Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My daughter ❯ chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

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Warning: Dawn Kudo is my character, if you want to use it just ask me… please R and R…

Dawn and Tai had finally got married after a wonderful love story, he's now working as a diplomatist in the embassy but he took a vacation for his honeymoon, they went to Hawaii…

In the honeymoon section…the two was on the bed, Dawn was sleeping on his chest… she waked up and looked at Tai, who waked before her…

Dawn: You waked?

Tai: Yes… I was waiting to see your beautiful eyes.

Dawn giggled: You are silly Tai…

Tai: Is this bad point?

She wrapped her arms around his west…

Dawn: No… it makes me love you more…

Tai: Yesterday was the best night in my life…

Dawn: Me too…

The two stare at each other.

Dawn: Hi…

Tai: Hi…

The two smiled and went under the blanket.

After one year…

Tai bought for them a beautiful flat in the middle of Odaiba city, it was in the 24th floor of the big tall building… it was very big flat, has one royal room with it bathroom and Jacuzzi, and three other room one of them with bathroom but the others without bathrooms he lets one of the rooms for the computer and the other one he let it as a storeroom, the living room, it has big window that shows a beautiful view of the city, and the kitchen is opened on the living room with beautiful glass dining table… it was wonderful flat… Dawn was making the lunch when Tai came back, he slowly came and wrapped her from behind that let her scared.

Dawn: Tai… you scared me… don't do this again.

Tai: Really? Then let me hear your heart bits.

Dawn: Come on Tai.

Tai: I'm series.

He turned and puts his ear on her chest.

Tai: Like that you scared Dawn, your heart bits is too fast…

Suddenly Dawn fall down, Tai shocked and shakes her to wake up, when she opened her eyes and stand up she felt disgust, she puts her hand on her mouth and ran to the bathroom, she begins to threw out Tai was rubbing her back… when she finished Tai took her to the hospital…

After a while in the doctor room…

Tai: How is she now doctor?

Dr.: Don't worry… she's fine… and congratulation… you two will become parents.

The two shocked…

Tai: You mean…?

Dr.: Yes Mr. Kamiya your wife is pregnant since one month.

The two stare at each other, then hugged…

Tai: I can't believe it… finally I'll be a father.

After three months:

Tai and Dawn were siting in the living room…

Tai: I will make that room is my baby room, and the storeroom is his playing room.

Dawn: I'm sure he will be lucky to have a father like you.

Tai: I'm the lucky to have a wife like you.

He lends and kissed her, then he lends down and kissed her stomach.

Tai: Hello kiddy… I'll teach you how to play soccer well.

Dawn: I'm sure he will be the best player in the world.

Tai: By the way Sora didn't give birth yet?

Dawn: No… not yet…

Tai: How long for her now?

Dawn: She's in her month… or maybe in 8th… I don't know.

Then the bill rang, Tai opened the door it was Dawn's parents.

Mr. Kudo: Hi Tai… how are you.

Tai: Hi… I'm fine thanx.

Mrs. Kudo: Hi Tai… where's Dawn?

Tai: Here… come in

They entered the living room and said hi to Dawn…the all sat on the couches.

Ellen: How are you now my dear?

Dawn: Fine thanx mom…

Ellen: You start show…

Usako: Show? Where? I don't see any thing…

Ellen: Come on Usako… just imagine that.

Usako: Aha…

The all begin to laugh… after having the dinner Dawn's parents will go back, in front of the door.

Ellen: We will travel tomorrow do you need any thing?

Dawn: No thank you mom…

The two hugged.

Ellen: I'll be here before you give a birth don't worry.

Dawn: I'll be waiting for you.

Then they went out and Tai closed the door… When he went to his room he found Dawn in the bathroom she puts her hand on her said she looks tired.

Tai: Are you Ok honey?

Dawn looked at him and smiled: Yes… I'm fine don't worry.

Tai: But you look tired…

Dawn: That's normal things don't worry babe… when I have some sleep I'll be better.

After two days Sora give a birth for a baby girl, Matt chose for her a beautiful name, he named her Taki…

After five months:

For all these months Dawn was suffering from her side but she didn't tell Tai any thing about that, she went to a doctor he told her that's a normal thing because she's pregnant, but she didn't believe that… it was quit night… and like always Tai puts his ear and hands on Dawn's stomach waiting for the baby to kick, he could hear it just five time whole three months, Dawn made a sonar the baby was a baby girl, they prepare a pink room for her, while Tai was watching TV Dawn felt some thing wrong with her, she felt a awful pain… she begins to shout Tai knew it was the birth time, he quickly took her to the hospital…

In the birth room, Dawn was holding Tai's hand tight…

Dr.: Push…

Dawn: No… I can't.

Dr.: Yes… you can Dawn just do it…

Dawn: No… it's hurt…

Tai: Come on babe just do it…

Dr.: Push…. Harder

Dawn pushed the last time, as the baby came out it was a baby girl… Dawn let go of Tai's hand, which begins to bleed from her nails.

Nurse: Congratulation it's a baby girl.

Dawn: Let me see her.

She handle the baby to Dawn…

Dawn: Come on Tai look at our daughter, she's beautiful.

Tai came and see her.

Tai: You are right…

Dawn: What do you think we should name her?

Tai: Let me see… Emmm… What about Ayomi?

Dawn: Ayomi?

Tai: Yes.

Dawn: I like it… it's beautiful.

Tai: Just like you.

He kissed her head.

Nurse: Then her name is Ayomi Kamiya.

After two months:

In the night Tai was sleeping Ayomi too, Dawn couldn't sleep her side was hurting her more day after day… she rolled in the bed, she couldn't take it any more, she ran to the bathroom and begins to threw out, Tai felt about that then he waked up… he saw Dawn like that.

Tai: Dawn, are you Ok?

Dawn: I don't know Tai…

Then she begin to threw out again, her face was yellow, she puts her hand on her side, Tai remembered seeing her like that before many months, he quickly took his daughter and took her to the hospital, in the hospital they entered Dawn the ER Tai gave his daughter to a nurse, while they was pushing Dawn's bed to the surgery room, she stopped them and called Tai, he holds her hand

Dawn: Tai… promise me you will take car about Ayomi if any thing happen to me.

Tai: What are you talking about, you will be fine and you are the one who will take care about her

Dawn: Please Tai promise me… I'm not sure that I'll see her again… please take good care about her… please Tai.

Tai: Dawn honey don't say that… please.

Dawn: Just promise me.

Tai: Ok I promise you…

Dawn: One more thing… I love you Tai always remember that.

Tai: I love you too…

He kissed her head…

Nurse: Please Mr. Kamiya it's the time to take her to the room…

The pushed the bed, their hands dispart, Tai's tears begin to fall down when he saw the door closed…

It's now almost three hours… Tai was waiting out side hoping that his wife will be Ok, finally the doctor came out, Tai went to him.

Tai: Is she Ok?

Dr.: You are Mr. Kamiya?

Tai: Yes I am. How is Dawn?

Dr.: I'm sorry… she didn't make it threw the surgery…

Tai shocked: What?

Dr.: Her side was bleeding… we couldn't do any thing… I'm sorry for your loose Mr. Kamiya.

Tai: No… you don't understands, she's every thing to me… no I can't believe you.

Dr.: I know it's hared to lose our beloved one, but we can't bring them back…

Then he went in his way leaving Tai crying in silent "I can't believe it, she was with me, she was talking to me before many hours… that's not true… note true… Dawn why? Why did you leave me and leave our baby alone… why? Why?"

He sat on the chair and begin to hared cry… after a while he remembered his daughter he took her from the nurse, he called his parents house and told them every thing, the all were shocked.

For two months Tai was very sad, but he kept his promise to Dawn to take care about their daughter, he moved to his room in his parents house for a while until Ayomi become one year old… then he will go back to their house… he write every thing Ayomi do, the date she smiled and the date she turned and every thing she does it for a first time he write it dates…

Ayomi now almost one year… she's trying to walk, Tai was helping her, they were in their flat.

Tai gave her his fingers, she holds them and start to walk…

Tai: Yes… come on… slowly you can do it…

Ayomi: Baba… Baba…

Tai: Yes, come on to your Baba, slowly…

Tai slowly took his fingers she walked a little then falls down, she looked at Tai and the tears full her eyes…

Tai: No… no…. Don't cry… come one stand up.

Ayomi was waiting for her daddy to help her and gives her his fingers…

Tai: No, do it by yourself…daddy won't help you any more.

Before Ayomi start crying the bill rang… Tai opened the door it was Kari and her twin (Tkato and Ran) they were two years old.

Tai: Hi Kari…come in…

Then they saw Ayomi walking slowly toward her daddy.

Kari: She starts walking…

Tai looked at his daughter and smiled…

Tai: Good girl… come on in daddy arms to have some rest…

Tai lend down and opened his arms to her, she walked until her daddy arms, Tai carried her and kissed her… she was happy…

Tai: You did great job…

He kissed her again…

Ayomi: Yes… yes…

They sat in the living room…

Tai: So how is T.K?

Kari: Fine…

Tai: I see he didn't take Tkato with him today?

Kari: He has some works… by the way I came to take Ayo with us.

Tai: Where are you going?

Kari: Sora and me will take the kids to the entertainment city to have some fun.

Tai looked at Ayomi, who was laying on her stomach drawing with her cousins in the coloring books… she looked at him and smiled, Tai looked at Kari.

Kari: Come on Tai, let her have fun with the kids.

Tai: Ok…

Then Ayomi came to Kari to show her the painting she did…

Ayomi: Mama…

Kari looked at her and smiled…

Kari: Did you do it by your self?

Ayomi smiled and shakes her face in agreement,

Tai: Do you want to go with Aunt Kari to the entertainment city?

Ayomi: Baba?

Tai: No daddy will stay here, you will go with Aunt Kari and Sora, what do you say?

Ayomi smiled: Yes…

Kari: Wow she knows what do you say to her.

Tai: Of course she will… ok my angle come with me to change your cloths.

Kari: No Tai I'll __

Tai stand up and carried Ayomi…

Tai: Thank you Kari… I can do it by myself…

Ayomi: Baba… my room…

She gave him the painting…

Tai: Ok I'll put it on your door, come in now…

Tai changed her pajama and wear her short pink skirt and white T-shirt with butterflies on it, he brushed her heir, it was short brown heir, and very silky it was beautiful just like her mother. He puts a butterfly hairpin on it… he wear her white socks with pink shoes.

Tai: We are done now… what do you think?

He let her see herself in the mirror, she smiled.

Ayomi smiled: Nice… thank you Baba.

He hugged her and kissed her cheek… she kissed him back then he carried her and went to Kari.

Kari: Ok kids shall we go now?

In front of the door…

Tai: If she begins to cry just call me to take her…

Kari: Don't worry, she won't…

Kari wanted to put Ayomi in her carriage but she refused, she wanted to walk by herself.

Kari: Ok… but you will get tired.

Ayomi: No.

Kari: What ever you want… ok Tai… bye.

Tai: Ok Ayo… come give daddy a hug and big kiss on his cheek.

Ayomi walked to her father and hugged him then kissed his cheek…

Tai: Be good girl for Aunt Kari… promise

Ayomi: Yes…

Then they went out…

Before Tai closed the door he saw his daughter very happy… she thinks that Kari her mother, Tai closed the door and went to his room, he lays on the bed and took Dawn's picture from the night table and stare at it… "Our daughter begins to grow up, she can walk now… I'll write the date in your dairy like always…" After a while the telephone rang Tai waked up he was sleeping, he looked at the clock it was 9.30 P.M. "Maybe I slept for a long time" he answered the call.

Tai: Kamiya's house.

Kari: Hi Tai…

Tai: Kari… is Ayomi Ok?

Kari: Yes don't worry… I called to ask you to let her sleep in our house today.

Tai: What? No I'll come to take her now Kari.

Kari: Leave her today Tai, she seems very happy with Taki and Ran.

Tai: I know that Kari… but I don't want her to loth in you more.

Kari: What do you mean Tai?

Tai: I mean she thinks that you are her mother if she thinks that for a long time it will be harder to me to tell her the truth in the future…

Kari: I understand… I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

Tai: That's Ok… where's she now? I find a strange that she didn't call me.

Kari: I told you she's happy… do you want to talk to her?

Tai: She's not sleeping yet?

Kari: No not yet…

Tai: No leave her now with Ran… I'll come after to take her.

Kari: As what you want… Ok I'll go now; do you need any thing?

Tai: No thank you little sis… you did alots for Ayomi and me.

Kari: Don't say that… I've to go now… bye

Tai: Bye…

The two hang up…

Tai went to T.K and Kari's house… Sora and Matt was there.

Tai: Hi every one…

The all: Hi…

He sat next to Matt…

Tai: So all of you here…

Matt: Yes… by the way did I tell you?

Tai: What?

Matt: Guess what?

Tai: I don't know… what?

Matt: I'll be a daddy again.

Tai: Really?

Matt: Yes, Sora's pregnant again…

Tai looked at Sora: Congratulation you two…

Sora: Thanx…

Tai: But don't you think Taki still young?

Matt: Don't worry about her… I'm sure she will be happy…

Tai: I'm sure about that too… where are they any way?

T.K: They are watching cartoons in the playing room…

Sora: I wonder why they didn't sleep yet…

Tai: Leave them have fun…

Sora: You daughter finally start walking…

Tai: Yes… today I tough her today.

T.K: Before I forget, I saw ken today… he told me that he wants to invite us to his farm.

Tai: He finally bought a farm?

T.K: Yes… he restored it…

Matt: And when he wants us to go?

Ken: After one week from today…

Matt: Great time… it's holiday… what do you say Tai?

Tai: Good… I'll go, I think we all need some fresh air…

Then Taki ran to her mother, she was crying…

Sora: What's the wrong baby? Why are you crying?

Taki: Tkato… he takes it from me?

T.K: What did he do?

Taki: He took the car from me…. Mama I want car…

She begins to hared cry…

T.K: Ok… come with me I'll give you better than it…

But before T.K go, Ayomi came near Taki and gave her the car…

Ayomi: Here… blue car…

Taki stooped crying and took the car…

Sora: What do you say Taki?

Taki: Thank you…

Ayomi: Any time…

Matt: Wow… she knows how to replay too.

Tai carried Ayomi and puts her on his legs…

Tai: Yes… because she always hears mom and Kari talking then she says what they say.

Tkato came angry….

T.K: Now what?

Tkato: She took the blue car…

T.K: So what?

Tkato: It's not for the girls.

T.K: I'll buy for you new one…

Tkato: No…

Kari: Tkato listen to your father…

Tkato entered the room angry…

Tai: Shall we go now my angle?

Ayomi: Taki?

Tai: She will go with her parents?

Ayomi: No…

Tai: Yes… and now tell me aren't you sleepy?

Ayomi: No…I want games…

Tai: Tomorrow I'll take you again…

Ayomi begins to gape, Tai puts his hand on her mouth, and her eyes begin to close too.

Tai: You are really sleepy aren't you?

Ayomi puts her head on her father chest and went to deep sleep…

Ayomi: Good night… Baba… Mama…

Tai: Mama…?

Ayomi: Yes…

Tai looked at his daughter sadly "If you just know that your mother won't come back"

Kari: Tai are you Ok?

She looked at her sad brother, she knew that he couldn't forget his wife… He looked at her…

Tai: Yes… why shouldn't I be?

Kari: By your look.

Tai smiled: I'm fine thanx… Ok… I think it's the time to go home.

He stands up and carried Ayomi; he puts her head on his shoulder…

Kari: Wait… I'll bring Ayo's bag and carriage…

T.K: So you will come alone to the farm or with us?

Tai: You will go in the morning?

T.K: Yes.

Tai: I'll catch you afternoon… I have to take Ayomi for the inoculation.

Then Kari came with Ayomi's stuff. Tai puts Ayomi in the carriage,

Tai: Ok gonna go… good night all of you…

Tai went out…

Sora: Poor Tai, he had to go throw alots…

Kari: Yah… he still thinking about Dawn, some times he thinks that she might came back.

Matt: He loves her very much, she was with him since his childhood…

Sora: Yes… just imagine you all of sudden lose some one you love… it's too hared.

Matt: Ok let's go home before you break my heart.

Sora: Matt…

Matt: Kidding…

The all begins to laugh.

In Tai's car…

Ayomi was sleeping in the passenger seat… Tai was thinking about Dawn…

Flash Back…

Tai came back from his work, he had a meeting that took a long time, it was the night now, when he entered the flat and saw Dawn standing in front of the window staring at the beautiful view of the city, he smiled and went near her…

Tai: Hi beauty…

She looked at him and smiled…

Dawn: Hi my knight…

Tai: Wow… today I'm your knight… what's the big deal?

Dawn: You know that you're my knight every moment and every day not just one day.

Tai: I know but I like to hear it from you you.

Dawn: You are silly Taichi Kamiya.

Tai: And you are beautiful Dawn Kamiya.

He puts his arm on her shoulders and the other hand he puts it on her stomach (She was pregnant in the 4th month)

Tai: And how is my kiddy?

Dawn puts her hand on his hand…

Dawn: Fine… the doctor told me that the baby starts moving.

Tai happily: REALLY?

He quickly puts his ear on her stomach.

Dawn smiled: You can't hear it now… you have to wait until the 7th month at least.

Tai lend up and looked a little upset

Tai: Why not?

Dawn: He's still small…

Tai: Bad thing…

Dawn looked at the sky… it was very beautiful clear night, the moon was shining and the stars were full the sky, Tai looked at her and note that she's thinking about some thing…

Tai: Are you Ok babe?

Dawn: Tai… do you love me?

Tai: Of course I do, why do you ask?

Dawn: Then say it… I love to hear it from you…


Dawn begins to laugh…

End of the Flash Back…

" I won't forget that night or any night I spent it with you… you will be always inside my heart Dawn… I'll keep my promise to you… I'll take good care about our baby" He thought sadly…

After one week:

Tai was sleeping when the telephone range he rolled on his stomach and begins to search about the telephone on the night table… finally he picked it.

Tai: Hello…

"Tai it's me Kari"

Tai: Yah… hi Kari… what's up?

Kari: You asked me to remind you for Ayomi's date…

Tai opened his eyes he sat down and looked at the clock, It was 9.10 A.M. and Ayomi's date was in 10.00 A.M.

Tai: Oh my god I'm late… thanx Kari.

Kari: You are welcome… we will be waiting for you in the farm.

Tai: Sure thing…

Then the two hung up the call, Tai looked at Ayomi who was sleeping behind him on the bed… he wakes her and quickly change for her and feed her…then he went to the hospital… when the nurse took Ayomi she asked about her mother, but Tai told her that she's dead… it was very hared to Tai when some one asked him about Ayomi's mother… he just want his daughter to be like the other girls, without feeling empty…after a crying battle they finally had finished, Tai took Ayomi who was tired from crying out of the room…

Tai: That's Ok… you are Ok now…

Ayomi: It hurts me… Baba… pain… here….

Tai: I know… but it makes you strong girl just like your Baba.

Ayomi: Home… I want home…

Tai: Ok baby we will go now then you can have some rest…

Later in afternoon…

Tai puts Ayomi's bag… and changed for her, he finished changing, and went out side his room.

Tai: Ayomi… come on we will go now….

But there's no answer… he went to her room… she was sitting in a toys crucial, he smiled and walked near her, she was singing some cartoons songs… she looked at her father and smiled.

Ayomi: Baba… you are here?

Tai sat next to her

Tai: Yes… can I play with you?

Ayomi: Here… play with me…

She gave Tai a doll, then she begins to move her doll, Tai stare at her for a while and smiled… suddenly he puts the doll and carried her high, he rolled her around the room, she was laughing.

After many times rolling Tai falls on the bed and puts her on his chest, she was laughing.

Tai: Did you like it?

Ayomi: More… more Baba…

Tai: Not now sweetie I feel dizzy.

She sat on his stomach…

Ayomi: No… more… I want to go high in the sky.

Tai: Ok but not now, now we will go to Uncle Ken farm, they are waiting for us.

Ayomi: Taki's there?

Tai: Taki, Ran and Uoki… all your friends are there.

Ayomi jumped on his stomach….

Ayomi: Yes… yes… yes…

Tai: Ok…

He stands up and let her sit on his shoulder…

In the car… Ayomi was sitting in the passenger seat… she was looking at the cars out side, then she looked at Tai… Tai looked at her then he looked out side, they arrived to the farm area.

They entered Ken's farm, it was big and beautiful, there was a swimming pools one big and the other one was small for the kids, there was swing and bicycles, he stopped the car behind the other cars… he carried Ayomi and get out from the car, Ken came…

Ken: Hi Tai.

Tai: Hi Ken…

Ken: Hi Ayo how are you.

She didn't answer Tai shacked her.

Tai: What do we say?

Ayomi: Fine…

Ken kissed her…

Tai: So where's the others?

Ken: There… come on….

Tai entered the house after Ken… the all were there…he said hi for the all and sat next to Matt.

Tai puts Ayomi next to him, she climbed the couch and ran to Kari

Ayomi: Mama…

Kari smiled; she carried her and puts her on her legs…

Kari: Hi sweetie…

Ayomi: Swings… I want to the swing.

Kari: Don't you want to eat your lunch?

Ayomi: No… I want swings.

Ayomi gets down from Kari's legs and ran to the door, she wanted to go after her, Tai stopped her.

Mary: She still thinks that you are her mother?

Kari: Yes, she keeps calling me Mama, but Tai doesn't want her to think that.

Mary: Why not?

Kari: He said that it will be harder to tell her the truth in the future.

Angela: He's right…

Sora: But she's still small… she needs to say Mama at least.

Mary: I know that Sora… but Tai's right any way.

Kari: Hey Tai, did you have your lunch?

Tai: Ha… yes… I bought some sweet for Ayo and me in the way here.

Kari: Sweet!? Is this lunch?

Tai: Yes why not?

Yoli: Ok… I'll put the lunch __

Tai: No thanx… I'm not hungry…

Yoli: For Ayomi at least.

Tai: Don't try she won't eat any thing, she just eats the sweets and chocolate.

Joe: That's bad for her teethes.

Tai: I know but what I have to do…. She doesn't eat any thing.

Joe: You have to know Tai that the kids in her age needs some useful food like the milk and fruit_

Tai: Ok… Ok… I'll try this another time…

The all begins to laugh…

Tai went out to check Ayomi, she was playing in the swing with the girls then a ball hits his feet.

Jenta: Uncle Tai, can you pass the ball here?

It was Jenta Daivs son who was two years old.

Tai: Sure thing…

He played with the ball a little, it was along time since he played with the ball, then he pass the ball

After a while they sat out in two picnic tables… the girls were playing in the swings, then they came to their mothers, Ayomi stills there, she was playing alone Tai looked at her…

"Dawn… you don't know how much it suffer me to see our lonely baby staying alone and all the girls in her age run to their mother" He thought and went to her, she looks sad, Tao lend to her level

Tai: Why my angle is sad?

Ayomi: I want home…

Tai: Why? Is there's some one bother you?

She shacks her face as no.

Tai: Then why?

Ayomi hugged him… he knew that moment that she felt lonely… he wrapped his arms around her.

Tai: I'll be with you… I won't leave you baby…

He whispered in her ear… they pulled back… he went behind her and begins to push the swing. She laughed more and more when Tai pushed her faster… it was fun, he felt happy when he sees her smile and laugh… he stopped when he heared her breath hared…

Tai: Is it fun?

Ayomi: Yes… more…

Tai: Not now… but after you have some thing to eat.

He carried her, and went to his seat in the table…

Kari: Ayomi don't you want to eat now?

Ayomi looked up at her daddy.

Ayomi: I want my Baba.

Kari: Ok as what you want… here.

She gave Tai Ayomi's food, then she begins to feed her daughter.

After long day they went back to their houses, Tai entered his dark flat, he closed the door and opened the lights, every thing was quit, you can't hear just his daughter breath sounds on his shoulder… he went to her room he washed for her and changed her cloths, then he puts her on her bed, he opened the baby light for her, it was a ball moving with rainbow colors… before he closed the door he stare at her…

Flash Back…

Tai was watching TV in the living room, Dawn was breast-feeding Ayomi in her room, after a while he went to Ayomi's room, the two were sleeping in her bed, Tai came and kissed his daughter head she was one and a half month, then he kissed Dawn's head, her eyes slowly opened

Dawn: Tai…

She sat down and looked at her daughter…

Dawn: I slept a little…

Tai: I'm sorry if I wake you…

Dawn: No that's Ok…

Tai lends on her chest and smells her smell.

Dawn: What's the wrong Tai?

Tai: Your smell… it's a baby smell… it's beautiful.

Dawn: Did you like it?

Tai: Yes…

Then he lends on Ayomi and smells her…

Tai: It's nice smell… I love this smell…

Tai lends up… he stare at Dawn…

Tai: She's sleeping now…

Dawn: So…?

Tai lends near her ear and whisper …

Tai: I want you… what do you say?

Dawn whisper back…

Dawn: I don't mind you…

The two stare at each other eyes, Dawn checks the intercom then Tai holds her hands they closed the lights, but before going out Dawn stopped…

Tai: What's the wrong babe?

Dawn: Don't you think it's very dark here?

Tai: You are right…

Dawn: I want a baby light for her, what do you say?

Tai: Ok… tomorrow we can go and buy one for her…

Dawn kissed him on his cheek.

Dawn: You are wonderful husband.

Tai: And you are beautiful wife… shall we go to our room?

Dawn: Is that important?

Tai: Of course… Ok… ladies first

Dawn begins to laugh as she walks to their room…

End of the Flash Back…

Tai entered the room and carried Ayomi, he took her to his and Dawn's room and puts her on his bed where Dawn used to sleep… he kissed her head…

Tai: Sweet dreams… my angle.

He kissed her again…

To be continue…

Poor Tai ha ^_^

I hope you like it… I want a review of this fanfic …