Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Miracles of Birth ❯ Tournament pt 5: The Finals and The Shock. ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Miracles of Birth
By matn90
Disclaimer: I don't own anything I don't own.
I didn't get any reviews, but I'm not too down. Even it I get no reviews I still write my stories because I love to. In the last chapter so interesting things happened and yes, Gatomon will be pregnant now. However, from what I have known a women doesn't know she's pregnet till a month has past, but for the hell of the story it's going to be sooner.
Reviews: 19 (Nothing so far but I'm still hoping)
Anyway, the last two fights of the tournament are Gabumon vs. Agumon and Veemon vs. Strabimon. Other then that nothing much, and yes this is the last part of the Tournament thing, then the whole “Oh my god Gatomon is having a baby!” thing will begin, which I think everyone wanted to see in the first place anyway.
This is speech in normal tone.
This is speech in thought.
This is speech in Flashback or Dream.
Tournament pt 5: The Finals and The Shock.
A small blue Veemon was sniffing out in the middle of the street. It was night out and the scene showed a huge City with that looked a lot liked Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Many different types of Exveemon, Raidramon, Flamedramon, and any other Evolutions that Veemon digivolve to were walking not paying any attention to him at all, not to mention other Digimon, but for some strange reason, all the non Veemon's were all, poor and looked starved or defeated in spirit while the Veemon looked perfectly normal. He cried a few last tears before getting up and walking into an ally.
He then heard some noises and decided to see who's they were.
Let me go you Crap heads!” Cried a voice.
The little Veemon ducked behind a dumpster and peeked to see who it was. A beaten up small FlameVeemon was surrounded by three dirty looking male Rookie Digimon that were bigger then him, a Labramon, a Shamanmon, and a ClearAgumon. They wore rags and looked like a bunch of poor thugs who wanted to assault the small FlameVeemon.
Stupid Veemon, you and your kind are nothing but trouble for the rest of us.” Said the Labramon.
Maybe, but you should know that I am the only son of Count Fladric who is a member of the High Dragon Council.” Said the FlameVeemon gritting his teeth and getting his fists ready.
Good, makes us want to beat you up more.” Said the ClearAgumon.
Bring it on losers!” Cried the FlameVeemon, who threw the first punch which knocked the ClearAgumon in the head.
The other two Rookies tried to grab him, but the FlameVeemon gave two back kicks towards them that knocked them back.
Too easy.” Said the FlameVeemon, who was then knocked in the head by the ClearAgumon's fist.
The FlameVeemon then fell to the ground clutching his head when suddenly the three began to beat him up on the ground. The Labramon clawed at him, the Shamanmon beat him with his club, and the ClearAgumon kicked him in the ribs.
They stopped for a moment and looked at him as he lay down in pain.
Had enough rich boy?” asked the ClearAgumon.
The FlameVeemon gave him the finger.
Tough guy huh? Hey, Lanner, take a piss on red butt here so he can feel humiliation for once.” Said the ClearAgumon to the Labramon.
The Labramon nodded as he then raised his left hind leg like a dog would and was about to start till he felt a swift kick to his groin.
The Labramon howled in pain as it clutched his manhood like it was about to fall off. The other two looked to see who did that and it was none other then small Veemon who decided to help the FlameVeemon.
What the-“ Said the Shamanmon before meeting a fist to the face.
Who are-“ Said the ClearAgumon who was kicked hard knocking the wind out of him.
The small Veemon then helped the FlameVeemon get up and asked if he was alright.
Yeah, can't believe that stupid dog was going to use me as a fricken Hydrant.” Said the FlameVeemon.
They then saw the ClearAgumon and FlameVeemon get up while the Labramon was still on the floor whimpering.
Great two Veemon, isn't enough we have to see you Mother F#$#'s every damn day.” Said the ClearAgumon.
Please leave, we don't want anymore trouble.” Said the small Veemon.
What are you saying? You a fricken Pacifist? I want to kick these assholes here and now!” Said the FlameVeemon.
Yeah, why don't we just end this now huh?” Said the Shamanmon.
If you fight, I will have no choice, but to fight back.” Said the small Veemon.
Not alone you won't.” Said the small FlameVeemon getting ready.
Feel the pain losers!” Cried the ClearAgumon as both him and his friend charged.
Double Team?” Asked the small Veemon.
Hell yeah.” Said the small FlameVeemon.
They charged and yelled:
Both head attack hit the two Digimon who were knocked back into the Labramon, who got up, and were all knocked out.
Both Veemon sighed in relief, but then the FlameVeemon got an idea and gave and evil smile.
Why do I have the feeling he's going to do something bad? Thought the small Veemon.

(A few Minutes later)
The two dragon Rookie kids then exited the ally; the FlameVeemon was smiling while the regular Veemon was looking at him with mixed feelings.
AH! I feel so refresh.” Said the FlameVeemon.
Did you have to really do that? On them?” Asked the Veemon.
Hey, they were going to do it to me! Why not do it on them? Besides I had to go really badly.” Said the FlameVeemon.
Whatever.” Said the Veemon.
They both kept walking till the FlameVeemon said, “Thanks for the help man. I appreciate it. Name Xee, X-E-E, got it inside?” he then pointed to his head, “Who are you?”

Veemon woke up.
He noticed he was the only one in his bed while Gatomon was out of their room.
Vee sighed, Did I just….have a dream….with Xee in it?
Veemon shook his head; it was just a coincidence, right? Then again Xee was on his mind a lot. He couldn't help but think of the strange red Veemon who claimed to have known him.
Veemon got out of bed and started to head to the bathroom to freshen up. Ever since the incident two weeks ago strange things have happened. A few of those other Grey and Faceless Veemon were seen in the Digital world a few days ago. Nobody knew who they were or what they were in fact. According to other Digimon they were and yet were not like Veemon, they were…incomplete.
Even Genai was stumped; he said that Veemon should be the last of their kind. They had all died out except him. Veemon knew that as well, yet two different Veemon appear and now these weird Veemon as well, meaning the race still lived. For now the two worlds were on alert in case anything else happens.
Veemon was heading towards the bathroom when he saw Kari looking worried as the bathroom door was closed. From inside the bathroom Barfing noises were heard.
"She alright?" Asked Veemon.
Kari said, "Yeah, but I don't know what's gotten into her. This is the 7th time this week she's been puking. I'm getting worried."
Veemon sighed, he was worried about his wife too.
Another thing that was going on was Gatomon had been in the bathroom a lot and was puking a lot. She didn't feel sick, but when she felt like she had to throw up she looked horrible.
Veemon then entered the kitchen where a delicious Breakfast was being made by Tai and Agumon.
"Hey! Your just in time! I've got the eggs ready." Said Tai as he placed it on the table.
Veemon then noticed that there was more then usuall on the table, sggs, bacon, noodles, sausages, pancakes, french toast, hash browns, and three diffrent kinds of bread with butter.
Veemon looked at it with a mountain of hunger, "Tai are you feeding an army or something."
"Yeah, a one women army named Gatomon." Said Tai sitting on a chair totally wiped from cooking.
Veemon smirked, Gatomon had also been eatting a lot more then usuall. If Veemon wasn't carefull she could replace him as Digimon eatting king.
All 3 of them sat down and a few seconds later Gatomon and Kari came in too.
"Feeling better?" Asked Veemon.
"Yeah...what's for breakfast?" She asked in a hungry voice.
"Take a look for yourself." Said Tai who started to east some eggs.
Gatomon got on a chair and was taking food as fast as can be. She then began to chow down like a moter.
Veemon and Agumon looked at her as she was nothing but a blur.
Crap, she's a machine. Thought Agumon.
Finally, Gatomon sighed and stopped eatting. She gave a burp and left the table...after eating almost everything Tai and Agumon spent 4 hours making.
Tai was lucky to get some eggs and Kari managed to get a piece of toast, but poor Agumon and Veemon were left with nothing but crums.
I'll get something out, besides I need the energy for the finals today. Thought Veemon.
"Jeez, what the heck is Gatomon? I know Digimon eat a lot, but that was enough to fill the bellys of 16 people!!!!!" Cried Tai.
"I'm thinking of taking Gatomon to the Docter Leo in the Digital World. She's been acting strange and has been throwing up a lot, not to mention she eats a lot more then usuall." Said Kari.
"But what you two miss our matches?" Said Agumon.
"It's ok, besides I asked T.K. to video tape it for us so we can watch it when we get back." Said Kari who got up to get Gatomon.
Agumon said to Veemon, "So your going to be facing Strabimon adn I'm going to be facing Gabumon. Sure is going to be a match to remember."
"Are you prepared?" Asked Veemon.
"Of course! Me and Tai have a special move that will garanted Victory!" Said Agumon giving a Victory sign.
"Well, don't get too cocky. Matt and Gabumon have been training hard." Said Veemon.
"Yeah, but me and Agumon here are the best!" Said Tai giving his partner a high five.
Gatomon and Kari entered and said they would be back as soon as possible.
"Good luck." Said Gatomon giving Veemon a peck on the cheek.
"Hey what about me!" Said Agumon.
"Same." said Gatomon before she and Kari went to Tai's room and used it to get to the Digital World.
"Why does she give you a good luck kiss and I don't!" Said Agumon.
"Because I'm the one who's married. Find your own girl." said Veemon.

(At the Arena)
Everyone was excited. Today were the final fights to decide who was the best Digimon in Odiaba.
Veemon felt nervous, but the calmed down. He was fighting second against Strabimon, who according the others, was very strong.
"Hey Matt, lets bet on this one." Said Tai grinning.
"Oh so what is it this time?" Asked Matt grinning.
"The loser has to do wear a pink dress..." Said Tai.
"While wearing make up..." Said Matt.
"In public..." Said Tai.
"While sinning the Numa Numa Song!" Said Matt.
"WHILE DANCING AT THE SAME TIME!" Said both best friends as they agreed.
"Are all human bets this silly?" Asked Hawkmon.
"Most, some are down right stupid." Said Biyomon.
"But hey, it's still pretty funny." Said Gomamon.
"What if both Gabumon and Agumon lose?" asked Cody.
"Please if that ever happened we would both do it." Said Tai.
"Alright, but you guys said it." Said Cody.
The announcer then said, "Ladies and Gentelmen! Due to the incident a while ago we had to push the finals to today! SO LETS START!!!!"
The crowd cheered.
Both Digimon nodded to each other and got on the platform. They gave each other a friendly shake and then got into fighting positions.
"Ready? THEN GET IT ON!" Cried the announcer.
Agumon charged first with a few punches, but Gabumon blocked them and tripped Agumon with his tail, but Agumon rolled back to his feet.
"Pepper Breath!"
"Blue Blaster!"
The attacks both stopped the other and gave a small explosion. Gabumon tried to find Agumon after the smoke cleared, but to his shock he wasn't there!
Where is he?
Gabumon then heard someone coming up behind him, he turned around to see Agumon's claw uppercut him. Agumon then side kicked him in the chest and gave a powerful right hook.
"So he's going to use it early huh?" Said Tai.
"Use what early?" Asked Izzy and Tentomon.
"You'll see." Said Tai grinning as both Partners of Knowledge looked the fight with more intrest.
Agumon then punched him up into the air and Gabumon went up. Agumon then went under him on the ground so that he was on the ground below Gabumon who was in the air.
Suddenly to everyone's intrest Agumon's head was turnning a more darker orange.
He took a huge breath and shouted, "Baby Burner!"
A powerful stream of fire came out of Agumon's mouth and was heading towards Gabumon who felt the full force of the attack and landed on the ground with some smoke on him. He also noticed that his coat was burned!
That got him very mad.
Gabumon got up and then charged at him while Agumon was gathering his breath after that last attack.
He gave him a front kick, back kick, back punch, and then started spinning around and around and around till he was a small blue tornado.
"Huh?" Asked Agumon.
"Blue Cyclone!" Cried Gabumon as icy blue flames started to shoot from the small tornado. Everyone ducked as the blue flames went sailing. Agumon tried to dodge most of them, but they were faster and he was hit by the freezing flames.
Agumon looked around to see where Gabumon was, but then he heard Gabumon's voice behind him say, "Never put your back behind your opponent."
Agumon turned his head around to see Gabumon charging at him with his horn aiming at him and then peirced Agumon's butt.
Now let's think for a moment, A Gabumon's horn + An Agumon getting hit with it in the ass equals MAJOR HELL ASS PAIN!!!!!
Agumon went sailing through the air screaming in total pain as he cluched his orange bottom. When he landed near the edge he started crying anime tears as he was rubbing his butt in pain.
Everyone winced, "That had to hurt." Said Yolie.
"Agreed." Said Hawkmon.
Gabumon then charged again, intent on knocking Agumon out of the ring.
Agumon, still in pain in his ass, closed his eyes and waited for Gabumon to finish him off.
Gabumon was about to strike when suddenly
Everyone stopped and looked at Agumon who was blushing red with embaressment while Gabumon froze with his eye wide and his mouth open.
T.K then asked Tai, "Tai...what did Agumon eat today?"
"Well...we had to rush breakfest so we just went to a mexican place and ordered some burritos." Said Tai nevously.
"Well, they sure left their mark." said Sora covering her nose.
"Indeed." Said Tentomon with a Gas mask on.
The worst who suffered was Gabumon who was right in front of the whole thing with his mouth open and eyes wide. Not to mention since he's a canine like Digimon his nose's sent had increased by a lot.
"AAAUGH!!!" Cried Gabumon who was crying and trying to get fresh air.
Now's my chance. Thought Agumon who then bashed him in the head with a claw while Gabumon was sent back.
They both nodded to each other knowing they had to end this once and for all.
Both attacks went past each other and hit both fighters knocking them out of the arena at the same time.
Since nobody won they both lost and the final battle to decide the final battle would be Veemon vs. Strabimon, winner takes all.
"Go Veemon!" Shouted Mimi.
"Kick this guys butt!" Said Gomamon.
"Good luck!" Said Davis.
Veemon waved and he walked on top of the arena.

(Meanwhile in the Digital World)
Doctor Leo (From the First fic) was looking at Gatomon who was sitting on a table as Kari was sitting in a chair next to a door. They were curently in a examination room.
"So you have been eatting a lot more?" Asked Doctor Leo.
"And you have been barfing, but yet you are not sick." Said the Doc.
"And how long has this been going on?"
"Two weeks."
"Himmmm." Said Doctor Leo, thinking he might have an idea of what Gatomon's problem was, but he wanted to be sure.
"Well, I think I know the problem was, but to be sure I need you to do something Gatomon." Said Doctor Leo.
"O.K. what is it?" Asked Gatomon.
"I'm going to need a urine sample. So take this cup and use the bathroom right there." Said Doctor Leo.
Gatomon took the cup and asked, "I just need to pee in it?"
"O.k." Said Gatomon who went to the bathroom.

(Back in the fight)
Veemon and Starabimon had faced each other.
At the stands the others were cheering on the blue dragon when Mike came and stood next to them.
"So it's our Veemon against your partner huh?" Said T.k. filming everything,
"So it seems." Said Mike.
"So what did Strabimon join in this tournament anyway for?" Asked T.K.
"To test his Strength and to gain power." Said Mike.
Everyone looked at him.
"He doesn't care if he wins or loses he want's to test his strength. So he want's to fight the strongest of the strong. He will not give Veemon any mercy till it's over. He will not hold back." Said Mike as he looked at them, "Even if it means killing his opponent."
The others got a chill and were now worried about Veemon.
Veemon and Strabimon were about to begin when Strabimon said, "Before we begin. I want you to promise me you will fight with everything that you are and will strike at me like you are trying to kill me or you will lose."
"No time for questions! FIGHT!" Cried Strabimon as he was a blur and kicked Veemon in the chest knocking him back.
Veemon only to get an uppercut in the face then was kicked five times and launched into the air. Strabimon jumped up and cried out, "Licht Bein!" Strabimon's leg had glowed with white light and kicked Veemon in the back. He then grabbed his body in mid air and threw Veemon back to the ground.
Veemon got up, but Strabimon landed and cried, "Licht Nagel!" His fist glowed white and punched him knocking him even farther back.
Veemon landed on his feet, he was already bleeding on his lip and nose.
He's serious. If he keeps doing this he might just kill me. I guess I have no choice.
Veemon rushed at him and started a flurry of blows, but Strabimon blocked them all. When Veemon saw an opening he roundhouse kicked Strabimon on the left side which stunned him long enough for Veemon to yell, "Vee Punch!"
A flurry of Punches assaulted Strabimon and knocked him back. Veemon then did a sweep kick that knocked him down. He then tried to stop on his face, but Strabimon got away.
"Vee Head Spear!" Veemon glowed White and fired like a missile to Strabimon who was knocked back from the chest.
Strabimon got up and smirked, this was the opponent he needed to test his power on.

(Back at the digital Hospital)
Kari and Gatomon were waiting for Doctor Leo to come back.
Gatomon had given Doctor Leo his cup, no filled with her pee, and was waiting for whatever test results he was doing.
I hope it's nothing serious.
Doctor Leo came from the door with the biggest smile he ever had. He looked at Gatomon with pure happiness.
"Well, what is it." Asked Kari.
"Well, I was wondering when this was going to happen. My God is a great thing. Gatomon..." Said Doctor Leo as both Kari and Gatomon looked at him," ...congratulations! You're going to have a baby!"

(Outside the hospital)

(Back with the fight)
The Fight had lasted for an hour so far. Veemon and Strabimon were both tired and beaten up badly.
Veemon had a broken rib, bleeding lip, nose, and head; finally he had a cramped arm.
Strabimon had bleeding fingers, cuts on his face, an almost broken shoulder, and had a broken ear.
Both were extremely tired and had been hitting each other with all that they were.
Everyone was nervous.
"The next hit decides it." Said Agumon.
"Yeah, both are out of it almost." Said Ken.
Strabimon closed his eyes; Damn...even after all this training. I still am so weak! If I can't get stronger then...

(In Strabimon's mind)
A shadowy tall figure with yellow eyes said, "Foolish little brother. If you want to kill me...train...fight...hate...seek...power...train as your life depended on it...trust nobody hate me with all your heart...and live your pitiful life till you can kill me...no matter what..."

(Back in reality)
"This ends now!" Cried Strabimon as he ran up at Veemon and kicked him high into the air.
Veemon then felt Strabimon behind him in the air; he had jumped and was right behind him.
Everyone gasped.
"He's going to kill him." Said Mike.
"What!!" Cried Davis who grabbed him and said, "What do you mean!"
"Simple, that combo was designed to kill anyone who has ever been inside it. Nobody lives through it. I'm sorry, but forgive him for what he is about to do." Said Mike with no emotion.
"Call him off!" Cried Davis in fear of his best friend.
"I can't, not even he will listen to me." Said Mike.
"Why not! You're his partner!" Cried Sora as she and everyone looked at what they thought was a poor digidestined.
Mike sighed, "Because...he's an Avenger. He will seek what ever power and kill anyone to reach his goal. Which is to kill someone who I shall not name."
They all looked in feat at the two Digimon in the air.
"I'm sorry. Forgive me when you pass on." Said Strabimon to Veemon.
Strabimon kicked Veemon in the side which broke another rib, then Strabimon grabbed Veemon by his chest and got on top of him in the middle of the air. They started falling at a fast rate and when they came closer to the ground Strabimon gave and axe kick right on Veemon's Head and shouted, "Wolves of Light Combo!" and both Veemon's head was hit by both the axe kick and the ground making a Veemon shaped crater.
Their was silence.
Strabimon got up barley moving. It took everything he had to do it.
"He dead." Said Stabimon who started to leave the arena.
Veemon remained motionless for a while, then he moved his head.
Gasps were heard, even Mike was shocked. Strabimon turned around and gasped in surprise.
Veemon slowly, got up.
"How...nobody...are...you ...immortal..." Asked Strabimon.
"Nope, but...there...was...one thing...you forgot..." Said Veemon who pointed to his head.
"The Skull of a Veemon is harder then steel. Why do you think our Vee Head butt attacks are so strong? That attack had hurt like hell, but after facing Xee...that was nothing."
Strabimon was shocked.
"Now you did your combo...now let's see mine!" Cried Veemon as he shot forward doing a head butt in Strabimon's chest, then got on his two hands and did a handspring double kick that launched Strabimon up the air this time.
Veemon then got on his feet and jumped high till he was over Strabimon's head. He flipped back and as he did he cried out, "Vee Soccer Kick!" As he did a kicked Strabimon in the head with a back flipped Scissor Kick.
Strabimon fell to the ground, but before he did he grabbed Vee and brought him down with him. They both landed with a crash!
Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting for the winner to stand. When the dust cleared everyone saw both Digimon knocked out.
“IT'S A TIE!!!!!” Cried the Announcer.
Patamon said, “Well…..that was interesting.”
After the awards the outcome was this,
Veemon and Strabimon both won first together
Gabumon and Agumon won second.
And some other Digimon won third.
Strabimon and his partner were in front of our heroes who asked if they wanted to join them for dinner.
“No thanks, we have other stuff to do.” Said Mike as they turned around and left.
“Hey Stabimon!” Cried out Vee.
The avenger turned around.
“Let's have another match someday.” Said Veemon.
Strabimon nodded and left.
While they were far enough Mike said, “So he's the one?”
Strabimon nodded, “He's the target. So you know what we must do.”
Mike nodded.
Back with the others they were about to go out when Davis realized something and had a big smile.
Everyone saw this and asked what was wrong, “Simple, you guys remember our bet right? Losers have to treat the winners to a meal?”
Everyone sweated as they felt like their wallets were going to be a lot lighter, especially if their treating Davis and Veemon.
End of Chapter
O.k. I really don't have much to say.
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