Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing: The Fight to Avenge ❯ What Happened? ( Prologue )
AngelWingAsh's First MSTed fic!
Setting: The Review Lounge now reconstructed!
Written by: AngelWingAsh
ps: I don't own Digimon… blah, blah, blah…
((Setting for the Review Lounge shows and a young 14-year-old girl shows up, she's about 5'4, (presently, she looks 5'6 because of her shoes…) wears a light blue muscle tank top with a long denim skirt and puts her hair in a little ponytail, leaving the rest of her reddish-auburn hair let down freely and wears wine-colored wire-rimed glasses. Name: Ashley; PenName: AngelWingAsh))
AWA- Hm… well, the lounge looks… different… May I ask? Who's the brains who has remodeled the review lounge?!
((A tallish guy came in and he wears a blue shirt with jeans and has the bluish eyes… (AWA- I'm not goin there.) Real Name: Alex))
Alex- Um… it…it…
AWA- Who? You? *raises eyebrow*
Alex- ….Yes, it was…me.
AWA- grrrr… WHAT GIVE YA THE CLEARENCE TO REMODLE THE REVIEW LOUNGE?!?!?!!? I don't like the show, Pokemon!
Alex- But…you, you, you said you did…
AWA- I play the video games and play the card game… but the show sucks! Y'know, why am I talking to you? Piss off!
Alex walks off…
AWA- Grrr… Damn him. Damn my ex to hell!
???- Did someone say hell?
((A girl comes in; she has cotton candy pink hair, wears a "Tai is Mine!" shirt, wears dark blue jeans, and about as tall as AWA. RealName: Whitney; PenName: Lil Shampoo))
AWA- SHAMPOO!!! Wuzzup?!
Shampoo- Nunthin much. U?
AWA- Nunthin' much… except of what my weezer ex has done to the lounge…
Shampoo- Poor u…
???- The hell happened in here?
((Another girl comes in… she's 5'7, wears a sleeveless denim top, blue flare jeans, and put her blond hair in a neat ponytail. Real Name: Brandelynn; PenName: TaRain))
Brandelynn- Hiya sis… eh… what happened to the lounge??? And more importantly- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY TARAIN PIC!?!?!?!?!?
*AWA and Shampoo did the anime-style fall*
AWA- Alex redid the place…
Brandelynn- That gay-wad? How did he do that?
Phone Call!!!
AWA- Hello? Review Lounge.
???- Oh… heya, boss. How's the place?
AWA- Boss? !!! ASHLEY!!! RAIN!!!
Ashley- Hehe… we hired you ex to re-decorate the place and he was easy to coax him that you still liked Pokemon!
AWA- Why you back-stabbing muther-
Rain- Ah! Ah! Temper, temper, boss…
AWA- I'll never forgive you…
Rain- To throw in a bonus, we also made a in-home movie theater in the lounge, kinda like the stuff from Digifan's fics…
AWA- So you're gonna give me shit and give me and anyone else a hard time by sending us bad fics?
Ashley- Damn straight! And, boy we got a good one too!
Rain- It's called… "The Fight to Avenge"! By, you AngelWingAsh!
Shampoo- What is it, Ash?
AWA- You remember "The Fight to Avenge"?
Shampoo and Brandelynn- Eeep!!!!!
Rain- One condition- if you and Shampoo and TaRain can stand it… we'll give you the money to renovate the place at your wish.
TaRain- Rain! You back-stabber! I'll kill you afterward!
AWA- Stand the fic, get the lounge renovated… What do you think, Shampoo?
Shampoo- Eeeehhhhhhhhhh… I dunno… but as your friend, I'll stand it with you!
AWA- Okay!
TaRain- Round Two of "Fanfic Torture"? After this, Rain's gonna be fresh meat on the hook!
Ashley- Just say "fanfic" in a long voice!
AWA- *grumbles* Did Pearl hire them to torture me like this, cuz I'm friends with Brian?
Rain- What was that?
AWA- Nunthin! We got it! Ja ne! *click!* Kay just say "Fanfic"-
Brandelynn- We know- we heard it from this monitor.
AWA- How the hell did Alex install in a phone tapper? Aw well. All together:
The door next to the computer opens and it reveals a mini movie theater.
All- Ooooooooooo. Where's Daisuke (AWA)/Takeru (Brandelynn)/Taichi (Shampoo) when you need him? :D
Brandelynn- Aw well. Let's go to the Fanfic of Hell!
~*To Be Continued*~
TaRain- You are so paying me back, Ash.
AWA- Aw… just for the lunch the other day.
TaRain- You call a bag of Skittles and a can of Coke lunch?
AWA- I'll bring some more tomorrow!
TaRain- you always say that…-.-;;;
AWA- Torture: Round One- gonna come soon!