Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part seven - Kenato ^____^ :::smacks her lips::: Goodbye, Chang! ::waves:: How much did you hate him anyway? Don't in any case.

New chapter??? And a lemon??? ^_^ Duh.. Ken and Yamato - how sweet!! Bear my madness.


Chapter 7 to Mischief at Night


A phone call stirred Yamato from uneasy sleep. He woke up behind his table with a pencil in his fingers. Unfinished lyrics of his song were spread everywhere, including the floor and the wastebasket, there were some papers in his jeans pockets. Yamato grabbed the receiver.

"Yup, Ishida's?"

"Yamato!" Chang's aspirated voice sounded worried in his ear. "I need to meet you. Now."

"Oh, okay, where?"

"Narita airport."

Yamato held his breath. "Chang, what are you..?"

"It's urgent!" the young boy interrupted.


The blonde singer shot out of his chair, snatched his jacket and crept out of his apartment. His watch said it was four fifteen in the morning; he threw another disbelieving glance at it and prayed that his father didn't hear him leave. He clattered down the stairs and ran into the street, breathing the fresh freezing night air. Underground was the worst choice and Yamato decided to get a taxi, but it being the dead hours of the morning, there were no taxis in sight.

The blonde boy stopped at the crossroads and thumbed a lift. A car screeched near the sidewalk and Yamato crossed his fingers praying it wasn't another pervert.

"Gimme a lift to Narita airport?" he asked.

"Jump in, pretty."

Yamato inwardly scowled at the driver's broad grinning face and got in. He searched his pockets for money and to his dismay found only 2 hundred yen.

"Dun worry, I don't take money," the driver said.

"Right," Yamato mumbled suspiciously.

"How old are you?"

Yamato glanced in the mirror and straightened his ruffled hair. "Sixteen."

"Running away from a girlfriend?" the man asked.


"You live in Odaiba?"


"What's your business in Narita International?"

Yamato drummed his fingers on his knee and looked straight ahead. "I don't know."

The driver chuckled, "What are you afraid of?"

Yamato looked sideways at him, "Nothing. Should I be?"

"No. I'm just a lunatic who gets kicks giving a ride to pretty things like you at night."

Yamato sighed wearily. Always those drivers were a pain in the ass, with their friendly talkative attitude, but at night they seemed simply creepy.

"I'm meeting my… err... girlfriend there," he explained.

"Is she coming or going?"

Yamato stared at the man in half-shock from the sudden revelation; now that it was mentioned he was afraid. Airport, you vacuum-headed idiot, his mind screamed at him, Airport is where PLANES land or take off!

Oh, no… An uneasy cold grip settled on his stomach. Chang isn't going away. Chang isn't leaving him to the eleven monsters… Is he?

"I hope not," he murmured.

They pulled up to the parking space before the humongous noisy building and the driver turned to him.

"I'll wait for you here for half an hour. In case you want to go home."


Yamato hurriedly walked in the building and searched for any sign of Chang.

"Flight to Korea: departure time 5 hundred, gate 2," the dynamics said.

Ten minutes later he found him in a cafe, nervously sipping his coffee. The green-haired jumped up and caught him in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, love," the young boy whispered desperately. "Circumstances. I have to go home."

"Why?" Yamato said around a lump in his throat. Chang avoided looking into his eyes.

"I eloped here with my boyfriend, Shin. He left me, then called my parents and told them where I was... They bought me a flight back and said that if I didn't return to Korea, they would inform Tokyo police... I'm kind of illegally here."

"Chang…" the blonde said, shocked. "Don't go, look, you was going to help me with Taichi…"

Chang released Yamato from his arms and gave him a lasting look.

"I'm sorry."


"I have only fifteen minutes left," he said with regret. "Time to say goodbye, love."

His eyes lingered on Yamato's lips with longing. He brushed his chin with his thumb. A small crowd passed them and an annoying voice sounded above announcing a departure to Los Angeles. Yamato swallowed with effort and kept silent, lacking suitable words. The green-haired boy smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry," he apologised again. "I failed. Hey, gambatte, Yamato! You can do it."

Yamato shook his head and gave a weak smile.

"It's okay..." Chang swiftly bent and kissed the tip of his nose, "Call me if you need anything."

He left him in the middle of the cafe.

"Wait!.." Yamato called. The green-haired turned his head, flashed him a reassuring smile and disappeared in the buzzing crowd.

Yamato returned to the car. He couldn't completely comprehend what had happened. Chang was gone, it meant that he had to deal with Taichi and the others by himself.

"Going home?" the driver asked cheerfully and stopped smiling at the sight of Yamato's alien face. "So, your girlfriend's flew away?" he asked.

"Un," Yamato nodded. I trusted him and he left me. The blonde felt like a cheap sex toy. "I trusted him!" he said furiously.

The driver cast him a worried glance.

"Whoa, calm down. What do you say to a morning cup of coffee?"

Yamato sent him a killing stare. "No, thank you. I've had enough of one night stands!" He turned away and folded his arms over his chest. There was plenty of time before morning and he wanted to use it blaming Chang for everything that had happened to him. He used me, left me, he LIED to me! It was a perfect outlet for his fury.

It's just my luck, Yamato thought grimly. Then he shivered when he imagined Taichi's mocking face - Chang's gone? Oh poor lost soul… Go out with me? - and his fingers clenched into a fist. It was then that the driver landed his hand on Yamato's hip and the boy started and stared at the man, terrified.

"Yamato..." he said.

The musician gaped at him. "How do you know..."

"I'm a colleague of Ishida Hiroaki, your father. It's gonna be okay. So, a cup of coffee then?"

Yamato stifled a relieved smile. "A cup of coffee it is." He gave it some thought. "But nothing more," he warned.


Yamato kicked away a heap of fallen leaves and shuffled along an alley in the park. It was getting dark. The dusky light of sundown drew long shadows, and Yamato disinterestedly watched his own lengthen - a tall slim boy with his hands in his pockets who slowly trod the abandoned park alleys.

He was bored. With Chang gone, he faced same problems as before - how to get a girl. Or a boy. To date Chosen children was out of the question, primarily because they were his friends, goddamit, he didn't date FRIENDS!

Taichi was still mad at him because of Chang, and he would jump at the chance to spoil Yamato's freedom. He actually called to ask for a date (Does this guy know a no from a yes?) and Yamato lied that he had a date with Chang. But he wouldn't be able to lie forever... There was a problem and he needed to think about it.

Yamato left the alley and crossed a lane before halting at the water of a tiny park lake. It was a sort of a peaceful shore of the lake with last beams of sunlight playing on the surface and the grass. Several slim willows washed their long leaves in the dark water. To his dismay, he wasn't the only one who came to admire the perfection of nature. A dark shape was crouching ten feet away, serving as a good distraction since that person was crying.

That person was Ken.

As far as Yamato knew, Ken was not the type to silently cry in the dark confines of the park. Ken's bouts of rage were notorious but to cry alone... And where was Daisuke? Yamato decided to risk it and walked towards the miserable shape.


Ken shivered, gripping his forehead in despair and held back sobs. He needed to cry sometimes too. And he liked it when nobody meddled in his affairs. He liked that quiet spot. It was a perfect spot to find peace with the world again. It was a perfect hiding place.


The small boy whipped his head up at the sound of his name, surprised and annoyed at being found. Who?... It wasn't dark enough to conceal anyone although Ken wished it were so, and that person was standing in the slant rays of sun, looking down at him, carefree. Ishida… Ken moved his shoulder irritably.

"What?" he whispered, hugging his knees.

The blonde moved to lean against the tree. Now his back was before Yamato's eyes; further away the sun sank deeper behind the horizon, its face reflected in the still water.

"What are you doing here?" Yamato asked after a pause.


Something in Ken's voice told him he wanted neither to communicate nor to stand Yamato's presence. The blonde looked over his shoulder to calculate the best way for retreat in case the dark-haired rogue resorted to his whip.

"Nothing?" he echoed.

"Watching the sun go down," Ken replied monotonously. "Thinking."

Yamato leant his shoulder on the tree trunk, "What about?"

"About certain fuckers that wouldn't leave me fucking alone."

"Hmm?" one blonde eyebrow crawled upwards. Must be Ken's dark side... Maybe I should leave...

Ken shivered. "I'm sure you have business to attend to," he muttered.

"No, I'm free.." Yamato sighed. "Chang's gone to Korea."

Why the hell he told him about Chang? Ken would tell Daisuke, Daisuke would tell Taichi and Taichi would come climbing through his window at night (despite Yamato's living on the eighteenth floor).

Ken showed some interest by raising his head to the horizon. "He has? Why? You seemed to have pretty fucking harmonious relationship..." His voice was full of bitterness and sarcasm.

He had a fight with Daisuke... again, was Yamato's first thought.

"What are you gonna do?" the indigo-haired mused aloud. "Whom are you going to screw now?"

"What's wrong with you and Daisuke?" Yamato asked with caution.

"YOU know!" Ken's emotions burst out but the boy didn't turn around. "You gave him a blowjob, didn't you! He told me! He said - Why can't you do it too?" Ken mimicked Daisuke's voice. "That... that HENTAI is again at it, he practically begged me on his KNEES... I HATE, I hate it!"

Yamato frowned, "You hate what?" Ichijouji is scared of fucking his favourite gay boy?! he thought in a grim surprise. My oh my… Chang was right. They're all suckers.

Ken was silent, but in a moment he bit back, "I don't hate him... I'm just... not ready..."

"Not ready for what? Sucking him?"

"Oh, SHUT UP!"

He turned his face over his shoulder and Yamato was startled at the sight of bitter tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm afraid... But he doesn't want to acknowledge it. Everything... that matters to him.. is his own dick." Ken hid his face in his knees and sobbed. "He insists and he begs and pleads, and he threatens that he'd leave me... but... I don't want him to leave, and yet, I'm afraid to do what he wants me to... So much afraid... Stupid stubborn asshole...You don't know what it's like - hearing his wailing every night..." Ken stopped. "Whatever..." he muttered.

He got up roughly and brushed past Yamato.

"Ken, wait!"

The indigo-haired boy halted by a tree. He hit the back of his head on the tree trunk and gulped painfully, holding back a new wave of tears. "I don't want to talk about it, Yamato."

"Afraid of what?" Yamato echoed.

"It's a bit disgusting, you know."

"Hmmm," the blonde shrugged.

Ken gave him a glance. "I can't believe it - you and that... that... pig!.."

"You mean Daisuke?"

The indigo-haired growled. "That Chang... You liked it when he stuck his thing up your ass?!!!" he smirked sarcastically. "Oh, I can see you writhing in his arms and begging.."

Yamato took a step and pushed the boy to the tree. The fury from before returned and he felt himself miserable again.

"Shut up! He's gone, alright?!"

Tears flowed down Ken's face in the impending dusk.

"You weren't such a good fuck, obviously. For him." He gulped down and whispered, "Why did he have to be your first?... Why couldn't you sleep with me first?"

Yamato's back went rigid. "You wanted me to sleep with you?" he asked disbelievingly.

Ken glared stubbornly. "We agreed that it would one of us... You could choose. It would've been easier, wouldn't it? Besides... you're... that kind..."

"What kind?" the blonde boy gritted his teeth. The smaller boy shook his head and sobbed. "Ken, I have the right to know what you and the rest of Chosen think about me!" Yamato raised his voice.

"The slut kind," Ken whispered.

It struck Yamato like a whip. The taller boy reeled and stabled himself with a hand on the tree. Ken lowered his head.

"So, that's why everybody wants to sleep with me?" he asked in shock.

"But you're the prettiest thing!" the indigo-haired protested. "And it was so funny how you failed to realise that we all were gay! And besides, you're the type that goes with anybody, be it Taichi, Jyou or Koushiro..."

A slap landed on the side of Ken's face and his breath went out completely.

"The slut," Yamato said grimly. Did Chang see me like this as well? "The slut... And I suppose you were betting who I would sleep with first..."

Ken quietly moved away.

"Hey, Ken, if you're afraid to fuck Daisuke, maybe, I'll do it?" the blonde said poisonously. "Not for free, surely..."

Instant pain showed in Ken's eyes and the blonde welcomed it. He wanted to hurt him so much for what he said... He wanted to hurt him badly.

"Want me to do dirty job for you? Want me to fuck your boyfriend?! You're one crappy perfectionist, Ichijouji."

"I shouldn't tell you anything! I thought you'd understand me!" Ken cried indignantly. "But you're just a bitch and you want it just like Daisuke!"

"So, how much?" Yamato remarked dryly.

Ken bolted away. An instant later he was hurled him against the tree, Yamato's hands and body pinning him to the rough surface. His eyes were dangerous, his lips curled.

"You bastard..." the taller boy said menacingly. The fifteen year old shrunk back into the tree. Yamato advanced on him, hissing venomous insults like a snake. "You derange Daisuke with your 'sweet kisses' and when something is demanded of you, you back off... You want it just like a slut but don't have guts enough to pull down your pants and get it on with..."

"Let me go!" Ken frantically whispered, driving Yamato away with his hands.

"Worthless piece of shit..."

Yamato landed his palm on Ken's stomach and moved it downwards against his shirt aiming for his crotch. Ken emitted a short scream and jerked realising the blonde's low intention.

"Think you're too good, too beautiful...?"

Ken sobbed when Yamato's hand closed on his crotch. "Please..."

"Please what?" The blonde's other hand tugged on Ken's shoulder-length indigo hair and forcefully pulled his head backwards so that the boy's meek terrified eyes stared up Yamato's own. "'Please let me run away' or 'please fuck me senseless'?.. What is it you really want, Ichijouji?"

Ken breathed unevenly. He gave it another try to wriggle out from under Yamato's warm rubbing motion but his attempt was futile. Sweat covered his back in clammy patches, spit invaded his mouth until he choked trying to swallow it, blood rushed into his agonizing crotch...

Ken closed his eyes and gasped. His terror was blended with the wish to flee and that was blended with lust. The boy moaned and looked up. Yamato was staring into his fascinating violet eyes full of desire. He slowly let go of him.

"Go to Daisuke now and give him what he wants," he commented wryly around an impossible amount of lust-originated water in his mouth. He found that Ken being trapped under him and unable to do anything except beg, was an exciting sight. The way he simply breathed was provoking. The bulge in his pants was uncomfortable and there was absolutely no release for that. Chang was gone, and Yamato didn't want to get so hard and deal with it by himself. He froze in doubt.

Ken squirmed against him.

Is this what he does to Daisuke? the blonde reflected on his arousal and shakily cupped the boy's face.

Ken was panting heavily in the dark, his body open to touch, free, arching towards Yamato; his head bent slightly back and his lips parted with hot breath. His begging eyes half-opened. Welcoming darkness surrounded them inviting them under the cover of dark.

He wants it… "Go to Daisuke and fuck him," Yamato said.

"No, I won't," Ken shook his head. "No..!" he whispered emphatically.

Yamato's hand gripped the back of his head and pulled until he could rest his forehead on Ken's damp one. The boy gasped.

"Yes, you will!" Yamato said through his clenched teeth. "Be a bitch for a change.."

The hairs on his nape shot up when Ken's words washed his throat. "Let me go," Ken gasped. "I don't want to... Let me go!" he moaned.

Like hell I will! Yamato unable to diminish pangs of lust and too well aware that Chang was gone, decreased what small distance remained between their mouths and touched his sweet moist lips. Ken moaned in rejection but Yamato was stronger and the boy's body accepted the dominant tongue that fell in the abyss of his mouth.

The smaller boy whimpered with Yamato's tongue filling his mouth and sucked down his rich saliva. In that moment the blonde realized why Daisuke was so bedazzled by Ken's kisses and his mind belatedly screamed at him to fight the wonderful kiss... It was too dangerous... and wonderful... to go this far. He lost the battle.

"Is... kissing you... as good... as fucking you?" Yamato asked outside Ken's mouth before locking their lips together with another thrilling kiss. Oh, he was tempted to try. Poor Daisuke.

"Let me go!" Ken pleaded. He shivered with each casual touch. Yamato shook his head in answer, still half-buried in Ken's mouth. The boy whimpered in panic.

"I'm not your Daisuke," Yamato stated. "I won't."

Panic transformed into shock. Wide purple-blue eyes reflected that panic and darted to the side. Yamato drew him into the tree and ground against Ken's crotch. It sent millions sparks of lust into his skin. The genius boy screamed quietly.

"Mmmmmhnn.." Yamato incoherently expressed his admiration.

The genius had never been on the receiving end of caress. He liked to touch Daisuke and see him moan and squirm. Now he was squirming and moaning, and he didn't know for what. The thought that Yamato could be his first - right now - was stunning and hot. The lust for the blonde was there in his pants and Ken didn't feel up to the task of protesting it. So when Yamato tongued his neck, Ken threw back his head in agreement.

Ken was hard and that made Yamato shiver in anticipation of sex. True, he had never been 'on top' but it didn't make any difference. True, Ken was Daisuke's boyfriend and Daisuke would probably kill them both for that. But he didn't care now. His fault for being so wanton.

He lowered his hands on the genius boy's stomach and fumbled with the zipper of his trousers. There was no way the arrogant rogue was getting out of this unscathed.

Meanwhile, Ken accepted this game of two and engrossed himself with giving the blonde a colourful hickey. His every argument against having sex in the public park was lost to the willingness of his rising cock, which landed in Yamato's hand. He dimly thought that Daisuke never got to be that straightforward; his idea of a good start was to cajole and send puppy looks, and the best he had done so far was to moan his name when Ken's hand roamed his body.

But of course, compared to Yamato, Daisuke was inexperienced and wanted for Ken to take active role. Which Ken, being just as inexperienced and above all scared of hurting the fiery boy, wanted not.

"Uhmp!" he screamed in his chest. His trousers fell to his ankles and Yamato kicked his knees apart and stepped into the embrace of his hips. Yamato undid his jeans and at the same moment damned his life and all living for leaving lubricant at home.

"Ken... focus! no lubricant!" he informed the moaning boy, interrupting him from sucking his shoulder.

"Uhm?" Ken croaked. "Fuck the lubricant.."

The blonde blew an irritable breath, "My thoughts exactly, but, seriously, Ken: no lubricant, no condoms - no sex."

"Please..." Ken moaned.

Oh my god, yes, yes, yes! ...he would scream if I... No, there must be something...

"Ken, listen to me..." he said. "Let's go get a lube.."

"Yamato, if you don't do me now, I'll jump from the Rainbow Bridge..."

The blonde swore.

"My apartment is closer than the Rainbow Bridge," he kindly reminded him. Ken considered it, sucking his collarbone.


They straightened their clothes and hair, looking less wildly than they felt, and went out of the park, past the astonished old lady who glared at them with round eyes. She incidentally stumbled on them in the middle of their kissing and was retreating now very rapidly.

The night was drawing on and bringing chill to the city.


The apartment was empty and dark. Not bothering even to hit a switch, Yamato pushed the boy to his bedroom. His mind at least had already been clean of hormones, and he suspected that Ken must have changed his mind about sex.

"Can I have a drink?" Ken muttered.

"I'll get something. Wait for me in the bedroom."

"Yamato?" the serious tone made him look back. "Maybe we shouldn't...?"

"Wait in the bedroom," Yamato repeated slowly.

Ken was sitting on his bed with his trousers off and his legs under the blanket when the blonde returned with a glass of water.

"Scared?" Yamato asked quietly. Ken could only nod fearfully.

He started to swallow the water greedily and a few drops landed on his white shirt. At first, Yamato stared, then he leant his head and started to spill kisses on the belly while his hands steadily unbuttoned his shirt.

Ken chocked on his drink and coughed with careful hidden viciousness. He couldn't contradict his instincts though and he couldn't muffle down the coughs. Yamato put his hand in his hair and drew his desperately coughing wet mouth to his own. The indigo-haired giggled, his partner's tongue urging more coughing fits out of his throat. The glass rolled to the side of the bed and dropped to the floor with a thud.

"It's okay, it's not br..." Ken's frantic remark was interrupted by a long kiss.

Why care?... Stupid glass...

"Lube," Yamato remembered and stretched his body across Ken's chest to roam the contents of his bedside table.

The pants and shirts and trousers were taken off. Ken stared at the pale body before his eyes and a kind of pride swept over him. The blonde was there for him, not somebody else. The line of his sight dropped lower and Ken nearly fainted at the sight of his partner's erection. And THIS is supposed to go WHERE?! screamed his mind. But in a way… it was a perfection of lewdness… and such a fucking turn on…

It was almost pleasant when Yamato swept his lubricated fingers over Ken's hard penis.

Two hands drew him against the blonde and Ken stiffly drooped over his shoulders. The hot fingers caressed his shivering shoulder blades, ribs, massaged a line down his spine and cupped his soft buttocks. The small boy rubbed his cheek on the warm and slick shoulder of his lover.

"Warm?" Yamato nudged his forehead with his chin.

"Un," Ken gasped, and the hot mass of his blood pushed into his buttocks. He moved his head to seal a firm kiss between their mouths. "What are you going to do?" The slick fingers repeatedly slipped into the crevice and the wavering sensation was mind blowing. He couldn't think straight, he couldn't analyze anything, and it felt good.

"Stretch you."

One finger went in. Ken shuddered.

"Relax.." Yamato muttered in his ear and to aid him, he caressed the tip of his cock. Ken inhaled noisily.

"Good?" Two fingers.

"G..g..good," Ken stuttered. He figured he lost consciousness at one point because the next thing he remembered, Yamato with Ken's knee digging in his armpit was pushing his cock in Ken's anus.

Ken's eyes widened at the novelty of feeling. It wasn't remotely comfortable or satisfying.. He held his breath. He wanted to scream from pain and from alien feeling and at the same time he wanted to keep as quiet as possible. Yamato kissed him on mouth, brushing his dry lips with the tongue.

"Wait!" the indigo-haired stopped him frantically. "Wait, I..." he closed his eyes but a tear fought its way from under his eyelashes.

Yamato trembled. He put a hand around his waist to steady him; he could control him now. He could make him love it.

The blonde inhaled the faint odour of sweat. "'s fine, Ken, 's gonna be better..."

The smaller boy nodded.

He pushed, Ken jerked with a cry. Automatically, muscles clenched in reaction to pain. His fingers closed around the skin on his back, puncturing it with nails. Stars burst behind Yamato's eyes and he shivered in delight.

"Ken, relax!" he whispered inaudibly, knowing that any moment his body would thrust out of control, seeking pleasure. Ken complied and his cries subdued to helpless whispers but he remained tight with pain.

Yamato couldn't be patient forever.

"Shhh, baby, relax..." Yamato buried his shaking hand in Ken's hair, massaging the skin behind his ears. His tongue licked through the sheen of sweat on his neck. "Just let me in..."

"Ohhhhhhh..." Ken moaned as Yamato tore him apart with slow motions, filling him in the place where nothing so big and stomach-curling was supposed to fill. And yes, it was hazardous and erotical and exciting.

Yamato groaned. He couldn't bear the slow motion anymore; he needed energy, action, then release. He slammed in. Ken grabbed his waist and screamed simultaneously with the rough thrusts - more out of shock than pain. Yamato's hand stole to stroke his erection and it was just what he needed. Heartbeat drummed in Ken's ears as he recognized the first signs of orgasm - he knew what to expect, but he didn't know that it was stronger than when he jerked off, and he didn't know that he wouldn't be able to stop.


They moved with each other, both writhing in obvious pleasure. The head of the taller boy's erection worked painfully inside of Ken, but the side of it, when it firmly connected to a beautiful spot in him, made him discard away everything that protested his orgasm. Ken enveloped Yamato's cock with his muscles and impatiently hurried his lover to make him come.

"Oh yes... uhh..."

Yamato threw him against the pillow, his fingers grasping the back of his hips and his hands driving him forward. The hands fell from his shoulders, dug in the fabric of the bedsheets before they found Yamato's knees.

"Ahhh!" The boy raised his pelvis, finally lost to the world, only an instrument of sexual action. Instruments don't know pain, they serve to ...

"Please!... ahhh..."

There were more moans, unconscious, erotic, hardly perceptible in the intakes for breath. Nothing existed for them as if the world stopped to give all its attention to them undivided, ignoring everything else for a moment. It was pure instinct and a wild feast of egoism. Rhythm.

God, god, god.

God, god.



Strange sensation flooded Ken's stomach.

"Oh God!" he howled on the verge. Short sequence of flip-flops of his wildly beating heart, the absence of weight as if he was falling possessed his stomach and released him screaming into Yamato's hand.

"Oh... good!"

"Uhm, Ken!.."

It was Ken's orgasm that set Yamato off, spending him, closing around his swelling cock. His vision failed him. The room sank into primordial darkness around him.

When he finally exited the gasping boy, fully spent of his sperm, he slumped heavily against the bedboard. Ken slid down on the soft bedsheets. Their heartbeat slowed to normal. Yamato absent-mindedly dropped the condom in the wastebasket.

"Oh god…" Ken repeated dully, floating between the bedsheets.

Yamato had his eyes closed, resting his head against the board. The small draught from the window pleasantly cooled his bare skin.

"Ken-chan… It was mad."

It took some time for his words to penetrate.

"I feel awful for seducing you," Yamato continued in the dark. His voice was like a fingertip caress.

"All men are bastards," Ken said lazily. "I cheated on Daisuke."

"Oh? I thought if you slept with me, it won't be considered as an act of disloyalty," the blonde remarked dryly. Ignoring the sarcasm, Ken turned on his side and blindly groped for a blanket. He found it and threw it over his limp body.

"I wanted a threesome with you and Daisuke," he said tiredly. The blonde slid down to hide under the blanket too.

"Yeah, right, call him and tell him to get his restless ass over here, so that I could fuck him too," he said.

"Shut up, Ishida."

"Oh, fuck you, Ichijouji!"

Ken yawned. "I won't take my words back. About you being a bitch," he paused. "But I want you to be my bitch."

Yamato struggled to think about it.

"What about Daisuke?" he said finally.

Ken was perhaps struggling to think as well, because it was a few moments before he answered, "Daisuke can watch."

"Ichijouji?" the blonde sighed. "You're merciless."


The door banged behind Ishida father who had returned from his work. The man loudly grumbled in the kitchenette, slammed the door of the fridge close and retreated to his bedroom.

"You're going out of this apartment in the morning," Yamato said. "Taichi doesn't have to know about it. Nobody must know that I had sex with one of the Chosen, okay? I'll find somebody to pose as my date tomorrow. Tomorrow… I'll have a good plan. Okay, Ichijouji?"

Ken didn't answer. Apparently, he was asleep.


What next - More Kenato or Yamori? Heh heh…