Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ More Digidestined ❯ It Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon I do however own Lori ,Rini, Marina, Caleb, and anybody else I make up so please don't use them.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = It Begins

Eleven year old Serena (Rini) *real original huh?* sat in her moms car beside her twelve year old sister Lori. She groaned as they finally came into the school parking lot in Tokyo, Japan. She hadn't been in favor of moving all the way from New York City, New York to Tokyo but her dad had gotten a job and they had to move whether Rini like it or not. Lori however, seemed excited but when ever Rini asked why she was Lori would only answer "I just want to see what it's like to go to school half way cross the world." In Rini's opinion, that was a corny answer but she never got one different so she stopped asking. Rini and Lori got out to see some boys playing soccer. One boy caught Rini's eye though. He was wearing blue goggles on top of his head. *Authors note: Know anybody who wears blue goggles?* Rini leaned over towards Lori.

"Check out goggle head. Who the heck wears goggles except to swim?" she asked. Lori shrugged. Her mom drove off and left them to their own. They watched for a while. Correction, Rini watched for a while, Lori walked off after a few minutes. Just as Rini was getting tired of watching and walked off, the blue goggle headed boy sent the ball out of bounds. It slowly rolled towards Rini's feet and she picked it up. The goggle boy jogged up to Rini. Just as he did, he froze. Rini looked up.

"Case of a stray ball I suppose?" she asked as she passed it back to the boy.

"Are you new?" the goggle boy asked.

"Ya. I'm Rini," she answered.

"I'm Davis," the boy answered.

"Davis you're holding up the game!" one of Davis's soccer companions yelled. Davis kicked the ball back into the game and ran back onto the field. Just as Rini turned around she heard a voice behind her.

"I don't think you should get mixed up with Davis. His mind is a bottomless portal," said the voice. Rini turned around to see a girl that looked Rini's age with extremely short brown hair, a camera around her neck, green spandex shorts, a pink and white t-shirt and zip-up shoes. She noticed the puzzled look on Rini's face and started to talk again.

"I'm Kari," she introduced.

"I'm Rini," Rini once again said. Kari looked at her watch. She turned towards the field.

"Davis, it's almost time for class," Kari yelled across the field. Just as Kari turned back, a boy with blond hair that had a fisher style hat covering most of it walked by. Rini watched him.

"Who's that?" Rini asked.

"Oh, that's T.K.," Kari answered.

"Any more people that I should know?" Rini asked. Kari shook her head and headed towards the school.

Once in there, Rini saw both Davis and T.K.. The teacher gave Rini a seat next to Davis. Rini sat down and Davis looked over towards her.

"Aren't you the one I saw on the soccer field?" he asked.

"Ya know that girl Kari said I shouldn't get mixed up with you because your mind is a bottomless portal," Rini told him. Davis turned away, his face red.

After school

Rini walked out of the classroom to see Davis, T.K., Kari, and two other kids creeping towards the direction of the computer room.

"Ya know, the computer room is open to the students you don't need to creep," Rini said walking up to them. They all turned around, their hands behind their backs.

"Are you trying to hide something?" Rini asked as they did so.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Kari answered.

"Because I haven't seen anybody this nervous since my sister Lori tried to sneak a puppy into our house," Rini answered. Lori came up to Rini and started to talk to her. With no one watching them, they sneaked away. Rini turned around to see no one there. She sweat dropped. She then started walking towards the computer room when she knocked into a boy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a pair of blue jeans, a red t-shirt, and blue sneakers. Rini righted herself and went back to her quest for the computer room. For some reason, the boy followed.

When Rini got to the computer room, she saw Kari, T.K., Davis and the other two kids. Then she heard a voice come from Kari's backpack.

"Kari, I need fresh air!" it said. Rini gasped as Kari took out a cat looking creature with green gloves on it's paws. Just then, the computer screen lit up.

"What's with that? There's no other kids here. Are there?" the girl with purple hair asked. The rest shrugged. Just then, a D3 shot out and went to Rini. She just stared at the mini computer that she had just received. The other kids looked over and saw Rini.

"Who's that?" the purple headed girl asked.

"That's Rini. She's new," Kari answered. Rini looked up.

"Would someone mind telling me what the heck this thing is," Rini demanded. All of the kids started talking at once. Davis was the one that managed to finish.

"That's a D3," Davis answered.

"Davis, can I come out now?" a lispy voice said from his backpack. Davis opened his backpack. Then, came out the most cutest monster Rini had ever seen.

"I think we should get to the digi-world before we get caught up to much," T.K. said. Everyone took out their D3 and held it to the screen. Rini did the same and they all disappeared.

Once in the digi-world, Rini looked down to see she had on different clothes. Instead of jeans, a red t-shirt and lace less sneakers, she had on well, still jeans, but instead of a red t-shirt, she had on a blue hooded sweat shirt, her mahogany colored hair was in a ponytail, and pink sunglasses were on top of her head.

"Whoa, cool!" Rini said once she finished examining herself. She followed the rest until their D3's went off.

"Looks like a digi-eggs near by," Yolei (They had introduced by now) said as-a-matter-of-factly. Rini hadn't the faintest what she was talking about but followed anyway. They soon came to a field and saw an oversized egg with a symbol on it sorta like this¥ .

"What's that? I don't think I've seen a crest like that before," Kari asked.

"That's the digi-egg of faith," Veemon told them. Everyone looked at Rini.

"What? Do you expect me to pick that thing up?" Rini asked. They nodded.

"What the hey?" Rini asked. She went to the digi egg and easily picked it up. A light shot out and a digimon that looked like a guinea pig came out.

"Hi, I'm Apumon!" it exclaimed happily. "And I've been waiting for you!" *Corny but…* Then, they heard a crash in the forest.

"A monster!" Rini yelled.

"No. It's a digimon. Unimon!" T.K. told her. Then Rini noticed the black ring on his neck.

"Defiantly not a fashion statement. No wonder he's so mad," Rini said. The digi-egg in her hand then started glowing.

"What am I supposed ta say?" Rini asked.

"Try 'digi-armor energize'," Davis answered. Rini nodded.

"Digi-armor energize!" Rini yelled. Apumon jumped into a blast of light.

"Apumon digi-volve to, Samomon!" out emerged Samomon who looked like Shurymon only with different colored robes.

"Samori sword!" Samomon yelled out. A sword appeared and Samomon hit Unimon with it. The dark ring disappeared. Apumon de-digivolved and collapsed.

"Apumon are you okay?" Rini asked scooping up the little digimon.

"Rini?" Apumon asked.

"Ya?" Rini asked.

"I'm hungry," Apumon answered.

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What did ya think? You can e-mail me at the_prinncess_of_light@hotmail.com or in the review thingy below.