Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved Wizardmon ❯ My Beloved Wizardmon ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I miss Wizardmon. Patamon keeps trying to cheer me up because today is the day when Wizardmon died. It's been four years now. I miss Wiz so much; no one knows the pain that I'm going through.

If I had stayed with the forces of darkness, Wizardmon would still be alive. At least, that's what I think.

I remember when I first met him, he had just arrived in the castle and he was a bit lost because he was trying to find my master. I asked him why he wanted to see my master and he replied that he simply didn't want to fight for the forces of good anymore and that he wanted to join the forces of darkness.

I told him that he would end up a slave for my master if he did this. He just shrugged and said it was better than living in fear for the rest of his life. I thought that Wizardmon was crazy when he said this, because he would be living in fear if he joined the forces of darkness, if he did something wrong, he would be beaten and if he carried on that way, he would be destroyed. But I remained silent.

After having met my master and explaining that he wanted to join the forces of darkness, I was called by my master.

"Yes, oh evil one" I said, trying not to look scared in front of my master.

"Escort Wizardmon to his room, and see to it that he's up early tomorrow morning" Myotismon told me sternly.

"Yes, master" I nodded and left, with Wizardmon walking beside me.

"So, I bet you're thinking that I'm crazy to join the forces of darkness, am I right?" he asked me. I remained silent; I didn't want to tell him the truth, in fear of being rude.


I still remained silent, I wanted to tell him that he had done the most stupid thing ever, but no, I kept my mouth shut.

"You can tell me, I don't care if you shout at me and tell me that I am the most stupidest mon alive, but I just want to know someone's opinion of what I've just done" he told me.

I turned to look at him; he looked at me curiously.

"You really want to know what I think of what you've just done?" I questioned him. He nodded in reply.

"Well…it shouldn't be my place to say, but I think that you've just made your life more of a living hell, you should have stayed with the forces of good!" I told him. He smiled at me, but I didn't notice and I carried on.

"Do you know that if you do something wrong, you get beaten and if you carry on doing things wrong, you're then destroyed!"

Wizardmon looked at me quizzically.

"You've never tried running away?" he asked. I looked at him as if he'd gone mad. This mon came up with the craziest ideas.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" I yelled at him.

"If you try running away, you're normally caught either by Lord Myotismon himself or by one of the dark masters, then you're tortured and killed!"

Wizardmon nodded slowly.

"And how do you know of this?" he asked me.

"How do I know? Because it happened to one of my friends in this castle and I saw her beaten and killed" I explained to him.

"Right!" Wizardmon said and nodded again.

"What's with you? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"You just looked so alarmed when I mentioned running away, that's all"

"Humph, well, I'd advise you not to do it! Unless you want to die of course" I told him sternly "Anyway, you'd better get some sleep, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow"

"Okay, goodnight Gatomon" I smiled and walked out.

After several weeks, we had an objective: find the eighth digidestined or child as some put it. We were sent to the real world, where we were to explore and find the eighth child, if we found either him or her, we were to take the child back to my master. There the child would, most probably die.

We were all given copies of the crest and tag, I noticed that the crest was the symbol of light.

Myotismon gave me strict instructions that if the eighth child was to be found, then I should be called upon by any digimon that finds it. When reaching the eighth child, I must pretend to be a normal cat. The thought of acting like a real cat makes me want to shudder!

During the night, Lord Myotismon himself went out to explore; he gave some of the digimon a rest. I was one of them. Wizardmon was allowed to rest too. I was sitting in a field, eyes closed, thinking about what the eighth child would look like, when I felt a presence. I opened my eyes and came face-to-face with Wizardmon.

"Hello, enjoying your rest?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Just thinking about what the eighth child looks like, whether it's a girl or a boy, that sorta thing" I explained to him and he nodded.

"Yeah, I think about that sort of thing too, finding this child is really hard, I thought that we would've found this child by now, but it's taking ages" he told me.

I looked at him closely and noticed that he looked rather sad.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, my voice full of concern.

"Yes…maybe…well…no, no, not really"

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I just feel sorry for this child, it doesn't even know about it's purpose in our world, and the child will die, when it discovers the truth about being a digidestined, I dunno, It just makes me feel sad" he said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"Don't cry!" I said and before I realised what I'd done, I'd flung my paws round him. I tried comforting him while he cried, but it was no good.

"Please don't cry, I'll probably start crying in a minute!" I told him. He just smiled weakly at me.

"You're a good mon Gatomon, why did you join the forces of darkness?" he questioned me.

"I didn't have a choice, I had just hatched and digivolved into a Salamon, when Lord Myotismon came across me, he told me that I would either join the forces of darkness, or die" I told him "and ever since then, I have been a slave to Lord Myotismon"

"I give you my sympathies, it must be horrible being around that so called "Lord" Myotismon!" Wizardmon said mockingly. I giggled, making Wizardmon smile.

"Thank you for comforting me, I feel a lot better"

"It' s no problem, you're a nice mon too, I just can't believe that you joined the forces of darkness! You're too nice!" I exclaimed.

After many hours, it was starting to get light and Lord Myotismon went back to his usual coffin underground. Wizardmon told me that he thought I was an amazing digimon and he kissed me. He Kissed Me! It was an amazing feeling when he did this. I did kiss him back, but eventually, when I got over the shock of what he was doing.

When we pulled apart, he said those three words that turned my digiworld upside down.

"I love you" he told me.

"I love you too," I said, but I noticed that I had gone shy. He smiled at me.

"Come on, we'd better carry on with the search, or "Lord" Myotismon will be after us!" he said, emphasising the word Lord. I just laughed.

After many days, I had found the eighth child, it turned out to be a girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, she wore pink shorts, a yellow top and she only looked about eight.

I went to walk past her, but she stopped and saw me. She looked at me, so I quickly pretended to be a real cat, and I meowed. I still remember her first words to me, "What a funny looking kitty, are you a friend of Agumon's?"

It was then, that I knew that she was the eighth child! I followed her back to her home. But then I ran off when she tried to hug me. I knew that I had to tell Wizardmon of this.

When I told Wizardmon, he congratulated me.

"Thanks Wiz" I replied.

"Shall we go find her?" he asked me.

"I looked at him confused.


"You'll see" was his only reply. So I took him to the eighth child's house. She was on her balcony when I saw her.

"There she is!" I cried. The eighth child turned and saw me.

"Oh, hi there! I was hoping I'd see you again!" she tried to hug me, but I hissed and spat at her, making her recoil.

"Gatomon, stop!" Wizardmon said harshly. It sounded like a command. I looked at him with a confused face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Hasn't it occurred to you that this little girl has a digimon?" he questioned me. I nodded, but I still didn't understand what he was on about.

"Yes, so?"

"Do you remember what your purpose was, when you were born?"

"Yes, it was to serve my master!" I told him. He shook his head.

"No…Gatomon, you are this child's digimon" he told me. This news shocked me, yet I didn't want to believe it.

"You're lying!" I shouted at him.

"No, I'm not, I saw you when you hatched, you had a digivice attached to your egg" My mouth fell open. He knew all along that I was the eighth child's digimon and he didn't say anything.

"How could you not say anything?!" I yelled at him.

"You wouldn't have believed me anyway" he told me.

Too true, but I didn't want to admit it. I noticed that Wizardmon had a digivice in his hand. He gave it to Kari and it immediately lit up.

"Gatomon, you are this child's digimon, please believe me" I looked into his eyes and noticed that he was speaking the truth. I turned to look at the child. She was looking at me, timidly, yet hopefully. I smiled.

"Kari!" I yelled happily.

"KARI, GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard someone yell. It turned out to be one of the digidestined, a boy.

Agumon ran ahead and used his pepper breath attack, it was aimed for Kari, but I pushed her out of the way, taking the full blow.

The boy gasped and I heard Wizardmon explaining to the boy that I was indeed Kari's digimon.

"But, that's impossible!" I heard him say in disbelief.

Kari walked over to me and stroked me.

When Lord Myotismon found out, it was an understatement to say that he was angry. He came after Kari and I. When he caught up to us, we were with the whole group. He was about to destroy us, but then my beloved Wizardmon stepped in the way. Kari and I were in shock, but I was in disbelief also. Kari took hold of him and begged him not to die. But Wizardmon did, this caused Kari to break down in tears, which caused me to digivolve into AngeWomon. Patamon digivolved into Angemon, we shot arrows of light towards Agumon and Gabumon, causing them to warp digivolve into their mega forms. They destroyed my master.

And that was from when I met Wizardmon to the end. I wish he was still with me now, but I know that he'll be reconfigured one day, the question is, when will he hatch?

My beloved Wizardmon, one day we will be reunited and we will become lovers once again. I can't wait to see you. I wish that you were here, but you're not. Patamon is here, but he isn't comforting me, he is just making things worse.

One day…one day…