Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K T.K. and Sora star in "Steam" (by Robster80) ❯ Against All Odds (Pt. 2 of 2) ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Joe stood in the doorway, watching the girl he loved break down.He had a chance now to make her his own, but the cost was too high to him. TK
was his friend, but because of his selfishness, he had caused him pain.


Matt stood behind him."You want her," he said quietly."Now's your chance."There was harshness in his words, but he also directed them at
himself.Both he and Joe had made TK suffer by taking away the love of his life: first he with Kari, and now Joe with Sora.

Christochi: I could say something right here, but I'd get smacked for it, so I won't.

Jesanae: Good, your learning.

Christochi: PURR!

Jesanae: MEOW!


Joe shook his head, and turned away."I've done enough damage," he stated."Now I understand why you never reopen old wounds."

Raul: Unless you have some handy-dandy…lemon juice!

Christochi: (Jimmy King) OH THE IN-HU-MANITY!!!

Christochi: (Malice Mizer) Beast of blood! Beast of blood!

TK came home to an empty apartment about a few minutes after he left the station.His mother was away on a trip, and wouldn't be back for a few more days.This
was especially why Sora had asked him to come with her.She didn't want him to be alone all that time.

Jesanae: Apparently Sora's plan backfired.

Raul: As Sora's plans usually do.

Once he closed the door, he set his suitcase and sleeping bag down, and looked over the quiet home.Get used to this, Takeru, he thought.After college, and
when mom's gone… this is your future.…An empty, lonely future…

Ghost: This is as depressing as R80's not-so-widely-known "Cheaters" series.

R80: How did you find that series?

Ghost: (yelling up to Rob) I browse extensively!

Another tear came out of his eye as he then went to put his clothes away from the trip.

Kitty: He didn't even use most of those clothes.

Christochi: Yeah, Sora doesn't like her man to be clothed.

Jesanae: It takes time away from the fucking to undress.

This is my destiny…

Christochi: (Mundas from Devil May Cry) BEHOLD MY POWER-…okay who stole my power?


Sora never left her room since she found TK's note, nor did she move from the bed she laid on.She ignored everyone's pleas to come out for lunch or to let them in
and talk.She stopped crying some time ago, but it didn't make any difference.TK was gone, and she felt so alone.

Jesanae: I know there's a song for here, but I can't think of it!

Finally, someone kept knocking on her door until she stood up and opened it.She frowned when she saw it was Joe."Now what do you want,' she spat at him.

All: (Alice Cooper) (singing) It's such a brutal planet. It's such a living hell. It was a holy garden. That's right where Adam fell. It's where the bite was taken
It's where we chose to sin. It's where we first were naked. This is where our death begins!

"Why the hell are you still here?"His tone surprised her."Pack up and take the next train back to Odaiba so you can try and patch things up with TK!He's probably
home by now."

Raul: Joe Actually Being Brave!!!

Sora turned away."What if… he doesn't want to see me?"

All: (Alice Cooper) (singing) I'm stuck here on the inside, looking out. I'm just another case. Where's my makeup? Where's my face? On the inside, yeah!

"Sora, Kari's mistake was keeping silent about her and Matt.But you're making a bigger mistake by giving up when there's still some chance of getting TK
back.Your aunt is already getting you a taxi to take you to the station.If you really love TK, then you'll go after him."

Kitty: (Sora) But I don't wanna!

The words sunk deep into Sora.She shoved Joe out of her room, saying, "I'll be quick," and then slammed the door shut.Within minutes, she was dressed, packed,
and had her ticket in hand.She went to the front desk where Urara, Sakuya, Tai, and the others were waiting.Urara gave her a small bag."A small lunch I made for
you to have on the trip.You'll need the energy."

Christochi: Hehehe…she'll need the energy all right…for when she finds T.K….hehehe…

Just then, the taxi pulled up outside.

Raul: I would love the cab driver to go GTA on Sora!

Ghost: Can't…take…the…scene…changing…!

TK emerged from the shower an hour later, refreshed, but still sad.There was nothing to do.Video games and movies weren't interesting at the moment, and reading
would only put him to sleep, which he didn't want.

Christochi: Video games not interesting? Dude, Final Fantasy X, any Resident Evil game, Grand Theft Auto III??? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???

Better check the answering machine, he decided finally.It wasn't much, but it was something to do.He walked over to the phone and found the red light
blinking.Pressing the button, he heard Matt's voice come on."Hey, TK.Listen… I know it probably means dick to you now, but… I'm sorry about what I did with
Kari behind your back.It was wrong, and totally un-brotherly of me to do to you.

Jesanae: The way-too-late apology of the Yamato-dickhead.

"Also, I'm sorry about what happened between you and Sora.That's partially my fault, too.If I hadn't started dating Kari-."

Ghost: And…………STOP!

TK hurriedly erased the message without listening to the rest.Fuck you, "big brother!"There was one other message on the machine.TK pressed the play button.I
know I'm not gonna like this one.

Ghost: (looks pleased with himself)

"TK," Joe's voice came on."You know who this is, don't you.Either you haven't gotten home yet for some reason, or you don't feel like answering the phone right
now.Either way, I understand."

Kitty: He so doesn't need this right now.

Burning with anger, TK reached for the delete button.

Jesanae: Bye-bye, Joe!

"Sora didn't accept my proposal."


TK froze.She didn't?

Raul: There's a plot?

"She told me everything… well, not everything in full detail, but enough for me to understand.She loves you, TK, and she was crying when she found you had
left.We've finally convinced her to take the next train and go after you, and if I'm right, she should be at the station now.

Christochi: Hehehe…the police station, that is.

Kitty: Sora's big ass has been arrested for being…so big!

"Don't throw a good thing away, TK.Go to her before she gives up.Sorry for causing you so much trouble."That was it, because a clicking sound came shortly after
Joe stopped talking.

Ghost: (T.K.) Hey, he hung up on me!

Sora loves me… and I totally jumped the gun on her!Dashing to his room, TK threw on some clothes and checked his wallet for cash.Gonna need more cab
fare.Just then, a clap of thunder boomed from outside and it began to pour."Ah, shit!"TK grabbed his raincoat and an umbrella before he then got some money he
had stashed in his drawer for emergencies and ran out the door.

All: (Obi-Won Kenobi) USE THE FORCE, TAKERU!!!

All: (get major sweatdrops)

The cabbie drove his vehicle through the downpour while TK rode in the back, looking out the window."Why you going to anyplace in this kind of weather, bub?"

Ghost: (T.K.) I'm a complete idiot who wants to catch pneumonia.

TK didn't look at him."To correct a bad mistake I made."

Raul: (Cabbie) Well, you're probably gonna screw up again anyway, so I'll only charge you three times the ride's worth.

The cabbie smiled."I see.Don't worry about your girlfriend much.I was young myself once, and it worked out okay.Gotta have hope."

All: (Limp Bizkit) (punking) I gotta have faith!! Gotta have faith!! Gotta have faith!! Gotta have faith!! Get tha' fuck up!!!!

"I wouldn't mind a miracle or two alongside my hope."

Christochi: Sorry, lil' bro, Davis' the one with Miracles.

"Nothing wrong with that."

Kitty: This is T.K. we're talking about, here. There is something wrong, because he doesn't have Miracles!

It was then that TK got a good look at the cabbie."How come you live here in Japan?"

Raul: (Cabbie) So I swam across from China, close enough!

The cabbie chuckled, and a flash of lighting appeared in the dark sky."Never seen black cabbies much in this part of the world, do you?I got tired of the hate in my
home back in the USA.Thought I could try my luck here, since I had a fondness of Japanese culture."He pulled up to Sora's mother's flower shop."This is it.Looks
like there's nobody home."

Ghost: (Ren) T.K., you IDIOT!!!

TK just pulled out his money and looked at the fare."I'll take my chances."He led out the cash."Keep the change."

Raul: Takeru Takashi takes his chances and learns to cross the street!

Ghost: Next time on…Fear Factor!

But the cabbie pushed TK's hand back gently."I'll wait here.If there's nobody home, you come back and I'll take you home.No extra charge."

Jesanae: What a good deal.

"But I-!"


Christochi: (Alice Cooper) (singing) HEY, HEY HEY HEY!!…

All: (Alice Cooper) (singing) HEY STOOPID!!!!

"The rain's letting up.Get going before it gets worse again!"

Kitty: Watch the driver pull away, leaving T.K. standing in the rain.

Thanking the kind driver, TK rushed out and up to the door.He rang the bell, but there was no answer.He rang it three more times, but no lights came on or
anything.I'm too late.She wants nothing to do with me anymore.TK dragged his feet back to the cab and got in, his head hanging.

Kitty: R80'll be hanging by the time this' over!

(Rob hits switch. Chris' chair is electrified)

Raul: Hey, R80, wrong person.

R80: Nope, I won't hurt a girl, so I always go after him.

Raul: Ah, I see, I see.

Christochi: …mommy…pain…medic…

"Sorry, son," the driver said sadly before pulling away.

Kitty: (Cabbie) Now to play on his sorrow and get triple the cab fare!

TK slowly walked up the stair to his floor, feeling empty.I'm so stupid!Guess this is what I get for not hearing both sides of the story.As he walked closer to
hall, he heard a faint sniffle.Could it be..?


All: HUZZAH!!!!

Quickly turning the corner, TK saw someone sitting with their back to his door far down the hall, crying in their arms with their bags nearby.He recognized the hair,
and his eyes widened."Sora!"

All: (Weezer) (singing) Oh girlfriend ! That's the end. And I'm lost without your love. Oh love!

Sora's head shot up at the mention of her name, and looked to see TK rushing towards her."Takeru!"She leapt up and hugged him tight as he did to her, tears still
flowing from her eyes.

Jesanae: Ladies and gentlemen, the River Sora.

TK was crying, too, but with joy."Sora, forgive me!I shouldn't have-!"He was cut off as Sora kissed him deeply.

Raul: (T.K.) …Sora…can't…breath…

Kitty: (Sora) Must apply more preasure!

"I came here right from the station," she said after the kiss ended."I knocked, and begged, but no one answered."

All: (Celine Dion) (singing) When you want it the most there's no easy way out. When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt. Don't give up on your faith. Love comes to those who believe it. And that's the way it is!

TK led her into his home, carrying her bags."Joe called my answering machine while I was in the shower.He explained everything in his message just before I deleted
it.I took a taxi to your house because I thought you'd go there first.When no one answered there, I thought you hated me."

All: (Metallica) (singing) Dreams of war, dreams of liars. Dreams of dragon's fire. And of things that will bite!

"Never!I love you, and only you.I gave you my heart when we made love, and I meant it."

All: (Weezer) (singing) Any day now you'll call me up on the phone. Say you love me more than you ever did before!

"And I gave you mine."The storm raged on."There's no way I'll let you go out in this weather.Will you stay with me?"


"Yes!"Sora hugged TK again.As they held each other, Sora slid one hand down between her and TK and felt his crotch.She gave him a perverted smile."I told you
we'd pick up from this morning."

Christochi: Everyone, just sing! Maybe we can drown it out!!!

Rest: (Jim Carry) ALRIGHTY THEN!!!

TK helped Sora shed their coats."Can you wait until we get to my room?"

All: (Uncle Kracker) (singing) Follow me, everything is all right. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night, and if
you want to leave, I can guarantee you won't find
nobody else like me.

"Why not your mom's room?She has a large bed."

All: (Limp Bizkit) (singing) Should've left my pants on this time. But instead you had to let me dive right in. Should've left my pants on this time. You let me dive right in!

"Well, since you're staying with me, I thought we'd get a little cozy at night."

All: (Metallica) (singing) Now I lay me down to sleep. Pray the lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake. Pray the lord my soul to take!

Soar giggled."Just how cozy, Mr. Takaishi?"

Christochi: (Michael Jackson) (singing) Just beat it, beat it, beat it. No one wants to be defeated. Showin' how funky and strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right. Just beat it, beat it! Just beat it, beat it! Just beat it, beat it! Just beat it, beat it!

Raul: Uh…

Kitty: Oh my!

Ghost: (Crow T. Robot) UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!


Christochi: No! I didn't mean it that way!-


Christochi: …please…help me…

TK picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.Dumping her gently on his bed, he moved on top of her, pressing his body to hers, and kissed her nose."This

Ghost: I once caught a fish… (throws arms wide) …THIS BIG!

Jesanae: Davis has a penis… (seperates fingers less than an inch apart) …THIS BIG!

(Everyone laughs and fall out of their seats. R80 holds his sides as tears come out of his eyes. A thousand miles away, Darkstar starts bashing his head against the wall as Katelyn readies the Advil.)

Sora's smile got even more seductive."I like this.It turns me on… like right now."She reached into TK's pants and pulled his shirt up and off him.He did the same to
her, but quickly undid her jeans and pulled them off.He took notice that her white panties were a bit wet at the middle bottom.

All: (Barenaked Ladies) (singing) Pinch me, pinch me 'cause I'm still asleep. Please God tell me that I'm still asleep!

TK's train of thought was interrupted when Sora sat up and undid his pants for him."You'll get there soon enough, aijen."She watched as he kicked his jeans off
along with his socks, and then moved to take hers off as well.He then got back atop her."Ai shiteru, Sora-chan."

Jesanae: The shit has hit the fan!

"Ai shiteru, Takeru-kun."Sora pulled TK into a kiss as he undid and removed her bra before he started suckling and squeezing her breasts."Oh baby," she cried,
holding his head closer to her body."I'm so hot for you… so wet…"She reached down into his briefs and squeezed his hard cock, feeling the precum on her hand.

All: (D12 and Eminem) (rapping) I take a couple uppers. I down a couple downers. But nothing compares. To these blue and yellow purple pills. I been to mushroom mountain. Once or twice but who's countin'. But nothing compares. To these blue and yellow purple pills!

TK moaned between kisses as he moved his lips up to Sora's neck.He turned over so Sora was now on top."Your skin is so sweet… and soft."His hand moved
down into Sora's panties, gently rubbing her pussy lips.This caused her to become wetter, and she moaned louder.She moved down to lick TK's chest as they both
gave each other hand jobs.Finally, they removed their underwear together, making them both naked.

All: (Cyndi Lauper) (singing) She bop--he bop--a--we bop. I bop--you bop--a--they bop. Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop, I hope He will understand. She bop--he bop--a--we bop. I bop--you bop--a--they bop. Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop, Oo--oo--she--do--she bop--she bop!

During a French kiss, Sora pushed TK onto his back before breaking off and sliding her dripping vagina to his face.The salty smell aroused TK further, and he
eagerly darted his tongue to lick up her wetness.His speed made Sora gasp."Slower, Takeru!Slow down!"Her hands pulled his head closer to give him better access
to her pussy.When he pushed his tongue deep into her cunt, she began to slowly hump.

All: (Digital Underground) (rapping) D-d-do me baby! Do the Humpty-Hump! Do me baby! Do the Humpty-hump! D-d-do me baby! Do the Humpty-Hump!

"Oh yes!Yes!Lick me more, Takeru-kun!Lick me more!"TK had to hold onto Sora's ass to make sure she didn't hump too high or too fast.Now that her hymen
was gone, he could push his tongue deeper into her.Before long, he got a face full of her sex juices as she orgasmed.He licked it all off as she got off him and the
bed, kneeling before him."Stand up."

All: (Bon Jovi) (singing) It's my life! It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever! I just want to live while I'm alive! (It's my life) My heart is like an open highway! Like Frankie said I did it my way! I just wanna live while I'm alive! It's my life!

Giving a nod, TK stood straight up, his erection pointing at her.Sora stood on her knees, took the base of his cock with her hand, and began licking it all over like a
lollipop.She felt TK shiver from her tongue running over the head, and kept licking there more and more.His moans became louder when she deep throated his cock
and started sucking it as she moaned as well.He put his hands to her head, and began to thrust to match her bobbing.She sucked harder and harder, torturing him
with her tongue.With a loud cry of her name, he made one last thrust before squirting the back of her throat with cum.She sucked it all down quickly, save for some
that leaked out of her mouth.

(Chris jumps onto his seat)

Christochi: (Triple H) For the thousands in attendence and for the millions viewing live on Pay-Per-View…LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO… (crotch chops) …SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sora slowly pulled back until TK's dick was out of her mouth.She stood up and smiled at him."Did you like that, baby?"

Christochi: It's my theme, damnit, I'm gonna do it solo!

Christochi: (AC/DC) (singing) Back in black! I hit the sack! I've been too long I'm glad to be back! Yes, I'm let loose! From the noose! That's kept me hanging about! I've been looking at the sky! 'Cause it's gettin' me high! Forget the hearse 'cause I never die! I got nine lives! Cat's eyes! Abusin' every one of them and running wild!

TK said nothing, but pulled her close so that her chest was pressed against his."I love making love to you."He used his finger to wipe away the extra cum from
Sora's lips before she took it into her mouth and softly sucked on it.When she let him pull his finger back, he asked, "Are you ready?"

All: (D-Generation X theme) (punking) Degenerate, yeah we don't look good! We just got tired, of doin' what'cha told us to do. And it's time to freak, boy, yeah, it's time to be a little man! BREAK IT DOWN!

Reluctantly, she pulled away and laid out on the bed, showing off her body to him."Fuck me," she said in a sexy voice, turning over so she was on all fours, and
pointed to her cunt."This way."

Kitty: And now presenting…Sora's sexy voice.

(Jesse grinds her nails on a chalkboard. Everyone twitches)

Kitty: That was a very close demonstration of…Sora's sexy voice!

Without a word, TK got onto the bed and brushed the tip of his dick at her opening, teasing her.

Raul: (T.K.) Sorry Sora, it's too small, I can't get it in.

Kitty: (Sora) Oh well, you weren't very good anyway.

"Ah!Do it!I'm so horny!"

All: (Dope) (rocking) I don't care for glitzy things or a fancy neighborhood. Glamour games or plastic fame or the king of hollywood. Dazzling flamboyant things or a top hat on my head. Or modeling for magazines and be a debonaire!

"Here's my cock."

All: (Kid Rock) (rocking) They say I'm cocky, and I say WHAT? Not braggin' motherfucker, 'cause I back it up! They say I'm cocky, and I say WHAT? Not braggin' motherfucker, 'cause I back it up!

Sora gasped as she felt her pussy being filled quickly and completely.She pushed backward, slamming her hips into TK's.This caused him to start pumping into her.It
took a minute, but they soon got into a steady rhythm."So good," Sora moaned."It feels so good, Takeru-kun!"

Jesanae: (Sora) So good, I could just…DIE!!! (hurls dagger at screen. The dagger rips a hole in the screen and and the fic stops.)

Kitty: Hey, can we leave?

R80: (voice-over) No, the fic's not over yet. We just need a new projection screen.

(ripped screen raises up as new one slowly comes down.)

Ghost: Hey, what's that behind the screen?

(all look)


R80: *Stupid blue lizard!*

(Twenty minutes later, the fic is resumed)

TK moved his hands up to her breasts and held them there."Do you want it harder?"

All: (City High) (singing) What would you do if your son was at home? Crying all alone on the bedroom floor! Cause he's hungry! And the only way to feed him is to! Sleep with a man for a little bit of money! And his daddy's gone! Somewhere smoking rock now! In and out of lock down! I ain't got a job now! So for you this is just a good time! But for me this is what I call life, mmm!

"Yes!Fuck me harder, aijen!"Sora was almost screaming as TK humped harder and harder into her trembling pussy."Right there!It's so good right there!I'm going
crazy!"TK leaned back, pulling Sora with him until she was now humping in his lap.Her cunt gripped and squeezed at his cock each time he pushed it in, splattering
her juices on his balls and the bed.

All: (Kid Rock) (rocking) Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy

"I'm cumming!I'm cumming!Hurry!"

Raul: Hey Chris, I got a good one!

Raul and Chris: (Eric Cartman) (singing) WEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL…………Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch, she's the biggist bitch I know
and she stinks like shit! Remember back when, the day when she was skinny? Now she's fucked cause she still thinks she's pritty! I Just laugh, and walk on past saying: "Shit, god damn thats a big fat ass!" Should fuck that slut, she's a big fat trip! But I still let her suck this ten foot dick!

TK made one last deep push just before he fired his load into her womb.A second later, Sora cried out as her next orgasm came after his, sucking his cock like a
vacuum.As they fell backward, she cried weakly, "Takeru-kun, I love you…"

(Chris sits Jesse down on his lap. They hug close and slowly rock back and forth)

Christochi: (to Jesanae) (Jon Bon Jovi) (singing) I want to lay you down in a bed of roses. For tonight I sleep on a bed of nails! I want to be just as close as, the Holy Ghost is. And lay you down, on a bed of roses.

(They kiss tenderly. Everyone, including R80, make "Awww" noises. A thousand miles away, Darkstar begins hurling up his dinner while Katelyn calls for a janitor)

They laid that way for a while: Sora lying on her back on top of TK with his cock still in her pussy.They were breathing heavily from fucking so hard, but they had
enjoyed it.Then, TK made them turn over and pulled out before going over to his desk."There's something I want you to have, Sora-chan."

Raul: (T.K.) An entire box of cyanide capsoles! Feel free to take them whenever you want, or now, if that's possible.

Lying on the bed, Sora watched as TK pulled out a small pouch from his desk drawer, and emptied out onto his hand a simple silver ring."I wanted to give this to
Kari," he explained as he walked over to the bed and knelt."Before I found out about her and Matt.My dad gave this to my mom when they fell in love, and she
gave it to me a month ago.She called it a promise ring, because when dad put this on mom's finger, he promised to love her until his dying day.Even though they got
a divorce, doing this feels right."

Christochi: People, it's the home stretch! ONE MORE TIME!!!

All: HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He took her hand and said, "I, Takeru Takaishi, with this ring, promise to love you and only you, Sora Takenouchi, until my last breath." Not saying anything more,
he gently put the ring on her finger.

Kitty: (Sora) OW! Takeru you idiot! I said it wouldn't fit!

Sora then pulled TK up onto the bed and sat up."I, Sora Takenouchi, accept this ring and make the same promise to you, Takeru Takaishi, until my dying
breath."She then whispered, "Kiss me, please?"

All: (Alice Cooper) (singing) All my words are spoken. All my words are spoken. All my words are spoken in a stolen prayer!

TK was only glad to.

All: IS THAT IT???

The End


(doors finally open. All scramble out)

Raul: Chris, never invite me back!

Ghost: Ditto!

Ash: (running up) A Ditto? Where?

All: (sweatdrop)

Ishida: Where is Rob and that goddamn lizard of his??? NO ONE TAKES MY MUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!

Sakura: Hey Chris?

Ishida: What?

(Sakura slaps Chris hard across the face)

Sakura: YOU RUINED MY LOVE-MAKING SESSION!!! (runs off to her room crying)

Ishida: -_-. (Rodney Dangerfeild) Even in Hell, I don't get no respect!

The End