Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ken buried his face in his hands, and sighed. How could he have been so stupid??? The signs were all there... it was obvious that Daisuke wasn't interested in him as more than a friend. And he had to go and ruin it by kissing him.. baka. Baka baka baka!!! Ken muttered softly to himself, standing up and kicking at an invisible stone. Muttering to himself still, he continued through the park that he had stopped at, cursing softly.

It had seemed like he was meant to be with Daisuke. At least, to him.. the two of them had Jogressed, and everything was beautiful. Sometimes he'd catch his best friend looking at him funny, and Ken's heart would catch in his throat. When it did that, he knew... just somehow knew that Daisuke had an unspoken love for him. Finally taking a chance, Ken had captured Daisuke's lips in his own.

What he wasn't prepared for was Daisuke's reaction. He pulled away, a look of disgust on his face. "What the hell do you think I am, Ken?" Ken had flinched, trying to explain to Daisuke what he meant by it. Daisuke had laughed. "Ken, you're a nice guy and all, but I'm straight. Sorry." Ken had felt his heart break. Turning blindly, Ken had ran to the park to mourn his loss and to cry about his impetuous decisions. And now, he was heading home to get drunk.

There was nothing better to do after all. 'Sides... he could drink all his dad's sake and it would be ok. Then he wouldn't feel like Daisuke had just ripped his heart out of his chest.

Catching the train back to Tamachi, Ken sighed. Ten years.. the same signals had been coming to him for damned near ten years, each and every one of them showing that Daisuke held some affection for the ex-digimon Kaizer. Didn't they? The way the redhead would bat his eyelashes when he wanted something and place a fond hand on Ken's arm when it came to.. well, to just about anything. Those touches had driven Ken insane, with need and desire. And now Daisuke wasn't in love with him after all... was completely straight. How could Ken have not seen it???

Getting off at the Tamachi station, he headed straight to his apartment. There were no tears... Ken didn't think it was worth crying over. Only the real important things were worth crying over, and Daisuke Motomiya was no longer one of them. Instead, Ken would drink his sorrows away and then get on with his life.

Unlocking the door to the apartment and slipping off his shoes, he went straight for the liquor cabinet. Opening the sake bottle that was in there, he forgo the typical glass and began to drink it straight from the bottle. Moving through the apartment and noting idly that his parents were gone, he entered his room and stripped his clothes off until he was clad in just his boxers. There, he continued to drink the sake, swilling his emotions and his inhibitions into insensibility.

And when that bottle was through? He went for the second. And then the third. Four bottles of sake had been used to render Ken near comatose when the doorbell rang. Stumbling to the door, he opened it, still only his boxers, the smell of the rice wine pungent. Miyako Inoue was standing there, holding out a book.

"Ken? You look like hell... I brought this book over to you that I borrowed." Ken blinked once, trying to comprehend. While his mind continued to try and climb through that fog, he invited her in. She entered demurely, stealing a glance at Ken's unclad form. She could smell the sake in the room and she turned, frowning. "Ken? What's wrong?"

He shrugged once, and then she was enveloped in his arms. He pressed a myriad of kisses to her face, before falling to her lips and kissing her hungrily. It took her a moment to realize that the object of her affections was kissing her... and he was starting to pull at her jacket, soundlessly asking her to take it off. She complied, hardly believing that girlhood dreams were coming true. She was in Ken Ichijouji's arms!

Ken pulled away from her just long enough to motion back to the rear of the apartment. She nodded and made her way to his room while he took another drink of the sake and then picked up her jacket. He stumbled, and entered his room where Miyako was sitting at his computer desk. Leaning down, he kissed her again, no words of love spoken. There was a hunger in his kiss, a desperation for someoen to return some sort of affection to him. Miyako reacted to that desperation with a hunger of her own, and before she could stop him (not that she would, of course) they were both unclothed and writhing in ecstasy on the floor. And when Ken finally entered her, she felt complete. Her screams of passion finally died down and she fell foward, to fall asleep on his chest.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ken winced as the light hit his eyes. It was too bright out and he didn't feel too good... there was this persistent ache in his head that was driving him crazy. Sitting up, his stomach heaved. He ran through the apartment to the bathroom and paid heed to the grumblings in his stomach. When he felt like he could at least function without being on his knees, he stumbled through the apartment back to his room. Slipping on some clothes, he groaned.

"What the hell happened last night?" The odor of his room was stale and musky. He frowned, unused to that smell. Shaking his head to clear it, he made his way to the kitchen where his mother and father were sitting down to breakfast.

"Ken honey? Are you ok? Your father and I came home to find out passed out naked on your bedroom floor. We also found several sake bottles in the trash. What happened?"

"Son? You look awful." Ken shook his head, once again trying to clear it. It was fuzzy and it hurt. Really bad.

"Yeah... I'm ok. Except for this massive headache." He said. "About the sake.... dad, I'm sorry. I had a really bad day and I guess I went overboard." No need to tell his parents about the fiasco with Daisuke.

"Oh, that's ok, honey. Just be more careful next time, alright? Oh, and your friend Miyako called. She wanted to tell you she had fun last night. Was she over?"

Ken blinked, and frowned. "Yeah.. I vaguely remember her coming over." There was a huge cloudy spot in his mind and he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He shook his head, attempting to clear it yet again. "Mama, I don't think I'm very hungry right now. I'm going to go lay down for a bit longer."

"Of course dear. We understand." Ken smiled shakily and made his way back to his room. Stripping out of the clothes, he put on his pajamas. He noticed the musky scent again but shrugged. Painfully, and carefully, he climbed up the steps to his loft bed and collapsed.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A soft knock on his door woke Ken up out of his restless sleep. "Ken, honey? Your friend Daisuke is here to see you." Ken blinked and sat up in bed, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling.

"Daisuke? Um.. send him in." Ken rubbed his eyes, wondering what Daisuke wanted after yesterday. Well, it was a good sign that he was still coming over at least. Unless he was going to kick Ken's ass. Then it wouldn't be such a good thing.

"Hey Ken!" Daisuke chirrped, bouncing into the room. Ken winced at the noise and waved absently. "What's wrong? It's not like you to stay in bed all day."

"I drank too much last night." Might as well be direct. Subtlety had never done him any good where Daisuke was concerned. The redhead grinned.

"Yeah, I have that effect on people. Hey, I came over here to apologize... yesterday, I was just shocked and all. The more I thought about it, I liked your kiss. And the more I thought about that, the more I realized that I liked you. So I'm sorry Ken."

"Dais... if you're doing this to be nice and all, please don't."

"No... no, you should know me better than that, Ken!" Daisuke grinned at him and winked. "If you want, I'll come up there and kiss you right now to prove that I did like it."

Ken blinked and a sly smile alighted on his features. "I don't believe you. I need further proof."

Daisuke laughed and climbed up on the loft with Ken. Gently, he pressed his lips to Ken's. The kiss seemed to run wild for a while, both young men feeling their hearts beat in time with one another. Fire seemed to completely consume Ken, making him moan with pleasure into Daisuke's mouth. The smaller of the two ran his hands down Ken's chest, and let out his own moan of desire. Finally, Ken broke away, his head swimming from the hangover and lack of oxygen.

"Daisuke... oh god..." Ken took in a deep breath and attempted to clear his head. "Oh wow..."

Daisuke giggled and grinned. "Yeah... not too bad yourself!" He chuckled. Ken smiled shyly. Daisuke went in for another kiss but Ken pulled away.

"No... I need to still catch my breath, Dais. And then there's this hangover...." Ken frowned. "I don't think I'm ever going to drink, ever again." Daisuke laughed.

"Well then I'll have to help you recover, won't I?" Ken raised an eyebrow as Daisuke moved forward, peppering his neck with tiny kisses. Ken fell back on the bed and began to moan, running his hands all over Daisuke's body. Daisuke broke contact long enough to remove his shirt and to unbutton Ken's pajama top. Stopping with every button to kiss the porcelain skin underneath, Ken felt like he had died and gone to heaven. His best friend... the one that he had loved for so long was kissing him... going to make love to him... Ken felt the blood flow to his groin with the thought of it.

Daisuke ran his tongue gently around one of Ken's nipples, licking the tender flesh. Nipping and elicitng a groan from Ken, Daisuke continued his teasing of Ken's body, coaxing the paler of the two to touch back. Both boys writhed under each other's caresses, moans of pleasure filling the air.

"Daisuke...I need you..." Ken murmured. Daisuke nodded and placed little kisses down Ken's chest to the waistband of his pajamas. Nipping lightly, he slid his hands under the fabric and massaged the swollen flesh there. Ken whimpered in ecstacy, his mind completely gone from the sensations that Daisuke was evoking with his fingers. Gently, Daisuke removed the clothing, leaving Ken nude.

"You're beautiful, Ken-chan." Ken shivered under Daisuke's scrutiny and smiled slightly, feeling his heart race with excitement and lust. Daisuke fished around in his pockets for something and placed it next to Ken before removing his own pants. Ken gasped at the sight of his lover's erection, in surprise at the length of it and in awe of such a beautiful thing. Grinning, Ken leaned forward and placed a feathery kiss on the tip, causing Daisuke to jump. Emboldened by Daisuke's reaction, Ken flickered his tongue over the skin, tasting and exploring. His hands slid down to cup Daisuke's flesh before sliding a finger over his entrance. Daisuke shivered and made a soft noise of protest. "Ken! I'm supposed to be doing the seducing here dammit."

Ken laughed and gave Daisuke's erection one last kiss before falling back on the bed. "Well then, my precious Dai-chan, get to seducing before I go wild with lust." Daisuke grinned coyly and resumed the teasing of Ken's pale flesh, nipping and kissing until he reached his lover's own erection. Sliding his tongue over the tip and down the backside, he noted that Ken's shivering began in earnest. Taking Ken's sac into his mouth, Daisuke continued to suck, all the while probing for Ken's entrance. Hearing a soft gasp when he found it, Daisuke grinned and wormed his finger in, teasingly. Ken moaned at the intrustion. Daisuke slid his finger out and reached for the tube of lubricant that he had placed on the bed earlier. Coating his finger with it, he slid that finger back inside of Ken, feeling it slide all the way in. Ken's breath caught in his throat and he began to move against Daisuke, thrusting down. Daisuke took that as an invitation to add another finger and he did so, making sure that it was also coated with the slick lubricant. Ken moaned, feeling himself stretching under Daisuke's gentle onslaught. Stretched with the two fingers, Ken began to move against Daisuke once more, his eyes closed and head thrown back. Working a third finger in, Daisuke smiled as Ken began thrash, being driven to the point of insanity by Daisuke's teasing. Placing a soft kiss on Ken's tip, Daisuke used his free hand to coat his own erection in the lubricant before sliding his fingers out. Ken's eyes flew open at the loss, and Daisuke just shook his head, placing a finger to his lips.

"The best is yet to come, Ken-chan." Ken nooded, and forced himself to relax. Daisuke placed his tip at Ken's entrance and waited for Ken to give him the ok. When permission had been granted, Daisuke slowly slid himself in, forcing himself to maintain control. Feeling Ken relax around him, Daisuke slid in further, and deeper, until he was completely sheathed inside of Ken. Ken kept his eyes closed, his body and mind adjusting to the feel of Daisuke buried deep within. He nodded, before moving against Daisuke to make his wishes known. The redhead complied, thrusting into Ken gently, angling his thrusts to meet Ken's sweet spot. Ken gasped and Daisuke continued, thrusting against it as much as he could, bringing pleasure to his lover. Ken whimpered and began to thrust against Daisuke harder, forcing contact between Daisuke and the spot more often. Daisuke felt Ken clench around him and he reached over, stroking Ken gently. With a startled cry, Ken felt himself release, his semen coating his stomach and Daisuke's chest. Daisuke continued to thrust into Ken, leaning down to lick up Ken's essence. A moment later, he felt a shudder go through his body and he released himself deep into Ken. Falling next to his lover, Daisuke whimpered, and wrapped his arms around Ken. Moments later, both were sound asleep.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Two Months Later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Ken!" Miyako came running down the hallways of the apartment complex that Ken and Daisuke lived in, her cheeks tearstained. The two of them were just getting home from a day at the University, and they had plans to skip the homework and get to studying each other.

"Miya? What's wrong?" Pressing her hand to her lips, Miyako thrust a small stick into Ken's hands. Blinking in surprise, he looked down on it. There were two lines on the stick. "What's this?"

"A pregnancy test!" She whimpered, her hands shaking.

"You're pregnant?" Ken blinked, still not realizing what this had to do with him. She nodded, her face stricken. "Who's the father?" Ken asked, lowering his voice. Miyako looked up at him, stunned.

"How could you toy with my emotions like this, Ken Ichijouji! You know full well who the father is! It's you!!!" She hissed, snatching the test from his hands. Ken blinked in surprise, and shock.

"Miya... calm down... what do you mean, I'm the father?" The whole time Daisuke's eyes had flitted from Miyako to Ken, and back, his face unreadable.

"Don't you remember??? I came over to give you back your book and you were drunk... then you started kissing me and we went to your room..." Miyako was crying freely now. "My life is ruined because of you, Ken! I will never be able to get a job as an engineer or a computer programmer!" Daisuke blinked.

"Ken-chan? Is it true?" He asked softly. Ken frowned, trying to remember.

"Miya... I don't.. I can't recall...." Ken knew the night she was talking about... it was the night before Daisuke had pledged his love to Ken. Ken remembered drinking a lot, but he didn't remember the events of the night very well. Although something his mother did say.. "Oh, and your friend Miyako called. She wanted to tell you she had fun last night. Was she over?" Ken frowned. He could vaguely recall Miyako being there now... and.. oh god.

He turned to Miyako, his mouth open. Then he turned to Daisuke, who had tears in his eyes. "Dai-chan... Miya.... oh god..." Torn between who to comfort first, his lover or the young woman pregnant with his child, Ken blinked. "Dai-chan...." He turned to Daisuke, who looked like he had just been slapped. "It was a mistake... I was drunk. Please... I can't even remember it. But it did happen and Dai... please don't... don't look at me that way."

Daisuke shook his head in disbelief. "Ken... Ken, I thought I knew you. How could you?" Daisuke turned to Miyako and then back to Ken. He threw his key at Ken and ran down the hallway. Ken started after him and rememberd that Miyako was crying in the hallway and she also needed him. He'd explain things to Daisuke later. Surely his love would understand.

Wrapping an arm around Miyako he hugged her tightly. "Miya, we'll figure something out."


It had taken some arranging, the Inoues and the Ichijouji's finally coming together for a dinner. Miyako and Ken had worked hard to bring their families together, and there was tension in the air. Something was amiss, and the parents knew it.

Dinner itself was fine, no incidents. And when Miyako brought out the desert, she nodded at Ken. Now was the time, to announce everything. He stood up and wrapped an arm around her waist, in support. His own eyes were sad and weary, his countenance that of a defeated man. His heart was with Daisuke, but duty called. And Ken had to answer to duty.

After thanking everyone for showing up, Miyako dropped the bombshell. "I'm pregnant. And Ken is the father."

Shocked looks and gasps of surprise later, the parents sent the children away so that they could decide as to what needed to be done. They were summoned hours later. It was Mr. Inoue who spoke first.

"There is no choice in this matter. You will be married. No grandchild of ours will be born of wedlock. The arrangements will be made. In two months hence, you will be married." Ken nodded, dumbly. Miyako felt the tears spill from her eyes. There was no choice, and now her own dreams were being ripped from her. She turned to Ken and hissed. "I hate you Ken Ichijouji." Then she ran to her room, and slammed the door. Ken frowned, and remained silent.

A moment later he spoke. "It shall be as you say."


A flurry of activity followed, arranging the style of wedding that would be had. A traditional Japanese wedding had been decided upon, and the kimonos were fitted, one for Ken in the deepest black, and one for Miyako in a vibrant red. Miyako's kimono was designed to help hide her slightly swollen belly. The reception had been decided upon, to be held in a hall that was rented by the Ichijouji's. Food was being provided by the Inoue's store, and the flowers and music had been donated by the friends of Miyako and Ken. It had been arranged that Miyako would be working in the store until her last month of pregnancy, while Ken worked there between classes and after school to help offset the costs that would be incurred. Miyako would be moving into Ken and Daisuke's old apartment, and the parents of the betrothed couple would help out if it was necessary when it came to rent.

All the arrangements had been made. After having gotten over her fit of pique with Ken, Miyako was rather happy to be getting married before her sisters. She had accustomed herself to the idea, and the flutter of the child within contented her. She knew how to make her future work, and she would.

Ken, however, was a completely different story. He tried to explain to both the Inoue's and the Ichijouji's that he was not straight, he was gay and seeing Daisuke Motomiya, but that had fallen upon deaf ears. Then he tried to explain that he didn't remember having sex with Miyako - that did him no good. Ken did whatever it was that he could, but the answers remained the same. He would marry Miyako, no matter what had happened in the past or who he truly loved.

When trying to approach Daisuke in regards to this matter, he was coldly snubbed. The redhead didn't even want to hear the reasons behind the betrothal, feeling betrayed. His one love was marrying another, and that pained him. Rationally, he knew that he shouldn't be mad at Ken, due to his prior rejection of him. But his heart and his mind were two different things. Daisuke had even moved out of the apartment, and back home with his parents. He was invited to the reception of course, as the wedding was for family only. He contemplated going, and decided to leave it to a coin toss. Heads - he'd go. Tails - he'd stay home. And the coin landed on heads.


The Shinto priest stood before the altar where Ken and Miyako were kneeled, their heads bowed. First, they were purified. After the purification ritual, they were both given a small cup of warm sake to drink. Ken grimmaced, remembering that it was too much sake that had gotten him into this mess to begin with. But he drank, with Miyako, and placed the cup down. The priest turned his gaze to Ken, who nodded. "I promise to take care of you, and the children that we shall make." Ken's voice was soft, and the words of commitment were few. Miyako's eyes held hurt, but she nodded and smiled radiantly at Ken. They were being forced into this, after all, and as such, the love would come later. Last, they placed an offering upon the altar to the kami and were blessed again. Ceremonily and legally married. Hand in hand, they exited the shrine and made their way to the reception room where the rest of the guests were waiting. Cheers were heard throughout when Miyako entered, her hand intertwined with her husband's. One person did not cheer - his hard eyes boring into the groom. Ken met angry brown eyes and felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces. He started to break away from Miyako to comfort his Dai-chan, to apologize to him and promise him that he was still loved - but it was of no use. There was the reception line, and the married couple's first dance...

Daisuke, surprisingly, came through the reception line. He had debated that action, but something in him told him to go. He hugged Miyako tightly, and kissed her cheek. He wasn't mad at her, and the two of them had remained estranged friends. Then, he turned to the violet eyed love of his life and nodded. Without so much as another word, Daisuke left the reception.

Ken fought back tears. The love of his life had just walked out on him. Without so much as a word of goodbye. He would have crumpled up into a ball just then, but Miyako wrapped her arms around him and led him to the dance floor.

"How can one celebrate the supposed happiest day of their life when they aren't happy?" Ken wondered within, his heart shattered by Daisuke's cruel rejection.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 15 YEARS LATER *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ken surveyed the room in which he was standing, his eyes baggy from the sting operation. After having graduated from high school, he continued on to join the police force, and now he was a private investigator. Miyako had never realized her dreams, and she spent the rest of her days mothering the three children that Ken had sired on her. She found her amusments by dallying with passing young men, which Ken knew about - and didn't care. He often admired those young men from afar, and shook his head, knowing that none of them could ever stir the passion that he held deep within him for Daisuke Motomiya.

Daisuke had become a famous entrepenuer, selling homemade ramen in America. He had even married a young starlet, and she had given him a son before perishing in a crash. Now Daisuke was on the list of 'most eligible bachelors' in the world, and he had women fawning over him. American girls loved him for his money and charm. Ken loved Daisuke for the Daisuke that he remembered - that he never fell out of love with.

And soon he would have to face his beloved Daisuke. He had finally been pressured by Miyako into attending one of the gatherings with the rest of the digidestined. The timing was perfect, almost 15 years to the day that Miyako had told Ken of her discovery. Everyone else would be there, along with their children. Which, in essence, made it all perfect.

While gathering the children and making ready for the trip, Miyako reflected on her past. After 15 years of marriage to Ken, she knew that he didn't love her, didn't desire her. He had fathered the other two children in similar circumstances that caused their eldest daughter to be born. Drunk and unknowing of what was going on, he came to their bed and made love to her, clumsily. Those were the only times they had ever been together, and it pained her. She had turned to having affairs, which Ken seemed to approve of. In his eyes, it was ok for her to turn to someone else for the affection that he couldn't give her.

Because his affection was all Daisuke's.

That didn't bother her, surprisingly. She knew that before she had ended up pregnant, that Ken's affection had always been for Daisuke. And everyone knew that the two of them had been lovers, even going as far as moving in together to be closer to each other. She was determined at this gathering to at least get the two of them to talk. Daisuke hadn't spoken a word to Ken in 15 years, and it had caused Ken to cry himself to sleep almost every night. She would gladly grant him a divorce if he were to wish it to be free to persue Daisuke. And if she knew Daisuke like she thought she did, the seperation from Ken was killing him just as much, if not more. To further her point, she had a digital world researcher pining for her, begging her to leave her husband for him. And she was going to, as soon as the Daisuke situation was cleared up.

She had enlisted Hikari, Sora, and Mimi into her plan to get the two of them together, if at least to fight. That much would lead to the talking, if not something more, she felt. And as soon as Ken had finished with his day's work, he would be home - and they would be making their way to the digital world to gather with friends and loved ones once more.

Miyako was busily changing the baby's diaper when Ken came in from work, his eyes tired. She smiled at him and waved, a customary greeting. The children were aware that there was something different between their parents than the parents of other children, but it worked. Ken smiled tiredly, hugging his eldest daughter and ruffling his son's hair.

Miyako finished pinning the diaper on the baby and picked her up, smiling at Ken. "Are you ready to go?"

He nodded slightly, his eyes tired. She frowned inwardly. Ken seemed to lose a bit more of his life every day, with the stresses of work and with the pain of not being with the one he loved. She was determined to change that with this.

Gathering the children around her and Ken, she smiled. "I'll let you have the honours." Ken nodded and held out the black digivice from so long ago.

"Digiport open." The bright light infused the room and the five of them had disappeared through the gate.


The Ichijouji's made their way through the field over to where the rest of the digidestined were, excluding Takeru and Daisuke. Ken frowned slightly, disappointment going through him at the thought of Daisuke not being there. Miyako smiled and gave out hugs and kisses, radiant in the glow of new motherhood. All the digidestined knew why Miyako and Ken had married, and they also knew of Ken's previous relationship with the keeper of courage and friendship. When Miyako hugged Koushiro, Ken noticed that the hug was longer, more emotional. And there was love clearly written on Koushiro's face. Ken smiled slightly. He would have to talk to Miyako later, and broach the subject of divorce. He didn't think she ever would but he wasn't one to keep her from someone who loved her. They'd figure out what to do about the children. While they had all three been surprises, he still loved them dearly.

Takeru showed up, grinning. The best selling author of the group gave everyone hugs and kisses also, his son looking speculatively at Ken and Miyako's daughter. Ken hid a smile, recognizing that look. The eldest of the group, she tended to defer to Daisuke's son, but all the boys of a certain age found her very pretty. Lost in his thoughts, Ken almost didn't register the small skittering of many feet up his back until a soft nuzzle brought him out of his reverie. Instinctively, he scratched Wormmon's head, his eyes scanning the distance.

"He'll be here, Ken-chan. I know because V-mon told me so." Ken nodded absently, not bothering to ask why Wormmon would be associating with V-mon. He knew the two of them were close. His eyes continued to scan and he took in a sharp breath when he noticed Daisuke coming up the hill, his son right beside him.

"He looks so much like him..." Ken murmured, from the spikey red hair to the goggles that Daisuke had given him. "Sorry we're late guys!" Daisuke called out, waving. Everyone crowded around the two of them, giving hugs. Ken felt someone push him forward into the crowd. With a small "oof!" he found himself staring into the brown eyes of 15 years before, the eyes of his love.

"Daisuke...." Ken whispered. Daisuke's eyes were guarded and he nodded curtly.

"Ken." It was a start, at any rate, Miyako surmised, noticing that at least Daisuke had acknowledged Ken this time. She smiled brightly and pushed past Ken, giving him just enough of a push towards Daisuke. She hugged Daisuke the best she could. She felt him stiffen a bit and she pulled away, whispering in his ear.

"This isn't doing you or him any good, you know. He has never loved me. He's always loved you." She moved away so that Hikari could give Daisuke her own hugs, noticing that Daisuke's eyes just watched her, his lips parted. She smiled and nodded slightly. She could see the questions in his eyes, and she placed a finger to her lips. She mouthed the word "Later" to him and moved away, allowing everyone else to shower Daisuke with their affection.

With the arrival of the new goggle boy, they all ran off to play their games and to laugh, being kids. The younger digimon were scattering off after them, and many giggles floated through the air. Ken smiled watching his son and daughter participating in the festivities. He felt Miyako come over to him and he smiled down at her. "Miya..." he began but she shook her head.

"Ken, don't speak. I know what you want out of life. And I know that it's not me." Ken nodded sadly, never having hidden that fact. Miyako smiled at him. "At least you're admitting it now. Daisuke is over there..." Miyako pointed to a small hut that Daisuke was standing in, talking to Hikari. He cast a glance over at Miyako and Ken and turned back to Hikari, vigorously shaking his head. "And it's about time that the two of you talk, wouldn't you say?" Ken's eyes filled with tears.

"Miya... the children?" Miyako shrugged.

"Koushiro loves me, and I love him. The kids like him, and they like his daughter too. It'll work out, and I won't keep you from your children. You should know better than that, Ken." She gave him a gentle push towards the hut, and smiled "Go to the one you love, Ken. I won't hold you back any longer."

Ken stood frozen in place until Miyako gave him another gentle push. Then, before he could even be aware of what his body was doing, he was walking purposefully towards the hut, his eyes on one thing and one thing only: Daisuke Motomiya.

Daisuke's own eyes were burning with fury, and he tried to leave. However, Hikari had her hand on his, and she was speaking quietly. The hardness in Daisuke's eyes wavered for a moment, and then it was back, looking balefully at Ken. When Ken was within earshot, Hikari was speaking again. "Daisuke, do you truly want to throw away what you had with him? Deny a chance at happiness? At least listen to him. Please."

Daisuke turned his eyes to Hikari, and frowned. He was struggling within himself, trying to decide whether or not he wanted to give Ken that second chance, or to continue to allow the anger and hurt of the past to act like a shield. Ken stood before him now, his eyes shining with unshed tears. Finally Daisuke nodded at Hikari, and stepped back into the hut. With a small motion, he waved Ken inside. Hikari smiled brightly. "Don't hurt him."

Daisuke smiled slightly. Then, he turned back and entered the hut where Ken was standing. Sunlight streamed in the open windows, and there was a crude table and chairs set up. There was also a very comfortable looking bed in the corner, just big enough for two people if they snuggled close. The covers on the bed were turned back, invitingly. Ken recognized the blankets as the spare ones that Miyako kept in the linen closet for cold days. Shaking his head and smiling slightly at his interfering wife, Ken sat down at the table. Daisuke stood, his eyes boring holes into Ken's back.

"So talk." His voice was rough, and it had lost of it's earlier gentleness. Daisuke was still obviously upset, after fifteen years. Ken repressed a smile, imagining the look on his beloved's face. One where the eyes were slightly crossed, and his arms were folded across his chest. He was probably pouting a bit, as Daisuke seemed to do whenever he was angry.

"What do you want me to say? I've already attempted to explain the reasons to you."

Daisuke shrugged, although Ken couldn't see it. "That isn't the point, Ichijouji. Maybe you should attempt to explain it again."

Ken shook his head, a smile on his face. He was happy just to be close to Daisuke once more, to feel his prescence around him, warming him to no end. "Alright then. I kissed you. You told me you were straight. I went home to get drunk. Four bottles of sake later, I was screwing Miyako. She got pregnant because I wasn't careful. Then you came over and we made love. We moved in together. Miyako told me she was pregnant. You moved out, I was forced to marry Miyako." Ken let his voice drop bitterly on the marrying Miyako part. "In case you didn't notice, there was a difference in the way I referred to making love with you and to screwing Miyako."

"Yeah. So what? Explain the other two kids." Daisuke's voice was bitter.

Ken shrugged. "It was more of the same, I was drunk. My son was born nine months after my father died. My other daughter? Nine months after my mother died. I was drunk both times."

"So you just 'got lucky' when you slept with her both those times, huh? I find that hard to believe."

"Yes. Miyako has had several affairs throughout our marriage because I won't sleep with her. After today... she plans on filing for divorce. To be with Koushiro."

"Koushiro?" Daisuke laughed. "Uh huh. And what about the kids?"

"Joint custody. We haven't gone into the details yet. She just mentioned it to me before this arranged meeting of hers."

"Arranged? What do you mean?"

Ken chuckled this time. "Those covers on the bed are from my place. They're the winter blankets when it gets too cold at night."

"Oh." Silence fell between the two of them, broken finally by Ken. "When did your wife....?" He let the question hang in the air, without giving voice to the question.

"Three years ago. It was a marriage of conveinence. It looked good for the both of us if we got married, and we were fond of each other. Our son was a mistake, but a well loved one." Ken turned around and saw Daisuke staring out one of the windows.

"Did... you love her?" Ken asked finally. Daisuke shook his head.

"No. We were good friends. That made the marriage work. Our son.. happened similar to your children." Daisuke's voice had started to break a bit, and Ken resisted the urge to go over to him. If he did... he'd either get punched, or kissed... maybe both?

Daisuke moved away from the window and sat across the table from Ken. Turning back around, Ken noticed that Daisuke's eyes were filled with tears.

"Ken... did you love me?"

Ken smiled slightly and shook his head. Daisuke's face fell. "No, Daisuke-kun. I do love you."

Daisuke frowned, trying to puzzle out what Ken just said. "I just asked you that, and you said no... but then said you did?" Ken chuckled openly at Daisuke attempting to make sense of the cryptic puzzle that Ken had just presented to him. Taking the other man's hand in his Ken smiled.

"You asked if I loved you. I told you no. Because my love for you never stopped. I still love you... it's still here, present." Taking Daisuke's hand and bringing it to his lips, Ken kissed it gently, before setting it down on the table once more. Daisuke let his hand sit there, his lips slack and his eyes vacant. Ken frowned, fearing the worse. Then Daisuke's eyes began to register coherent thought once more. The redhead smiled at Ken, shyly.

"I... I never stopped loving you either." Daisuke murmured, pressing the hand that had been the object of Ken's affections to his own lips, the romantic notion of Ken's lips on his hand appealing. "I... it hurt, knowing that you had gotten Miyako pregnant. Did you even try to explain to the parents about us?"

Ken nodded. "Yes. They didn't care, Daisuke. They just told me that I had made a mistake with Miyako and now I had to fix it, regardless of what I wanted." Daisuke shook his head and began to protest, but Ken quickly cut him off. "Yes, my parents didn't approve. They wanted me married to Miyako from the first time that they found out we were friends. And I did what they asked, because I couldn't just let Miyako raise the child on her own. I know you hear about women in America doing that all the time... but this is Japan, Daisuke. Miyako's honor was at stake. And I couldn't just let her honor go to waste."

Daisuke shrugged. "I guess so. You've always been more upstanding than I am." Daisuke smiled slightly and shrugged. "What about your happiness?" he said finally, after letting silence settle between them again.

"My happiness? It was a sacrifice that I had to make. And if I had to choose again... well, I'd certainly try and figure out a way to keep Miyako's honor from being stained while trying to continue to be with you. You made me happy." Daisuke looked up, his eyes unreadable. Ken smiled softly. "Just being here, and hearing your beautiful voice, makes me happy, Dai-chan." The pet name fell unnoticed by Ken, but at the sound of it, Daisuke's eyes widened and his lips parted. A soft blush stole its way up his cheeks, staining them a bright red in its wake. Daisuke felt his body begin to tingle with the familiar endearment, the words that had invaded his sleep almost every night for fifteen years.

"Ken-chan...." Daisuke's useage of Ken's old pet name wasn't lost on the dark haired man, and he smiled. Taking Daisuke's hand in his once more, Ken looked directly into the warm brown eyes that he remembered filled with lust and love from before and chuckled.

"Your eyes... they're so beautiful. Did you know that, Dai-chan?" Ken kissed the hand once more before continuing. "I want you to take me back. I'm not going to lie to you. I understand if you don't want to or if you wish that I'd just fall off the face of this earth. Hell, I'd probably feel the same way if the roles were reversed. I know that you're going through an emotional hell right now and that I'm not really helping it. I've been caught in this emotional hell for the past fifteen years. And I know that there are a lot of things going on in both our lives to where it's making everything harder - from your business to my children with Miyako. But I do know that I want to be with you again. I won't say everything is ok. I know that it's not. I know you can't handle any more of this - and I don't blame you if you say no. But I do love you... and I promise you, that if you do take me back, I will not do this to you again. I have never made that promise to you before, or to anyone, but I am making it now." Ken's words tumbled over each other, and he took in a deep breath. He plunged on, looking into Daisuke's eyes. "I know that my past doesn't show that my word is the best things in the world to keep. But I'm coming to you today, begging you to take me back. I love you Daisuke. More than anything in this world and I want to be with you so bad. I didn't know that I could love someone so deeply. I really didn't. I"m so scared to be without you Dai-chan. I'm so scared to know that this may be the last chance that I have to tell you about how I feel and to ask you.. no... beg you, to take me back... and I understand if you're hesitant or don't want to..." Ken was cut off by Daisuke's voice.

"Shut up, Ken-chan."

"What?" Ken blinked, realizing that he had been rambling.

"I said shut up." Daisuke chuckled softly. Then, removing his hand from Ken's, he stood up and moved away. Ken felt a flash of disappointment. He opened his mouth to beg again, but Daisuke claimed Ken's lips in his own, kissing the dark haired boy gently. Breaking away from Ken, Daisuke grinned slightly. "You know, if you'd have just hushed after you took a breath, you wouldn't have had to wait so long for my kisses."

Ken blinked owlishly at Daisuke, his brain trying to comprehend that. Before Ken could speak again, Daisuke's lips were once more on his, coaxing his old lover to return his kisses. Ken sighed into Daisuke's mouth and opened up underneath his tongue, allowing the shorter one to take complete and total control.

Outside, Miyako and Hikari were listening at the door, smiles plastered on their faces. When the soft breathing turned to moans and cries, they knew that their work was done.