Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My beautiful flower ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Matt's apartment,

Matt was sitting in his balcony thinking about how did his life mess after he thought that it's going right and great he stopped singing after finishing the school and join the engineering collage and Dawn join the medical collage he was thinking to buy a small house in beautiful area for the both and he was going to engaged her but all his dreams were shattered after this Tami showed in his life he took small glass box look like red rose and opened it to take beautiful ring all around it diamonds "Dawn… I was going to engaged you and put this ring in your finger to be main and main forever but I couldn't… please forgive me" Matt closed the box when he heard his door opened he knew it was Tami

Tami: Yamato… ow you are here…

She sat with him in the balcony

Matt: So…?

Tami: I missed you… and your kiddo missed you.

Matt: Yah… me too…

Tami: Matt… I think it's the time for us to talk

Matt: Talk about what?

Tami: About our life

Matt: I told you Tami… I can't buy new house not now

Tami: Not about the house… any way I agreed to live with you here

Matt: Good thinking

Tami: Yamato… I think you should stop seeing that girl

Matt: Stop-seeing Dawn?

Tami: Yah… for how long you will keep seeing her?

Matt: That's not your business…

Tami: Yes it is… I want you to be with me… I need you Yamato

Matt: And I am with you I always go with you to the hospital and call you every night… what do you need more?

Tami: I want you to stop seeing her and break up with her

Matt looked away

Matt: You know I can't

Tami: Can't?

Matt looked at her

Matt: Yah… and I'm sorry

Tami: How could you… how will your baby live between his parents?

Matt stands up angry

Matt: I don't care…

He went inside… Tami gets angry "I'll show him"

Four months later,

Tami was in the 5th months Matt was with her in the hospital to make a sonar but before the two entered the doctor room some one called Tami she looked at him and shocked "Ow no Hitachi… what he is doing here?"

Hitachi: Ow Tami… finally I found you

Matt: Who are you?

Hitachi looked at Matt

Hitachi: I'm Tami's boyfriend

Matt: Tami's boy friend?

Tami looked shocked she pulled Matt

Tami: Come on or we will late

Hitachi: Hay wait Tami… who is he?

Tami: He's my … my… my future husband

Hitachi looked shocked

Hitachi: But how? I have to be your husband Tami not him do you think he will love our kid like how his real father will

Matt shocked and looked at Tami who was nerves then he looked at Hitachi

Matt: You are the father of this kid?

Hitachi: Yah… after we slept together four months before she walked away from my life and I knew she's pregnant from her brother but he told me that she's pregnant from another guy but that's impossible

Matt: Why?

Hitachi: Because I heard her once saying to her friend that she slept with the p-pop singer but he never touched her and she said that she was wearing condom but with me… I can't deny it I touched her and this baby is main… look Tami I'm not angry or any thing I can buy big house for you I promise

Matt looked angry at Tami

Matt: I knew it… I didn't touch you… but I thought I was dreaming or I was wrong why did you do that… this kid doesn't belong to me why didn't you tell me the truth… why didn't you go after his real father

Tami: Yamato calm down

Matt: Calm down? How do you want me to calm down? Look I want you to walk away from my life and never show me your face… I hate you… I never think to love you even for once

Matt looked at Hitachi

Matt: Take care about her… salon

Matt went out Hitachi looked at Tami

Hitachi: Why did you run away from me Tami?

Tami looked angry at him

Tami: You destroyed every thing Hitachi all my dreams are destroyed and you are the cause but no Yamato Ishaida I won't let you happy with your bitch and you have to help me

Hitachi: But?

Tami: Without buts… we will start after I give birth… he thinks I'll walk out from his life in this easy…come one…

Matt was angry with Tami but in the same time he was happy he quickly derived to Dawn's house he pulled over and went to her flat he rang the bell fast and many times Dawn opened the door

Dawn: Ow Matt… what's the wrong?

Matt suddenly carried her and twisted her up she was shocked

Dawn: What's the wrong Matt? Why are you happy like that?

Matt puts her down

Matt: Dawn… I didn't touch her… I didn't

Dawn: What do you mean?

Matt: I'm not gonna be daddy…

Dawn shocked: What? But what about your baby?

Matt: He's not my baby… I told you I didn't touch her

Dawn happily: Really?

Matt: Yah

The two hugged

Dawn: I love you I love you I love you

Matt: I love you too

The two pulled back and Matt told her every thing

Matt: She laid to me… I'm not that kid father

Dawn: That's mean… you are main alone?

Matt: Yah… we can be together for ever… thank you for staying with me and believe in me

Dawn hugged him

Dawn: I have too…

The two pulled back… Matt took the glass box and opened it he took the diamond ring and wear it to Dawn she looked at it then she looked at Matt

Matt: Will you marry me?

Dawn had tears on her cheek she hugged him

Dawn: Yes I do… ow my god finally my dream become true

Matt: We can be together forever

The two pulled back Matt rubbed her tears

Matt: I'm sorry to put you in this position with me

Dawn: Don't say that… I have to be always with you… I'm gonna be Mrs. Ishaida soon so Mr. Ishaida I have to be always by your side

Matt kissed her head

Matt: It really suits you Mrs. Ishaida…

Dawn took the ring and wears it to Matt…

One week later,

They made an engaged party in big hotel the all can say that Matt and Dawn were happy all his friends were happy for Matt after knowing he isn't that baby father and he got his lover to live with him to the rest of his life…

Sora came to Dawn…

Sora: Dawny…

Dawn looked at her and smiled

Dawn: Ow Sora… I missed you

The two hugged…

Sora: Me too… and congratulation I'm happy for you both

The two pulled back and Sora looked at Dawn

Sora: You look beautiful today… I don't blame Matt when he attached to you

Dawn blushed: Sora…

Sora giggled

Dawn: Any way…you look great tonight

Sora: Of course it's your party… but also not like you…

Dawn giggled

Dawn: You never changed Sora…

Then Mimi came and hugged Dawn

Mimi: Finally… you finally decided to get married

Dawn: Ya…

The two pulled back

Mimi: You two need all this time to decided to get married

Dawn smiled: We go threw some problems but it pass now

Mimi smiled: Good to you two, I heard about what Tami done to you and I'm really sorry

Dawn: It's not your fault Mimi don't be sorry please… it's Tami fault

Mimi: And how is Matt now?

Dawn: He's ok… he just wants to forget every thing… you know it was hard time for him…

Mimi: And I'm sure he was suffering and you were suffering with him

Dawn smiled: Of course… isn't he my own lover

The two girls laughed…

Mimi: As what Tai always says lovebirds

Dawn giggled: Any way how are you Mimi?

Mimi: I'm fine ow I almost forget… I want you to meet Joni my fiancée

Dawn and Sora looked at him

Dawn: Hi… and congratulation for you and Mimi

Sora: Yah… that's so sweet.. Mimi really nice girl

Joni: I know that thanx

Joni stare at Dawn in strange way… Dawn was worried Joni took her hand and kissed it…

Joni: Congratulation my lady…

Dawn blushed: Thank you

Dawn looked around her she was afraid Matt sees that and make big problem

Mimi giggled: Joni always like that… by the way where's your fiancée?

Dawn: Yah over there, come on…

Mimi: I wanna meet him

Dawn: Sure thing… ow …excuse me... can I have my hand back please?

Joni smiled he let go: Of course… my lady

They went to Matt and his friends

Tai: Yah… look at you Mrs. Ishaida you are se beautiful tonight… you always beautiful but this night more and more, all this for your Matt

Dawn blushed Matt puts his arm on her shoulders

Tai smiled: Blushing ha?

Then he looked at Matt and winked

Tai: Lucky I'm joules

Matt giggled: Of course I'm lucky to have her

Matt kissed Dawn's head the all begin to laugh

Mimi: You look great Matty

Matt: Thank you Mimi… you look great too

Tai: How are Joni?

Joni: Fine thank you Tai….

Joe: Good you come to Matt's party; you didn't come to Sora's party or me

Joni: Yah… I have a lot of work here…

He looked at Dawn… Dawn was worried about his strange stares…

After a while the all start dancing, Dawn puts her head on Matt's shoulder he knew she was moody so he danced with her and pulled her out to be alone, he looked at her while dancing she was looking at him now…

Matt: Thinking about something babe?

Dawn: No… I just… you know… thinking of this new life… I mean the marriage life and how it will be

Matt: Don't worry babe… it's after three years not now, worry about now

Dawn: Why? Are you worried about something?

Matt: No… but I'm worried about you

Dawn smiled: But why?

Matt: I don't know… maybe because I love you

Dawn puts her head on his chest

Dawn: I love you too

The two sat in the big balcony they wanted there space away from all these people…

Matt: You look so beautiful today… when you came in the reception with your parents my heart sank I couldn't believe it's you, you look like a princess

Dawn: Matt, stop it I'm blushing

Matt: And you become more beautiful when you blushed like this

The two stare at each other then they lends and start kissing… Dawn's mother saw them by chance because that she asked two men who were working there to close the door and let them in their space

Usako: So where are they?

Hana: They want some privet time together

Usako saw them making out before the door closed

Usako: Don't you think Dawn really grew up?

Hana wiped her tears

Hana: Our daughter really grew up; when I saw Yamato Ishaida for the first time I knew he is the one who will take our own daughter from us and that what happened… she's happy with him and that's enough for me

Usako kissed his wife head

Usako: You are right… seeing her happy is enough…

The two were making out didn't want to stop when they heard some footsteps the two slowly pulled back to see that Joni is coming threw the closed door

Joni: Ow I'm sorry… I didn't know it's your privet place

Matt: That's ok, don't be sorry please… we in our way to go out…

Joni: Sorry for bothering you

The two stands up; Dawn wrapped her hands around Matt's arm

Matt: Don't worry… ok we will go inside do you want to come with us?

Joni: No I just want to smell some fresh air

Matt: As what you want

The two inside Joni stares at Dawn "She's more beautiful from what that girl told me, she deserve my attention ok Dawn Kudo Ishaida soon I'll let Ishaida disappeared from your name" He starts laughing

After the party is over Matt drive Dawn back to her home she was moody

Matt: Moody, moody

Dawn looked at him and smiled

Dawn: Huh? No I'm not…

Matt: Thinking about something?

Dawn: Yah… about what Tai told me

Matt: What did he told you?

Dawn: He told me about Tami... you aren't gonna sue her?

Matt: No… she's pregnant girl I'll forget what did she done to me because I don't want to see her again also I want to forget her completely and now we will start new life together… why we should remember her

Dawn: You are right… any way the party was beautiful Yami I didn't thought my engaged party will be in this hotel

Matt: You didn't see thing yet… our weeding will be a surprise

Dawn: You are wonderful

She hugged him the two pulled back

Dawn smiled: Yami… what do you think of my dress tonight?

Matt: I told you… it's beautiful

Dawn: Just beautiful like this? Didn't you like it?

Matt: Like it? I love it… it's really beautiful and what let it more beautiful that it's long…

Dawn: From now every dress I'll wear will be long

Matt: Great… do you do this for me or…?

Dawn kissed his noise

Dawn: Of course for you and just you

Matt kissed her noise back

Dawn: Ok… give me my good night kiss before I go

Matt: As what you want

The two kissed then Dawn went to her home

Two weeks later,

Matt came to Dawn flat…

Usako: It's nice visit after your engage party Yamato

Matt smiled: Thank you Mr. Kudo

Usako: You still calling me that name call me uncle

Matt: Ok… what ever you want uncle...

The two giggled

Dawn: Did you know that Matt bought new flat for us

The two were shocked

Hana: Really?

Matt smiled: Yah… I will show it to you after it finished

Usako: In this short time?

Matt looked at Dawn: I'll do every thing for her

Dawn blushed, her parents looked at each other then they looked at them again

Usako: I think you two want to have some privet time together

The two stands up

Hana: We will leave now… do you want any thing?

Dawn: No thanks mom

The two said good-bye and went out, then they moved close to each other Matt played with her hair

Matt: Did I tell you about the shallot?

Dawn: Which shallot?

Matt: The guys rent a shallot we will stay there almost two weeks

Dawn: That will be nice we can have some fun…

Matt: Yah… get ready for tomorrow the way there will be almost one day

Dawn shocked: One day?

Matt: Yes… it's near Onekama city

Dawn: It's far away

Matt: Did you change your mined?

Dawn: Of course no…

Matt: More things… we will be alone in the car…

Dawn smiled: So…?

Matt: Nothing… but you now we need our privet time right?

Dawn giggled: I think

Matt: Hey did I tell you ow much I love you?

Dawn: Emmm not today

Matt: I love you Dawn Ishaida

Dawn: I love you too Yamato Ishaida

Then the two start making out…

The next day afternoon,

Matt carried Dawn's bag

Hana: Have fun you two

Matt: Don't worry we will

Dawn hugged her parents then the two went down and ride Matt's Jeep

Matt: You didn't forget any thing babe?

Dawn: No I don't think

Matt smiled: Ok… then I think we can go

Dawn: Yah…

In the way,

Dawn: So Tai and the others there right?

Matt: Yah before two days

Dawn: And why didn't we go with them?

Matt: Because I had a lot of thing to do special for our flat

Dawn: Yami truly did it cost you alots?

Matt looked at her and smiled

Matt: Don't worry about that and I think you deserve more than this flat

Dawn: Thank you but don't you think the flat is better in the begin of our live

Matt looked at the way again

Matt: Yah… but I think we will buy bigger house after having kids

Dawn lay back on her seat

Dawn: I think one in enough don't you think that

Matt: One! Of course no… I want five or six

Dawn: What? What do you see me a cat?

Matt: Ok… truly honey I think three is good

Dawn smiled: Three?? Ok why not? I want them all to be girls

Matt: Like that… but I want two boys and one girl look like you

Dawn giggled: Like tomorrow we will bring these kids

Matt: No… we will start a family after one year of our marriage what do you say?

Dawn: Emmm ok what ever you want I think we need to have our time alone for long while before some one shard the love with us

Matt giggled

Matt: I love you

Dawn: I love you two

She lends to him and kissed his cheek…

Three hours later,

Matt stopped in petrol station Dawn went to the bathroom while Matt was ordering some snack for them after Dawn finished from the bathroom and when she was going out big guy stopped her and puts his arm on the wall in front of her to cut her way she looked at him

Dawn: Excuse me can you take your arm?

Guy: No my lady…

Dawn looked for Matt but he wasn't near she walked but that guy holds her arm

Guy: Where do you think you are going?

Dawn: Let me go… Matt…

Guy: Calling your stupid boyfriend… I think you don't know me any way you are hot girl… what's your name?

Dawn: That's not your business and leave my arm you are hurting me

Guy: No way my hot Barbie I think we can share the night together

Dawn tried to free herself

Dawn: No… Matt… MATT…

The big guy was pulling her with him

Guy: Don't worry I'll be soft with you


Guy: There's no one will free you from me

Matt was waiting for Dawn out side

Matt: What she is doing? All this in the bathroom?

Then small boy ran to Matt

Boy: Are you Matt?

Matt: Yes what's the wrong?

Boy: Kenji is pulling your girlfriend up with him she needs you

Matt shocked he ran inside


Kenji: You are hard head girl and I like it in a girl

He pushed her on the wall and moved close to her although Dawn's kicking and shouting but before he smell her Matt punishes him and let him fall down Dawn was shocked

Matt: Who do you think you are to touch my girl?

Kenji punished Matt who fall down

Dawn: Ow no Matt

She ran to him but Kenji holds her arm and pulled her near him the restaurant was empty just one old man with his grandsons the little boy and Kenji

Boy: Please Kenji leave her go

Kenji: Shut up you… I want this girl I want her badly come on

Kenji pulled her with him up Dawn was hitting him, Matt stands up and whipped the blood from his mouth

Matt: Hay leave her alone…

Kenji: What are you gonna do?

Matt: Kill you…

Matt punished him right on his eyes and sent him back he let Dawn go she fall down the two start fighting until Matt kicked him on his stomach Kenji was tired he fall down hurting Dawn went near Matt and holds his arm he holds his hand

Matt: I told you… don't try to miss with my own girl or you will be died

Kenji: It's just one night; don't tell me she's not a bitch

Matt kicked his face he fall down again

Matt: If you called her that again I'll kill you…

Then Matt took Dawn out to his car the little boy came with small first aids box

Boy: Here you may need it

Matt took it: Thank you little guy

Boy: Don't thank me… and I'm sorry about what my brother did

Matt: Don't be sorry he is the one who has to be sorry; ok I think I have to go

The boy looked at Dawn in the other seat she shacking and crying then he looked at Matt again

Boy: She will be ok?

Matt looked at Dawn then he looked at him

Matt: I'll be with her don't worry… take care

Boy: You too

Then Matt drives away after a while he pulled over and get out from the car then opened Dawn's door she was in big shock

Matt: Dawn are you ok?

Dawn: He… he… he was…. He was gonna… he….

Then she starts crying Matt hugged her she was shacking he kissed her head

Matt: I'm here I won't let any thing happen to you I promise

After a while Dawn calm down Matt brought a blanket for her from the back and wrapped it around her he kissed her cheek and start driving again after a while he looked at Dawn who fall in the sleep still having some tears on her cheeks Matt wiped her tears then he looked at the way again "She went threw a lot this day… I hope she will be ok"

Then he looked a her again "I promise you to protect you even it means my own life" He smiled then he looked at the way again…

One hour later…

Dawn slowly waked up to see it was the midnight and Matt was still driving Matt puts her head on his leg she sat down

Matt: Ow you wake up? Did the radio bother you?

Dawn: No… thank you for saving my life

Matt: Don't say that I should protect you I promise you from now until the end of my life…

Dawn: That guy scared me…

Matt looked at her: It's over now… try to forget…ok?

Dawn nodded Matt smiled and looked at the way again

Dawn: Don't you want to have some sleep?

Matt: No I'm fine don't worry about me

Dawn: Ok I'll make for you some quick coffee

Matt: Yah please

Dawn made the coffee for Matt and gave it to him, then she looked at his wounds

Dawn: Is it hurt?

She touch it

Matt: No don't worry sweetheart…

Dawn took the first aids box and start curing his wounds she finished and put some blaster on them… she smiled

Dawn: That will be better

Matt: Thanks

Dawn: No prob…

Two hours later,

They arrived to the shallot Matt pulled over behind Tai's car, Matt turned the car off and lends back on his seat and rubs his eyes…

Matt: Finally…

He gaped; Dawn looked at him and smiled

Dawn: You can have sleep after all this way babe

Matt looked at her and smiled his eyes were nearly closed

Matt: Yah but after having shower and the dinner

Dawn giggled while taking thair stuff

Dawn: I think you will throw your self on the bed and go in deep sleep

Matt: Yah…ok let's go

The two get out from the car Matt carried thair handbags and entered the shallot, they could hear laughing coming the living room… they entered

Matt: Hello every one

The boys were playing ps2 while the girls were cheering for them

Tai: Ow hi groom and bride

Joe: Just look at you… didn't you have sleep?

The two sat

Matt: No… what is this way mister Joe? It's empty and too long

Dawn: Like it won't end…

Tai: You can say died way

Izzy: Why didn't you come by train?

Matt: Na… so I have to take car from there to here and it almost two and half an hour coming by these taxi cars it like nightmare

Mimi: In this you are right… it maybe dirty or the driver is crazy…

Sora: Matt… what all these wounds on your face?

Matt looked at Dawn then he looked at them

Tai: Don't tell me you two fight again?

Matt: No… but I fight with a guy in the petrol station

Joe: May his name is Kenji?

Matt: Yes he is…did you meet him?

Joe: Yes and Tai fought with him

Matt giggled: Really why?

Tai: You just didn't see how he looked at the three girls with us…

Joe: But you could talk with him

Tai: Talk with him? Are you crazy?

Joe: Not me but you… without saying any word you punished him

Tai: What do you want me to do he was pulling Sora's hand then he looked at Yolie then the worse my sister… they with me and I have to take care about them

Joe: Good just look at your face… and you Matt ow god just look at these wound under your mouth and on your eyes…

Daivs: Of course he would this is for his fiancée

Joe: Who cured them for you?

Matt: It's Dawn…

Joe: You are good in the first ids

Dawn smiled…

Matt: Of course she will… she is in the medical school

Joe: Yah I forget… then I'm sure you have good future

Dawn: Thank you…

Matt: Any way…he's crazy guy…

Joni: I think Dawn deserve you kill him for her

Dawn looked at Joni he was staring at her with… with kind of hungry looks she was scared and she afraid from the results if Matt feels about anything

Dawn: No… I didn't want them to sue him please don't put these crazy ideas on his mind

Mimi: Come on Dawny he's joking

Dawn smiled: Maybe but you don't know Matt…he takes these ideas quickly

T.K: Dawn is right in this…

Joni: So he's Matt Ishaida… sue him today get him out tomorrow

Dawn: And you want him to stay in the prison one day, no thank you I don't want that…

Tai: This is the love…

Matt stands up…

Matt: Where's the room?

Joe: That one for the boys and the other one for the girl

Matt rubs his hair from the back

Matt: Ow ya… ok… I'll go to sleep… Dawn I think it's better if you go too… Good night guys

The all: Good night…

Matt puts Dawn bag in front of the girls room Dawn went to him… he looks tired

Dawn: Matt, are you ok babe?

Matt: Yah… but my head... it will blew out

Dawn: Ok just go and I'll bring for you headache pills and something to eat

Matt: Yah please…

Dawn slowly took Matt to the boys' room she let him lay on the bed which Tai wrote Matt's name in funky way…

Dawn: Just a second ok?

Matt: Yah

She kissed his head and went out

Joe: Dawn, is Matt ok?

Dawn smiled: Yes… but he feels little tired after this long way he didn't sleep

Tai: He will be ok?

Dawn pulled the pills pocket

Dawn: I hope that…by the way where's the kitchen?

Sora: Over there let me help you

Dawn: No __

Sora pulled Dawn's arm to the kitchen

Sora: Yes… come on…

The two were in the kitchen Dawn took glass of water with the pills to Matt she entered the room and went to his bed… he was in deep sleep in his mess his hair and his cloths he didn't changed them he was sleeping on the blanket and in his shoes… Dawn smiled "Matt… you always like this" she puts the pills box and the water on the night table and took off his shoes slowly to not wake him she hardly pulled the blanket from him and rested on him… she kissed his head

"Sweet dreams my guardian angel…I love you" She kissed his cheek Matt smiled then he turned Dawn shacked her face and closed his lamp and went out from the room she entered the girls room it was written on the door " No boys entry" she smiled knowing that Yolie wrote it she took hot shower and wear clean pajama and went in deep sleep…

In the morning,

The all waked up Dawn went to the kitchen to help the girls making the breakfast after calling the lazy boys for the breakfast Dawn notices that Mat isn't here

Dawn: Emmm… where's Matt?

T.K: He stills sleeping… I tried to wake him… but he threw the pillow on me

Tai: I think he scores a goal when it heats your head

T.K: Shut up

Dawn: Didn't he take a shower?

T.K: No… he stills in his cloths…

Dawn shacked her face after having the breakfast the all went out side it was beautiful morning and the sea was strong the boys entered the sea to swim Mimi, Kari and Yolie went with them Dawn was sitting in the picnic table wearing her glasses wearing short orange skirt with white T-shirt Sora came she was wearing her bath rob

Sora: Dawn… you didn't wear your swim cloths?

Dawn looked at Sora and smiled: No… I don't have mood for it now

Sora: Of course… Matty, Matty isn't here… right?

Dawn giggled: Yah…it's about Matty… I afraid he wakes up and want to eat and we all wet… I think I'll wait him

Sora: Ok… as what you want… see ya after

Sora went to the sea then she entered it swimming with them

Dawn was reading a magazine when some one pulled the chair in front of her and sat she looked and saw Joni

Joni: Hi beauty

Dawn didn't answer him she just kept reading

Joni: I didn't know you become more beautiful with these glasses

Dawn looked at him

Dawn: Can I know what do you want with me?

Joni: What do you think a guy like me wants from a hot sexy girl like you?

Dawn gets angry she stands up and looked at him

Dawn: I don't allow you to talk with me in this way… do you hear me

Joni: Wow… I didn't thought you become hotter and more beautiful when you are angry like this

Dawn didn't say a word she entered the shallot she was angry she crashed in someone when she looked up she saw Matt with the towel around his neck

Matt smiling: Good morning my flower

Dawn smiled: Good morning… slept well?

Matt: Yah… very well and after this shower I feel active

Dawn: Good for you… ok do you want your breakfast now?

Matt: After having my morning kiss

Dawn blushed: But Yami… we are not alone

Matt looked out side threw the big window: But I don't see any one

Dawn: Matt… please not here…

Matt: Ok… not here… come in

He pulled her to the kitchen and carried her then puts her on the table

Matt: Here better?

Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck

Dawn: Better… but promise me just one

Matt: Is it important to promise?

Dawn: What do you think?

Matt: I don't think when I see you

Dawn: Smarting on me?

Matt: Maybe

The two lend closer to each other

Dawn: Why?

Thair lips become closer

Matt: To let you love me more and…

They are away in one inch now

Dawn: And what?

Matt: Kiss me

He said that in low tone then the two kissed after awhile of lips-locket Dawn made the breakfast for Matt Joni entered the kitchen

Joni: Good morning

The two looked at him Dawn was angry she looked away

Matt: Good morning

Joni: The all are waiting for you out side

Matt: For me but why?

Joni: Tai said that they want to play soccer game

Matt shacked his head: Soccer? I'm not good in it

Joni: Yah just good in singing

Matt: Why do you have any problem?

Joni: No… but also I see your chest is strong I wonder why?

Dawn: Don't you know?

Joni: Know what?

Dawn: Matt is good in Judo

Joni: Really?

Dawn: Yah

Joni: But it doesn't show on him… any way… I'll leave you two now

He left the kitchen Matt looked at Dawn

Matt: He's a girlie boy… don't you think that?

Dawn: Yah from along time I did…

After a while the two went out… Matt and Tai were sitting on the sand after playing soccer game…

Matt: Then Tai… didn't you find new girlfriend?

Tai: No not yet… but I'm planning to let Dawn find one for me

Matt: Dawn?

Tai: Yah Dawn

Matt: Dawn… Dawn my fiancée?

Tai: Yah… Dawn Kudo Ishaida your fiancée

Matt: And why she?

Tai: Because she's the most beautiful girl I ever saw and I'm sure she can chose for me a girl like her

Matt hits Tai's head

Matt: Can you shut up?

Tai: ouch…I didn't thought you joules like this

Matt: Not joules…huh… I feel sometimes my joules will let me blow out at any one just looks at her or touch her

Tai: Really?

Matt looked at the sea: Yah… like I don't want any one to see her just me

Tai lies on the sand: What a selfish

Matt: Not that

Tai: Then what?

Matt: I don't know… but also I don't want to close her freedom

Tai: Good thinking beside Dawn loves you so much and she won't cheat you

Matt: You are right…

Tai: Look buddy… I don't blame you Dawn is wonderful girl a girl you won't ever find in a million years a caring person some time I wish to have a girl like her a girl truly loves me for who I am not for my name…

Matt looked at Tai: Tai… maybe rare I talk with you like this

Matt looked at the sea again

Matt: But the truth is you are great person and you deserve the best girl

Tai: Great person?

Matt lays next to him: Yah… and great friend

Tai: I didn't think for once you would say this about me

Matt: I said it now… and I'm sure you will find her soon my friend

Tai: Like Dawn?

Matt smiled: Like Dawn…

The two boys starts giggling…

Matt: Hey Tai

Tai: Hmmm

Matt: About Joni

Tai: That girlie boy

Matt sat Tai looked at him

Tai: What?

Matt: You think that too?

Tai: I don't think I'm sure… just look how he acts

Matt: I wished to kill him this morning

Tai sat down: I don't know why Mimi attached to him

Matt: I think because he is in her style

Then the two boys saw Dawn and Sora walking alone in the beach

Matt: Hey… Dawn, Sora… over here

The two girls came and sat on the sand too

Sora: So you two are here?

Matt: Yah… by the way Sora why didn't Scott come here too?

Sora: He couldn't because he has some work with his father

Matt: That's bad… he's nice guy

Sora: Thanx Matt

Dawn: And you Tai?

Tai: What about me?

Dawn: Don't you want to find a girl?

Tai: If you have one for me just tell me

The all starts laughing

Sora: Tell Matt to find one for you

Tai looked at Matt

Tai: Will you do it for me?

Dawn: No way… he doesn't know any one

Tai: Joules ha?

Dawn blushed: Not that… but he doesn't have a time for the girls

Sora: Wow… like you don't want him to see anyone but you

Dawn: And why not?

Tai: Maybe he boards from you

Dawn shocked and looked at Matt

Dawn: Really?

Matt: Of course no…don't worry

Dawn smiled: I thought that

Sora: I don't know how you two love each other whole this love

Matt puts his arm around her shoulder

Matt: Don't ask me ask my heart

The two were staring at each other Tai and Sora looked at each other

Tai: Sora

Sora: Hmmm

Tai: I think we are out from here now

Sora: I think that too…

The two went away leaving Dawn and Matt

Matt: Wanna walk around?

Dawn: Yah I think…

Matt: But before that… you look beautiful today

Dawn blushed: Yami…

Matt kissed her cheek the two stare at each other

Matt: I mean it…

Dawn: Yami…

Matt: Yami's eyes

Dawn: You didn't tell me the three magic words yet

Matt: I know that

Dawn: Then you don't want to say them?

Matt: Emmm no

Dawn: Why not?

Matt: Because I love you

Dawn giggled: Love me?

Matt: Yah I love you

Dawn: I love you too

The two kissed then starts walking Joni was looking at them from the shallot "What does she see in him that I don't have… I'm more handsome than him and cutter what does she needs more… but also I have to do my work" he looked at Mimi who was talking with Yolie "Mimi I feel sorry for you" He smiled evilly