Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My beautiful flower ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Three months later,
Both Matt and Dawn were suffering because they were away from each other whole this time Matt went to Tokyo many times but even her mother was angry with him because that she didn't let him see Dawn and her father had a flight out the country… Matt was completely lost he missed her so much…
Matt's apartment,
Matt was laying on his bed rolling Dawn's ring in his hand while thinking about Dawn in the moment Tai entered his room and sat on the couch
Tai: Matt…
Matt sat on the bed: Ow Tai… you are here?
Tai; Yah… are you ok buddy? I didn't see you whole this week
Matt: Yah I'm fine don't worry about me
Tai: So where were you tonight? we had fun with the guys
Matt looked at her ring Tai understand
Matt: I went to Tokyo this week but her mother didn't tell me where is she…
Tai: You still thinking about her Matt?
Matt: Of course… if you just know how much I love her Tai
Tai: Be sure she loves you too
Matt: No Tai… not this time… and I can't blame her I let her bored from me… all what I did is shouting at her… she did a lot for me and I even couldn't keep her feeling
Tai: Look Matt… I think Dawn wants to see you, but her mother doesn't allow her to see you… I think the relationship between her and her mother still not good
Matt looked at Tai: You think that?
Tai: The truth… I came here to tell you something important
Matt: About Dawn?
Tai: About your relationship together…
Matt: Yah tell me
Tai: Mimi notice something strange in her fiancé's car
Matt: You mean Jimmy?
Tai: Yes
Matt: And what with that?
Tai: It like two black eggs on them written your name and Dawn's name
Matt: Don't you mean…?
Tai: I think it's kind of black magic Matt…Mimi told me that Jimmy start meeting other girl these days… and guess who is she
Matt: Tami?!
Tai: Yes she is Tami… she is trying to destroy your relationship with Dawn
Matt stands up: You mean what happened between Dawn and me because of her?
Tai: Yes… Mimi could break the magic by making dig inside the eggs but who knows they may make another one
Matt: What we can do Tai?
Tai stands up: I really don't know…
Tai came near Matt putting his hand on Matt's shoulder smiling
Tai: My best buddy told me once when the love is around there is nothing is impossible
Matt smiled: You are right… and thanx for telling me Taichi you are really my best buddy
Tai smiled: Be sure you are the same… tomorrow rush to your flower and tell her everything
Matt: You think she will believe me
Tai smiled: And since when Dawn didn't believe you
Matt smiled…
Tokyo city, Kudo's flat, Dawn's room,
Dawn was laying on her bed thinking about Matt like always her relationship with her mother is still not good they kept fighting together, Dawn took Matt's picture from her side table staring at it, it was very beautiful picture for him
Dawn: I miss you so much
She kissed it then hugged it
Dawn: And love you more than anything in this world, I don't know what happened to my stupid head… ow gosh Matt if I can see you again
The next day morning, Odaiba's city, Matt's apartment,
Matt checked about his hair for the last time before going out he wanted to go to Tokyo and talked to Dawn he puts the ring inside beautiful box when he opened the door he shocked
Matt: Dawn?!
Dawn's eyes were full of tears she looks more beautiful this time she cut her hair and wear in pink short skirt and pink shirt on it the word love with butterfly picture and puts jeans built around her beautiful tiny waist, the two were staring at each other
Dawn: Yamato I… I … I missed you
Matt shocked: You…
Dawn looked down: I … are you
She start crying hard Matt smiled and moved closer to her hugging her she hugged him
Dawn: I'm sorry Matt… I'm really sorry aha… sorry aha
Matt: Sheeee there's nothing you've done to be sorry about…
The two pulled back Dawn kept crying Matt holds her face between his hands whipping her tears by his fingers she holds his hands the two were staring at each other
Dawn: Do you hate me Matt? are you dating other girl?
Matt smiled then slowly lends and kissed her on her lips for long time she closed her eyes while her tears were coming down on her cheeks after long while of his kiss he slowly pulled back and the both opened their eyes he slowly whipped her tears
Matt: Did I answer you?
Dawn: Not really
Matt: I love you Dawn
Dawn shacked her head as no: Not really
Matt smiled: I love you Dawn Kudo …
Dawn shacked her head as no Matt smiled and took the box and took the ring and put it in her finger he kissed her hands
Matt: I love you Dawn Ishaida
Dawn smiled then hugged him
Dawn: Thank you for the answer
Matt smiled: No problem my love
He kissed her head then she hugged him
Matt: I missed you too… I was in my way to Tokyo
Dawn pulled back: Really?!
Matt smiled: Yes… I hope your mother told you that I always come to see you
Dawn looked down: My mother… if it was in her hands she want to destroy every beautiful moment I have
Matt: Don't say that babe… you know that she loved you
Dawn hugged him: I wanna stay with you for a while
Matt kissed her head: As what you want sweetheart
In the night,
Tai rang the bell many times in Matt's apartment but there's no answer so he entered when he found that the door is open he went to the living room to find the two were sleeping on the couch Dawn was sleeping on his chest while he was wrapping her
Tai amazing: Dawn?! Did he tell her? ops I should leave them alone
He went out matt felt about him he slowly pushed Dawn from his chest and puts her on the couch and ran out side to find Tai was about to enter the elevator
Matt: Taichi
Tai looked at Matt: Ow hi Yama
Matt came near him: I'm sorry I didn't feel about you when you get in
Tai: No I'm the sorry because I entered and you both you know were sleeping
Matt smiled: Don't worry about that
Tai: So Dawn came back to you?
Matt: Yes she came in the morning
Tai: She is the one who came?
Matt: Yah… anyway come in
Tai: No I think another time.. ok see ya
He entered the elevator Matt smiled and go inside where Dawn was sleeping he start rubbing her hair after kissing her head " I will give you what ever you want sweetheart I promise"
The next day at night,
Matt entered the apartment he left for his practice the apartment was very tidy and the smell was beautiful
Matt: She tied it again good
He entered his room to find Dawn was laying on his bed reading a book and wearing one of his long sport shirt he smiled she didn't notice him he sat on the bed edge kissing her forehead she looked up at him then smiled
Dawn: You came?
Matt: As what you see
She wrapped his neck smiling
Dawn: I missed you
Matt: Wow full of romance tonight
Dawn blushed: Come on Yami it's long time since I saw you
Matt lends kissing her: Yah me too
Dawn: You look so handsome today
Matt smiled: Not as you… you look more beautiful than anytime I saw you
He lends to her kissing her she kissed him back the two start making out for long time after that the two slowly pulled back
Matt: What about having the dinner out side tonight?
Dawn: Nop… what about making for you romantic dinner?
Matt: You know I love your food… I love everything about you babe… but also I don't love to tired you and you are soon will be bride so I think the bride shouldn't touch anything… so change your cloths and come on
Dawn: Are you sure?
Matt: Very sure
He kissed her for the last time then went out to let her change after Dawn had change she went out she was wearing short tank top pink dress and let her short light brown hair lays on her shoulders while putting one pink hairclips Matt stands up
Dawn: I'm done
Matt smiled: Gosh you look so beautiful
Dawn: I hope you aren't angry with me…
Matt amazing: But why?
Dawn looked at her dress then she looked at him
Dawn: I know it's short and tight but… I wanted to show it to you
Matt: Emmmm… you mean you wear this dress just for me?
Dawn smiled: And only you
Matt: How can I be sure?
Dawn: If you want me to change it I will
Matt giggled: No need for that babe… I just need small sweet peck from your lips
Dawn giggled then they gave each other small peck on the lips then went to the door when Matt opened the door he found Tami is standing in front of them and holding a gun the two shocked Jimmy was behind her
Matt: It's you two again
Tami: Again and again sweetheart… get in there… NOW
Matt holds Dawn's hand and went inside the two came Jimmy locket the door and gave the key to Tami who put it inside her jacket pocket
Matt: What do you want?
Tami: What do you think I want Yamato? I want one thing… I want you
Matt angry: That's enough… you are crazy you, you were about to destroy my life then you killed your baby __
Tami upset: I didn't kill my baby… two are the cause of that… she is the main cause
Tami pointed the gun toward Dawn Matt puts his arm in front of her
Matt: Dawn doesn't have anything with you
Tami: Yes she has… she took you from me… we were great together until she entered your life
Matt: You know Dawn is my girlfriend even before I meet you
Tami: But also not leaving me because of her… but not anymore Yamato you have to suffer of losing someone you love just like how you let me suffer
Matt: Do you think there's no law and you can do what ever you want
Tami gets angry she pulled the trigger and the shot was near Dawn who screamed and puts her hands on her ears the shot was very close to her Dawn opened her eyes they were wet Matt hugged her she start crying then Matt looked at Tami angry
Matt: Stop this Tami this is not funny
Tami: And who told you that I want to have fun I want to let you suffer I want to let this girl vanish from the world I want you to be main
Matt: You think by killing her I will be yours… don't dream about that Tami… you have to know that Dawn is main and I'm hers since the first time we met and you can't change this
Tami get angry she pulled the trigger again and shoot many time without controlling she was angry Matt lends down still wrapping Dawn who was crying
Dawn: Matt
Matt: Sheeeeee I won't ever leave her hurt you don't worry
After that Tami stopped shooting she pointed the gun on her
Tami: Leave her Matt or else I swear to kill her
The two stood slowly suddenly Tami pulled Dawn from her arm but before Matt could catch her Tami pointed the gun on Dawn's head
Tami: Don't try to do anything Yamato or your girlfriend will be dead
Matt gets angry he didn't know what to do… Tami start giggling she was about to shot Dawn who was very scared her chest was going up and down
Jimmy: Tami did you forget what we promised
Tami smiled: Yah you remind me… you want this girl right?
Jimmy: That what we promised
Tami smiled: Then take her
She pushed her toward Jimmy who catch her he smiled but suddenly Tami shoot him direct on the forehead Dawn shocked and walked back shouting she walked back then fall down and the body fall next to her she shouted and moved away from it Matt went to her but Tami stopped him by pointing the gun on him
Tami: It is just dread body… it won't beat her
Dawn was crying Matt looked at her he knew that she tired scared and shacking Tami turned and pointed the gun on Dawn she looked at Matt
Tami: This poor kitten is very scared just looked how is she shacking
Matt shocked he knew what Tami is thinking about Tami smiled but before she pulled the trigger Matt hits her hand the shot was rested on the wall Dawn looked at them shocked Matt could pull the gun from her but she came to him to pull it he pushed her and let her fall down her head hits the table that let her pass Matt was breathing hard staring at Tami Dawn slowly stands up and ran to him crying she hugged him he hugged her back
Matt: Sheeeeee everything is ok now… it's over now
Dawn: She… she… she killed… she killed him… she… was about to hurt you
Matt kissed her head: I'm ok now she was about to… to take you from me
He kissed her head again and hugged her tight after that Matt called the police, they came and took the body Matt told them everything they could wake Tami and took her to the jail for the rest of her life…
Three months later, Odaiba international parties reception,
The band had finished their songs then the curtain came down ending the show Dawn went to the band room knocking the door then one of the band opened it he smiled
Hegy: Ow hi Dawn
Dawn smiled: Hi Hegy is Yamato here?
Hegy: Yes don't worry there are no fans around him anymore he becomes good guy these days
Dawn giggled: Of course he is
Hegy: Hay can't we go to have the dinner just you and me.. for one night
Then he got a slap on his head from the back he turned and saw Matt is angry and his guitar was in the bag on his back
Matt: I thought she said " is Yamato here?" not Hegy
Hegy: I was kidding boss… ok… who can talk to your girlfriend anyway
Matt: She isn't my girlfriend anymore
Hegy happily: You broke up?
Matt: No you moron we are engaged now
Hegy saw the engagement ring in her finger: Ow man what a disappointment
The two giggled then Matt came out to her closing the door after him
Dawn: You did great babe.. you were wonderful
Matt: Because you were with me…
He gave her a peck on her lips then puts his arms on her shoulders and went out when the two get out from the back room to the front reception there were all the media coming near him
" We are from Channel 7 Mr. Yamato… we __"
A man pushed him "We are the MTV news… your party was great… who wrote the songs?"
Matt: I wrote them
"Can we know from where you brings these ideas I mean as a songs writer you should have some thing to let you think about your songs"
Matt smiled: Yes you are right…
"Can you tell us what is this thing?"
Matt: My fiancée
The all reports look sock
"You are engaged?"
Matt: Yes since a while
"And sure your songs were all for her"
Matt: Sure all of them for her and just her…
" Can you give us her name… her picture?"
Matt smiled then looked at Dawn who was smiling he looked at the report again
Matt: She is here near me
They looked at Dawn
"Are you Mr. Yamato's fiancée?"
Dawn smiled shacking her head as yes
Another man came "Mr. Yamato I'm from the stars TV… your engagement news is new for us but what about Tami's story? The one who killed her self in the jail before one week and she was repeating your name more and more"
Matt: I think I don't want to talk about her anymore… I don't have any claims now excuse us
Matt holds Dawn's hand and was about to leave when the MTV reporter came stopping them
"I don't thin you don't want to give us a picture for you with your fiancée Mr. Ishaida… so can we have a picture and something you wanna tell her"
Matt: Sure
He looked at Dawn still holding each other hands
Matt: I just wanna tell her that she is the most beautiful thing happened to me in my life… and I love her more than my self and I will love her for the rest of my life
He lends to her and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips all the media start taking pictures for him kissing her and wrote what he said the two pulled back Matt holds her hand
Matt: I think we should leave now.
He pulled Dawn and hardly the could free themselves from the media Matt let Dawn ride his Boursh jeep then ride and drove a way… drove away from the city and from the annoyed media drove away with his first and last love to be together for ever.
The End ^_^