Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K: T.K. and Kari star in "DIGIMON: AFTERMATH" by Robster80 ❯ Default Title ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(The setting: an abandoned warehouse somewhere in Odaiba, Japan. The location: Chris Ishida's hideout)

(Inside, we see Ishida and Duo hunched over a Playstation 2, both sweating profusely. Norikamon is watching over them, afraid one of them will collapse from dehydration at any moment)

(Ash enters)

Ash: What are they doing?

Norikamon: They're trying to finish Devil May Cry on Hard Mode. They're at the last stage when you fight Satan.

Ash: Geez, I haven't seen them this worked up since Chris got Ocarina of Time.

Norikamon: Just wait 'til they start Final Fantasy X…

Ash: (shudders) That'll be interesting. But I've got news for you guys, we've got a fic to rib today.

Ishida: Silence, grasshopper!

Duo: Pipe down, short-stuff!


TV: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ishida and Duo: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ishida: WE RULE!

(glance at screen)

Ishida: What the hell's this?

Duo: "Congradulations! You've defeated Hard Mode and unlocked the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda! But 'Dante Must Die!' Mode awaits. Do you accept the challenge?"


Duo: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash: It'll have to wait 'til later. We've got work to do. Everyone else's already in the theater room.


(Doors slam. The foursome enters the theater to find the rest of Team 69 already there.)

Rei: Did you finish the game?

Ishida: (moaning) There's still another, harder difficulty level to do.

Serena: Ouch.

Vegeta: Ha ha! Good luck, human!

Mocimon: Should I cancel your date with Jesanae tonight?

Ishida: Absolutely not! Duo'll start it and I'll join him afterwards.

Duo: Yeah! We'll do it, 'cause we're the X-treme PS2 Team! (Duo and Ishida strike a Hardy Boyz-ish pose)

Ishida: (sitting down) So what's on the agenda for today?

Shampoo: Rob-type fic. Shampoo no like Rob-type fics, they sex.

Ishida: What?

Rei: It's Robster80's "Aftermath" fic, and it's not a lemon.

Ishida: No sex in fic today, Shampoo.

Shampoo: (exhales with relief)


Shampoo: -_-!!!


Ishida: However, we have 'sap' in surplus.

Duo: Rob's Shift key's actin' up again!

By Robster80

Vegeta: Ah, this one impresses me.

Norikamon: Who'da thought that YOU of all people like his threesome fics.

Vegeta: Silence, Digi-human-whatever the hell you are.

Norikamon: I'm a Digimon that looks very much like a human, thank you very much!

TK stood in the back of the trolley car that was taking him and his friends back to the Real World, watching as the Digital World and the Digimon grew smaller and

smaller. He sighed quietly. He would probably never see his friend Patamon again, even though they promised each other that they would one day meet again.

Duo: That's kinda OOC for T.K.: he's already lost hope on seeing Patamon again.

Ishida: And Rob got upset when I had him and his Digi-Muses OOC!

Serena: That's because you turned them all into nymphomaniacs.

Ishida: This is true…

Patamon wasn't the only one on TK's mind. He was also thinking of Kari, Tai's little sister. She was like him in some ways: they were both 8-years-old, they both

had older brothers, and they both were Digi-Destined.

Ash: (T.K.) I finally figured out what me and Kari have in common! And it only took me the entire second half of 01 to do it!

TK had grown attached to Kari during their time together in the Digital World. He had looked after her when she was sick and had protected her when Piedmon

tried to destroy them. They were even holding hands at the time. He stared at his hand, remembering her touch. It was warm, comforting even. He wondered if he

was falling in love with her.

Shampoo: Child-type boy too young to know about love-type emotion.

Duo: She's right. Most eight year-olds only care that their mom and dad love them and that's fine for them.

Ishida: Rob must be incorporating the whole 'extra Digiworld time equals too mature for their age' thing.

Rei: I have witnessed that a lot lately from various writers, actually.

Robster80's voice: I WROTE THIS BEFORE 02 CAME OUT!!!

Duo: Does this mean that Rob somehow predicted the whole extra maturity thing?

Ishida: Could ROB be a prophet of some kind?


Love. He had heard the word many times before, but had never fully understood what it meant. He was only a little kid. It was a lot to think about.

Ishida: Well, not THAT mature, anyway…

Duo: Next thing ya know, T.K.'ll be doing Advanced Calculus and listening to Alice Cooper at age ten.

Mocimon: Alice who?

Ishida: Only the greatest rock star in the history of music!

Norikamon: (whispers to Mocimon) Or at least that's what Chris says.

Mocimon: Is he the makeup and monster guy?

Norikamon: Yes.

Mocimon: Okay, I remember him, I think.

(All sing Alice Cooper's Poison)

Duo: I want to love you but I better not touch

Serena: Don't touch!

Norikamon: I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop

Vegeta: I want to kiss you but I want it too much

Mocimon: Too much

Ishida: I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison!

Shampoo: +_+??????????????????

*When we get home,* he thought. *I may never see Kari again. I'll miss her. I wonder if she'll miss me just as much? What would Tai think if he knew I had a crush on Kari?*

Vegeta: Considering your age, he'd just laugh in your face. By 02, however, he'd beat you into the ground.

He looked over to where the others were. Everyone was asleep, aside from him. Tai and Kari sat together, her brother's arm around her. TK briefly imagined he

was in Tai's place, but shook the thought away.

Ishida: (paling) Please don't tell me this is gonna become a Shadow Guyvor 007 fic.

Rei: So?

Ishida: Remember "Humans, Digimon, and Hormones"?

Rei: Yes…

Ishida: That was Guyvor.

Rei: Ew!

*This is too much! I wish I could talk to Matt about this. He'd understand.*

Shampoo: Boy-type Matt no care for puppy love. Boy-type Matt no understand child-type T.K.

Duo: Amazing, that's two for the Amazon!

Suddenly, there was mostly darkness.


He looked back out the window, seeing a small white orb that was the Digital World. He then saw a small star shining in the distant.

Vegeta: So in all of the Digital space, there's only one freaking star?

Serena: What about the small white orb?

Vegeta: Incompotant fool! That's the Digital World itself!

Serena: Oh.

(Vegeta grunts)

"Star light, star bright," he quietly said. "First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, grant the wish I make tonight." He took a deep breath. "I wish Kari liked me the way I like her."

Ishida: (sarcasticly) Finally, poetry for OUR generation!


Duo: Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot…

Vegeta: Duo, I shall be forced to kill you if you don't stop that!

Ishida: And I doubt the Eternal Dragon will want to resurrect you. Again.

Duo: Right, sorry. (sweatdrop)

Kari couldn't sleep. She tried very hard, but her mind was concentrating on something. Actually, it was someone that was on her mind: TK.

Mocimon: (Kari) Should I tell T.K. that hat makes him look like a complete idiot?

Kari had been somewhat attracted to the boy who was her age. He was brave when he wanted to be, and he had almost always been there for her. Like when they

were being chased by Piedmon, last of the Dark Masters. He even held her hand the whole time. Kari could still feel the warmth from his touch even now.

Norikamon: Although most of his touch's warmth was stolen by Tai when he held her hand.

Mocimon: However, Kari liked it when Tai held her hand.

Ishida: Please don't turn this into a Taikari!

Vegeta: Don't worry, human. Rob's not that much of a weirdo.

Darkstar's voice: BUT I AM!!!!!

All: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Tai said TK lives far away from where we live,* she thought. *That means I may never see him again when we get home. I wish he didn't live so far away. I

wonder if he'd miss me as much as I'll miss him? I bet Matt would be shocked if he knew I was falling for his brother. Tai would flip but probably not that much since he likes TK.*

Rei: Not as shocked as we are for learning that eight year-olds actually have thoughts like yours!

She opened her eyes and looked around. It was now dark, and everyone else was asleep. Not everyone, she soon realized. TK was missing.

All: What's that, Kari? T.K. FELL DOWN THE WELL!?!?!?!

"Star light, star bright," she heard someone whisper near the back. She looked to see TK wishing on a star. She listened as he finished the rhyme and made his wish.

Serena: (T.K.) I wish Kari would stay the Hell away from me!

"I wish Kari liked me the way I like her."

Serena: D'oh!

Ishida: Don't mind her, she likes Daikari.

Rest: Ew…

Darkstar's voice: SERENA, INTERESTED IN A JOB?…

*He likes me?* A smile crossed her lips. *He likes me!*

Norikamon: No, silly girl, go hug a tree. Or Tai.

Quietly, Kari slipped out of Tai's arm and walked over to TK. She tired to hide her excited expression as she whispered, "TK?"

Mocimon: (Kari) BOO! HAHA! GOTCHA!

TK turned in surprise to see her. "Kari? Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

Vegeta: The Hell you are, you little liar!

"No, you didn't. I couldn't sleep either. I was thinking."

Duo: (Kari) As I usually do when traveling in between dimensions.

"About what?" TK realized he had spoken his thought. He blushed.

Ishida: That's really not that much of an embarrassing thing to say…

"About how much I'm going to miss you once we go our separate ways." Now Kari was blushing, but more than TK had been.

Ash: Nor that, but, hey, Rob wrote it, and he can do and write whatever the Hell he wants to!

Ishida: Shut up! I keep thinking he might put me in a lemon with Ken, Davis, and Jun after the Threesome Trilogy MST incident.

Norikamon: Strange, on your review page, he's the ONLY person who DOESN'T like the MST.

TK's law promptly dropped. She admitted she would actually miss him. "I... I'd miss you, too, Kari."

Ash: Yeah, it's kinda hard to think anyone would miss you, kid.

Ishida: It's just that: those two are so cute, it's disgusting.

"TK, promise me we'll see each other again, please?"

Mocimon: (Kari) Also promise to return my panties when your done with them, okay? And don't wet the bed again wearing them, or you can keep them.

TK turned away, looking sad. "I can't. I won't make another promise I can't keep."

All: (Alice Cooper) (singing) Oh but he's back! He's the man behind the mask! And he's out of control!…

"What do you mean?" Kari was more sympathetic than shocked, although she was somewhat disappointed.

Norikamon: I'd be VERY disappointed. I mean, she's tell him she likes him and he won't even humor her!

"I made a promise to Patamon before we left. That we'd meet again someday. Looking back now, I shouldn't have made that promise. No one can predict the

future. I don't know if I ever will see him again. I can't make the same empty promise to you, Kari. I... I care about you too much."

Ishida: Okay, for Christ's sake, Rob, T.K. sounds like a friggin' prophet! He's EIGHT!!!

Robster80's voice: KEN, DAVIS, AND JUN!!!



Kari was taken aback. He cared about her that he wouldn't hurt her. "You will see him again someday, TK. I know you will." She then took his hand in hers. "TK, I promise that we will meet again one day and we'll be together always."

Shampoo: Shampoo love puppy-type love!

Serena: CHIBI!!!! HOW KAWAII!!!!! ^-^!!!!!!!!!!!!

TK looked into Kari's brown eyes, lost for words for a moment. "Kari, I promise that we'll always be together, too."

Ash: Kari's a very persuasive person.

Duo: It's those big cinamon eyes. They're hypnotic, I tell ya!

Serena: How'd he think to say that? I thought T.K. was lost for words.

TK then did something that seemed like he did it without thinking: he leaned forward and placed a kiss on Kari's forehead. He stepped back, blushing more than ever.

Ishida: Okay, who saw that coming?

(all raise hands)

The kiss sent a warm charge through Kari's body. She slowly leaned forward and kissed TK on his lips, her arms wrapping around him. She then felt his arms

around her.

Ishida: (blinking fast) Okay, who saw THAT coming?

(no one raises their hands)

They both thought at the same time: *So this is love.*

Duo: T.K. and Kari, Love. Love, T.K. and Kari.

Ishida: (no emotion) (T.K.) I love you, Kari.

Norikamon: (no emotion) (Kari) I love you too, T.K.

Ash: (T.K. and Kari) So this is love…I never knew how much I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT!!!


Duo: Hey, I just realized: those aren't dots: they're little stars! Cool!

(rest sweatdrop)

The sudden stop of the trolley woke Tai. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. Kari was missing.

Rei: (Tai) Damnit, why do we always seem to lose Kari? Why can't we misplace T.K. for a while?

Panicked, he jumped to his feet but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Matt, who was smiling.

Ishida: (Matt) I have a confession to make! I'm a perverted voyeur!

Matt put a finger to his lips, then pointed to the far end of the car. Tai looked to see Kari still asleep. With TK asleep beside her, his arm around her, and her hand in

his other hand.


Tai turned to face Matt. "I'd be a liar if I said I never saw this coming."

All: LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt nodded, smiling even more. "Do you guys have an email address?"

Duo: (Tai) Yeah, it's we_love_alice_cooper@jol.org.

The two friends took one last look at their siblings before opening the trolley's doors to meet their parents.

Ash: (Tai) Well, we're off the trolley. Do you have the feeling that we forgot something?

Vegeta: (Matt) Nah, just keep walkin'

Ishida and Mocimon: (T.K. and Kari) HEY! WAIT FOR US!!!


(outside the theater)

Ishida: (getting coat on) Okay everyone, same time tomorrow.

Rest: Yup, sure man.

Ishida: Okay, Duo, you're in charge. Good luck with 'Dante Must Die!' Mode. I'll be back to assist when my date's over.

Duo: Take your time. At least you've got a date.

Serena: Oh yeah, Chris, your Digimon Muse, Daria Muse, and CardCaptors Muse are arriving tomorrow.

Ishida: Ah, excellent. With Yolei, Daria and Sakura here, I'll have a Muse for each show I work with so far.

Ishida: (slipping into his prized Ferarri) Yes, excellent…

(Ishida rockets out of the underground garage and is gone)

The End

Just in case you're wondering…

Team 69: (the author and his Muses)

Christochii Ishida (Digimon [Original Character / Author])

Mocimon (Digimon [Original Character])

Norikamon (Digimon [Original Character])

Duo Maxwell (Gundem Wing [Muse])

Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z [Muse])

Rei Ayanommi (Neon Genesis Evangelion [Muse])

Ash Ketchum (Pokemon [Muse])

Shampoo (Ranma ½ [Muse])

Serena / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon [Muse])

Sakura Avalon (Card Captors [Muse])

Yolei Inoue (Digimon [Muse])

Daria Morgendorfer (Daria [Muse])

A/N: I own all three OCs. Ask before you just use them. The fic is owned by Robster80. All animated characters are owned by their respective creators, shows, and companies.