Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Miracles of Love ❯ Confessions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Miracles of Love
By matn90
Disclamier: I don't own anything I don't own.
Anyway, he's the next chapter and I have nothing to say
Reviews: 1 (Well it's more like a flame really)
This is speech in normal tone
This is speech in thought.
Read on!
Chapter 2: Confessions
(The Next morning)
Gatomon stirred up and gave a yawn. She felt great, like she was the mon of the world. But then she realized she had her private parts out, underneath some sheets, and Veemon showing his privates also underneath the sheets, next to her.
She froze and gasped, OH MY GOD! I HAD SEX WITH VEEMON!!!
She hid her privates back into her fur as she then started to wake up Veemon.
“Veemon….Veemon!!” Said Gatomon whispering.
“Uh…is it breakfast already.” Said Veemon slowly waking up, but then remembering what he and Gatomon did last night he woke straight up and shot out of the sheets.
Gatomon blushed when she saw him, “Uh…Veemon….your digihood.”
Veemon looked down and then covered his crotch area with his hands before putting it away. “Gatomon…..I'm sorry…I don't-“
“Listen, don't worry about it. We can talk later, but we have to get you out of here. If anyone sees us like….this…I don't know what will happen.” Said Gatomon worried.
“O.K. I'll get going!” Said Veemon taking off with Gatomon behind him. They were about to get to the door when it opened and in came Tai and Agumon.
They stopped as Tai looked at them and asked, “Veemon…what are you doing here?”
Veemon and Gatomon looked at each other and then Veemon said, “We…were….sparring! Yeah that's it! I come here sometimes to spare against Gatomon! You know how a Digimon has to keep in shape right?”
Veemon and Gatomon prayed to what ever God their was that Tai and Agumon would take it.
“O.K. Say hi to Davis for me.” Said Tai walking into his room. Veemon and Gatomon finally breathed.
“Well…uh…I guess I'll see you later….” Said Veemon facing Gatomon.
“Um….yeah.” Said Gatomon.
They both looked at each other in silence and then Veemon took off. Agumon saw all this and asked, “What was that about?”
“Nothing….I'm going to take a bath.” Said Gatomon.
“Huh, I thought you didn't like baths.” Said Agumon a little suspicious.
“After last night….trust me I do.” Said Gatomon.
“Oh…you two must have been hitting each other hard.” Said Agumon thinking about them sparring.
Gatomon was forced to laugh at that since Agumon didn't really know what happened last night, “You've no idea.”
Veemon dashed all the way home, never stopping at all.
When he finally arrived he saw Davis on the sofa sleeping. He was about to head to the shower when some one picked him up and placed him on a chair.
“Well, now where was our little blue wonder today, hmm?” Asked Jun.
“Huh….. I was at Gatomon's house and I accidentally fell asleep so I came here in the morning.” Said Veemon.
“You're lying.” Said Jun after he finished.
“What…how did-“
“I can tell, anyway tell me the truth Veeboy or I'm wake up Davis and we both find out what you did last night.” Said Jun smiling evilly.
Veemon sighed as he told what happened between him and Gatomon. When he was finished he saw Jun staring at him with wide eyes and her mouth wide open.
“Wow……….that was…..weird.” Said Jun trying not to think of the images.
“I know…and I don't know what to do…..” Said Veemon.
“Well….I maybe good with couples, but lovers are not my department. I guess you're on your own on this one.” Said Jun.
“Well, please don't tell Davis this!” Said Veemon begging.
“Why not?” Asked Jun.
Veemon thought for a moment and then smiled, “Or else I'll tell everyone what happened in pages 130-135 in your Diary.”
Jun went red with rage, “You wouldn't dare.”
“I can and I will, if you don't keep shut.” Said Veemon glaring back.
Their was silence till Jun said, “Fine. Just go take a shower.”
Veemon nodded and went to the bathroom.
Veemon was taking a shower while rubbing soap all over his body when he started to think of what happened.
I slept with Gatomon. Why? I love her, but that just went too far! I didn't even know what I was doing! I just suddenly kissed her and my instincts took over! Even thought it was great, I just used her like that with out even asking! She probably hates me!
Veemon sighed, I guess all I can do is just tell her how I feel and hope for the best. If she doesn't kill me first.
Back in the Kamiya household, Gatomon sat in the tube with the water on hot. Normally she would never take a bath unless she had something really gross on her like blood or something. But she had VEEMON all over her and that was a good enough reason.
I still can't believe I had sex with Veemon? What was I think? What was I doing? Hell, what made him kiss me in the first place? I'm not saying it was bad, actually it was really enjoyable, but does this mean he has feelings for me?
Gatomon considered that, Veemon was the kind of person who would just do something like take a girl and just sleep with her. That wasn't Veemon.
The Veemon she knew was kind, brave, loyal, a good friend, and was always their to give you a smile.
But what if he did have a thing for Gatomon? What if he had fallen in love with her?
If he does then I don't know what I'm going to do. I like him, but now I'm confused on this. Do I really like him or do I care more about him? I guess I have to find out from Veemon later.
(Later that day)
The entire Digidestined, including Mimi and her partner, who were here in Japan for a week, were inside the Digital world. They thought it would be nice to have some time together and have some fun.
Davis, Tai, Ken, and T.K., and even Kari were all playing soccer. Matt was playing his guitar with Sora next to him. Palmon, Biyomon and Gatomon were talking. Same with Agumon, Gabumon and Veemon. Izzy was on his laptop and Tentomon was watching him. Joe and Gomamon were making hot dogs on a grill they brought with them. And finally Hawkmon, Yolie, Cody, Armadillomon, Wormmon, and Patamon were taking a nap.
However, Gatomon and Veemon were just looking at each other nervously the entire time. They were always a distance, because nether one of them knew what to say to the other.
Finally Gatomon took a deep breath and walked over to Veemon, Gabumon, and Agumon who were talking to each other and said, “Excuse me boys, but can I have a moment alone with Veemon?”
“Sure, why?” asked Agumon.
“We just need to talk.” Said Veemon as both him and Gatomon went of to a nearby woods so they wouldn't get disturbed.
“What was that about?” Asked Gabumon.
“I guess their going to discuss their sparing.” Said Agumon.
The two lovers walked for a while till they stopped at looked at each other.
Still beautiful. Thought Veemon.
Gatomon sighed, “I came to ask what happened.”
Veemon thought about it and said, “We made love.”
“I mean why did we?”
Veemon wasn't sure how to answer, “I-I don't know I mean something told me to kiss you and then it just went from their, I swear I didn't mean to do that Gatomon. I wasn't using you it's all my fault please don't be mad.”
“I know that…” Said Gatomon finally getting ready to ask the question, “Veemon what do you think of me.”
Veemon was silent for a while till he said, “I think you're the most beautiful Digimon in the world. And that you are the most amazing, wonderful, and honestly sexist Digimon I have even seen.”
“So...you love me?” Asked Gatomon with her heart beating like crazy.
“Yes….Gatomon I love you with all my heart and digital soul.” Said Veemon as his heart beat like crazy.
Gatomon sighed, “Well…”
“I know, you don't like me.” Said Veemon sighing.
“Honestly, I don't know. You're a great guy and very sweet, and I use to think of you as a great friend, but I don't know what to think now.” Said Gatomon.
“Well, can you think it over? I mean I do wish to have a relationship, but I only want to if you want to. If you want to remain as friends then I' fine with it.” Said Veemon.
Gatomon could see that he truly she felt that much to him.
He really means it….he actually does love me!
Both Digimon looked at that scream.
“What was Sora!” Said Gatomon.
“Come on!” Shouted Veemon as they went to help their friends.
End of Chapter two
Cliffhanger. You're going to have to wait tomorrow.
Anyway, once again I would like to say that this fic has nothing to do with Lord Patamon's! Please do not Flame me!!
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