Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Zebra ❯ Show me Love ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

---Authors Note---

To all loyal readers… if I have any, which I find amazing if I do. Thank you for reading and thank you for wanting the next chapter. Well, so sorry for the wait of about two weeks. I had this chapter almost done and then I experienced total brain freeze and so I spent a week and a half watching Smallville and then going on a road trip. So here it is… the third chapter to the story.

This chapter is sorta like a song fic with the song called 'show me love' obviously... by t.A.T.u.... I know... but who cares...

So, please Read and Review... Thanx


Yours truly,

Sweet Roses


Chapter Three

Show me Love

This was an accident

Not the kind where sirens sound

Never even noticed

We're suddenly crumbling



Twenty-four hours until Tai's and Kari's party and Izzy still hadn't decided whether he wanted to go or not. On one hand he could see everyone and Tai but he could also see Tai doing the things he hated seeing Tai do. There was just no way avoiding it. He knew that if he didn't go they would probably just move the party to his house. And fave it; when you live between a crazy old lady and a sixty-year-old teacher who doesn't realize that he's retired, having a party isn't always a good idea. There was really no getting out of it; Izzy was going to Tai's party tomorrow.

Izzy spent at least ten minutes in front of his bathroom mirror after brushing his teeth debating with himself if he should call Tai. He could tell Tai that he wasn't going to the party and if they tried anything funny he'd call the police. Then he fought with himself saying that Tai is a good friend and would never do that to him, but then again Tai has pot stashed away in his room.

`I'm not going.' Izzy said quietly to himself. `What will Kari say though?' he thought. `She's never done anything to me and she doesn't exactly follow in Tai's footsteps, I'd be disappointing her as much as Tai.'

`Darn it.' he swore… well swore in his matter of speaking. `I have to go.' He left the bathroom just as the phone rang.


Tell me how you've never felt

Delicate or innocent

Do you still have doubts that

Us having faith makes any sense


`Koushiro Izumi residence.' He answered.

`Wow, very formal Izzy.' Came the bright and cheery voice of Kari.

`Good morning Kari, and thank-you, I have been trying.' He said, trying to humour her.

Kari let out a giggle while saying, `well then congrats. So,' she said, now completely serious. `Have you made up your mind about you-know-what?'

Izzy hesitated; Kari had put him on the spot. He couldn't believe it. Of all the people it was Kari who put him on the spot.

`Hello? Izzy are you still with the living?'

`Uh yea… I guess I'm am.' Izzy replied, not really making it clear which question he was talking about.

`Yea about what? The party or that you're still with the living?'

`Yes about the party Kari, you can go ahead and tell Tai that I'm coming.' Kari giggled happily on the other line.

`Hey Izzy, I uh- need to talk to you about something. Do you think you could meet me somewhere later on?' Kari asked him, which completely caught him off guard.

`What about?' Izzy inquired.

`Well, I'll talk to you later about it ok?' Izzy was a little concerned and very curious so he agreed to meet her.


Tell me nothing ever counts

Lashing out or breaking down

Still somebody loses `cause

There's no way to turn around


`Where and when?'

`Tonight, we can go for dinner or something?'

`Dinner?' Izzy thought. `Ok. Where?' he asked getting a piece of paper and pencil.

`Well, meet me at the bears den and then we will decide from there.'

`All right, I'll see you tonight Kari.'

`Good-bye Izzy, and thanks.' She said before hanging up the phone.

`Your welcome.' Then there was beeping and the line went completely dead. Izzy hung up the phone and decided to see if his laptop programs needed to be updated. Fortunately for Izzy, his messenger needed to be updated so he spent forty minutes updating and four hours trying it out.


Despite the fact that all day the whether was perfect but when the sun went down that evening so did the nice whether. It happened to quite cool Friday night.

Izzy had been standing outside of the Bears den for nearly twenty minutes when he finally saw Kari running down the sidewalk to meet him. Kari was wearing a lavender silk tank top and tight hip-hugger jeans. He started to think he looked quite formal with his navy blue slightly stripped tie with a pale blue button up shirt, and black slacks. Of course over top he had his black leather jacket that when Izzy got it, Tai laughed for about an hour saying that it wasn't Izzy material.


Staring at your photograph

Everything now in the past

Never felt so lonely I

Wish that you could show me love


`Aren't you cold?' Izzy asked

`Just a bit.' She replied. `If I had known it would have been this cold I would have brought a sweatshirt or something.'

Izzy took his jacket off and handed it to Kari. `Here.'

`No I can't take that. You were a least smart enough to bring a jacket, I wasn't. I shall suffer.' She said laughing slightly.

`I am wearing more then you…' Izzy said so that she would accept the coat and then realized how that sounded. `What I mean is… I'm not going to go around wearing tank tops and stuff because I'm a guy'

Kari giggled. `I know. Well, if you insist.' She grabbed the jacket and put it on. `Thank you Izzy.'

`Don't worry about it.'

`By the way, Izzy, which restaurant are we going to?' Kari stopped and stared quizzical at him.

`Well, I guess we should figure that out. Flamingoes is about a ten minute walk and Co Co Jerry's is practically across the street.' He pointed towards the restaurant.

`Okay, it's closer so lets go there.' Kari said in agreement.


`Izzy, I've been thinking things through over the last couple of hours and it has dawned on me. Every person there will be drinking and will most likely will want you to as well.' Kari wasn't even looking at Izzy as she spoke; she seemed more interested in the baked potato she was trying to mutilate.

`I don't have to drink because people want me to Kari.'

`I-I know Izzy, but you'd have much more fun if you had some shots or something, a beer, maybe even a cooler.'

`Did Tai make you do this?' he asked.

`No' she said looking up finally and looking Izzy right in the eye as if to prove to him that she was telling the truth.

`Then why all of a sudden are you on the never ending mission to get me to drink?'

Izzy sighed, closely followed by Kari. `Because, you're meeting up with old friends that you haven't seen in about two years, three for some and its just there's going to be alcohol. Everyone's going to drink I thought that maybe you would feel left out.'

`So you asked me to dinner to tell me this?'

`No. That's not the only reason. I'm making you buy some alcohol, not a lot but just enough to get you buzzed to let you see what it's like. So it wont be your first time tomorrow night.' Kari bent over her plate slightly and ate some of her potatoes and beans.

`You want me to buy alcohol, so I can get drunk and then wake up and then go drinking the night after?'

`Well, not drunk exactly.' Kari said sheepishly.


Random acts of mindlessness

Commonplace occurrences

Chances and surprises

Another state of consciousness


`I don't know Kari.'

`Come on Izzy… please… please?' Kari put her fork down. `I know it is everything you don't believe in and all but, for me?'

`Kari, I just can't.' Izzy put his fork down as well. Kari titled her head to the side a little to look at Izzy skeptical.

`Are you telling me that you are serious that you don't even want to try alcohol? I can understand about the drugs, I don't like them either, but this? It's nothing just a little buzz, that's all.' She smiled a little bit. `Just a little, just to show you what it's like.'

`I don't think it's a good idea Kari.'

`I won't drink ok. I'll make sure you don't go all stupid, I'll look after you and I'll even buy the alcohol ok?' Kari picked her fork back up and took another mouthful of food.

Izzy breathed deep and then sighed audibly.

`Just this once, Izzy and I'll never ask you of anything else.'

`Then tomorrow.'

`Listen Izzy, they're going to be a lot worse then I am tomorrow you know.' Kari pushed her plate away from her and leaned her elbow on the table and rested her forehead on her fingers. `Consider me light.'

`This is `considered' peer pressure'

Kari gave a light smile. `So smart Izzy. I know that it seems that way now, but you'll thank me later.'

`You're so naïve, Kari.' Kari reached across the table and put one hand over Izzy's.


You play games, I play tricks

Girls and Girls, but you're the one

Like a game of pick-up-sticks

Played by fucking lunatics


`Aren't you?' Kari said and then quickly brought her hand back and placed it on her lap.

`Seriously Izzy, what do you have to lose? Your dignity? Pride? The fact that you wont be able to say you haven't done anything wrong in the twenty-some years you've lived? Take a walk on the wild side Izzy. Just once because to be honest, I think you lost your dignity a while ago.'

`Alright, fine.' He looked at her and she slightly clapped her hands. Then he looked at her and said sharply, `It's still peer pressure.'

`Sorry.' She said `but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.'


They had paid for their meals and just made the liquor store. Izzy went in and bought a twelve pack of vodka coolers. Kari had told him to get them out and also paid for it because Izzy refused to.

`Can we stop off at my house; I need to get a few things. Oh and is it all right if I spend the night at your house?'

`I don't think it's a problem but I think your mom will mind.' Izzy said as they turned towards Kari's house.

`Don't worry, my mom's not home. That's why we're having this party. She's staying at a friend's house for the whole weekend. Tai and I have the house to ourselves.' She giggled.

`Ok. As long as it's fine with Tai.'

`I can guarantee you Izzy, Tai should be sleeping on the couch till morning, and besides, he wont care. You're his best friend and I'm sure he trusts you.' Kari said before walking into their apartment.

`That's not what I meant.' He whispered before walking inside and talking off of his shoes. He looked into the living room and Kari was true to her word; Tai was lying on the couch sleeping while some reality television show played.

When he heard a door close he looked up and saw Kari carrying his jacket and a bag. She now was wearing her own jacket.

`Here,' she handed him her bag of clothes, `put it in here.' He took the bag and put the alcohol inside and handed it back to her. Izzy put his shoes back on and when he stood up his jacket was held out to him.

`Thanks Kari.' He said politely. She nodded and smiled again.

`Let's go.' Kari said and then walked out the door and then waited for him to leave. She shut the door behind him and locked it. `For Tai's safety' she snorted. `I'm sure he wouldn't hear someone who was trying to kill him.'


`Wow. No new messages. That's a first.' Izzy said while passing by his answering machine and loosing his tie. `I'll be right back. Make yourself at home.'

`I find it funny.' Kari shouted to Izzy.

`What?' he inquired.

`Well, I'm hanging out with my brothers friend and he's nowhere to be found… here anyway.'

Izzy walked out wearing the same slacks as earlier but wearing a long sleeved red shirt.

`Really let yourself go don't ya' Kari said sarcastically looking at the shirt that was a sad excuse for something comfortable. `So…' she said and took out one of the bottles and shook it. `Are you ready to let yourself go?' She giggled again.

`Kari, I'm having second thoughts.' Kari stood up and walked towards him.

`No you are not! I paid for this.' She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to the couch and sat him down. `Ok this stuff isn't bad, it just tastes a little like alcohol and is only 7% alcohol. It mostly tastes like sparkling water or something. Here try.'

Izzy took the bottle and looked at it.

`Come on Izzy, you don't need to read the ingredients. It wont kill you!' Kari stopped talking for a second and then thought about what she said. `Well, if you consume too much then maybe but there isn't enough alcohol here to do that.'

`Ok then.' Izzy tipped the bottle back a little and got a little bit of the liquid on his tongue and then quickly brought it away from his face. `That's… odd.'

`Tastes good though huh.' Kari said and grabbed the bottle and took a good gulp and then handed the bottle back to Izzy.

`Not as bad as I thought.' Izzy said honestly.

`Well, it gets worse if you drink straight vodka or something but I told you. Go on, take more, you barely had any.'

Izzy did as Kari said, he took a little more, and then a little more and more and more and more. By eleven Izzy had drank about five and Kari had the rest and they both ended up being drunk, not buzzed, drunk.


Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love

`Til you open my door

Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love

`Til I'm up off the floor

Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love

`Til it's inside my pores

Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love, Show me love

`Til I'm screaming for more


Both sat on the couch laughing and talking about stupid things. Kari snorted and then it sent them both into fits of laughter.

`I bet Tai would have a fit if he knew you were drinking with me and not him.' Kari said.

`So would your mom!' Izzy laughed and so did Kari not soon after.

`Why would my mom care?' she said. `She doesn't care about things she doesn't know.' Again, despite the fact that it wasn't funny, they both laughed.

`I gotta get up.' Kari said. She stood up and wavered a little, tripped over a bottle and fell right onto of Izzy.

`You did that on purpose.'

`It wasn't me' Izzy said defensively.

`I like it Izzy. I like you.' Kari kissed his cheek lightly and then brought her feather light kissed to his neck and then starting sucking on it until she was sure she left a mark. Izzy sat up and in the process made her sit up as well. He pushed her against the couch and held one hand on her face and the other at the nape of her neck. He brought her closer and they locked lips messily.

Soon Kari had maneuvered herself so that she as straddling Izzy.

Kari pulled away once again and started to gently kiss down his neck, leaving a fiery path where her lips touched last. Kari looked Izzy straight in the eye and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, running her hands across his smooth skin. She ripped off his shirt and then clumsily took off her own shirt, with help from Izzy however.

Izzy slid his hands around Kari's waist and brought her up on his lap once more and covered her with kisses from her chest up. Kari took control again and grabbed Izzy's neck and locked lips with him again. Pants were the next things to go. First Kari's and then Izzy's.

He ran his hands up her thighs and then picked her up and lifted her so that she was underneath his weight and then all of a sudden he stopped.

`Izzy?' Kari hissed. `Izzy!' She whispered harshly. She rolled him over and then realized that he had passed out on her. Kari rolled her eyes. `So much for that idea.' Kari stood up and grabbed her pants, pulling them on. She walked over to Izzy and lightly slapped his face seeing if he would wake up, but he wasn't getting up till morning. She dragged Izzy to his bedroom where she struggled to put him in his bed, after about five minutes she crawled in beside him and went to sleep as well.


Yea, I know, I'm a disappointment, o well…. Ok leave a review. Thanks!

Yours truly,

Sweet Roses