Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mimi 'The Princess' Tachikawa ❯ the challenge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Mimi "Princess" Tachikawa

Mimi officially has been an American citizen for two years, so now her friend Jesse (its read as Jessie) brought her to the ice rink to celebrate

"Come ON girl!" Jesse cheered "I know you can do that triple axel…you've like the greatest skater in the tri-county area!"

"Jess, I cant okay! I may be as you say 'the greatest skater in the tri-county area' but I just CAN'T nail that triple axel" Mimi said as she circled the ice, she was wearing her white ice skates, tight black slacks, a long sleeved pink thin sweater with a white turtleneck inside and white gloves.

"yes you CAN! Now do it!" Jesse wore the same black slacks but she wore a tight black turtleneck and a white scarf.

"ugh! FINE! If I do this would you be CONVICED that I will only make a complete IDIOT out of myself"

"yes! Now DO it!"

Mimi just grumbled and continued skating around the frozen pond. She took off on her left foot, and twirled in mid-air three times continuously, then landed on her right foot and stopped.

"YAY I DID IT! I can't believe I DID it!" Mimi said celebrating her success

"See I TOLD you SO!"

"I know! Now I can win that competition for sure…hey Jess, I'm going to practice again I'm on a ROLE!" Mimi exclaimed, she then did a spiral, when she finished she then did a 3 turn.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE OUT!" exclaimed the voice. This stopped Mimi from continuing her 3 turn. 10 guys in hockey uniforms then stepped on the ice, everyone just shrugged it off and left all except for Mimi and Jesse.

"And why aren't YOU out of here Miss-figure-skater" said a guy in a hockey uniform consisting of white, black and red and on the center was an eagle. The rest of the guys had also the same uniform

"Well" Mimi said and looked at the name at the guys uniform "PATTERSON…I DO have a NAME you know! And for your information…we got here FIRST! Its not like this pond is YOURS! And besides why should I?" Mimi said raising her eyebrows, Patterson just growled and Jesse went over to Mimi and nervously said "uhh…Mimi I don't think this is such a good idea…maybe we should leave"

"Why SHOULD WE!…why? Because these poor excuses for men said so! I don't think so"

"Well you MAJESTY…we need to practice" said Patterson

"Well so do I!" Mimi said "just because we're only two seemingly helpless girls…doesn't mean you can push us around"

"oh yeah…why shouldnt I push you HELPLESS girls around"

"because we have grace, talent and further more teeth!" Mimi said as she high fived Jesse "and besides we're NOT helpless!"

"oh yeah" said Patterson "prove it"


"I challenge YOU to a one on one hockey match…or is it too manly and no grace for you your HIGHNESS" teased Patterson

"FINE! When?"

"right NOW"

Jesse quickly pulled Mimi and asked "do you know the first thing about hockey?"

"erm…they just use the stick to push the flat round black thingy and shoot it in the net thingy, besides I've watched enough Mighty Ducks already" Mimi said sweatdropping

"hmm…close enough…oh and take care okay…hockey is a VERY VERY dirty game" Jesse warned

"don't worry Ill be fine" Mimi said as she skated towards Patterson

"here" Patterson said handing her a hockey stick and gloves "first one to score three goals wins"

"fine" Mimi said

"were playing half court…got it"

"yeah I got it"

Patternson positioned himself on center rink with Mimi behind, she positioned herself in front of him with their hockey sticks crossing each other. Their goalie Williams dropped the puck and Patterson quickly got it.

Out in the snow, the Eagles [that's their teams name] coach, Riley was watching everything unfold.

Patterson was positioning himself for the wind up when Mimi stole the puck and scored "that's one for me and none for you" Mimi teased

"yeah whatever…its only one point"

they started the chase again, Patterson had the puck but once again Mimi was close behind, Mimi stopped and allowed Patterson to go further, Mimi did a waltz jump and prevent Patterson from scoring. Mimi then regained the puck and scored another goal.

"lets see…that's two for me…oh and how many for you again…ZERO" Mimi said, Patterson just growled "this isn't over…you still need a one more goal for the game to be finished.

Mimi this time had the puck she was about to shoot it to the goal but Patterson quickly stole it, he glided fast in the ice and scored a goal. "two more points and your going DOWN princess"

"hmfp…well news flash! One more goal and you're going home crying Patterson"

Patterson had the puck again, Mimi chased him, Mimi pushed him away and got the puck, Patterson regained his balance and chased Mimi again, he pushed Mimi aside harder than what she did to him. Mimi fell down and Patterson freely scored a goal.

Mimi growled in anger for the cheap shot. "now lets see…that's two for me…and two for you…one more goal PRINCESS and you're going home crying!" teased Patterson

"just you wait you arrogant jerk" Mimi said regaining herself.

Mimi had the puck this time, Patterson was close behind, Mimi threw the puck forward a little bit side ward to the goal and did a Loop Jump landing directly where she threw the puck and scored.

"YES YES YES! You see THAT! You arrogant jerk! That is an example of an independent liberated girl beating the shit out of the pitiful pride of an arrogant BOSSY JERK NAMED PATTERSON!" exclaimed Mimi in victory

"hmfp…you may have won THIS match princess but just you wait, that was-"

"an incredible play miss" said a guy wearing the Eagle's jacket. He had a beard and white hair with gray eyes.

"gee thanks mister" Mimi said blushing

"but coach!" Patterson whined

"no buts Patterson…miss…"

"Tachikawa…Mimi Tachikawa"

"ah yes Miss Tachikawa…how would you like to be in the Eagles" offered coach Riley

"I'm really not sure mister, I still have competitions to join" Mimi said having second thoughts

"why don't you think about it…oh and here" said coach Riley handing her a card

"whenever you've made your decision come down town at the Waterloo skating pond we have training there every Tuesday"

"alright…I'll think about it"

"thank you…come on boys…lets move out!" ordered Riley

"but coach, we still have to practice" whined Patterson

"Patterson you lost your match with Tachikawa over there so we'd better complete your deal with her…now come ON!" Riley said with the rest of the team following him.

Mimi just stood there, the hockey stick and gloves still with her. She looked at the card and read "Coach Bob Riley"

Jesse skated towards her and circled Mimi "Mimi you…you YOU DID IT!!! You're so AWESOME!" Jesse then stopped and faced Mimi "do you know what this MEANS?"

"erm…no…not really"

"not ONLY are you THE most popular and COOLEST girl in school but your now a BUTT-KICKING POPULAR GIRL"

"hmm…never thought of it that way"

"so…are you going to join the team?"

"I don't know…I mean…figure skating is my life and-"

"Mimi…changes are GOOD for you…their supposed to be GOOD…so why don't you take it…I mean you could always go back to figure skating, besides you can use some of your figure skating techniques while playing hockey…just like what you did"

"::sigh:: whatever…I don't want to trouble myself with that…come on lets celebrate!"


Jesse and Mimi grinned and looked at each other "TO THE MALL!" they yelled as they raised their hands.

| okay this is just a prologue and to tell you guys this will be a MIMATO! K! for those who read my fic 'double o' seven' thank you for your reviews, to tell you guys the truth its really disappointing to submit my fics here in ff.net coz I've got so many MIMATO ideas and well when I write them and post them, I just feel its not appreciated, my point is could you guys at LEAST review this chapter|
