Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST2: Skipping the Game ❯ MST2: Skipping the Game ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MST2: Skipping the Game

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any character associated with Digimon. I do not own this particular piece of writing, either. The story is copyright 2001, Shini-chan. My comments are my own and here for the amusement of others. Flames are welcome. I love you all, I truly do. Even if you're a Republican.


An old theater on the outskirts of Odiba sits abandoned, a small sign hanging from the front door reads, "Closed for Renovations". Yet three teenagers come wandering up to the door, looking at the theater in an odd sort of way.

Sora Takenouchi: Is this the right place, guys?

Yamato Ishida: Looks a bit on the unkempt side. Maybe we should just forget the whole dare thing.

Taichi Kamiya: Let's just pound Daisuke's head in for giving us a dare this stupid in the first place. Honestly... "The Ghost Muse of the Abandoned Suzuki Theater". Sounds like an slightly Eastern variation of another Disney remake of "The Phantom of the Opera."

Sora: Or R.L. Stine's autobiography.

Nonetheless, the three pull on the doorknob of the theater. Surprisingly enough, it opens. Walking inside, they gasp collectively.

All: Gasp!

For a theater "Closed for Renovations", it certainly seemed like no renovations were needed. As dingy as it was on the outside, it was beautiful on the inside. The dimly lit chandelier cast a warm glow on the thick mauve carpet and golden-framed mirrors of the lobby. Walking down a small marble staircase covered with the same mauve carpet, the three found themselves in what looked like a movie theater. The luxurious seats were of a deep red color and very inviting, and the elegant lamps twinkled slightly in the dark theater.

The three teenagers walked up to the movie screen, framed by the deep purple and gold curtains. They were in total awe of the sheer magnificence of the place. Finally, one of them spoke up...

Taichi: This is wicked cool.

From the projection room, a fourth teenager walks out, slightly older than the others. She has shockingly red hair and many freckles. Her large eyes are shining, and she runs down one of the aisles to the others. Her name is Thalia.

Thalia: Hello! Glad you could make it!


Yamato: You fruitcake.

Thalia: Well, you got the ghost part wrong... because I'm a MiSTress!

Sora: What's a MiSTress?

Yamato: In one word: Mimi.

Thalia: My name is Thalia, but you can call me Lia. I spend most of my time here, cleaning, swiffering, delving in the archives of "The Fanfiction". Mostly delving. I seek out all of the horrible lemony fanfictions, and I make fun of them! That's what a MiSTress does!

Yamato: Not Mimi...

Lia: I've been so lonely most of the time, even my jokes are starting to be a bit on the maize-y side. So I've invited you three here today to help me joke, laugh, and generally have a good ol' time!

Taichi: You INVITED us?

Sora: Never mind, Tai... it's getting us out of another long day of Miyako and Daisuke's Truth or Dare episodes.

The three sit down in the front row, and Lia returns to the projection room. The first characters begin to flash onto the screen...

Warnings: not for the immature. we do this because we like it and aren't adverse to it.
Disclaimers: not ours. we don't own digimon or the characters in it.
Spoilers: yaoi, fluff
Pairing(s): yamachi

Yamato: Erm... what does she mean by "Yamachi"?

Taichi: And "Not for the Immature"?

Sora: She obviously means that the likes of you two didn't write it...

Skipping the Game
by Silver and Shini-chan

Matt jumped Tai, and pinned poor stunned Tai to the ground.

Taichi: Guten Gött!

Well, we don't waste ANY time with those mindless plots, now do we...

Tai suddenly gasped as Matt kissed his mouth with a hungry, demanding force, flipping him over and groping him. Matt slid his hands down Tai's sides with a pressure with just enough force not to be ticklish, but Tai giggled anyway.

Like a British schoolgirl, I bet.

Sora: Or Richard Simmons.

Matt leaned forward and delicately laved

Sora: Laved?

at the tanned shell of Tai's ear, whispering, "Glad to know I keep you entertained, Taichi..."
Tai giggled again. "Of course, you always do. Do I keep you entertained, Matty?"

Yamato: MATTY?!?

Taichi: Don't glare at me, I didn't write it!

Sora: Scoot over. I think I'd better sit in between you two.

" Of course... but... right now... I'm in the mood for Sausage a la Tai" Matt purred into Tai's throat.

Taichi: Everybody wants the "Sausage a la Tai".

Yamato: Unfortunately it comes with the mayonnaise.

Sora: No pun intended, I hope.

Tai gasped as Matt opened his pants and slipped his hand inside.
Matt stroked the quickly hardening length and rasped, " Do you like this? Hmm? Do you like it when I stroke you this way?"
"Gods, yes!" Tai managed to gasp out, arching into Matt's hand.

Taichi: Gods? What's with the polytheism?

Sora: I always pictured you as a Lutheran, Tai.

Taichi: I could never get used to the Jello-O.

Matt rewarded his lover with a gentle squeeze and a quicker pace as he bent his head to suck at Tai's neck, his tongue laving

Sora: Sounds like Yamato truly laves you, Taichi.

circles across the smooth, hot flesh.
Tai moaned, tugging at Matt's shirt. "Off, now!"

Yamato: Schnell, schnell, schnell!

Matt obeyed, sitting back for a moment, stripping off his steel blue shirt to reveal the hard, pale plains of his body.

Sora: "So pale, in fact, Tai put on his goggles to shield his eyes from the glare..."

Tai stared greedily, never wanting to forget the sight until Matt tugged at his.
"I don't think that's very fair, Tai... that you keep your clothes while I sit here on display. How's about we level the playing field?" Matt asked, a devious glint in his blue eyes.
Tai grins, "Oh, of course, Matty---" but doesn't get to say anymore as Matt tackles him and rips the shirt from his body. "But Matt, that was my favorite shirt..."

Yamato: Awww... was it your "Sex Pistols" one?

"I'll buy you a new one... I always do..." Matt's mouth descended to Tai's chest, nibbling and lightly sucking at the nipples, throughly distracting him from his ruined shirt.
"R-right!" Tai stutters as Matt turns his chest to molten fire, threading his fingers into Matts hair to anchor into place.

Sora: Yama's going to get you for that, Tai.

Taichi: What? What did I do?!

Yamato: Do NOT! TOUCH! The 'DO!

Matt moaned softly at the fingers lightly massaging his scalp and he sucked a bit harder at the stiffened peak in his mouth, his hand coming up to toy with it's lonely mate.
Tai moaned again as Matt sucked harder, running his hands down his sides to toy with the edge of his pants.
"You want these off, Baby? You know what I want to hear..."

Taichi: No, thanks, I'm Catholic?

Yamato: Not a chance in hell, you metal bastard?

Sora: So long, and thanks for all the fish?

Matt teased, his breath sending wafts of air across a wet nipple, causing it to harden almost painfully.

Tai refuses to speak,

Taichi: Go me! Take that fifth!

drawing his hands around to Matt's front to start on the fastenings of his pants.
Matt smirked and took Tai's hands away, pinning them above his head. " You know the rules... you don't say the safe word, you don't get me."
Tai grimaces sleghtly. "Matty please. I forgot!"

Yamato: Quite all right, just chipper, happens to the best of us...

He struggles to get his hands out of his lover's grasp.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk... looks like I'll have to wring it from that lovely throat of yours..." Matt promised, his mouth blazing molten fire down Tai's torso.

Sora: I don't get it! Wring what? The spawn of Satan? Scrubbing Bubbles?

"No Matt! Don't leave me hanging!!" Tai wracks his brain for that word, finding it hard to think with Matt's mouth on him.
Matt only laughed, unbuttoning Tai's pants and licking a bit lower down.
Tai gasped, trying to force him down on his hardening erection.

Taichi: Ack! Don't give in, Tai, don't take the candy!

"Please," he whispered, one more desperate plea for a release of his insanity.
Matt quickly leaned upward instead of down where his lover wanted him and nipped at his ear. " The word first, lover... then I'll give you release..."
"Damn it all, Matt! Just Fuck me!" Tai groaned, arching against Matt's hard body.

Taichi: Or we could play a nice game of Chinese Checkers?

Matt smiled. " Good boy."

Yamato: Truth or Dare is sounding very fun right about now...

Tai moaned, capturing Matt's mouth in a fierce kiss as Matt released his hands.
Matt's hands flew down to Tai's pants and stripped them off, revealing his lover went without.
Tai's did the same, struggling with the tightness as he always did. "Matt, help me..." he whispered breathlessly...

Yamato: ...because we all know you need a little help in this department.

Taichi: WATCH IT, Yamato! Or... or... I'll...

Yamato: You'll do what?

Taichi: Or... I'll... I'll... dump your hair gel into the Sea of Japan!

Sora: Damn, Tai... that was below the belt.

Matt whispered, " Anything you want, Baby..." as he carefully dipped his head to lap at the small slit at the tip of Tai's erection.
Tai moaned, forgetting about the pants around Matts knees to try and force him down. "Oh, God.
Matt suckled on the stiff shaft in his mouth and wriggled out of his jeans, his left hand massaging Tai's chest while the other played with what Matt couldn't take into his mouth.

Yamato: What can I say? I'm a multitasker

Tai moaned even louder, not caring that the other didgidestined might hear them.

Sora: Well, caring really never was your crest, Tai. Nevertheless, don't mind me... I just have to witness this horrible turn of events.

"Matt, I want you now!
Matt moaned at the sheer lust in the other boy's voice and he quickly fished out a tube of lubricant from his pants pocket*

Yamato: Lubri-Can-Do! All-purpose lubrication and hair gel! Now in the new Slam-Pack!

Taichi: 50% natural oils, 50% pure organic lard!

"You...came...prepared?" Tai gasped out, looking at Matt with disbelief and lust in his eyes.
"Of course..." Matt purred, " I'm always prepared when it comes to you."

Yamato: Prrr..

Sora: You're a right naughty sex kitten, aren't you, Yama?

"Thank God!" Tai kissed Matt as a slick finger was slid inside of him.
"You liked that? You like it when I make you scream so loud that we could get caught any second, by someone wandering by? By a fellow student? Tell me... how would you feel to have someone watching us?" Matt implored, stroking that spot as if pushing the boy to answer.

Don't I get a say in what goes on here?!

"Matt, please don't stop!" Tai all but yelled, getting closer and closer to completion.

Sora (impersonating Taichi): And that's my two cents! So there!

Matt withdrawed his fingers and quickly oiled himself

Taichi: ...with lard, I'm sure. Nobody gives a damn about me anymore.

before moving himself to Tai's entrance. " Tell me... tell me how much you want me..."

Sora: 'An then tell me about thuh rabbits, George... you promised to tell me about them rabbits...

"Matt,"Tai whimpered, "please!" He gripped Matt's hips and tried to force him to enter him.
Matt allowed himself to be pulled, thrusting torturously

Taichi: Torture?! You don't know torture! You don't know pain! You don't know how it feels to be lubricated with lard!


Sora: That was so wrong in so many aspects.

slow inside Tai's gripping body.
Tai let out a shuddering groan as Matt came to rest fully inside him, gazing up at him with glazed eyes.

Sora: Sounds like crack.

Yamato: Honestly, Sora. Tai's dumb, but not a pothead!

Taichi: Yeah, it's probably LSD.

Matt waited for a few moments while Tai adjusted, the roars of the crowd signalling yet another goal.

Taichi: I didn't know there was a game going on! I wonder who scored?

Yamato: Me, unfortunately.

He began to slowly rock inside of his lover when he felt the hips shift a bit, asking. Matt gradually quickened his pace until they both muffled each other with passionate kisses.
Tai couldn't get enough. He answered Matt's thrusts by arching his hips, taking him in deeper. Their kiss was broken as he tossed his head back, letting Matt have access to his throat.

Yamato: Oh, great, so now it's a part supernatural vampire fic?

Taichi: I don't want to be seduced by a bat!

Sora: "Oh, squeak squeak, squeak..."

Matt ruthlessly took advantage, sucking and biting at the tender flesh of his neck while he began to pound harder into his lover, their bodies slamming together in their passion.

Yamato: Giving new meaning to the phrase, "Bang it like you meant it."

Tai couldn't take it anymore. He screamed as his climax over took him, clenching around Matt and clawing at his back.

Sora: All the while shielding his eyes from Yamato's albino glare.

Matt hissed

Yamato: The sex kitten strikes again!

at the pain Tai's nails wrought, but retaliated in kind when he bit into his shoulder to muffle his own scream of elation as he pulsed his seed into Tai's body.
Tai quieted as Matt fell onto him heavily, weakly nuzzling his shoulder. "Ya know, I think I missed most of the game..."

Taichi: I missed the game?

Yamato: Sorry about that whole... lard thing, Tai.

Taichi: I can't believe I missed the game!

Matt groaned and nuzzled Tai's shoulder, murmuring, " It's okay... the coach thought you were sick anyway..."

Taichi: But I wasn't sick! I missed a game? I missed a game?

Yamato: Yeesh, don't have a spazz attack on us... I bet you wanted to skip in the first place, huh? Just couldn't resist the albino sex kitten, could you?

Sora: Wait for it... the sudden realization...

Tai smiled slightly. "Yeah, now I remember..."


C&C is always welcomed and craved. just remember, all flames...will be used to toast marshmallows over.

Yamato: I like marshmallows. Makes for a good lubricant.

Sora: Yeah, really good with lard, right, Taichi?


Yamato: Honestly, there's no need to be crude about it. And the banging was copyright the Albino Sex Kitten.

Lia skips down from the projection booth to sit with still-in-hysterics Sora, the arrogant Yamato, and the still-in-shock Taichi, who was curled up in his chair, hugging his knees and rocking back and forth uncertainly.

Lia: So how did you like it? Good one, huh?

Sora: Good wasn't the word that popped into my head...

Taichi: I missed a soccer game?

Yamato: We'd better take him home. He'll be needing his meds soon, anyway.

Lia: I understand. See you guys next weekend, then!

Sora: What?!

Lia: Yeah! You're coming back, right? You had fun, right? RIGHT?

Sora (trembling slightly): Of course we did, Lia. We'll be back, right? RIGHT?

Yamato (shaking): Right! RIGHT, TAICHI?

Taichi: I missed a soccer game?

And thus, the three left Suzuki Theater for the cool September air of Odiba. The leaves rustled around their feet as Sora and Yamato dragged the delirious Taichi back home. Lia went back to the archives to search for another worthy fanfiction, and the "Closed for Renovations" sign swayed in the breeze.


Thanks for reading, human beans! And remember, if you believe that you have read the worst Digimon lemon there is, don't hesitate to tell me about it. And you might see it bashed, battered, and hung out to dry right here on MST2.

