Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Music is the Doorway to the Soul ❯ A Doorway to the Soul ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We find Takato in his room listening to his favorite band, Simple Plan and his Favorite song, Addicted. -I'm trying to forget that I'm addicted to you! I want it, and I need it I'm addicted to you!- He started to mouth the lyrics as a knock came to his door. “Takato turn down that music! Your friend Rika is here!” Takato's mom yelled up to him. It was Takato's 18th birthday and Rika had stopped by early, hoping to listen to music with Takato. “Hi goggle-head, happy birthday!” Rika said, giving him a slight hug. “What's up Rika? Why are you here so early?” Takato curiously asked. “Well, no big reason, just wanted to listen to music with you if it's all right.” She said, it was only half-true. “Are you sure you're ok?” “Yea don't worry about it.” Takato shrugged as he turned on his music again, It had just gotten to the `heartbreaker' part when Rika was mouthing the lyrics. “I love that song!” Rika said, enthusiastically, surprising Takato. “Really? It's my favorite song!” Takato joined. The next song came on, and Takato slowly started head banging to One Step Closer by Linkin Park. Rika was surprised by the change in the atmosphere, noticing Takato had a lot of anger by the way he sang the lyrics, dancing to them as well. At last the song ended, leaving an embarrassed Takato and a wide-eyed Rika in its wake. “Wow, I never knew you could dance like that!” Rika said, making Takato blush further. “Well it's the song I listen to whenever I get overstressed, and when I hear it I just start dancing to it.” Takato explained. Bring me to life started playing on Takato's CD player and he calmed down unnaturally fast as he sat next to Rika. “This is one of my favorite songs!” Rika said happily, and she started singing. `Wow…she has a beautiful voice.' Takato thought to himself. “I could fall asleep to your singing.” Takato said, mid-song making Rika blush. “Um…Thanks.” She said, still slightly embarrassed and continued, this time with Takato. Takato started singing the only-guy part. “All this time I can't believe I couldn't see, kept in the dark but you were there in front of me.” Rika continued. “I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything.” “Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul, don't let me die here.” “Bring me to life!” They continued the climax of the song, and then finished the song, only then realizing how close they were to each other. Their faces were so close to each other's they could feel each other's breath. Takato blushed and said, “Wow you really are a good singer. No one else can make me sing.” “You should sing more! You have a beautiful singing voice.” Rika told him, making him blush more. What made both of them blush was the next song on his CD, The Reason, by Hoobastank. Rika merely stared at Takato as his sung the lyrics to her softly, slowly nodding his head. “And the reason is you.” Takato said as the song finished, which was when he noticed Rika was staring at him. “Sorry…” Takato he said quickly. “For what?” “For all the times I argued with you.” “It was just because you cared for me.” Rika said slyly, wondering if Takato would catch her in trying to have him show her his feelings. “You're right…” Takato said slowly, then finished with, “Yes I know you tried to cover it up.” He said, making her blush. `Goggle-head really cares for me…' Rika said as she felt a lump in her throat. Rika quickly said. “So…what songs do you have on your CD besides the ones we've listened to?” “Well, in order, they're Addicted, One Step Closer, Bring Me To Life, The Reason, The Taste of Ink, Be My Escape, Scars, Time and Time Again, Only One (Rika blushed as he named this one), Until the Day I Die, Anthem of our Dying Day, Vindicated, Stories, Made of Glass, and Welcome to My Life. Wanna stay here and listen for a while?” he asked curiously. `They're all songs I like!' “Sure…I haven't really got anything better to do.” As the final song came on, Rika had her head on Takato's shoulder. They began to sing in unison. “Welcome to my life…” they finally ended the song. “Thanks for letting me come over.” Rika said. “You don't need to thank me, it was my pleasure!” Takato said. “There's another reason I wanted to come over…” Rika said, hanging her head down. “I know.” Takato said, surprising Rika. “What do you mean?” “Let me guess, you got into another fight with you mother?” he asked, concerned. “Yea…how'd you guess?” “You two have been getting into fights a lot more often. I just guessed you wanted to get away from her.” Takato said, understanding everything somehow. It was then that Rika broke down crying in his arms. “It's all right Rika…Everyone needs to let it out sometimes.” Takato said hugging her as she cried into his chest. Her sobs slowly became sniffles, easing Takato's mind. “Thanks Takato.” Which made Takato chuckle. “What's so funny?” Rika asked, half annoyed, half tempted to tear him apart. “That's the first time you called me Takato in a long time. Normally you call me goggle-head or something.” Takato said, easing Rika's mind this time. The night continued into the party at Takato's house. After everyone had left, except for Rika, he handed her something. “What's this?” She asked, confused. “My CD. I figured you might like it considering you were singing half of the time.” He explained. “But it's yours! It's your birthday, you shouldn't be giving gifts, you should be getting them!” Rika said. “Don't worry about it, just consider it a gift for me missing your birthday last year…I'm still sorry you know.” He said, remembering he was unable to because he was grounded. “Actually…that's why I made this CD. I was going to give it to you then, I wish I could've gotten you something more special.” He said apologetically. “Don't worry about it! I love it!” Rika said, then giving Takato a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Takato quickly thought. “Wait up Rika!” Rika turned around to find Takato running after her. “What are you doing?” She asked him. “Walking with you, unless you don't want me to that is.” Takato said, waiting for her answer. “Thanks Takato.” She said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Why don't you have a jacket?” Takato asked, caringly. “Oh, I guess I kinda forgot…” Rika said, suddenly shivering at noticing how cold it was. “Here.” Takato said, handing his jacket to her. “I can't! You'll get a cold!” Rika exclaimed. “I don't care, as long as you don't.” Takato said lovingly. “Thanks again, Takato.” She blushed a dark red, luckily, it was hidden by the dark, even though Takato was blushing just as much. “Takato…do you like me?” “Of course I like you! You're my best friend.” “No I mean really like me.” She said, blushing even darker than before. Takato caught on to what she was asking. “Rika, I love you more than anyone or anything in this entire universe!” Takato said a bit loudly. “Takato…I love you too.” Rika whispered into his ear as she hugged him. He looked into her violet eyes and kissed her passionately on the lips. Rika gleefully kissed him back, and grabbed his hand, entwining it within her own as they walked. As they reached Rika's house, they reluctantly broke apart. “Wanna go to the movies tomorrow?” “I'd love to.” Answered Rika as she went into her house, not knowing her mother was waiting for her. “What took YOU so long? Out flirting with boys again?!” her mother said accusingly. “No I was at a friend's birthday!” she yelled back. “Then why were you kissing him so much?” she further accused. “Because I love him!” she yelled as she went out the door crying. Takato hadn't gotten very far when he heard a door slam, in the direction of Rika's house. He turned around to see none other than Rika running off. “Rika, Hey Rika!” Takato waved as he caught up with her. “Get into another fight again?” he asked noticing the tears streaming down her face. All she could do was nod. Takato opened his arms inviting her to cry on his chest again, she happily accepted the offer. “Come on, my mom might be hard to handle sometimes but she would surely allow someone I love to stay the night.” Takato said, still holding her as they slowly walked back to his house. When they arrived, Takato's mother greeted them, although she was only waiting for her son, she quickly ushered the two of them in to prevent them from getting colds. “What happened?” she asked noticing Rika was crying. “She got into a fight with her mom, can she please stay here the night?” Takato pleaded. “Of course she can! I don't think you'd forgive me if I said no.” Takato's mom said. “You're right.” He half-heartedly smiled. “You can sleep in my room.” He told Rika. “I'll sleep on the couch.” “I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep for a while…Could you come with me?” “Yea, no prob.” He told Rika as he led her to his room. “Wanna listen to the CD?” He asked her, hoping it would help her calm down. “Sure.” She said handing the CD to him. Addicted started playing and Rika started to smile as she looked down at her shirt, it was the one with the heart in half. “Guess I'm a heartbreaker.” She said slightly smiling. “You can't be a heartbreaker! You made mine sing with happiness!” Takato said uncharacteristically, making himself and her blush. As One Step Closer came on, Takato reached to skip the song. “Actually leave it on. I need to release some pressure.” “Mind if I join you?” Takato said smiling. “Not at all!” Rika, with her hair down, started head banging with Takato, slow at first then as the song progressed, they were jumping. “I'm about to…BREAK!” they both yelled as the song finished. “Now I see why you like listening to that song.” Rika said, panting at how fast they'd moved during the song. “Yea, it helps get off some steam.” Takato said, panting as well. “I never moved that fast before though, I guess being with you brings out all my energy.” He said as Bring me to life began playing. They continued their duet like earlier today, only He sang along from the beginning as the guy and Rika sang as the girl. They finished the song and Rika put her head on Takato's shoulder again. The Reason started and Takato sung the whole song to her while she was in his arms.
“I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
's why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
“Am I really your reason?” “Of course you are…goodnight Rika.” He stood up to leave, but Rika grabbed his arm. “Um…Takato?” Rika said. “Yes Rika?” Takato answered. “Could you stay in here with me, just until I fall asleep?” “Of course.” Takato smiled at her. “I'm glad you finally trust me.” “It's just because you finally PROVED yourself trustworthy.” She said laughing. Takato couldn't help but laugh at her remark. Rika hugged him tightly, before whispering a “Goodnight, Goggle-head.” In his ear, then soon fell asleep. Takato shut off his CD player and the lights and went to the living room and laid down on his couch, and slowly fell asleep. The following morning, Takato noticed Rika was still sleeping. “Would you like something to eat?” His mother asked him. He shook his head no. “What's wrong with you? You never refuse food!” his mother asked playfully. He looked at her and replied “Oh come on you didn't forget about Rika did you?” It came out a little harsher than he meant. “Sorry…I'm just worried about her.” “You really love her don't you?” “I do.” He nodded fiercely. “Why don't you tell her that yourself?” she motioned to Rika, who was coming down the stairs into the kitchen. “He already did.” Rika smiled as she sat next to Takato. “How're you feeling?” he asked concerned. “Better thanks…” Rika said as she gave Takato a hug from behind. “I'm glad. Do you wanna stop by your house and pick up some clothes?” “Yea.” She said, realizing she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. “My mom won't be home until afternoon.” “Then let's go we can stop somewhere to get something for breakfast on the way back.” Takato's mom said, turning to Rika. “You're welcome to stay here as long as you need.” “Really?” Rika said surprised. “Of course! My son loves you and would probably go out on the streets with you if I said you couldn't, knowing how stubborn he is.” She said, making him blush. “You got that right, but that's one of the reasons I love him.” Rika said as she hugged Takato, who was now standing and blushing madly. As they got into the car, Takato sat in the backseat with Rika, as his mother drove to her house. “I'm coming with you.” Takato said to Rika as they arrived at her house. “Just in case she's there.” “OK.” She said, understanding and surprised at how protective her boyfriend was of her. The house was empty, as they thought it would be. “Thanks, let's go. I don't want to see this place again for a long time.” Rika said solemnly to her boyfriend. “Where should we stop Rika? Are you hungry at all?” Takato asked. “Not really.” Takato knew it wasn't true and he had an idea. “Let's go home mom, we'll see if there's anything at the house.” Picking up on her son's tone, she drove back to their house. “Why don't you go change clothes? I already took my shower and it might do you some good.” “Sounds like a good idea goggle-head.” She said, Takato's mom slightly laughing at his nickname. Meanwhile, he went into the kitchen and started up the stove. “What are you making for her?” “Her favorite, and my specialty.” “You mean her favorite is pancakes?” his mother asked, a bit surprised. “Yea, she told me once before when we stopped to get something to eat when we first met. I think she'll be surprised I remembered.” His mother laughed at how smooth her son was being. “You're just like you're father. Stubborn, Strong-willed, and full of surprises.” She said, still laughing, this time with Takato. As Rika got out of the shower, she smelt a heavenly aroma coming from downstairs. She quickly changed into a black T-shirt and blue jeans, her hair still wrapped in a towel. She came downstairs, and to her surprise saw Takato making her favorite, pancakes! `He really remembered!' she felt her heart race, and her stomach grumble. “Wow you remembered!” She spoke her thoughts, just as surprised as he hoped. “I was hoping you'd say something like that. They'll be done soon, so sit down okay?” Takato chuckled. As breakfast was finished, they began eating. “So Rika, I notice you were hungry.” Takato said teasingly. “I didn't think I was, I guess I was wrong.” She said half-heartedly. “Don't worry about it.” He replied. “Still want to go to the movies later?” Takato continued, wondering what her answer would be. “Sure!” she replied cheerily. Takato noticed she had her CD player with her, and wondered why it took him so long to notice, blushing for a bit at his own stupidity. Rika put on her headphones and her head started bobbing up and down, as if she was in a trance. Then he heard the song, Only One coming from her headphones, and smiled. He walked over to her, as she was sitting on the couch and put his head close to hers so he could hear the lyrics. She noticed what he was doing, gave him one of the earpieces, and put her head next to his. He moved his head until it was facing hers and kissed her passionately. “You are my only one.” He whispered into her ear, and she suddenly realized why he'd made the CD for her. It showed how much he cared for her. Their like for music was one thing that brought them together. Although they had met 6 years ago, she never hung out with him until about a year ago, when she found him in the woods, blaring music.
(FLASHBACK a year ago)
Takato was in a clearing in the woods a little farther past Rika's house, even though he didn't know it. It was Addicted, by Simple Plan. Although he hadn't noticed her, he addressed her as if she was there. “Rika…I'm addicted to you. Oh, geez…I must have gone insane. I'm talking to myself and I know she could never like me…” Takato said to himself, not thinking or caring if anyone was listening. A few minutes later, Rika walked into the clearing where Takato was lying down. “Takato what are you doing out here?” She said in a fake-surprised tone. “I could ask you the same thing! I always come out here to release some steam, where no one can complain about the music I listen to.” He explained. “So, how about you?” “I heard the music, and honestly I love that kind of music!” Rika had complimented his taste. “Um, thanks.” he said, surprised and happy that she, of all people would find him out here. Rika lied down next to him. “Wow…it's really peaceful out here. I see why you like it!” Rika said, happy to be with someone besides herself who expressed themselves through music. `Rika was actually happy! Around him!' Takato thought to himself, smiling widely. That's when Evanescence came on, with Bring me to Life. It was surprising, since they were out in the woods and they found a good radio station. That was when he first heard her singing voice, soft, serene, yet still strong. It was also the first time she heard his. In no time, they were singing together, no matter what song came on. `Her voice is beautiful.' Takato thought to himself. It had passed like minutes, but in reality, it had been hours. “Whoa look at the time! It's six already!” “What?! Six?!” Rika said amazed at how quickly the time had passed. “Should we get going?” Takato asked a hint of concern was in his voice. “Yea I guess. Your parents worry about you huh?” “No it's just I thought you needed to leave when you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard it was six.” He teased a little bit. “Nah, my home's only a fifteen minute walk from here, when do you have to be home?” She asked curiously. “It really doesn't matter to my mom. Ever since that fight with my step-father I've come out here, sometimes for days at a time.” “Sorry…I didn't mean to pry.” She said solemnly. “Don't be…sometimes people need to get something out.” Takato said. “You know…If you ever need to talk to somebody, I'm here ok?” a caring tone was in his voice. “Thanks Ta-Goggle-head.” She quickly stopped herself from calling him Takato, and he noticed it. “You're welcome Rika.” He said with a smile. “I'm gonna be going home, I'm kinda tired.” Rika said truthfully, even if she didn't want to leave, she knew if she stayed any longer, she'd pass out. “Let me walk you home.” Takato said, still smiling. “Are you sure? I didn't mean to make you want to leave.” “I only want to stay here as long as I'm troubled. I'm not anymore. Thanks, you really helped a lot Rika!” he said, making her blush, which, at the time, was uncommon. “Um…Rika? You're blushing.” Takato said, partly blushing himself. This caused her to blush even more. It had gotten awkwardly silent as the neared Rika's doorstep. “Um…so I'll see you later ok?” Takato said shakily. “Yea…later goggle-head!” she said as she made her way up her doorstep, but not before planting a small kiss on his cheek. He stood there, surprised for a minute, then smiled, and started the long walk back to his house trying to remember the feel of her lips on his skin.
Rika returned with her own passionate kiss, as she leaned against him, listening to the music. Both had fallen asleep when Takato's mother found them in each other's arms, Takato holding Rika as if he was protecting her, with Rika holding Takato like it was the last time she would be able to hold him. She woke them both up and asked them if they still wanted to go to the movies. Takato then asked Rika, “You still up to it, or do you want to get some more sleep?” a bit teasing her. “A bit of both.” She said teasing him back. “The only reason I want to sleep is because I want to be in your arms forever.” She said; it was his turn to blush. “I don't mind that at all.” He said standing up, not letting go of her. “Are there any movies you'd like to see?” He asked her and she gave a thoughtful reply. “Well I did want to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith…Those movies always interest me.” “Okay then! Shall we go? It's supposed to start in 45 minutes!” “What? Did I sleep hat long?” “Yea, we did.” He reminded her. He never liked it when she took the blame for everything. “Sure let's go.” She said, motioning towards the door. They began their walk to the movies, only about a mile away so they had time. As they arrived in the movies, she felt a lump in her throat having Takato with her always. He loved her and she loved him. She hoped it would always be that way. As the movie finished, Takato noticed Rika to be very tired, she had lost her balance slightly and thought she was going to fall. `I hope this doesn't hurt too much.' She thought to herself. She never felt the ground. Takato had gotten around her just in time, allowing her to fall on him instead of the hard ground. When Rika finally opened her eyes to see that she was on top of him, she blushed a deep shade of red. “I told you I'd protect you.” Takato whispered into her ear. “I can get up on my own thanks.” She teased her boyfriend. As she got up, she lost her balance again, but this time Takato had been waiting. He caught her in his arms and carried her, all the way back to his house, much to her disliking. “You didn't have to carry me all that way. She said, partially annoyed. “I wanted to. I said I'd protect you and I mean it. I love you too much to let you get hurt.” Takato said in a sweet, soft voice. “You still didn't have to do it.” She said, hugging him tightly. “Did you two get married while you were out?” Takato's mom greeted them, and Takato noticed how he was carrying her, one arm beneath her knees, and the other under her arms. “No, she just got tired and couldn't keep her balance.” He teased. “You didn't let me after I fell the second time!” “Because I didn't want you to get hurt.” He replied sweetly. “I meant to ask you earlier Rika, Why do you have your hair down? Normally it's tied up into a ponytail.” Takato's mom asked curiously. “I only wear my hair in a ponytail when I'm around somebody new or if I don't trust the person all that much.” Rika answered. Takato smiled, remembering last night. “Have you made any other CD's Takato?” Rika asked, changing the subject. “Yea…but you probably wouldn't like them. The last CD I made was right after my fight with my stepfather.” He said truthfully. “We'll have to see then won't we?” Rika said, dragging him up to his room. “Sure you want to listen to it?” “Yea, what songs you got on it?” Rika said, sitting on his bed. “I Stand Alone, Bodies, One Step Closer, Prayer, Step Up, Fuel, Straight out of Line, Get Down with the Sickness, I'm Just a Kid, and Time and Time Again.” He finished. “And once again they're all songs I like.” She said laughing. They sung together and Takato surprised Rika once again with his intensity singing Bodies. It was like he was possessed! The continued singing together after bodies ended. Takato was panting, as if he couldn't breathe. He shut off his CD player in the middle of Straight out of line. “Are you ok Takato?” Rika said, noticing a new look in his eyes. She didn't think he could get that angry. “Last time I felt like this, I lost control and put a hole in my wall.” He said, pointing to a spot that had to be newly plastered from his fist going through. “Wow…I never thought you'd be able to do that honestly.” “I'm a lot stronger than I seem.” He said, his anger slowly fading from his eyes. “Feel better?” “Yea…sorry about that. That's twice you've helped calm me down.” “Twice?” she asked confused. “The other was when we were in the woods.” “I guess I should stay here more often!” she teased him. “I still can't believe you put a hole in the wall! This is really hard wood!” she said, punching the wall softly. “That's how I broke my hand two years ago.” “You told me that you messed up in baseball!” “I lied. I never played baseball. I don't trust people that much either Rika. Sorry for lying to you.” “It's all right.” She said, embracing him, realizing that there was much more to him then he let off to believe. “Thanks Rika…” he said, returning the embrace. That's when she noticed the scar on his neck. “What happened to your neck?” she asked, very concerned. “That happened during my fight with my step father.” She was fuming. “You're step father did this?!” “Yes, but I put him in the hospital. I had the right to fight back.” “I hope you broke his jaw.” She said, still holding him. “I did that and more. I broke both of his arms, his jaw and one of his legs. Right after I put that hole in the wall.” “You really are stronger than you act.” “I try to be strong for everyone; it doesn't work all the time.” “You don't have to be strong for everyone, you showed me that.” “Thanks Rika…” he said as he turned his head and kissed her. He switch the CD's and put it on Only One. “You are my only one. I let go, but there's just no one, no one like you! You are my only one.” Takato started singing to her. She smiled and stood up. She walked over to him and embraced him like he was the last thing on Earth. He returned her embrace and kissed her again. She could feel his muscles through his shirt. `Wow he's built. All his muscles are in just the right places.' She thought as her fingers trailed down his chest. She noticed how his breath hitched as she did this. He replied simply by kissing her and then moving down, kissing her neck, causing her to moan softly. “You don't play fair.” She managed, still holding him. “Neither do you.” He replied softly. He ran his fingers through her shoulder-length red hair. `His hands are soft, but strong.' Rika thought as she felt his fingers run through her hair. Takato then put his arms all the way around her as he kissed her passionately and tried to deepen the kiss, nipping at her lower lip asking for access. She gladly complied as she felt his tongue meet hers. The kiss lasted for minutes, until they had to break away, needing air. “Wow.” Was all she could say. “Yea.” He agreed. “You taste sweet.” He whispered in her ear making her blush. “You don't taste bad yourself.” She replied, making him blush this time. She put her hands on his neck as he swept her off her feet. Literally. He laid her down on his bed and began to kiss her with the same passion as before. She reversed their positions so she was on top and he was on bottom. She removed his shirt, revealing that he really was built; he worked out, even if he didn't tell anyone. She admired his body for a moment, but then he pulled her close to him and kissed her again. By this time The Taste of Ink was half done. “As long as you're alive, I'll be there. I promise I will take you there!” he continued to sing to her in the voice she loved. He resumed the kiss, holding her extremely close to him. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Takato said knowing everything she'd been through. “Yes.” That was all she could say before Takato flipped them over again, resuming his position on top. He began to kiss her neck as his hands roamed her body, slowly coming up to her breast, making her moan with pleasure. “Oh Takato…” she moaned as he continued his onslaught of kisses on her neck. He started to take off her shirt, when he hesitated. “Are you sure?” he said, staring into her violet eyes. “More than anything.” She replied, kissing him again. He removed her shirt, revealing her breasts in her white bra. “Beautiful…”he mumbled. He slowly removed her bra, kissed her awaiting lips, and then broke away reluctantly. He started kissing his way down her neck, then her chest as he sucked on one of her nipples, causing her to moan in ecstasy, and then moved to the other awaiting nipple, already hard at his first onslaught. Rika could do nothing but moan as he switched breasts over and over again, nearly pushing her over the edge. He suddenly stopped and kissed his way down her stomach, stopping at her jeans. Without a word, he began to unbutton and unzip her jeans, revealing her white panties. She began to return the favor as he slipped up her body to kiss her again. She gazed down at the bulge in his boxers, surprised to say the least. `Wow…he's a lot bigger than I thought.' She thought and blushed. He brushed his body against hers and kissed her passionately. She brought her arms around him and pulled him closer so both could feel each other's bodies. Rika could feel Takato's growing arousal on her thigh, as their tongues dueled for dominance, which Takato, surprisingly, easily won. He slid off Rika's panties and began once again to kiss all over her body, this time not stopping at hear jeans, he lowered his head to her nether regions and began to lick her, causing Rika to moan loudly. He continued to lick her until he thought she was close, when he began to suck on her nub, pushing her over the edge. She nearly screamed, and probably would have, if it weren't for the fact Takato had kissed her at the moment she opened her mouth as she had a huge orgasm. She quickly disposed of his boxers to reveal his dick, which was eight inches long! `Wow Goggle-heads huge!' Rika thought happily to herself as she brought herself closer to him. Takato noticed his girlfriends look and inwardly smiled. He kissed her fiercely as he brought himself to her entrance, and asked one final time. “Are you sure?” She replied by putting her arms around his neck and kissing him. He slowly entered her and felt her hymen. He slowly pushed forward, breaking her hymen and causing a gasp to leave her lips. He waited for her to get used to him and slowly pushed forward and back, causing both of them to moan. “Takato…ahh…please….harder!” Rika moaned out. Takato started to pick up the tempo as he thrusted inside and out of her. `God…This feels so good…I never thought he'd be THIS good' Rika thought as Takato picked up the pace even more. “Oh…Rika…You're so tight!” Takato managed to say as he thrust inside her. Rika wrapped her legs around Takato, deepening how far he could go inside of her. “Takato…you're so…so GOOD!” she moaned as he filled her. They continued this as Takato went faster and faster. “OH GOD! RIGHT THERE DON'T STOP! DON'T EVER STOP TAKATO!” Rika screamed as he filled her over and over again. The world seemed to disappear around them, leaving only the two teenage lovers. They felt each other getting close. “Rika…I can't hold it in…much longer!” Takato said as he continued to thrust inside of her. “Me…me too…Takato! Cum with me!” she screamed in ecstasy. After a few more thrusts it pushed her over the edge. With a loud “I LOVE YOU TAKATO!” she tightened around his dick and came, pushing him over the edge. “I LOVE YOU TOO RIKA!” he screamed as he came inside of her. He collapsed on top of her and switched their positions so she was lying on him. “That…was…incredible.” Rika panted. “You…took the words…right out of my mouth.” He said, panting with her the second time in two days, although for different reasons. Takato pulled his blanket over them as they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Well, that's it. What did you think? I might make a sequel to this, but only if I get enough reviews for it! Thanks! Until then, The Lord has spoken.