Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Daikeru ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Daikeru Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Daisuke moaned and thrashed about as his nightmare claimed him. Takeru looked at him from where he'd been reading, frowning. Daisuke very seldom had nightmares, but when he did, they were bad. The redhead squirmed and shivered, shuddering. "No...no..keep away..."

"Dai-chan?" Takeru came over to him curiously and worriedly, reaching out to try and comfort him.

"Um, Takeru?" Chibimon peeked up from where he was trying to take a nap. "You might want to get down...now."

Takeru glanced at Chibimon for a moment, then looked back at Daisuke, seeing a faint white light gathering on his fingertips. The blonde hit the floor just as Daisuke's attack, Light Wave, burst out, scorching the wall behind them. Takeru winced and shook his head; no breed could fully control their powers while they were sick, and Daisuke had been sick for two days now.

"At least now I know why he does that." Chibimon said philosophically, then noted Takeru's slightly confused expression. "He's gotten sick before."

Takeru nodded, then headed for the medicine, knowing Daisuke was going to wake up soon. He could hear Daisuke still trapped in his nightmare and winced. "N...N...no..." The redhead whimpered in his inner horrors. "No, keep away from him!"

Chibimon shuddered. "He's dreaming about that first day." He'd seen this before.

"Leave him alone!" Daisuke cried out, thrashing heavily, then whispered, "Isn't it enough that his Digimon can't evolve?"

Takeru's eyes widened; they'd been together for a while, but he'd never really thought that much about when Daisuke had started to like him.

Daisuke shuddered even more, whimpering about and thrashing as if he were chained down to something. Takeru frowned; he didn't like the look of it. What's going on here? I know Ken didn't do anything like that to him....

"NO!" Daisuke sat up, screaming, covered with sweat, and panting. Takeru went over to him, and wrapped his arms around Daisuke. The other cuddled into him, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"Bad dream?" Takeru murmured, and Daisuke nodded quietly, the panic slowly fading from his eyes.

"The worst kind." He took a deep breath. "Ken was going after you. That first day in the Digital World. The Monochromon roasted Patamon, before I could get the Digimental open. Then Ken showed up with some of his ringed goons. He had them grab me and Veemon, and then killed you. Then he came after me."

Takeru held him gently. "That won't happen. Ken's not the Kaiser anymore, and I'm alive and you're alive and we're together. That's all that matters."

Daisuke smiled gently. "I know. Thanks, Take-chan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Takeru nuzzled into him gently; not a plea for sex, just comfort and love between the two of them. "You're never going to have to find out. How do you feel?"

"Tired, achy, sore all over." Daisuke chuckled quietly. "But in heaven." The two of them remained in each other's arms for several minutes, until Takeru finally moved a bit away.

"I'll get your medicine." He hurried out; he didn't want to be away from Daisuke any more than Daisuke wanted him to be away from him. As he brought it back into his redheaded love, Daisuke held his arms out to him and he snuggled back in, feeling very comfortable.

"So, what icky medicine do I have to take now?" Daisuke wondered. Takeru showed him the latest potion Jyou had come up with. Since Daisuke was what he was, it was more effective for him to be medicated with the plants and herbs of the Digital World than the human world, but finding out just what worked on him and what didn't was an adventure in and of itself. He shuddered as he smelled the rank odor. "Give away."

Once the thick sticky stuff was down his throat, he swallowed several gulps of water to clear it out, then snuggled back down into bed with Takeru in his arms. "Take-chan? Thank you."

"For what?"

Daisuke smiled. "Being here. Putting up with--" His words were cut off by a huge cough, and Takeru got him more water to soothe his throat. He smiled gently at his blue-eyed lover. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Takeru curled up back in his arms, feeling very warm and protected. Maybe their love was the weirdest thing that had ever happened in his life, but he really couldn't care right now. He was just glad that he had it.

"You know I'd protect you, right, Take-chan?" Daisuke murmured, and Takeru nodded, knowing his love would feel it. Daisuke's eyes slid shut, and very soon, both of them were fast asleep in one another's arms.

* * *

"So, he sleeps with his mouth open?" Ken asked, his eyes wide and incredulous. Takeru nodded with a grin, and the ex-Kaiser chuckled softly. "All night long?"

"Yup." Takeru grinned, and then smiled more as Daisuke leaped up and glomped onto them both at the same time.

"Ah, my two favorite guys. Trading brotherly secrets?" He loved to tease Takeru, Ken, and Yamato about their relationship, even if Yamato was the only one related to the both of them.

Takeru smirked at him. "Maybe. Or maybe we're just discussing how it would feel to share you."

Daisuke almost seemed to be considering that for a moment, then shook his head. "You'd be too exhausted afterwards." Both of them looked a bit surprised, and Daisuke grinned. "I'd have to run screaming and you'd have to chase me down."

Takeru chuckled softly. "I don't think so." He stepped closer to Daisuke, sliding his hands up under the redhead's shirt, glad that he was well now. He wouldn't have wanted to try and joke around with Daisuke when he was sick.

"I'm starting to feel left out over here!" Ken declared teasingly, and Daisuke grinned over at him, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"I can take care of that!" He leaned over as if he were going to kiss Ken, and the violet-eyed ex-despot stepped back quickly.

"That's not what I meant!" Daisuke was his best friend, and that was all he was. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Daisuke pretended to pout for a moment, then slipped back over to snuggle with Takeru, enjoying the warmth of love there. He did, however, jerk away when there was a sudden flash of light, and he heard familiar girlish laughter.

"How much do you think this picture is worth to Yamato?" Hikari wondered to Miyako. The violet-haired girl grinned wickedly.

"A lot."

Hikari smirked even more. "Now how much more do you think this picture is worth to Daisuke and Takeru?" It was fairly obvious that even though she was effectively Daisuke's sister in law, due to her relationship with Jun, she still teased him some. In fact, she teased him even more, claiming sisterly rights. She looked over at the two of them. "Well?"

"Girls..." Takeru was willing to bargain with his friends. Daisuke wasn't quite as compliant, not where his love life was concerned.

"Show that and you are so dead!" He started after Hikari, who ran away, laughing in merriment. The joy lasted only a few moments however, as they all heard a hideous roar. Daisuke turned, his instincts flaring up, and he saw a MegaDramon hovering over Takeru. Over the years, the balance of creation had demanded that there be evil Virii; to do otherwise would be to upset the balance of reality and destroy the Digital and human worlds. So, the seal that had blocked off evil Virii from being evil had been shattered.

And this was one of the results. The MegaDramon almost seemed to be sneering down at Takeru, then howled, "Dark Side Attack!"

That was a very bad move. For many reasons. Takeru dodged just enough so he wasn't affected by the full force of it, but he was still knocked over, as a fifty foot gouge was dug into the earth before them. Daisuke felt his own viral side rising, and balled up his fists.

White light gathered on his fingertips as he placed his hands over his heart. His eyes flamed with pure rage, then he threw both hands outward flat, his fingers spread wide. From each fingertip there sprang a small white beam of light, and a few inches out they formed into a solid sheath of pure white light.

"Light Wave!" He howled the attack name at the top of his lungs, and powered by his rage over the attack on his beloved, the power blasted MegaDramon into nothing but ashes. Daisuke ran over towards Takeru as soon as he knew the enemy was gone, checking him for injuries. "Take-chan? Are you all right, Take-chan?" The blonde gave a tiny nod; he hadn't been seriously hurt having effectively taken just the backwash of the blow, but it was obvious he wasn't going to be standing under his own power any time soon. Daisuke gathered him up into his arms and smiled. "My turn to take care of you, Take-chan."

Takeru smiled weakly and teasingly at him. "Can I take the horrible monster killing me instead?"

* * *

Once they were back at the apartment, Daisuke gently tucked Takeru into bed and hovered over him. "Are you all right? You sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine, Dai-chan." Takeru chuckled, but Daisuke shook his head firmly.

"Are you sure? Want a drink? Need a pillow? A blanket? Blood?"

Takeru looked at him. "Dai-chan."

"Yes, Take-chan?"

"Be quiet." Takeru tugged Daisuke into bed with him, and they cuddled gently, Daisuke being very careful not to hurt his barely singed beloved.

"I was so scared of losing you, Take-chan." Daisuke murmured softly, kissing Takeru on one ear. The blonde smiled gently at him.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Dai-chan." Takeru reminded him. They'd been through so much; he wasn't ever going to leave his Dai-chan.

Daisuke leaned back, his memory dancing from here to there as he thought of how he'd gotten Takeru in the first place. "I was so nervous about asking you out." He smiled. "I was convinced Yamato was going to skin me alive."

"I wouldn't have let him." Takeru reminded him. Both of them leaned closer to each other, the memories returning as if they'd only occurred that very day.

* * *
Daisuke watched nervously as Takeru played basketball with a group of his buddies. He gulped; he'd been wanting to ask this for so long, but now that he'd finally worked up the nerve, he wasn't all that certain he could pull this off. Well, it's now or never.

He walked over as the game was breaking up. "Hey, Takeru, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Takeru wiped off his sweaty brow, and Daisuke's pulse did very odd things. "What's up?"

Daisuke steeled himself. "WillyougooutwithmeFridaynight?"

Takeru stared at him in surprise. "What?"

You're not going to make me ask again, are, you? Out loud, Daisuke slowly, and more carefully, repeated his question. "Will you go out with me Friday night?"

"On a date?" Takeru asked. Daisuke nodded and the blonde shrugged. "Sure, no problem." The redhead stared at him as if he'd started to speak in tongues, and Takeru frowned. "What?"

"W...w...what did you say?" Daisuke very obviously couldn't believe his eyes or ears.

"I said sure." Takeru thought he'd said it clearly enough the first time.

Daisuke stared, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. "You...s...s...said...."

"Sure. Yes. All right. Not a problem. I'll go out with you. Do I need to start speaking foreign languages?"

Takeru chuckled at the expression on Daisuke's face, then was shocked as Daisuke pulled the blonde in for a deep kiss. He was stiff with surprise for a moment, till Daisuke jerked away in horror and started to babble apologies for what he'd done. "Daisuke." The redhead looked at him. "Shush."

Daisuke shushed.

Takeru leaned over gently and kissed Daisuke tenderly on the lips, enjoying the embrace as he never had any kiss with anyone else. Daisuke pulled back again, staring at him in shock. "You...kissed me." Takeru nodded. "Why?"

"Why not?" That was rather simple. He liked Daisuke, and he was going to date him, and he was seriously considering falling in love with him, and Yamato could just take a flying leap if he didn't like it.

Daisuke looked down. "I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, you know. I can get clingy. I'm too dumb to give up on something."

Takeru laid an arm around Daisuke's shoulders. "So you're not a supergenius. If I wanted a supergenius, I'd be with Koushirou. But I'm not. I don't mind being clung to, and I like to think that you're stubborn. If you know there's something that really can't be done, you'll give up on it, but you never give up hope until then." His eyes twinkled. "And trust me, Hope likes that a lot." He smiled. "So, where do you want to go?"

"The movies and dinner?" Daisuke suggested, a weak smile on his face. "I know how cheesy that is..."

"Sounds fine to me," Takeru told him. There was no need to jump into things after all. Daisuke blushed a trifle.

"Um...see you at seven?" he suggested. Takeru nodded, and Daisuke ran off, happiness literally bursting out of him as he did.

* * *

Daisuke cuddled into Takeru, who ran his fingers through the redhead's hair. "You're cute when you're scared."

"Hey, even then, I knew your brother could do serious harm to me." Daisuke protested. Takeru cuddled him gently.

"Never." He was never going to let any harm come to his love, no matter what. "I love you, Dai-chan."

"Love you, too, Take-chan." Daisuke murmured. The two of them leaned closer to one another, completely at peace.

And then, Takeru sneezed.

The End