Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai no Mirai ❯ Evolution ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Episode 2: Evolution

Chirika: "Well, it all started out as a typical summer day. You know... mass chaos, and all of that good stuff. What a surprise we all got when the weather started being weird, and we found these... really weird devices. Anyway, we've somehow landed ourselves in the Digital World, and we've even got our own Digimon. Too bad the whole reunion thing came to a violent end when some bogey named Deltamon attacked us. How the heck are we supposed to beat this thing? ... Well, I guess my parents WEREN'T lying when they told Hayashi and Yoshie about this place..."

******************************************************** ************

The high-pitched wailing that had started to fill the small, black room began to turn into an annoyance for the dark-haired girl that sat at the giant computer. "Chronomon! Get in here!"

A small Digimon entered the room almost immediately. It was about a foot-and-a-half tall, and a torn brown robe covered it. A short green snout poked out from under the hood, and it was carrying an hourglass. (Final Fantasy fans, think Tonberry with an hourglass. kthx.) "H-Hai, Reiko-sama?"

"Chronomon, tell me why I am sensing *humans* in the Digital World..." The young woman turned to look at the shaking Digimon, her blue eyes throwing a cold glare at it.

Chronomon pulled down its hood. "I-I don't know, Reiko-sama. It seems like the Digital Gate has opened... and these humans have somehow found a way into the Digital World. There are eleven of them... and each are accompanied by an In-Training Digimon..."

Yan Reiko narrowed her eyes. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Get rid of them." She flipped some of her indigo hair over her shoulder.

"I've already sent a Digimon out to destroy them, Reiko-sama. Deltamon."

"Good..." Reiko grinned evilly. This would teach them to invade on *her* territory.

******************************************************* *************

"Digivolve? Did I miss something?" Chirika asked nervously as Deltamon loomed over them, ready to attack.

"Come on, minna!" Akaimon shouted, jumping out of Chirika's arms. The other ten In-Training Digimon did the same, lining up in a row in front of Deltamon.

Above the confrontation, the clouds in the sky parted, letting eleven beams of multicoloured light envelope the small Digimon.

"Akaimon shinka... Okibimon!" The catlike head was now a full cat, bright red in colour. A small pouf of flames appeared in the middle of her forehead, and her tail became engulfed with fire.

"Gosamon shinka... Raijumon!" What was once a foxlike head was now a rather large wolflike creature, that appeared humanlike in structure. He was light blue in colour, and had jagged black stripes running randomly across his body.

"Muramon shinka... Yukimon!" She had transformed into a purple fox-like critter, and had lavender fur under her chin and on her forehead.

"Oremon shinka... Kumomon!" Oremon was now a white bird. His tail was very fluffy, almost cloud-like in form, as was the crest on his head.

"Gurimon shinka... Umimon!" Umimon was a bright blue rabbit. She had a white patch of fur on her underside, a wavy puff of white fur on her forehead, and a long tail with a fluffy ball of white fur on the tip of it.

"Aokimon shinka... Hanamon!" Hanamon was sort of a snail. Her body was yellow, and a pink-and-orange shell was on her back. A large green leaf sprouted from the middle of her forehead, and small green seed-like objects appeared around her neck, almost like a necklace.

"Kuromon shinka... Nankyomon!" The black snakelike creature was now a sort of black dragon, that had small wings on its back. The rainbow crest now reached all the way down her back.

"Shiromon shinka... Hokkyomon!" He appeared to be the exact same as his counterpart, Nankyomon, except that he was white in colour and the colours of his crest were reversed.

"Momomon shinka... Hoshimon!" Hoshimon was a small pink horse, that reached to Kayari's waist. Her mane and tail faded from blue to purple, and dark pink stripes adorned her back. Her hooves were black.

"Kapurimon shinka... Hagurumon!" Hagurumon basically looked like a large gold-and-silver gear with red eyes, that had two smaller gears for hands of sorts.

"Kururumon shinka... Saimon!" Saimon was another cat, that stood upright on her back legs, and she was white in colour. Her paws, ears, and the tip of her tail were black, and she had a ring around her tail that had a cat's eye symbol on it.

Deltamon growled at the eleven now-rookie Digimon, as they prepared for attack.

"Blazing Flame!" Okibimon swung her tail at Deltamon, releasing a stream of fire.

"Thunder Punch!" Raijumon's right fist sparkled with electricity, as he thrust it forward. A ball of lightning left it, making its way toward the target.

"Flying Snow!" Yukimon took a deep breath, blowing a stream of ice-cold air from her mouth.

Deltamon growled at the sight of these three attacks, then proceeded to release his own. "Triple Forces!"

"I don't think so!" Kumomon said, taking to the sky. "Star Fog!" He flapped his wings hard, blowing a mass of sparkling fog around the area. Deltamon looked around confused, unable to find his targets.

"Sea Foam!" Umimon swished her tail from side-to-side, creating a burst of foamy water that sped toward Deltamon.

"Leaf Cutter!" Hanamon swung her head around, releasing two razor-sharp leaves from an unknown area under her shell.

"Black Flame!" Nankyomon breathed a jet of black fire at the enemy.

"White Flame!" Hokkyomon's attack was the same, except that his flame was white, rather than black.

"Star Fire!" Hoshimon's mane and tail spiked itself toward Deltamon, sparkling with energy. Star-shaped bolts of energy shot from the hair.

"Darkness Gear!" Hagurumon's face opened up dow the middle, shooting several spinning gears.

With the remainder of attacks, Saimon attached herself to Deltamon's tail, swiping at it with her claws. "Cat's Paw Buster!" She leapt off as the other attacks hit simultaneously.

Deltamon roared in agony, running off before he was able to dissolve into nothingness.

Chirika was at a loss for words.

Xianji poked her. "Hey, I think we won..."

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" Kagami said coldly, crossing his arms.

Chirika clenched her fist, grinning widely. "YAT-TAA!" She ran at Okibimon, enveloping her in a massive hug. "That was awesome!"

"Well, us Digimon are pretty cool!" Okibimon said, watching the other ten Digimon return to their respective partners. "You're not so scared now, are you, Chirika-san?"

**************************************************** ****************

"Uh-oh..." Chronomon quickly pulled his hood over his head, before Reiko came stomping over to him. He shivered in fear, awaiting the oncoming kicks.

"Chronomon wa baka!" Reiko yelled, kicking him over. "Why aren't they GONE? Why did Deltamon run off like a scared rat?! And tell me... why was he defeated by eleven Rookie Digimon?!"

"I... I don't know, Reiko-sama..." Chronomon whimpered, holding his side in pain. "He wasn't strong enough... I guess..."

"You guess, eh? Well then... I'll just have to make them stronger, won't I?!" She delivered another kick to his side, then stormed off to her giant computer.

Chronomon watched her retreating back, then sighed to himself. "Whatever will make you happy, Reiko-sama."

***************************************************** ***************

"But how could this have happened, Heza-chan?" Ichijouji Saiko asked, fidgeting nervously as she sat on the couch across from her best friend.

Eventually, Akista and Heza had called up every one of their friends who had sent their children to the summer camp. Heza, Saiko, Akista, Sora, Mimi, Kamira, and Miyako were sitting in the living room of the Ishida house.

"I don't know, Saiko-chan..." Heza said, clutching her Digivice. "Sora-chan, Mimi-chan, Kamira-chan, we all know that the Digital Gate closed after Armageddomon's defeat. Gennai said that it would never open again after that..."

Sora thought for a moment. "Well... maybe it's like what happened when Ken-san began taking control of the Digital World. Do you remember, Miyako-chan?"

Miyako nodded, holding her youngest son in her lap. "Hai. Perhaps somebody's found a way to sort of hack into the Digital World's data, and have opened the gate. It would have to take a very intelligent person to do that, though."

"And only someone with a purpose..." Akista said. "There's really no reason for anyone to get into it, unless they were bent on taking over..."

"... And the only one that we know is smart enough to do that is Koushirou-san," Mimi said. "But why would he hack into the Digital World?"

"He's not doing any important studies on it right now, Mimi-chan..." Kamira said.

"Well, like Aki-chan said... maybe somebody wants to take over the Digital World," Saiko said.

"But what about our children, Saiko-chan?" Heza asked. "Chirika and the others don't know what's out there! I... I'm worried."

Akista put a hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her. "We all are, Heza-chan. But we can't let that stop us from trying to find out what happened. After all... if our children can get to the Digital World, we could too."

Kamira thought to herself for a moment. "I'll talk to Koushi-kun... maybe he can help us find out what's going on." Her expression hardened. "Yume-chan's so young... she doesn't really know how to fend for herself..."

"There's got to be something we can do about this..." Sora said. But somehow, the others weren't so sure.

************************************************************ ********

"So..." Xianji started. "Digimon, eh? Wow..."

"Yyyyyup!" Kumomon chirped from the top of Tsubasa's head. The eleven humans and their new friends had sat down for some lunch and to straighten things out.

"My 'kaachan used to tell me stories about you things..." Yume said, digging a crumbled cookie out of the pocket of her skirt. "Here. Want it?" She smiled, offering the cookie to the violet fox sitting next to her.

Yukimon sniffed it, then gobbled it down in one gulp. "Oishii! Ya got anymore?"

Chirika blinked, then glared at Yume. "You shouldn't feed cookies to these guys, gaki. We don't know what they can eat. You could have just made Yukimon sick!"

Yume looked at Chirika for a second. Her lower lip began to quiver.

"Chiri!" Moira gasped, exasperated. "Don't say things like that. We don't want to upset anyone!"

"Yeah, really!" Umimon said. "We can eat pretty much anything. Unless it's icky."

"And we're not too picky," Hokkyomon added. "Well... most of us aren't..." He looked to his counterpart, Nankyomon.

"Oh, whatEVER! You just can't pick out good food like I can," Nankyomon countered.

"They sound like Kikai and Kaiki!" Tsubasa said, laughing.

"Sugoi," Kagami muttered sarcastically. "As if two weren't bad enough already..."

"Hey!" Kaiki shouted. "We're not that bad... are we?" He looked at his twin sister, scratching his head.

"Well, maybe you are..." Kikai grinned smugly.

"Okay, alright..." Dan said, in an attempt to calm everyone down. "Now that we're all acquainted..." He looked at the snail-like creature sitting by him. "Hanamon, do you know of any way that we can get out of here?"

"What? You wanna leave so soon? Dan, you're silly." Nukumi laughed. Saimon joined her, and before long, nearly everybody else were in a fit of giggles.

"Seriously though..." Kayari began. "It's not like we can open up another canyon and jump through that to get back..."

"Oh, no!" Hoshimon neighed. "Beneath the ground lies an immense darkness. If you even do so much as approach it, it'll suck you right up... and you'll never come back."

"So much for THAT idea..." Chirika sighed.

"Well... we can help you try to get home," Okibimon said, swishing her flaming tail. "But really... you should stay a while."

"Hai," Hagurumon said, hovering in the air. "There haven't ever been any other humans in the Digital World before... at least not that I know of..."

"There have," Saimon said. "That's what my otousan says."

"Oh, Digimon have families too?" Moira asked. "How nice!"

Saimon nodded. "Yep. Otousan says that he had a friend who was a human, and there were lots of other humans here at one point."

"So how come we haven't heard of this until now?" Xianji asked.

"The Digital World is a very mysterious place," Raijumon said, crossing his arms. "Perhaps it could be a danger to humans such as yourselves." He closed his eyes.

"He's right," Hanamon said. "There's lots of really scary Digimon here that could take any of us out with a single attack. That's why we have to stick together!"

"And let's not forget... Reiko." Hokkyomon said.

"Oh, right!" Hagurumon said, sweatdropping. "I forgot about her."

The eleven Digimon grew quiet. There was an awkward silence.

After a few minutes, Yume spoke. "Who's Reiko?"

Raijumon opened his eyes. "Reiko is a being that comes from your world," he looked at Xianji, "she is older and wiser than yourselves. She has come here, in hopes of somehow overtaking our world."

"But we're not gonna let her!" Umimon said, her long ears twitching.

"That's right!" Kumomon said, extending his wings. "'Cause you guys are here."

"I'm confused," Kikai said.

"...Like always," Kagami said under his breath.

Kikai shot a glare at him, then continued. "Why do you need us to get rid of this Reiko person?"

"Because," a sudden voice said from out of nowhere, "you have special powers."

"Wha? Who's there?" Tsubasa asked to no one, looking around.

Without warning, a bright magenta flash appeared in the center of the circle that the group was sitting in. It faded away to reveal a human boy that appeared to be no older than nine years old. He had green hair pulled into a ponytail on top of his head, brilliant yellow eyes, and he was decked out in robes of red, blue, yellow, and green.

"Heya Kensei!" Hokkyomon said, his eyes brightening.

The boy, who was assumed to be Kensei, nodded at Hokkyomon, smiling. He then looked to the other humans, who were confused as all hell.

"Greetings," he said. "I am Kensei. Anyway, as I was saying... you guys have special powers."

"Wait just a second!" Chirika interrupted. "Who exactly are you, and how did you get here?"

"My my, how rude... anyway, I am the guardian of the Primary Village. You'll find out about that later. And as to how I got here..." He looked to the sky, as if he was searching his mind for an answer. "...I don't really know. But nevermind that."

"What's this about us having powers...?" Kayari asked.

"I'll explain that to you later. Right now, I must inform you of the current dangrs that may befall you." He took a deep breath. "As of seven days and seven nights ago, the Digital World has been plagued with an intense evil. The Infinity Crystal has been stolen by a human like yourselves-"

"Reiko?" Chirika asked.

"Don't interrupt me," Kensei said. "As I was saying, the Infinity Crystal... this is an artifact leftover from the Great Rebirth (A/N: This is from a part of Sweet Dreams that hasn't been written yet ^.^;). It has immense power, enough to unify two worlds... or destroy them. If it falls into the wrong hands, which I fear that it has, it could mean disaster for your world and ours. The eleven of you have the power to take back the Infinity Crystal, and set the balance of the Digital World and the human world back in order."

"Woah..." Tsubasa said. "This is all happening pretty fast. How much time do we have?"

"I can't exactly tell right now, Motomiya-san. But you will know when the time comes to retrieve the Infinity Crystal..."

****************************************************** **************

Reiko tapped away at the keyboard in front of her, her eyes unmoving from the picture on the monitor. It was a symbol that roughly resembled the Japanese kanji for 'rei', or 'cold'. That was how Reiko was. She was a cold child.

The door to the dark room had been left slightly ajar. Chronomon poked his green snout into the room, being careful not to disturb Reiko. He knew that she didn't like to be disturbed while she was busy.

As Reiko came to a close on her little 'project' of sorts, a grim smirk found its way onto her pale face. She began laughing; it was a quiet yet maniacal laugh. It gradually became louder, and at this, Chronomon quietly entered the room.

"R-Reiko-sama? Do you have a p-plan?" he asked, not knowing what she could do if she found out that he was in *her* chamber.

To his surprise, Reiko turned around and gave an eerie smile. "Yes, Chronomon, I have a plan that is utterly foolproof... and I will need your help to employ it." The small, weak Digimon blinked at her in shock; she rarely needed his help. Reiko started to walk out the door, beckoning for him to follow her.

Chronomon hesitantly followed Reiko out the door and down a wide hallway, in fear of what she would order him to do.

A few minutes later, the two of them entered another room. As soon as the door was opened, a bright light flooded out of it. Chronomon shielded his eyes as the two of them walked into the room.

Reiko didn't seem to be fazed by the light as she walked toward a small pedestal in the center of the room. In a narrow column of light floated a small, diamond-shaped crystal. Many hues shimmered on its shining surface. Being careful not to touch it -- rumor had it that touching the crystal would be fatal to humans -- Reiko cupped her hands around the area where it was floating, and withdrew it from the column of light.

It hovered over her cupped hands. "The Infinity Crystal..." she muttered. "I must learn to harness its power, so I can conquer the Digital World..." She turned to look at Chronomon, who had long since stopped following her. "Come here."

Chronomon slowly made his way over to the girl. When he got there, she kneeled down next to him, and handed him the crystal. "Now, Chronomon. I want you to understand something. You will use this crystal ONLY for the purpose of converting Digimon to follow my rule. If I discover that you use it for other reasons, you will never see the light of the Digital World again."

Chronomon's face paled (as much as a green-skinned Digimon could pale) as he took the crystal in his free hand. Touching the Infinity Crystal was fatal to humans (or so it was believed), but it filled Digimon with an immense power. The robed Digimon wasn't used to recieving so much power at once, but he knew that it was his duty to follow Reiko's every command.

Reiko held her hand over the crystal which lay in Chronomon's outstretched hand. Black sparks began travelling from the palm of her hand to the crystal, causing the colours in it to violently shift around within it. Reiko grimaced; this was somewhat painful. She jerked her hand away from the crystal, holding it in her other. Despite this, she let out another one of her quiet-yet-maniacal laughs.

"Go, Chronomon. Find me a Digimon that is worthy of destroying the other humans that are invading my world..." She narrowed her icy blue eyes at Chronomon, who promptly turned around and trotted out of the room.

************************************************************ ********

"So... y'know, I didn't think you guys actually existed," Chirika said, looking down at Okibimon.

Okibimon grinned. "You thought wrong! We're flesh and blood, just like you guys!"

"Not exactly, Okibimon..." Hanamon chirped from atop Dan's head. "We Digimon are actually data. This whole world is data."

"That would explain why it's called the 'Digital World', right?" Dan asked.

Raijumon nodded as he walked alongside Xianji. "Correct. You see, we Digimon--"

The wolflike Digimon was cut off by a shriek that seemed to be coming from Kikai. "Eeeeeeeee!~" She ran ahead of the group, and into a clearing in the forest that the group was walking through.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Kaiki ran after her, Hokkyomon and Nankyomon in tow.

"What in the..." Tsubasa blinked.

"We should follow them," Kayari said. "Maybe they found help!"

The rest of the group ran ahead, sans Moira and Umimon.

"Doushita, Moira-san?" Umimon asked.

Moira stared blankly ahead. "I don't have a very good feeling about this... If they do find some sort of contact device, it just doesn't seem right that those kind of things would be in a world like this..."

"Well, you can find a lot of weird things in the Digital World!" Umimon said cheerfully. "Come on, we don't wanna get left behind!" She hopped ahead.

"...Okay..." Moira skeptically followed her.

"...What IS that thing?" Nukumi asked, blinking at the thing that Kikai had set herself down at. It looked to be a cross between a telephone and a typewriter.

"It's a TTY!~" Kikai said. "We use these in my JSL class, they're really fun!~" She picked up the telephone part of it, and punched in a few numbers. "I can contact okaachan through this thing!~ She has one of these at her work." She then put the phone back on the reciever, then typed in a message on the keyboard part of the device.

The rest of the group crowded in closely to see the messages that scrolled across the small screen on the TTY.

Kikai typed in: HELLO GA

After a few moments, they recieved a message: HELLO GA

"Question," Kagami said. "What does GA mean?"

Kikai turned around and grinned at him. "It stands for 'go ahead', you type it after everything to let the person on the other line know you're ready for them to respond!~"



Kikai's face paled even more than it already was. "What?!~ Prepare to die?!~"

"Hey, something isn't right!" Chirika said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Kagami said.

It was then that Moira and Umimon rejoined the group. "What did you guys find?" Umimon asked from a distance.

"I think we're about to be--" Tsubasa was cut off by a chunk of the ground bursting up under where Moira and Umimon were standing.

"Aaaaaa!" Moira quickly scrambled off of the lump that had appeared in the ground. She slid a bit, and fell to the ground in front of it. Umimon landed on her back next to her. Moira stood up and ran back to the group in fear.

The lump began moving, and what appeared to look like a large dog shook the dirt and sand off it itself. It looked down at Umimon, its eyes glowing red.

"What IS that thing?!" Kayari asked to nobody in particular.

"That's Dobermon!" Hanamon said. "He hunts his enemies with a dark light! And his Grau Realm attack is lethal, so you better watch out!"

Umimon stood up and dusted herself off. "Sea Foam!" She began waving her tail back and forth, creating the foamy liquid that formed her attack.

Dobermon shook off the attack, and whacked Umimon to the side with his large paw. He then charged toward the group, bearing his fangs and claws.

"Look out!" Hokkyomon said as he and his twin fluttered out of the line of fire.

But their human friends weren't fast enough, and ended up gaining lots of scratches and bruises as Dobermon zipped from one person to another.

Chirika fell to the ground, rolling over a few times. She groaned, trying to sit up. "Itai..." She got her bearings and stood up, just as Dobermon tackled Xianji, pinning him to the ground.

"Get off of me, mutt!" Xianji said angrily, attempting to keep Dobermon from biting him.

"Hey!" Chirika looked around on the ground, picking up a small rock. She flung it at Dobermon, hitting him on the head. "Back off of my friend, ya hear?!"

Dobermon growled and turned to Chirika, just as she picked up another rock and threw it. The doglike Digimon managed to dodge this one, and he charged at Chirika.

"Shimatta!" She then realized that throwing the second rock was a mistake, and began to run. She quickly dashed to a nearby tree and climbed up it as fast as she could. Dobermon caught up with her quickly, and he began scratching at the tree, barking.

Okibimon began sprinting toward Dobermon, and she pounced onto his back and dug her claws into his sides. "Leave Chirika alone!"

Chirika looked down at them. "Okibimon!"

Dobermon now became occupied with trying to force Okibimon off of his back. Chirika took the opportunity to get a good look at the battle. She then noticed a mark on Dobermon's forehead; it appeared to be some sort of kanji. *That's weird...* she thought.

Okibimon felt herself sliding off of her opponent's back; the flames on her tail flared up. "Blazing Flame!" Before long, the two Digimon were both on fire. Dobermon snarled and growled as the flames licked his body, yet Okibimon was unharmed due to her fur being flame-resistant.

Dobermon suddenly threw Okibimon off of his back, forcing her to ceace the attack. Although he had some serious burns to his body (and ego), he growled at Okibimon, baring his fangs. He opened his mouth, ready to strike.

Chirika saw this, and a single thought crossed her mind. *Hey, no! You can't kill Okibimon! I won't let you!*

The doglike Digimon took Okibimon's paw in his teeth and bit down.

And then, from the trees, a shout pierced the sudden silence: "OKIBIMON!!!"

As Chirika finished shouting her Digimon partner's name, a bright light shot out from the device that was clipped onto her belt. She took it off of her belt and looked at it. A beam of red light was shooting out from a small hole on the top of it. She instinctively pointed the beam at Okibimon.

The catlike Digimon felt an immense about of power radiating into her body.

"Okibimon shinka... Pyromon!" What once was a catlike animal, now appeared to have more of a foxlike structure. Pyromon was a bit larger in size than Okibimon, but now had elongated ears, and flaming fur around her shoulders and tail, as well as on her forehead.

The rest of the group had been tending to their wounds as the fight was taking place. Hanamon looked up at what was happening. "Nyuu! Okibimon has evolved!"

"Evolved? Whaaa?" Tsubasa asked.

"We Digimon can change forms, though not at will. It's sort of like what you humans refer to as 'growing up', in a sense," Raijumon explained. "Okibimon is now Pyromon, her fourth growth level."

"Yes, and she's a mean one, too! Pyromon is a Champion level Digimon, who has the power to set entire forests on fire! Her Flame Thrower and Flare Arrow attacks are devastating and can cause second-degree burns! ...Whatever those are," Hanamon said.

"Well, this is great and all, but will she be able to defeat Dobermon?" Kaiki asked.

"Let's watch and find out!" Hokkyomon said.

The newly-evolved Pyromon leapt into the air, eclipsing the sun. Dobermon looked on in shock as a burst of flames formed around Pyromon.

"Flare Arrow!" Pyromon streaked toward the dumbfounded Digimon, headbutting him and knocking him back a few yards. Dobermon countered with a biting attack, causing Pyromon to yelp in pain.

This continued for several minutes, until both Digimon seemed to be nearly tired out.

"Pyromon's so tired..." Chirika muttered to herself. "There's gotta be something I can do..." She looked at the device in her hands. Out of a mix of curiosity and panic, she began randomly pressing buttons on it.

Pyromon suddenly collapsed to the ground, giving Dobermon an opportinity to attack. The doglike Digimon approached his opponent, raising his claws to strike.

Chirika, still pressing buttons, began to worry that Pyromon would be destroyed. *No... I can't let that happen! I won't! Pyromon, you've got to get up and fight! You can do it!*

Pyromon closed her eyes, waiting to be hit.

All of a sudden, a white light shot from the hole on the top of the device, only this time instead of going to Pyromon, it went to a spot on Dobermon's forehead. The kanjilike symbol started glowing, and just as Dobermon started to strike, it disappeared.

Pyromon opened her eyes to see Dobermon frozen in place. "Uh...?"

Dobermon stopped his attack. He sniffed at Pyromon for a moment, then turned around and walked away, no longer interested in fighting.

Chirika blinked. "What. The HELL. Was that?!"

"Yo, Chiri! I dunno what you did, but that was awesome!" Xianji said as the group ran over.

"Uh... thanks, I think..." She then climbed down the tree and ran over to Pyromon. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked.

"Nngh... I think so..." Pyromon said. As if on cue, she began glowing with a red light. When it dissipated, Okibimon was left standing in her place.

"Hey, I guess the evolution isn't permanent," Kayari said.

"It'd be better if it was, though," Hoshimon said from beside her. "There wouldn't be much evil in this world if it was."

"But that takes all the fun out of it!" Tsubasa said. "Battling evil is fun!" He flashed a peace sign.

Nukumi giggled. "Shut up, Tsubasa."

This drew a laugh from the majority of the group. Kagami merely smirked. Nothing could break him.

************************************************************* *******

Reiko watched the scene with interest from the safety of her dark chamber. "Impressive... I think I'll let these guys stay here for a while. We'll have some... fun..."