Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ the next morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own digimon or any other copyrighted materials that may appear in this story. The following work was created for enjoyment only and I am not makeing any money off of this in any way shape or form.

I woke up the next morning to see Takeru laying next to me. I smiled at him and went in to the kitchen for some breakfast.

I decided on a bowl of cornflakes. I poured a baowl before going to the fridge to get some milk. I opened it up and smelled it. It had gour sour a long time ago.

"Fuck." I said as the smell of it drifted to my nose. I closed it and put it in the trash bin that I had under the sink. I let out a sigh as I poured water on me cereal.

I took a bite and spit it out. "Looks like we're eating out this morning." I tought. I lit up a cigarette and took a drag off of it I went in to the front room and watched the morning news.

"Never anything good going on in the world." I said as blew out some moke after hearing a teenaged boy's body was found raped and mutilated in some ally by an abandoned building and the person who did it was still at large.

I turned off the tv, not wanting to hear anymore. Takeru had been out walking last night which was when it happened. He could of been the boy. If that was him I woudln't of ever been able to forgive my mother for what happened. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive her now as it is.

I heard a ringing sound and picked up my phone. "This is Yama." I said. "Is my son there?" My mother asked. "Yes, Nancy he is." I said in anger. "What did you call me?" She asked. "I called you by your name." I told her. "I'm you mom. Not some random bith you decided to fuck after a show. Oh wait you don't even fuck random bitches. You fuck nasty fags and you turned my good son in to one of them!" she shouted.

"Lisiten bitch, He's just as much my brother as he is your son. You kicked him out of the house and he came to me because I would care for him like you didn't." I told her. "If you think you can raise him then be my guest but you won't get any help from me. Let me talk to him." She demanded.

"He's sleeping." I said. "I bet you fucked him untill he passed out last night." She sneered. "No! He had to walk for an hour to get to my house! Thats what he's so exhausted about you fucking bitch!" I shouted to her.

I saw Takeru out the corner of my eye and said "He's awake now if you want to talk to him." She laughed and said "Of course he is. All your yelling woke him up." She was about to say something else but I handed the phone to Takeru and lit up another cigarette.

Takeru's face went from happy to angry in a few short seconds before he said "I don't want to hear it from you. Yamato has always been there for me no matter what I needed and all you ever did was put me down and use you for you house slave." He Shouted. I took a drag and waited for her to finish talking before he said "Shut up. If you loved me you wouldn't of kicked me out if you were unhappy with the way I tunred out. You would of learned to accept it. Instead you kicked me to the curb. Good bye." He said before hanging up.

He was breathing hard and glareing at the phone the way he used to glare at Ken in his days as the Kaiser. He reached for my cigarettes and took one out. "Lighter?" He asked me. I frowned but handed it to him.

"When did you start smokeing cigarettes?" I asked him. "When I was 13. Mom stressed me out so I started smokeing to help deal with the stress." He said. "Porbably the worst way you could think of to handle it too. As much as I disporve of you smokeing I disprove more of you stealing so I suppose I'll allow the lesser of two evils." I said. He took a drag and expertly blew the smoke out in a series of rings.

"Thats all you smoke right?" I asked him, suddenly worried. "Yeah. I would never do drugs." He said. "Thats good. Do you drink?" I asked him. "Yeah occasionally." He said. "When you drink you don't drink to get drunk do you?" I asked him as I put out my cigarette "I drink a little at parties but never to get drunk off my ass unless I'm real depressed." He said.

"Thats a bad way to handle it." I told him. "I know." He said. "You should write music or do martial arts or something like that." I said as I watched him take a another drag off his cigarette. "I just wish life wasn't so hard." He said sadly. "Yeah it's hard being gay." I said takeing a drag of my cig and blowing it out slowly.

"Even harder when you're in love with a man who will never return your feelings." He said before taking another drag. "I'm in the same boat." I said. He didn't ask me who it was and I didn't ask him. Instead he said "I've never even kissed another guy before."

"Not even for practice?" I asked him. "Poeple practice kissing?" He asked me. "Yeah. Most of the time with friends or sibblings." I said. "Have you ever practiced?" He asked me. "Yeah me and Taichi used to practice before." I said with a laugh. "Isn't he with Kyoshiro right now?" Takeru asked as he put his cigarette out next to mine in the ash tray.

"Yup and now I have nobody to practice my kissing on." I said fakeing sadness. "You could prctice on me." He said. "Are you sure." I asked him. "Does the thought of kissing me freak you out or something?" He asked me. I shook my head.

He scooted closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. I felt go through my entire body at the moment. My brain just shut down and I went crazy.

I pushed him down on the couch below me and kissed him back. I felt his tounge slide across my lip so I opened my mouth to let him in. I slid my tounge along side his gums, makeing him moan in to my mouth. I smiled and went back to ravishing his mouth with my own.

I had always dreamed about kissing him like this. Just me and him alone on the couch with nothing in the world to stop us. If only it was a real kiss and not just practice. Well it was a lot more then practice to me. It was a dream come true.

He pulled away slowly and looked at me for a second before he said "You're a hell of a kisser." "You're pretty good too." I told him. He smiled and said "Good to hear that." I laughed.

"You're so nevrous about it. It's not like that was your first kiss with someone you want to be with for the rest of you life." I said wishing I was the one he wanted. He frowned before he said "Thats true." I gave a nod and he was all smiles agian.

"What do we have to eat for breakfast?" He asked me. "Nothing we're eating out and then going grocery shopping." I said. "Guess I'll get dressed." He said. "Do you have anything or do you want to barrow one of my outfits?" I asked him. "I have what I wore yesterday." He said. "Not going to work. Pick out something to wear of mine. We're going to IHOP." I told him.

"Whats that?" He asked me. "Some Americian franchise that made it's way out here. They have greeat food." I told him. "Sounds nice." He said as went in to my room to get dressed.

I turned on the tv and payed half attention to what was on while I waited. He came out and my jaw almost droped. He looked better in leather then I did.

Tight leather pants and a half done black button down shirt. Oh my god how I wished I could just jump him right then and there. He looked at me and laughed.

"Like what you see?" He asked me. "You're going to have half of the town after you if you go out in that." I warned him. "Then thats going to take care of half of my problem." He said still laughing. "Ok slut boy lets go." I said.

He stoped laughing and glared at me. Nothing like the playful glares he used to give me as children either but an almost evil glare that I never thought could come from him.

His normally warm blue eyes became dark and cold. His face held no trace of the smile from just a few minutes ago. "I'm not a slut." He almot growled. "I was only jokeing." I said calmly. His glare lessed a bit but it was still no smile. "She said that lastnight." He said, looking now like he was about to cry.

I drew him in to a tight hug like I would do when he was younger and we just sat there. Him crying in to my shoulder and me telling him everything was going to be fine. Neither of us would be in the mood to eat for a while.