Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Courage and Friendship Fluff ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Courage and Friendship Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Yamato carefully plucked at a few strings, trying to get everything down just right. He absolutely was not going to screw up this love song for his mate. Tai-chan deserved only perfection. He grinned to himself at that thought. Of course, that doesn't explain why he's dating me, but let's not question it, shall we?

"Yama-chan! Yama-chan!" Taichi came running up, and it was fairly obviously by his actions that he was absolutely thrilled about something. He ran straight up to his mate and threw his arms around him, kissing him deeply. "We're going to be daddies!" Yamato looked at him in slight confusion, and Taichi grinned. "The spell, Yama-chan! It worked!"

The blonde began to grin back at him. "It did?" Taichi nodded wildly, and Yamato began to kiss hotly and happily, then started to nibble on Taichi's neck. The brunette moved back a little, confusing his lover for a moment until he indicated the rather annoying presence of the guitar. "Oh, sorry."

Once that was moved out of the way, Taichi found himself pulled closer into Yamato's arms, and the musician's lips and hands wandered all over him in very delightful ways. He purred softly, "Bedroom?"


It got rather noisy after that.

* * *

A great deal of time later, Taichi cuddled into his lover. Both of them were absolutely worn out, and totally complete inside and out. The brunette chuckled slightly. "You know, we'll have to stop in a couple of months. Koushirou and Jyou said that it wouldn't be good for the baby." He grinned. "Besides, Yama-chan, it'll do us some good."

Yamato looked down at him, obviously just slightly perturbed. "How?"

"It gives us the chance to store up on some ideas for later." Taichi chuckled softly, then reached for his clothes, fiddling around until he found what he was looking for. "Besides, it'll also give us the chance to do this."

He handed a small jewelry box to Yamato, who looked at it for a moment before opening. Inside was a golden ring, with the Crest of Friendship engraved all around it, and a small but obviously real diamond set into it. "Will you marry me?" Taichi asked, gazing into Yamato's deep blue eyes. Yamato looked startled for a moment, but there was never a chance of his saying anything but what he did.


Taichi smiled hugely, then leaned in to kiss him, snuggling into his lover's, and now fiancé's, warm comforting arms. "I love you."

"We'll have a huge house in the Digital World, and raise lots and lots of little babies," Yamato purred, and Taichi liked the sound of that. "One quarter virii babies."

Taichi chuckled and shivered. "Oh, dear. If they have half the arguments that Hikari and I had, we're in trouble. If they start to blow things up..." He grinned. "Of course, they'll have all their uncles and aunts to help them."

Yamato grinned; that would definitely be better than he'd had when his powers had started to flare up. Taichi's hand wandered in random directions as he nuzzled into the golden curls that covered Yamato's neck. "Hey, Yama-chan? What are we going to name him or her?"

"I don't know." That really wasn't something he'd thought that much about, really. Taichi trailed his fingers across Yamato's muscled body.

"I was kind of thinking, combining our friends names?" The brunette suggested. "You know, Jyousuke or Taken or something like that."

Yamato chuckled, thinking it over. "Why not our names, since it is our child. Yagami-Ishida Taito."

"I like that." Taichi grinned at the thought of it. "But what if it's a girl?" He considered for a moment. "Mira? Hiyako?"

"Mira." Yamato considered. "I like the sound of that. Taichi nodded, then grinned mischievously.

"You know, maybe for other kids one day...Jyoushirou? Or Takori? Or Jyouchi..."

Yamato laughed softly. "You're getting weird, Tai-chan!" Who knew what else was going to be spawned from his Taichi's mind!

"So?" Taichi nuzzled into him gently. "I love you, isn't that weird enough?"

"You're probably right." Yamato pulled Taichi closer to him. "Guess I'm weird too. Because I love you."

* * *

Taichi fiddled irritatedly with his bowtie, looking down at it as if it had personally offended him. Sora chuckled softly from where she was watching him. "You've been working on that for an hour."

"I can't get it straight!" Taichi, almost a full nine months along at this point, complained in an almost whiny tone. He wasn't quite as hormonal as a woman would be in his condition, but he definitely was a bit more emotional. "And the wedding's almost about to start!"

Sora chuckled, then came over and straightened it out for him. They'd wanted to have the wedding six months earlier, but in typical Chosen Child style, things had kept screwing up until now, not that far from the due date, it was finally happening.

"So, Yamato's going to make an honest man out of you." The Child of Love hadn't stopped teasing her friend for months. Taichi glared at her.

"Have you made Mimi an honest woman yet? No." Sora flashed an engagement ring at him and Taichi rolled his eyes. "Still not good enough. She's almost as far along as I am." No spell had been necessary for Mimi to get pregnant, it was just the result of some mixing of DNA and data that Koushirou, Ken, and Miyako had worked out together.

"So?" Sora grinned. "We're still going to do it. We love each other just as much as you and Yamato love each other."

Taichi smiled a little. "Thanks, Sora. You know you're my best friend, right?" Sora nodded, and he took a deep breath. "So, ready to help me make the long walk?"

"Always." Sora gave him a friendly hug and he offered his arm. She was serving as 'best woman', since she was the one who had been his best friend since they were kids. As the music started, the two of them headed down the aisle. Taichi's eyes landed on Yamato, and he began to smile hugely. Sora chuckled softly. "Taichi, you're glowing. Keep this up and I can sunbathe from you."

Taichi blushed deeply, and as they came up to Gennai, who by custom and Digital World law was the only one really capable of performing a marriage of two Chosen Children, especially when one was Piedmon's son, he smiled at his grandson. "Do you just want to skip to the kissing part?"

Yamato's eyes lit up. "Could we?" He wasn't all that fond of ceremonies, especially when he had to stand up in formal garb and look proper. The ceremony was a half-baked mix of a half a dozen different traditions, and he was already bored out of his mind.

"In a few." Gennai chuckled. "Otherwise, your mothers will kill all three of us." He started to recite the traditional words that signaled a bonding of two souls, something very seldom occurring in the Digital World, but not totally unheard of. Yamato daydreamed about Taichi until the questions and answers came around. "Do you, Ishida Miymon Yamato, take Yagami Taichi to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until reconfiguration do you part?"

"I do!" Yamato declared. Gennai turned towards Taichi.

"Do you, Yagami Taichi, take Ishida Miymon Yamato to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until reconfiguration do you part?"

Taichi's answer was just the same as Yamato's. "I do!"

"May I have the rings?" Gennai asked, and Sora handed them over. Gennai took Yamato's and offered it to Taichi. "Take this ring, place it on Yamato's finger, and repeat after me. I, Yagami Taichi..."

"I, Yagami, Taichi..."

"Take you, Ishida Miymon Yamato."

"Take you, Ishida Miymon Yamato."

"For my lawfully wedded husband."

"For my lawfully wedded husband."

"Forsaking all others."

"Forsaking all others."

"To share my pains and my joys with you."

"To share my pains and my joys with you."

As Taichi slid the ring onto Yamato's finger, everyone could see how happy the two of them were. Gennai took up the second ring, and now Yamato made the same promises to Taichi that had just been made to him. As the ring rested on Taichi's finger, Gennai finished it. "I now pronounce you a married pair. Now you may kiss your husband."

Yamato wrapped his arms around Taichi quickly and carefully, kissing with all his soul as Gennai looked at the group. "I now present to you Yagami-Ishida Taichi and Yamato."

As everyone cheered, Taichi winced a trifle, rubbing his tuxedo covered stomach. Yamato looked at him worriedly. "Tai-chan?"

"I'm all right," Taichi reassured. "Just a strong kick. Let's go."

The two of them were heading back down the aisle, but halfway there, Taichi suddenly stopped and groaned, his hands going to his stomach again. "Tai-chan?" Yamato was getting worried; this had to be more than a strong kick.

Taichi gasped in sudden pain. "Labor."

Yamato went pale. "Oh, crap." He knew they should have just eloped! This was not what was supposed to happen! He wanted their child born, but really...

Both of them jumped a little as Mimi began to groan herself. "Sora-chan..." She quivered. "My water just broke."

Jyou looked at the two of them. "Come on. My hospital's just down the street." It had been set up for these births months ago and was really the only place possible for them to have them.

Mimi gasped, clutching Sora's arm tightly, as Taichi duplicated the motion on Yamato's. The blonde hurried his new husband along, with Sora urging Mimi along in their wake. "Come on." Yamato murmured encouragingly. "We can make it."

Sora smiled at her fiancee. "You can do it." Mimi slowly walked along, and the group headed out to the limousines that would take them to the hospital.

* * *

As a couple of wheelchairs were brought up, Taichi eased into his, while Mimi plopped down into hers, exhausted already. Yamato's earlier annoyance had faded and now he was wearing a rather foolish grin as it sank into him what was going on.

"We're going to be dads!!" he murmured. Taichi chuckled softly.

"Yama-chan?" He gripped onto Yamato's hand. "Don't blow any hole!" He squealed on the last word as a new contraction started. Mimi looked over with a grin.

"-ly shit?" She blushed at the language; but the pun had been too much for her to resist. She groaned suddenly. "Can we please get these babies out of us?"

Jyou looked at the nurses who were standing by for orders. "Delivery ward two for the both of them."

The expectant parents were wheeled away, mates following, and Iori chuckled as they left. "What a way to end a wedding."

"I know." Takeru gave him a quick hug. The two of them weren't quite officially engaged yet, but they both knew it was going to happen one day. They just hadn't decided when yet.

Miyako grinned. "I hope our wedding isn't so eventful." She looked archly at Hikari, who smiled back at her.

"So do I." They were officially engaged, but they weren't going to rush into marriage. They had plenty of time ahead of them.

Daisuke chuckled. "I wonder what flavor they'll be getting."

Miyako and Hikari exchanged glances again, and both chorused on the answer.

"Devil's food!"

* * *

Several hours later, Jyou came out, pulling his scrubs off. He grinned as Yamato and Sora both jumped up. He was followed by a pair of nurses who carried out two squalling bundles, one wrapped up in pink, the other in blue. "They're all okay. I'd like to meet Yagami-Ishida Taito and Takenouchi-Tachikawa Mikari. Taichi and Mimi are fine; they'll be moved to the recovery rooms where you can see them."

Yamato and Sora each took their respective offspring, and looked down at these first birthings of the Chosen Children. Taito reached up a small fist and hit his father on the nose, looking amazingly like Taichi as he did so. "Aww." Yamato smiled. "You're just like Tai-chan."

Mikari stared up at Sora with huge soulful eyes, sucking on one fist as she did so. "Hey, there," Sora murmured to her daughter. Mikari grinned toothlessly at her mother, then settled down into her arms happily.

"We need to get them settled into the nursery, Yamato, Sora." Jyou told him. "You can hold them later after they've been bathed, fed, and warmed." He smiled a bit. "Let the nurses do that, I'll show you where Taichi and Mimi are."

As the nurses carried the babies away, Jyou led the way to the room where Taichi and Mimi were getting settled in. Normally those of opposite gender weren't roomed together, but these were rather special circumstances. Taichi yawned as he caught sight of his husband. "Hey, Yama-chan."

"Hey, gorgeous." Yamato came over and took him by the hand, kissing his fingertips gently. How long ago that day had been, when he had been trying to work on a song for his Tai-chan.

Taichi smiled sleepily at him. "I'm a mess."

"No, you're not." Yamato murmured softly. Taichi was beautiful, incredibly wonderful, everything he'd ever wanted and then some.

Taichi yawned as he nuzzled into Yamato's hand. "Did you see him?" He was absolutely exhausted. He never wanted to have any other kids. If he wasn't so tired, he would've forbidden Yamato to ever touch him again.

"He's beautiful." Yamato murmured, smiling as Taichi kissed his hand. The brunette kept his lips pressed to his husband's hand, but it didn't take long for Yamato realize that he had fallen asleep. He gently pressed Taichi's head back to the bed and pulled up a chair to stay beside him.

Over on the far side of the room, Mimi smiled weakly at her lover. "Sora-chan, I'm about to doze off. Could we talk about this later?"

Sora smiled and kissed her. "Rest love." She tucked Mimi in a little and sat beside her in her own chair, watching. Neither she nor Yamato was ever certain about when they fell asleep, only that they were with the one that they loved.

Jyou watched from the window, and smiled as Koushirou touched his shoulder to get his attention. He pulled his own husband to him, making sure the redhead could see in, and smiled. "Shall we leave them all to sleep?"

"I think we should." Koushirou murmured softly. Jyou smiled, then kissed him on the head and closed the door. Inside, all was quiet, as four people slept the sleep of complete love and peace.

The End