm starting too much fiction (not posted yet)... Man I'm obsessed! *sigh*

I'll write chapter 2 if I get a lot of reviews. Nah just kidding, I don't expect a lot! Hehe.

DNA [13/11/2003]