Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Here's the party piece, it's a birthday present and there is a lemon in the end. (Yeah! About time too!)
In fanfic it's the beginning of June because I still need school (and I made Miyako a Gemini), but in the fanfic's timeline I'll get Taito by the beginning of August. I know you like it!
Thanks, syenite kai, you know how to cheer me up with the reviews... No, this won't end as Yamaken, though there will be some, of course, this will end as Taito though it looks like Yamato'd rather die than be his bitch.
This chapter - I know you're gonna hate me for that little lemon... I can feel your menace...
Chang Wufei *evil smirk* I dunno... I needed a name... I swear I don't know anything about Korea... Sorry.
I write sloppily... I know.

~Cake with Lemon~

The Digidestined lot gathered before Yamato's apartment door. The bell was answered by a cheerful green-haired boy with brown eyes and an accent.
"Hi! You must be Yamato's friends. I'm Chang. Come in. He's making himself more beautiful than he is," the boy said. The group gaped at him.
"The guy from the cafe..." Sora whispered.
"Chang, I'm just cooking!" Yamato shouted.
"Yamato?!" yelled Taichi in anger. "Who the hell is that?!!"
The blond appeared in the hall with a wide smile plastered on his shining face.
"Chang here is my date," he said. He wrapped his arm around the green-haired boy's waist.
Everyone's glances turned to Takeru for explanation.
"Yamato has a boyfriend," the smaller blonde shrugged. "I'm Takeru, his little brother," he introduced himself.
"Yamato finally realised his true calling," Koushiro said.
The blond left the remark hanging and went into the kitchen.
The girls followed him with packs of food tucked under their armpits. Jyou dragged a box of beer into the apartment and slammed the door shut.
Takeru went into Yamato's room and blasted the stereo. Chang joined Yamato in the kitchen while the Digidestined organized a quick private discussion in his father's bedroom.
Chang raised his eyes at Yamato.
"Are they going to kill me?"
"Uhm, I didn't mention it, did I?"
"It doesn't matter. I have no place to go, you know."
Yamato smiled and returned to cutting vegetables. Chang enveloped him in his arms from behind.
"Want me to cook macaroni?" he asked.
"Uhm, yes. Taichi and Daisuke are gonna wipe the fridge clean anyway."

"What are they doing?" Jyou asked suspiciously.
"Chang cooks macaroni," Iori whispered peeking through the keyhole. "Yamato watches TV."
"He can cook? Okay, I'll let him live," Taichi said.
"So, what do we do?"
"Have a party!" Daisuke opened the door and led the way.

"I love toasts with cucumbers!" Miyako announced and grabbed a plate to herself.
Everyone reached out to strangle her when the clock struck midnight.
"Uh oh," Hikari said.
the chorus of Digidestined hollered.
"Okay, Miyako is untouchable. Who's gonna take her place tonight?"
The blond laughed contagiously. "My birthday's the next, so no bashing me!!!"
"Where is my cake?!" Miyako protested.
"Which one, dear?" Hikari gave her a kiss.
"All of them!!!"
"Bring them in! Bring them in!" Mimi clapped her hands.
The guys fetched 15 cakes from the kitchen.
"I want my presents!!!" the girl demanded.
Her whims were fulfilled.
"I miss my Hawkmon," Miyako grew sad. Hikari hugged her. A fire sprang into Miyako's eyes.
"I know!" she said. "I'm gonna get a kiss from everyone in this room and that'll cheer me up!"
Hikari pluckered her lips and pouted.
"Oh, don't look at me that way, Hikari-chan," Miyako coaxed her. "I'll be thursting for your special kisses..."
Hikari looks improved and everyone secretly let out a sigh; seeing a jealousy scene between two hyper girls was ill-advised.
"Ichijouji Ken!" Miyako announced. "You come first, since I've been dying to get you earlier!"
Ken found himself on his back and facing Miyako in no time.
"Kiss me..." the girl leaned close to him.
"Wait..! Help me! Argh!"
Miyako licked his lips.
"I'm gonna tell Momoe I kissed the genius Ichijouji! Next, Jyou! Because you look so ...reliable! ...
Mimi, I love you! You're my next! ... Sora, I can't thank you for everything you did for me! ... Taichi, you horny boy, you inspired me to become the person I am! ... "
Chang gave a puzzled look to Yamato.
"It's okay," Yamato reassured him.
"No, it's just... does any of them know how to kiss?"
"Koushiro, my idol! ... Takeru, you being with my Hikari broke my heart! ... Iori, thanks for prune juice! ... No, Daisuke, I'll kiss you last, you're stupid... Yamato! Hey, guys, get jealous, I'm kissing Yamato! ... Okay, Daisuke, just a peck, or I'll catch your stupidity! ... And finally, my sweet Hikari! I love you!!! ........................................................................."< br> "Oh, Miyako!!! ..................................................................."
Ya mato turned to Chang.
"What do you mean?"
"They boast of their sexuality... but they're virgins!" he said.
Everyone looked their way uncomfortably.
"Time for candle blowing, Miyako!" Yamato said and ignited the red candle on the first cake. "Make your wish."
The procedure was repeated on every of 15 cakes.
Takeru raised the level of music.
"Beer?" Jyou offered a bottle to everyone.
"Karaoke!" Miyako screamed. "Yamato, you're gonna accompany me!"
"You sing, Yamato?" Chang wondered.
"Yamato is a leader singer of the band 'Teenage Wolves'!" Jyou informed him happily.
"Whoa," the green-haired boy whistled. "I've got myself some boyfriend!"
The Digidestined sang until the neighbours started banging on the walls.
"Guys, quiet down!" Yamato shouted. "I don't wanna deal with the police!"
The music was turned down and the Digidestined sat in silence, munching their cakes.
Until one piece loaded with whipped cream hit Daisuke's square in the face. Ken laughed out loud and ducked behind the chair, when Daisuke scooped an icing from the nearest cake and flung it back at his boyfriend! Yamato crawled behind the door gesturing Chang to follow him and grabbed a cake. He took a generous piece and aimed it at Taichi, who was busy with dumping his ice-cream cake over Sora's head. The piece covered with jam and fruit flew in Taichi's face and Yamato couldn't help laughing like a maniac. Chang pulled him to the floor and Jyou's aimed piece of cake squashed into the door, splattering Yamato and Chang with wine-soaked crumbles.
"Hey, it's a good one!" Yamato gathered the cake from the door and munched it thoughtfully. "Can you do that again, Jyou?"
"Gotcha!" Mimi laughed. Yamato shook a chocolate ice-cream roll from his neck.
"Shall I help you?" Chang volunteered and licked the remaining stuff off. Yamato whimpered in delight.
A real cake fight scene was opening before them.
Chang made his way to Yamato's lips and kissed him with passion. Yamato kissed back shutting his eyes firmly. His nerves rang with excitement and Yamato liked it.
"Aw, making out time!" Hikari cried and pulled Miyako in the corner and kissed her on lips through the thick layer of cake and cream. "You're so sweet!"
"Hey, what for?!" cried Taichi. Koushiro and Jyou pinned him to the floor and were meticulously stuffing his clothes with pieces of cakes, choosing tricky ones of ice-cream, toffees and marshmallows.
"You know what for!" they yelled back at him and gagged him with a piece of strawberry and banana cake. "Take that!"
"Ishida, I'm calling the police!" the neighbours boomed behind the wall.
Yamato snapped his eyes open, lost in the kiss, and drew away from Chang. He ran the back of his shaking hand over his wet lips and blushed.
"S-S-Sorry, Chang... Guys, it's 3 in the morning so QUIET DOWN!"
"Uhm, KEN!" Daisuke screamed in silence.
Several chuckles ensued but otherwise the kids were too busy slipping each other tongues to pay attention.
Daisuke crawled from the back of the couch and stumbled across Takeru and Iori wrapped into each other's arms.
"Sorry," he muttered.
"Fuck you," Takeru said and continued kissing the small boy.
Daisuke made way to Yamato and scratched his head before asking if he could use the bathroom. Yamato decided he could do with a shower because Daisuke's skin was severely stained by whipped cream and banana split and who knows what else. (I sound horny, but it's Daisuke here!)
The party gradually split up in pairings who took their turn to use the shower. Koushiro and Jyou started a bath fight with soap and were exiled into the kitchen. There, they danced on the table and broke Yamato's old rice bowl. Finally, Hikari shoved his laptop into Koushiro's hands and he meditated before it and Ken lent some of his books to Jyou. (Later Jyou was seen sleeping on them.)
The question of where to sleep was put up at half past four in the morning.
"You can use my room," said Yamato putting away his guitar (he had an inspiration moment in the bathroom and went to compose a song). "I'm going to share my father's bedroom with Chang."
Taichi struck a pose.
"I want in too!"
"Tai!" Yamato yawned. "You just don't wanna clean my bedroom from cakes..."
"Lay off."
Takeru sneaked into Yamato's bed in the middle of a heated discussion and pretended to be sound asleep. When his turn came, Yamato didn't have the heart to 'wake' his angel brother up and left the bed to him and Iori. Hikari and Miyako got a chair. Taichi and Koushiro won another chair in a heated argument between them and Mimi. Mimi and Sora got two futons since Jyou was tucked in the corner with books. Ken and Daisuke somehow got a couch.
The party was officially over at five in the morning.

(lemon alert!)
The sheets rustled and Chang climbed into his bed. Yamato shifted uneasily and looked out of the window. His friends' bickering was heard from his room. Soft music sounded from the radio in the kitchen.
Yamato heard Chang roll over and kept staring into the window. Lights of the big city stared back at him.
"Yamato?" Chang whispered by his ear.
Yamato blinked.
"What?" he whispered back.
A hand crept up his back and rested on his shoulder blade.
"Your friends want you, right?" the Korean boy asked.
Yamato turned his head and found that Chang rose on his elbows to stare down his face.
"I can see why," Chang murmured. He stole a hungry look down Yamato's body. The blond took a sitting position.
"I can't," he said.
Chang didn't want to pretend.
"I see. You don't know me good enough?"
"Well, yeah."
Yamato ran his eyes on the ceiling and the walls before locking his gaze on the greenhaired teen.
Chang put out a hand and cupped his cheek.
"But don't you wanna try?" he said kindly. Yamato's throat tensed but he didn't look away. Chang moved closer very careful not to terrify Yamato. The blue eyes watched his lips and finally closed when Chang brought his face to brush their lips together. Their kiss turned into a sensual one. Yamato parted his lips and let his tongue taste Chang's. Then he moved away and slid down the pillow. Chang lowered himself on top of him.
Yamato slightly panted. He brought Chang's face down by the back of his head and kissed him. Chang moaned and Yamato found that incredibly stimulating.
Something heavy landed very hard on the floor in Yamato's bedroom.
"Uhm," Chang smiled. "You wanna check it?"
Yamato burst into his bedroom.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Taichi and Koushiro started to pull the chair upright with guilty faces.
"What were you doing - diving from the back to the floor?!" Yamato wasn't buying Taichi's blush.
"They were trying..." Hikari gasped. "Ha ha ha!"
"To... to...," Sora snorted into her fist.
"To fuck!" Ken finished.
"Allright!" Yamato clenched his fist. "Just leave me and Chang alone!"
He returned to his father's bedroom and locked the door. Chang was chuckling into the pillow.
"Poor Yamato... come here."
Yamato went inside the circle of Chang's arms.
"How is it?" Yamato asked quietly, "To be with another guy?"
"Do you want me to show you?"
"I'm not sure..."
Yamato was cut off by a fiery kiss. Chang helped him out of his t-shirt and traced a wet trail of kisses across his chest. He caught one nipple between his lips and pulled. Yamato groaned. Chang bent over the right nipple and licked it into erection.
"Oh my..." Yamato gasped.
Chang thrusted out his tongue and used the flat surface to lick Yamato's stomach up to his chest and down to the brim of his pyjamas shorts. His head brushed against Yamato's crotch and Chang descended his body, warming up his thighs and knees. His tongue reached to the tender area of the back of the knees and he grazed the skin with the tip of his tongue.
The air left Yamato's lungs sharply.
Chang drew up to face the blond.
"You want me to do... more rough things to you?"
"I dunno..."
"Men like it."
"Yeah. Very much."
Yamato nodded. Chang sucked his earlobe and covered his neck with kisses. His hand stole to Yamato's backside and into his shorts. Yamato bucked in Chang. The green-haired boy's fingers rubbed at his entrance.
Yamato did like it. He wriggled on the bed, adjusting himself.
"Good enough, Yamato?"
"Yeah.." Yamato whimpered. His body relaxed under Chang's rhythmical strokes.
"I'll pull down the shorts, then?"
"Go on."
Chang used his other hand to free Yamato from his clothes. His fingers locked over the boy's cock and squeezed. Yamato's cries were muffled up by well-timed kisses.
"Oh my..."
Yamato felt sweat break up on his forehead. He tugged on Chang's trousers urging him to take them off. The green-haired stopped massaging Yamato and took off his pyjamas.
"You want to go on?"
"Yeah... Wait! Will it hurt?"
Yamato lay back. "Okay."
Chang crawled to the side of the bed and got a lubricant.
"First, I'm gonna give you a blowjob," he warned. "Now, get a pillow if you don't want anybody listen in."
Chang took him inside his mouth and licked the tip of his cock.
"Ah!" Yamato pressed the pillow into his teeth.
The green-haired boy pumped him and Yamato had a wild orgasm, sobbing into his pillow.
While Yamato was catching his breath and relaxing, Chang lubricated him. He wanted to move in between his thighs when Yamato stretched out his hand mischievously and pumped him in return.
"Yamato! Oh, not so fast!" Chang moaned happily.
Yamato let go. He didn't deny he enjoyed it. Hell, it was much more exciting that to watch!
Chang pulled Yamato's hips up.
Yamato nodded and grabbed the pillow again. Chang guided himself into him. There was pain at the first penetration but he could live with it. He bit the pillow hard and groaned. Chang edged deeper until Yamato's clenched fists and rushed breathing stopped him. Yamato gave a long moan and fell back on the bed. Chang rocked their bodies. He once again massaged the blond into erection and further into the premonition of orgasm until Yamato started to buck and wriggle into him. Chang thrusted into his tightness and slided over the pleasurous spot. Yamato let go of the pillow, gasped and grabbed the boy's shoulders. Chang pressed their lips together and thrusted in real. Gasps and moans were caught between their hot mouths. Yamato's skin was covered in a layer of intoxicating sweat. Finally, Yamato and Chang came with a short mingled cries and the green-haired boy lay back beside Yamato. Both panted heavily.
"Good enough?" Chang gasped.
Yamato nodded and curled up beside his boyfriend. "Yeah..." he breathed out. He wondered if he could dare do it again and with whom. He felt nice and relieved. Fresh.
'Taichi is gonna be so mad when he finds out...'
Chang kicked away the wet blankets ('I hope Father wouldn't mind' thought Yamato drowsily) and threw his arm around the smaller boy.
"Sleep now..."
"Good idea..."

Yeah, so it's a ... YamatoxChang's lemon.. Did you notice? Yeah, okay, so now Yamato's not such a virgin anymore and we can go to more interesting parts as the formalities are over. Yamasuke first, then Kenato, and any other pairings that might come in between.
Yamato's on bottom - garghhhhhh... Anyway, not for long!