Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Feelings About You ❯ What I needed Most ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Takuya's sixteen and he has a girlfriend. This is just a thought on what the girl might think about their relationship.
A/N: This is just a weird thing that had been in my mind for a while. The girl in the story really has nothing to do with Digimon Frontier; it's just my crazy imagination. Anyway, enjoy and review please!
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I took out a bag and went out of the house, waiting for you, of course. As usual, you were late, but I guess I'm so used to it that I don't even mind anymore. While waiting, I looked at the bracelet that you gave me for my birthday. It's really pretty and I love it, even if you did say that it's not worth much. Did you think I care? All I knew was that it was a special present from you. You're always broke, I know. But you saved up to buy me something for my birthday, and that was what made me really treasure the bracelet. I wear it every single day… I wonder if you noticed.
“Hara!” I heard you shouting to me. You rushed towards me, panting. Stupid Takuya, you probably ran all the way to my house again, when you know you need your strength for your soccer match.
“I'm so sorry. I fell asleep and didn't really notice the time and the next thing I know, I was already late to meet up with you…” You continued saying something, but I wasn't really listening. I was actually very worried. You've always been tired lately, and I don't think that's a good sign.
“Takuya, you're not late to meet up with me. You're actually late for your soccer match.” I pointed out, but you just looked at me and smiled. It was typical of you to think about me first than about any other things. I know that's why your friends really like you… It's because you're loyal, and you think about friends first and then yourself. But you can be awfully shy at times; I still remember the way you confessed your feelings to me.
“Let's hurry,” you said as your hand grabbed mine. Your hand is always so warm and it always makes me so comfortable. I quickened my steps to keep up with your speed, which was unusually fast. You do tend to be a bit stubborn at times, and that drives Kouji mad, I noticed. You and he are so different that it's almost freaky. I often wondered how you could get along with him so well. You also get along with Izumi, a cheerful girl. I used to think she fancy you, but now I realized that it's just because she looks up to you. I'm not surprised; you are a very good friend. People couldn't ask for possibly someone better.
We finally arrived at the field, and you left me to join with you teammates, not without asking whether I would be okay by myself. I nodded and smiled. This conversation is a thing we have every time you had to leave me alone somewhere to join your friends. It's sweet, but am I being a bother to you? I don't mind if you go off somewhere without telling me. I don't want you to feel like I need to know where you're going everyday like an overprotective woman.
“You're finally here, Hara!” Izumi, who had been there all along, said to me suddenly. She lead me to a comfortable spot and we sat there, talking about a few interesting things.
“How's your relationship with Takuya going?”
My relationship with you… it feels so odd talking about it sometimes. I haven't talked about being in love for such a long time already. I guess I was too afraid to open up, ever since the incident with Yoshiko happened. I was so heartbroken then and it hurts. I hated that feeling. It makes me want to cry all the time, like I'm weak. I hate crying because it just wastes all the water that I drank everyday. A stupid reason, I know. But somehow, I felt like you'll never break my heart like Yoshiko did, even if you do hurt my feelings occasionally. Whenever that happened, I try to understand you, and it always ended up to be my fault. Even so, you're the one who'll apologize first, always at the very day I was planning to do so.
“It's going alright…” I replied, blushing. Izumi glanced at me and laughed. She knew how shy I get when it comes to talking about that kind of thing. Her relationship with her boyfriend was going better, too, but I sensed a hint of boredom in her tone when she talked about the boy. Izumi's always like that. She said it was because none of the boys she went out with really understood her, and I maybe; just maybe, I know what she's going through. I felt that way too after months of going out with Yoshiko, but I was ready to give it a try. Not him, though. A few arguments and it was bye bye.
Suddenly, the whistle blew and the game started. I don't know much about soccer, so I asked Izumi to give me an explanation on every single thing that happened in one of your games. She's knowledgeable enough to do that. Izumi cheered loudly whenever your team scored a goal, and I would have done so too, if those cheerleaders would just stop shooting death glares at me. I don't know why they even bother to threaten me, it's not like they don't know that I'll come here to see you play again anyway. Izumi's a cheerleader too, but she's the only one who doesn't seem to be addicted to boys, especially jocks.
After a few minutes, the game ended, and you, being your usual self, came to me and smiled that extremely warming grin of yours. I congratulated you and told you that I can't really say anything about the way you play, since I know nothing about soccer. You shrugged and just told me not to mind. I can't help but feel guilty. You used not to know anything about netball either, but because I'm in the school's netball team, you learnt and know all the rules by heart. Me? I tried, but it's just no use.
After celebrating for quite a while, you walked me home. I told you not to mind, since my house isn't even located on your way to yours, but you insisted anyway. Arguing any further won't change your decision, so I just went with you.
“Hey, Hara… Do you hate me?” You asked me. I was quite taken aback, but it occurred to me that you just asked that out of pure curiosity.
“No, I don't.” I replied.
You smiled to yourself. “I was worried that you might hate me because, well, I might not understand you as well as Yoshiko did…” Why did you say that? I didn't think that it was possible for someone to understand me better than you do.
“I think you understand me more than Yoshiko ever did!” I said, my voice turning encouraging all of a sudden. You looked at me thankfully.
“We're here.” I felt so stupid. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that I was already home. Muttering a goodbye, I walked slowly to my house before you hugged me tight from behind.
“You know… someone told me that I wasn't treating you right, and I was so worried that you might hate me. I'm always late for everything and I can be very naïve at times, so…” I didn't let you continue. I put one of my fingers on your lips to stop you from saying anything else.
“I think you're perfect, Takuya. And I don't mind you being late or naïve. In fact, I never want you to change.” I told you. And, at that exact moment when you kissed me on the cheeks, I realized that it was true. I would never want you to change… I like you just the way you are, and having you around is just what I needed most.
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A/N: How's that? I hope you don't hate it too badly… No flames please. And I might continue this if I'm ever in the mood. Oh, and by the way, I adore reviews!