Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Double Friendship Fluff ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Double Friendship Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Ishida Yamato stared down at the coffee table before him, wondering if it was worthwhile for him to even bother going to sleep, much less getting up. He had never felt this depressed in his life. He and Yagami Taichi had gone through a final breakup earlier that day, and for the first time in eight years, he had no boyfriend. He was alone.

I am pathetic. I'm the most powerful Mega in two worlds, I shouldn't be sitting here wondering if Tai-ch...Taichi's out with someone else tonight. Even though he probably is.

He almost jumped out of his skin when a knock came at the door, then looked over at it. "Come in. If you're a psychopathic killer, come in faster."

"Nothing quite that friendly, Yamato." Motomiya Daisuke entered, a paper bag in his arms. He had grown up into a tall, strongly built young man of twenty-one, still with reddish brown hair and sparkling eyes.

Yamato shrugged casually. "Your point being?"

"I got some old friends of mine, and I thought you'd like to meet them." Daisuke put the bag on the table, and the blonde could hear bottles clinking. "Captain Morgan, Tom Collins, Jose Quervo, Jim Bean, Red Dog, Bacardi 151, and a few others." He pulled a bottle out of the bag. "I've gone through Iori and Koushirou's breakup, Takeru and Jyou's breakup, Takeru and Hikari's breakup, I guess it's time to help you through tonight."

Yamato sighed. "Guess so." He didn't protest as Daisuke pulled out a pair of shot glasses, poured one full, one a quarter full, and handed the quarter full one to him. Without hesitation Yamato poured it down, giving Daisuke a chuckle as he winced at the bite.

"I hate life." Yamato sighed deeply as he leaned back. Daisuke nodded and took a seat.

"Welcome to the club. If it weren't for Veemon, I'd probably be dead right now." The redhead poured more shots for both of them, just as he had the last time. "Do you know what it's like, knowing all the others are 'happily paired together', while I'm the odd man out, Yamato? Gods, there are some days when I wake up hating all the Digidestined. Hell, Stingmon's got someone, and I'm left alone!" He downed another shot.

"Yes." Yamato's voice was quiet and flat.


Yamato stared into his shot. "Yes, I know what it's like. Now."

Daisuke nodded as he poured them more liquour, then sighed. "Then we odd men had better stick together, no?"

"Yeah." Yamato sighed as he drank some more.

The other smirked at him. "So, I guess you finally get to fulfill the role of your rock'n'roll persona tonight." He liked to tease his friend about the popularity Yamato enjoyed as one of Japan's premier rock sensations, and grinned as Yamato rolled his eyes. "Why is it that I've never seen you drunk, anyway?"

"Because I've never drunk before." Yamato replied succinctly.

Daisuke blinked in shock. "Why??" The answer came to him almost as soon as he asked the question as Yamato blinked down into the drink, obviously reconsidering this whole getting drunk thing. The redhead shrugged. "Hey, alcohol affects the body, too, so if you get drunk, he gets drunk." He snorted. "But it'd be damn funny to see Miymon drunk."

Yamato sighed. "Maybe." He wondered what it was going to be like. Would his dark side come out? Would he wake up in the morning to find he'd slaughtered half the city and/or blown it up? Did he honestly care right now? Right now? No. When I wake up...definitely.

"And maybe all that'll happen will be that you'll be hung over in the morning." Daisuke suggested as he poured another shot for himself. For several long minutes the two of them were quiet, both drinking quietly.

"Daisuke?" Yamato could stand the silence no longer. "What's on your mind?"

The redhead blinked at him. "The first time I got drunk. Believe it or not, I was eleven." He could see disbelief in Yamato's eyes as he tossed back his drink. "The first time Daimon emerged." He poured another shot and looked at his friend. "You going to drink that?"

As Yamato drained the shot and held the glass out for another, he considered. "I was eleven the first time Miymon showed his ugly face."

"And I'm sure you could have used a drink after that, right?" Daisuke wondered. Yamato shrugged.

"I thought about it. But I didn't want to risk it." He sighed as he stared into his drink. "I had Taichi then, anyway."

Daisuke snorted. "Ah, yes, Yagami Taichi." He drained another drink. "I don't care what the others say, I am not a wannabe Taichi! I hate him!"

"I am not attached to his side like a leech!" Yamato snarled viciously, remembering what he'd heard from Mimi and Sora once.

"I don't look a thing like him!" Daisuke declared. Yamato burped slightly.

"You're better looking."

Daisuke blushed a little. "Thanks. You know those goggles he gave me that I supposedly lost?" Yamato nodded. "I didn't lose them. I threw them away. They're in the Digiworld somewhere." He threw back another shot. "Hikari said that I was too much like her brother."

"You're not." Yamato said flatly. "You're braver, you know more about friendship, you're loyal, caring, smart..."

"An artist." Daisuke smirked and kept drinking. "And apparently a better businessman than Taichi." He drained the shot again, smirking as he thought about the art gallery he owned. It was one of the best-known places in Tokyo, displaying not only his own art pieces, but some of the finest artists in Japan. He himself wasn't exactly certain of how much money he had, but he knew it was an enough that he shouldn't have to worry about anything for a long time to come.

He peered into the bottle he had been drinking from and noticed it was empty. That was easily remedied, though, as he pulled out the next one. "Next bottle?" he asked his drinking buddy.

Yamato nodded as he smirked, "Best thing Taichi ever did was get that job at Burger Realm." The blonde snickered. "Now we're raking in the bucks and he's asking 'Do you want fries with that'?"

"Well, I wouldn't say we're raking in the bucks," Daisuke poured another shot. This was getting to be a habit. That was good. It meant things were going well. "I mean, look at Koushirou and Jyou...after they got together." He snickered briefly. "Although, we are quite a bit better off than Miyako or Hikari. At least we're not still living with our parents."

Yamato nodded solemnly and drunkenly. "True."

"Can I be blunt, Yamato?" Daisuke asked a few moments later, his mouth twisting bitterly."

The blonde shrugged. "I dunno. Can you?"

"Takeru's an idiot." Daisuke stated, his lips twisting with amusement. "He wants to get with Ken and Iori, but can't choose, and they both want him! There are such things as triads, but he thinks he has to be with just one!"

"Silly...willy..." Yamato burped in the middle of his sentence, his alcohol blurred senses telling him everything was fine, as senses will tend to do in that situation. "Boy."

Daisuke snorted as he downed his shot. "At least the girls are more sensible about those things." He glanced over to where Yamato was sitting there blinking. "You're drunk."

"No feeling...fooling." Yamato blinked as Daisuke laughed. Both of them grabbed bottles almost at the same time and started to drink straight from it. "Tai sucks. Literally." The blonde declared. Daisuke glanced at him curiously. "He sucks." Yamato waved his bottle around to make his point. "That's what he'd do. A lot. It was like the whole relationship was based on sex."

Daisuke shivered a bit. "Eeesh."

"Sex with him was good..." Yamato shrugged. "But not great."

The redhead snorted. "Not according to what he said."

"He talked about our sex life?"

Daisuke nodded solemnly. "And he called you a prude."

Yamato's drunken eyes took on a red gleam, for more than one reason. "WHAT?"

"He called you a prude," Daisuke repeated. "He said that you were a cold stick, a poor lover. Also said that you were always uptight about Miymon coming out."

The blonde snorted in rage. "If he'd ever had pure evil walking around inside of him..."

"Just waiting for the right moment to come out," Daisuke shivered in memory of how he lived with the power of Daimon in him.

Yamato nodded. "Waiting to hurt everything you care about."

"Or just plain assed take it over."

"Ruin your life."

"Trash the others' trust in you."

"And terrified they won't believe you because they look just like you, they are you, only they wear your body like a suit."

Daisuke nodded in agreement as he raised his bottle. "Virii breeds of the world...unite."

Yamato raised his, then snorted. "Jyou and Sora don't know how lucky they are. Miymon and Daimon could make mincemeat out of Drajumon and Soranamon and not even break a sweat!"

"Amen." Daisuke agreed. "Or should that be all men?"

"Don't ask me." Yamato rolled his eyes. "And don't even get me started on Miyako. Thinks she's all that cause she's a Vaccine Mega."

"Please." The redhead snorted. You could kick her ass into next week."

The blonde smirked, remembering various training sessions. "And have." He glanced over at Daisuke as the other muttered something under his breath. "Hm?"

"Koushiruo thinks we could potentially digivolve up to Mega."

Yamato blinked. "You'd make a cute Mega."

"And you're drunk." Daisuke reminded him. "I'm not cute, I'm nothing."

The blonde shrugged as he began to sing offkey. "I'm looking at the world through beer-flavored glasses!" Daisuke laughed as Yamato looked over at him. "What??"

"Beer flavored glasses?" The redhead chuckled. "Well, I have some beer." He carefully made his way to the table and tossed a beer to Yamato, keeping one for himself. As they both drank, he sighed softly. "You're lucky, Yamato. You have the looks, talent, everything I've ever wanted."

"You've got talent and you're gorgeous." Yamato sipped quietly. There was something going on in the back of his mind, but he wasn't sure of what it was. It wasn't important, though.

The other snorted. "Then why is it that you're the one that had a boyfriend and I'm still as single as the day we met?"

Yamato shrugged. "Don't have one now."

"Never had one."

"Not missing out."

Daisuke sighed deeply as he drained his beer. "Oh, sure, that's what everyone says." As he put the can down he looked over at the Digimon and chuckled softly. "They're asleep." Veemon had come in with him and now was snuggled up against Gabumon, the two of them curled into a cuddling ball.

Yamato aww'd over their adorable partners, then grinned at him. "I bet you're cute sleeping too, you Digimon you."

"I doubt it." Daisuke denied. "I look in the mirror every day."

"You look great to me."

The redhead shook his head. "And you're very drunk...and handsome."

"So are you."

Daisuke smirked at him. "I'm not as drunk as you are, Yamato."

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am, 'Suke!" Yamato grinned back at him.

"Uh-huh." Daisuke sighed briefly, then glanced at the clock, blinking in surprise. "Yikes, is it that late already?"

"So?" There was a sudden edge to Yamato's voice. "Did you have somewhere to be?"

Daisuke nodded. "Actually yes, Yamato. I have to get home soon. I'm expecting a call." He got to his feet and started to step away, when a warm hand closed on his wrist and jerked him back down. "Yamato!"

"Has left the building," Miymon, Dark Prince of the Digiworld, Ishida Yamato's darkest personality, smirked at the other 'mon. Daisuke gulped.

"Oh, shit."

Miymon chuckled softly. "Nice to see you again, Daimon."

"My name is Daisuke, Miymon." Daisuke gulped slightly, recalling the last time he'd met the dark prince. Miymon had been rather interested in him as he recalled...

Miymon smirked slowly at him, his hands starting to roam across the nice warm body in front of him. "Daimon's more fun."

Daisuke shivered for a moment, feeling his internal controls over Daimon loosen because of the alcohol and the obvious appreciation Miymon had for his dark side. Then those bonds snapped, and Motomiya Daisuke went to sleep.

"I'm glad you think so, my prince," Daimon purred the words out as he beheld his gorgeous blonde prince.

Miymon smiled, something dark and savage in the expression. "Nice to see you, Daimon."

"Nice to be out." Daimon went willingly as Miymon tugged him into his lap, settling happily there. "The puny human gone?"

"Gone forever." Miymon had no idea how long his domination of the body would last, but it would be long enough, he knew.

Daimon purred softly, "Oh, goody..." His arms wrapped around Miymon as he snuggled closer and nipped at Miymon's neck briefly.

"Very nice..." Miymon purred back, enjoying the armful of delicious 'mon he had. Daimon was definitely more preferable than the human Taichi.

Daimon chuckled as he kissed Miymon the lips. "It's about time the weaklings let us out to play, my prince."

"They got drunk." Miymon purred softly, their lips hovering mere millimeters apart.

Daimon smirked slowly. "Maybe we should arrange that more often." He started to kiss hungrily as Miymon returned it, his hand sliding up under the redhead's shirt. Daimon didn't feel like waiting anymore and ripped the Mega's shirt open, purring as he ran his hands over the other's well-muscled chest.

"Mmm...all untouched and waiting just for me, hm, Daimon?" Miymon purred delicious. Daimon grinned.

"Of course. The weakling was waiting for your weakling. Not that I blame him, my prince."

The two of them drew closer together, nibble, kissing, wriggling, and otherwise getting in skin to skin contact. Miymon moaned softly, "So tasty..."

"So handsome..." Daimon returned as he nibbled Miymon's neck.

"So perfect..."

"So talented."

Miymon smirked slowly as Daimon kissed down him until he was kneeling before the prince on the floor. "So mine." He helped Daimon removed all of the clothes both of them were wearing, then the redhead started to lick and suck. It was the first time he'd ever done this sort of thing, but he was obviously enjoying every moment of it, as was Miymon.

With an animalistic howl of pleasure, Miymon cried his enjoyment, and Daimon sat back, a satisfied grin on his face. "Shall we continue this in the bedroom, my prince?" he purred.

"We shall." Miymon and Daimon both stood up, gracefully as a pair of birds, and the redhead easily ran his hands across Miymon's body.


"Very." Miymon returned it as he squeezed Daimon's rear, then picked him up and carried him into the bedroom.

* * *

The sun rose the next morning, slipping rays of light into Yamato's bedroom. He and Daisuke were curled up together, both of them deeply asleep with contented smiles.

"They're both in here." Veemon peered up at the bed and murmured to Gabumon. "Together." The furry 'mon joined him and blinked up at their partners. Veemon looked back at him. "That's not normal, is it?" Gabumon shook his head and Veemon sighed a bit. "Daisuke's not going to feel good. Let's get started on the hangover medicine for them. He's done this with Koushirou, Takeru, and Jyou, and has gotten drunk before. I know the recipe."

As the two of them went into the kitchen and started to work on the hangover remedy, Daisuke stirred briefly, his eyes coming open. As he did so, a nice warm body snuggled closer to him, and the redhead's eyes flew all the way open, memory flooding back as he turned first green, then white in total fear.

He started trying to wiggle his way free, only to stop when Yamato's eyes opened and saw him. The redhead turned a deep shade of red as his new lover looked at him. "Err...hi?"

Yamato said nothing, and Daisuke slowly slid away as Veemon and Gabumon entered with the hangover cure. He downed the glass in one gulp, amazingly aware of not just his unclothed state, but Yamato's.

"Here." Gabumon offered the second glass to his partner. "Veemon says it's supposed to help with hangovers. You two drank a lot last night."

The blonde took it and sipped lightly, his features twisting in revulsion as he did so. "EW!!"

"Gulp it." Daisuke advised, and Yamato did so. Once it was all gone, the redhead stood up. "Any better?" The other nodded. "Good."

"We're naked." Yamato said quietly. Daisuke nodded quietly.

"What's the last thing you remember, Yamato?" Daisuke watched as the blonde thought back, then went pale. The redhead nodded quietly in agreement, then headed into the kitchen after snagging a pair of pants. This was not a good way to wake up.

"That son of a bitch," Yamato murmured to himself as he reached for his clothes and hurried into the kitchen almost in the same moment. "Daisuke?"

The redhead looked over from where he was washing up the mess from their partners' fixing of the hangover cure. "Yeah, Yamato?"

"I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Daisuke blinked in surprise. "Yamato, I'm the one who insisted on you getting drunk with me."

Yamato was obviously not listening to him, however. "That bastard always ruins everything." Some days he liked being a half-breed, and he definitely liked being able to help in a fight, but in times like this, he hated his dark side.

Daisuke frowned as he yelled Yamato's name, louder this time, to get his attention. "It's not your fault. I'm the one who insisted on you getting drunk."

"I was the one who did it." Yamato said firmly. The other sighed.

"Yamato...look...no harm, no foul, okay?" He blushed a little. "Not to mention I enjoyed it." Daisuke murmured to himself, then looked at his erstwhile lover. "But we can still be friends, right?" He started to clean up again, turning even more red as he heard Yamato murmuring that he, too, had enjoyed their pleasures together.

Veemon and Gabumon stood in the doorway as their partners cleaned together, and the blue dragon monster looked at his friend. "Should we help them kiss?" he murmured, and Gabumon nodded. "How?" The furred 'mon indicated a loose rug that Daisuke was standing on, and together the two of them moved over there without making a noise. Both of them seized onto the rug and yanked as hard as they could.

Daisuke squawked in surprise as he fell, and Yamato turned at once. "Hey, what the--" Daisuke's cry was cut off as his lips met the blonde's in a kiss. For a moment they stood like that, until finally Daisuke pulled away.

"I...I..." Yamato had never felt this nervous in his life before. He felt as if he were fourteen again, going out on his first date. "L...l..loose rug."

"Yeah." Daisuke nodded. "Loose rug, sorry. I'll finish these up and I'll get out of your hair as fast as possible."

Yamato nodded slowly, then frowned. "Um...Daisuke...I...I know I just broke up with Taichi...but..."

The other shook his head. "Please, Yamato, don't...not yet. Please." He washed the dishes with singleminded intensity, trying not to think of all the memories that were parading around of their blissful night together. He didn't want to think about them. He couldn't stop thinking about them.

About him.

He was an idiot.

In the living room, Yamato sat on the couch, staring down at the floor, his mind sinking into a depression as deep as that which Daisuke had broken him out of the night before. He hardly flinched as Veemon leaped up onto his lap and glared at him, only put the small 'mon down on the floor.

"Go talk to him!" Veemon ordered, and Yamato merely shook his head.

"He doesn't want to talk to me, Veemon."

"He needs it, Yamato!"


"Yes!" Veemon glared at the half-breed. "He's afraid!"

Yamato sighed. "He already said no."

"Because he's afraid of what you were going to say." Veemon took a deep breath. "Or do you want Miymon to hurt him?"

The blonde snorted. "Miymon's already ruined my life quite enough."

"Then go talk to Daisuke!"

"Now is not a good time." Yamato pushed him away quietly. He wanted to be alone, why wouldn't the little creature understand that?

Veemon sighed. "Yamato, Daisuke's afraid that you hate him now."

"I know."

"Then go talk to him!" The sapphire 'mon growled. "He's probably blaming himself for getting you drunk!"

"It always happens this way..." Yamato appeared too locked in his own world, and Veemon was not happy with that.

"He's also afraid that Daimon is a part of why you hate him! Knowing him, he's accusing himself of rape, Yamato!

The other snorted. "It's not possible to rape Miymon, he lives off pain and fear. Causing it or getting it."

Veemon nodded harshly. "Then go tell Daisuke that!"

"He won't believe me." Veemon glared at Yamato, then stalked away, muttering insults under his breath that started at coward and got worse from then on. Yamato sighed to himself. "Best sex I've ever had in my life and the guy I had it with thinks either he raped me or my dark half did him or both. Life as a breed sucks."

Gabumon stared quietly at his partner. "Then why don't you use your stubbornness to make Daisuke listen, Yamato. Otherwise, you're going to lose him."

"Been there, done that." Yamato sighed. "Tried, he didn't want to listen, if I try and make him, he'll freak."

"There are other ways of getting someone to listen to you, my friend."

Yamato seized an empty bottle and threw it against the wall, not caring if it shattered over everything. "If it's not too much of a trouble, I'd like to handle my own love life, Gabumon. Don't you have to go screw Agumon or something?"

"Yamato, in case you haven't noticed, Agumon and I haven't talked in nearly as long as you and Taichi have."

"Then just go do whatever you do."

Gabumon smiled a little. "I am doing what I do, Yamato. I'm trying to help you."

"And if I don't want your help? If I want to just let him go?" Yamato shouted. "Just because I care about him doesn't mean he cares back! Hell, he probably can't wait to get out of here!"

"Because you love him." Gabumon said quietly. Yamato glared at him.

"That is none of your business!"

"It is so, Yamato," his partner reminded him. "You're my partner and my friend."

Yamato snorted. "And if he wants to leave, I won't stop him, no matter how much I love him!" He had lost control of his temper to the point he didn't care how loudly he was shouting.

Someone else did, however. "You...love me, Yamato?" Daisuke was standing in the doorway between the living room and the bedroom, a very startled look on his face. "DO you love me, Yamato?"

"Yes." Yamato couldn't conceal it any longer. He did.

Daisuke's eyes glowed with love. "I love you too, Yamato. I always have. But you were with Taichi and I didn't want to get between you two." He watched as Yamato came over to him. "I love you."

Yamato gazed down at the smaller man, and found himself wondering if his relationship with Taichi had fallen apart because what, and who, he had really wanted was Daisuke. "I love you."

The two of them intertwined in a deep, passionate, loving kiss that seemed to go on forever. Daisuke murmured softly, "You know, you're going to have to teach me."


"How to drive you wild. You'll have to teach me how to do that."

Yamato grinned. "No one knows how."

"Daimon knew." Daisuke murmured, his brow wrinkling in thought. Yamato shook his head.

"He knew how to do it to Miymon." He and his dark side might share a body, but there were definitely things they enjoyed that were different.

Daisuke chuckled. "At least our dark sides seem perfect matched."

"True." Yamato grinned. "It's almost as if..." he trailed off for a few moments and Daisuke looked at him, confused. "Soulmates."

The redhead blinked in shock, then nodded. "Well, that does explain some of the weird looks I'd get from Sora whenever we were all together."

"I know." Yamato agreed. "And why she was so surprised when I started to date Taichi."

The two of them snuggled in perfect silence for a few minutes, until Daisuke broke it. "Hey, Yama-chan?"


The redhead smirked mischievously up at him. "Wanna try it? As us, I mean?"

Yamato stared at him. "Are you sure?"

"I want to know what it's like to be with you." Daisuke answered softly, and Yamato smiled.

"And I want to know what it's like to be with you.

Daisuke grinned as he started to work on Yamato's shirt, kissing every inch of bared Yamato skin as he got it off. "So lovely. I'm glad you're always dressed at your concerts."


Brown eyes gleamed up at him. "Because if you weren't, I'd have to lock you away from all your fangirls. They're crazy enough over you as it is."

"At least none of them are like Jun was." Yamato murmured. Daisuke snickered and backed away, doubling over with laughter for several minutes. "What's so funny?"

"It's just...you know Miyako's sister, Momoe?" Daisuke asked, and Yamato nodded. "Jun was dating her as she was dating you. She was trying to cover the fact that she, and you, are fey! Her airhead fangirl act was just that...an act!" Daisuke laughed harder and harder, especially as Yamato got redder and redder at the thought.

Finally, "Oh, yeah?" Yamato glared. "Take this!" He slipped down by Daisuke and started to tickle him mischievously. Slowly, the tickling turned into a kiss, then Daisuke rolled so he was on top, his tongue seeking entrance into Yamato's mouth, which was willingly and eagerly granted. Daisuke explored his mouth lazily and lovingly, in sharp contrast to the demands Taichi made, and he finally broke the kiss to smile lovingly down at Yamato, who returned the kiss eagerly, his tongue running across Daisuke's lips tenderly. The redhead moaned, his hand cupping the side of Yamato's face as the blonde's hand traced Daisuke's chest. "My Yama-chan..."

"My Suke-chan..."

Daisuke nuzzled briefly at Yamato's neck, then started to nibble down him. Some moments later, a wild howl of pleasure echoed around the room, and the redhead grinned. "Well, I see I found one wild spot." He started to work on Yamato's pants, and Yamato chuckled.

"Should I have bothered getting dressed?"

Daisuek grinned, then his eyes suddenly widened. "Oh, cripes, hold on." He got up and grabbed the phone, quickly dialing up a number. "Hey, Rosa? I'm not coming in. Something came up." He grinned wickedly at Yamato, who rolled his eyes teasingly. Daisuke winced suddenly, then pulled the phone away from his ear as loud, shouted Spanish was heard.

"Um, is that the Rosa that Ken and I met in Mexico way back when?" Yamato wondered, and Daisuke nodded.

"She knows her art, that's why I hired her." The redhead turned back to the phone. "Rosa, Rosa, listen, it's not like that, Rosa, please listen."

Yamato chuckled. "Is she still after Ken?"

"Stingmon." Daisuke mouthed as Yamato laughed silently. "Rosa, I'm not with Ken, I'm with Yamato." The noise suddenly vanished. "Rosa? Still there?" Another flurry of Spanish started up, but this time it sounded happy. "Rosa, my Spanish isn't that good, slow down. Yes, I know they just broke up. Yes, I know I look like Taichi. No, he doesn't think I'm Taichi. Rosa. Rosa. Daimon. A little. Yes, he came out to play, so did Miymon. Rosa, sweets, that's why I'm not coming in today, yes, I'll tell you all the facts tomorrow, or whenever I come in next. Our talks may take a couple of days. Uh huh. I'll see you later, Rosa. Thanks."

As he hung up and rubbed his ear, Yamato chuckled. "Is she still that...chattery?"

"Worse when agitated. And such a set of lungs, but I think she said that she wishes you the best." Daisuke grinned at him. "Now, where were we?" He found himself pulled back on top of Yamato and grinned. "Oh, yes, here." He started to nibble his way south again, enjoying the incomprehensible noises that were coming out of his lover. "Most powerful Digimon in the Digiworld and you're putty in my hands."

Yamato moaned softly, "Don't stop..."

"Excuse me?" Daisuke murmured softly as Yamato moaned. "Well?"


The redhead licked gently. "More what?"

"More...of that!"

Daisuke grinned at him. "Where are your manners, young man?" The only answer he got was a moan. "I'll take that as a please." He started to explore lazily, almost brattily with his tongue, and more, until Yamato's howl of pleasure split the air in two. Once it was over, Yamato slumped onto the floor and Daisuke grinned down at him. "Well?"


Daisuke grinned as he cuddled next to him. "Well, we found one way of driving you wild."

Yamato grinned. "You looking at me." He smiled up at his beloved, feeling completely comfortable, and unafraid for the first time in his life since Miymon had made his existence known. He knew if his dark side came out, Daimon would be there, ready and waiting and loving and longing for him. The two of them kissed deeply, their hearts and minds and bodies as one. Forever.

The End