Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MY FIRST MiSTING ❯ A MiSTing of Digifan316's fanfic ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My First MiSTing

Disclaimers: I do not own digimon, MST3K, or Digifan316's fic. But he is my boyfriend. By the way, hi Brian, thanks for letting me MiST this and I love you!

Note: As the title says, this is the first time I'm doing this.

<"…"> Quoted from Brian's fic

<italics> Song lyrics

{…} What's goin' on.

Enjoy!! And Brian…please don't hate me.

{A girl with light brown hair with fading pink streaks comes out of a door and looks curiously around. She is wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved striped blue, dark blue and white Unionbay shirt and white and blue tennis shoes. She is also wearing gold and blue glasses. Her name: Haley Dale. Pen name: GameGirl. She speaks.}

HALEY: "Hi, I'm the writer that goes by the alias GameGirl, but, just call me Haley. Mike couldn't make it today and I don't know where the heck my boyfriend is--" {mutters under her breath} "He probably thinks I'm mad at him for something. {Speaks clearer} Anyway, we're going to read his songfic Can you feel the love tonight? Now, we just have to wait for the rusty robot dude and gumball machine to show up and we'll get started."

{CROW and TOM enters. They gasp and look shocked.}

TOM: "You're not Mike! You're not Brian either! Who are you and what have you done with them?"

CROW: "Brian, have you done something to your hair?"

HALEY "Hey! I'm telling him you said that!"

TOM {To CROW}: "What made you think she was Brian?"

CROW: "I seriously thought it was him. Weird things happen in this place."

{HALEY groans and takes her glasses off to pinch her nose.}

HALEY: "This is not going to go well. I already know that."

TOM: "You killed Brian, didn't you? Where were you on the night of--" {Lights start to glare in HALEY'S eyes}

HALEY: "Oh, don't be stupid. Why would I kill my own boyfriend? He's still alive so he must be doing SOMETHING right."

TOM: "Oh, you're Brian's girlfriend? The writer who made 'Night Duchess?'"

HALEY: "Yeah, that's me."

CROW: "Wow, Brian sure knows how to pick 'em. Since Brian's not here and if we get to a scary part, feel free to take my hand or---"

{HALEY jabs her fingers in CROW'S eyes.}

CROW: "AHHHH! AHHH! What was that for?"

TOM: "Brian usually just clamps his beak shut, but I guess that works too."

HALEY: "Let's get started. Everyone into the theatre!"

TOM: "No way! Not yet!"

HALEY: "Why?"

TOM: "When was the last time you ate? How much do you weigh? 55 LBS?"

HALEY: "I ate before I came here. And I weigh 120. I think. Maybe 117…"

TOM: "You have got to put some meat on those bones!"

HALEY: "Why? How come everyone tells me that?"

TOM: "Because, you're supposed to carry me into the theatre!"

HALEY: {offended with hands on her hips} "And you don't think I can do it? I can THROW you across the theatre if I wanted to!"

{HALEY lifts TOM off the ground.}

TOM: Okay--okay! You proved your point, just don't throw me!"

{HALEY sets Tom on the table}

HALEY: "Good. I'm gonna get some REDVINES and a drink."

TOM: "Why?"

HALEY: "I always have REDVINES when I go to the movies. And you made me hungry."

CROW: "Shouldn't you be watching your weight?"

HALEY: "GRR!" {Haley jabs CROW in the eyes again.}

CROW: "OW! OW! I think I got some of your finger nail polish in my eye this time!"

HALEY: "Next time I'm going to re-arrange your body parts, you, you, Johnny Five reject! And I don't have any on! WIMP!"

TOM {laughing}: "Feisty, I think I see why Brian likes you."

HALEY: "Watch it, you gumball machine!"

TOM {scared}: "It was a complement!"

{HALEY gets a box of REDVINES from the machine and a Sprite in an eight ounce plastic cup with a lid and straw. She holds the box of REDVINES in her mouth, her drink in her left and picks up TOM in her arm.}

HALEY {mumbling through the box} "Offkay, lmets go."

TOM: "You want me to hold something for you?"

HALEY: "Nofe, I guffit. Cmmmon Cwow."

CROW: {still blinded} "Huh? What was that? Don't go in the theatre with out me!"

HALEY: "Juff fuffow the fownd of my voif."

CROW: "Come again?"

TOM: "Crow! Inside, this way! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

CROW: "Tom?" {CROW walks in a wall. He miracously gets his sight back and enters the theatre. He carefully takes the seat by HALEY.}


CROW: "Gnah!" {covers his eyes. Then he peeks through his hands.} "Oh, thanks."

TOM: "We're reading one of Brian's fanfics?"

HALEY: "That's right."

CROW: "Could you jab me in the eyes again, please?"

HALEY: "I'm going to save your eyesight this time and pretend I didn't hear that."

CROW: "Oh, come on. Please!"

HALEY: "Don't be such a baby. This fic is rated G. There's nothing to worry about. There's no violence, sex or plunder in this one. And Brian doesn't even make a lot of those anyway."

TOM: "Bummer. Let's read one of yours instead. I hear your Gundam Wing fanfics are bloody."

HALEY: "No they are not. Be quiet. The fic is starting."

{The fic starts with no disclaimer.}

HALEY: "Brian forgot to put a disclaimer! I'm dating a criminal!"

<He had a month off from his Ambassador duties…>


{The lights come on and the screen is blank.}

TOM: "It's just started and you don't like it?"

HALEY: "It's not that…I'm just checking something."

{HALEY takes out a dictionary.}

CROW: "What are you doing?"

HALEY: "Let's just say if Brian was a bee, he wouldn't be a spelling bee."

TOM: "Meaning…."

HALEY: "He's not a good speller."

CROW: "Oh, I already knew that."

HALEY: "Hey, nobody's perfect."

TOM: "Oh, so what kinda bee would you be if you were a bee?"

CROW {Shakespeare} "To bee or not to bee, that is the question."

{HALEY looks at CROW. CROW hides his eyes.}

HALEY: "I dunno…A queen bee maybe."

TOM: "Oh, I see, a queen bee. Miss High & Mighty, aren't you?"

HALEY: "I'll ignore that." {Flips through the dictionary.} "I'm seeing if Brian spelt 'Ambassador' right."

CROW: "How hard is it to spell Ambassador? Amb-ASS-ador."

{HALEY smacks CROW and his beak falls off. He picks it off the floor and puts it back on.}

HALEY: "Oh, good for him. He spelt it right. How come he can never spell when we chat on Instant Messenger? CONTINUE WITH THE FIC, PLEASE!"

<However, he can't help but feel one thing: Lonely.>

TOM {singing}: "Are you lonely tonight…"

HALEY: "Wrong song, Tom."

TOM: "Oh."

<'Why did she have to pick him?' Tai thought. 'I should just call Sora and say 'I still love you.' I want to tell her that I love her more than that worthless husband of hers'>

{HALEY stands up.}

HALEY: "No way! Sora is married to someone other than Tai! This is mutiny!"

CROW: "Hey, down in front!"

{HALEY sits down and bites her REDVINE and yanks on it like a dog.}

HALEY: "Grr…"

<"Oh, I'm fine. It's just our anniversary and Matt isn't home yet." Sora sobbed.>

HALEY: "Matt. Oh, I see. Sora's married to Matt and Tai's an ambassador. This has to be based on 02's ending."

CROW: "Gee, ya think?"

{HALEY glares at CROW and he sinks back in his seat.}

<There's a calm surrender>

TOM {singing}: "To the rush of day…"

{HALEY jams a REDVINE in TOM'S mouth to shut him up.}

TOM {liking it} "Mmmm, sugar! Num! Num!" {Chews on it.}

HALEY: "I like to bite the ends off and use 'em as a straw. See?" {Bites the ends off and sticks it through he hole of her soda.}

<'I'm married now. I can't.' She thought as she tried to suppress the thoughts.>

HALEY: "What's her problem? Why doesn't she just go for it?"

<'WOW! She's as beautiful as ever.' Tai thought. 'No, no. She's married to my best friend, no matter how much of a jerk he is.'>

HALEY: "Would a best friend take your girl away? I think NOT!"

<"Sora, don't lie to me." Tai said.>

HALEY: "Yeah, Sora!"

CROW: "Liar, liar, pants on fire, hang your ass on a telephone wire!" {Catches HALEY's eye and flinches.}

HALEY: "Good one."

<He was with Jun. I even saw them.>

HALEY: "With Jun? No way! He hates her! And I thought she started liking Jim!"

CROW: "Oh, what a world, what a world!"

TOM: "Can I have another REDVINE?"

HALEY: "Yeah, sure." {Hands TOM a REDVINE.}

<And can you feel the love tonight>

CROW: "No, I don't. Just a stabbing pain in my eyes."

HALEY: "Oh, come on. It still hurts? I didn't hit you that hard. And I've only done it twice."

<"Sora…" Tai said.>

TOM {Tai} "You have something in your teeth."

HALEY {whispering} "I think I gave him too much candy."

<'Tell her! Tell her how you feel now! It's the only way to make her feel better!' Tai thought>

HALEY: "Yeah, tell her! Tell her! Come on!"


<That the twisting kaleidoscope>

TOM: "Ooh, kaleidoscope! Those things are cool!"

HALEY: "Dude! He spelt kaleidoscope right too!"


CROW {Sora}: "Your fly's open."

<"I love you." They both said in unison>

HALEY: "Yes! They said it! Was it so hard?"

TOM: "Yippie! Said what?"

HALEY: "'I love you.'"

TOM: {love struck} "I had no idea!"

CROW: "Adulteress! I'm telling Brian!"

HALEY: "No, no, that's not what I meant! Sora and Tai said it…why would I be interested in a gumball machine?"

TOM: {hurt} "But I thought you loved me! WHAAA!"

HALEY: "You asked me what they said and I told you!"

CROW: "Let's just finish the fic and see if they have sex!"

HALEY: "Shut up, CROW!"

<"You… you do?" Tai asked shocked.

"With all my heart Tai. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Not even that Christmas before his concert. I don't even remember why I fell for Matt." Sora said.

"But what about…" Tai was however, interrupted by a kiss from Sora>

CROW: "So beautiful! Oh, Haley, hold me!" {reaches for HALEY}

HALEY: "You touch me, you DIE!"

{CROW cowers}

CROW: "Yes ma'am"

TOM: "Yeah, she's mine!"

HALEY: "The same for you! Just wait until Brian gets here!"

<The two lovers then kissed and Tai carried her to her bedroom, and shut the door.>

CROW: "I knew they'd have sex."

HALEY: "You are ruining the moment! And Brian's fic! It's not even over!"

CROW: {Excited} "It's not?"

<It's enough to make kings and vagabonds

Believe the very best>

HALEY: "There, now it's over." {Cheers} "Yes! It ended a Taiora! Yay!! I knew he wouldn't let me down."

CROW: "What is Brian's deal? How could he end it with the 2 last lyrics of that stupid song?"

HALEY: "'Cause he wanted to, okay?"

TOM: "How would you have written it?"

HALEY: "The same, I guess…"

CROW: "But didn't you write a lime with Angemon and Angewomon when they were humans?"

HALEY: "Yeah, so? I wrote another one when they were still digimon too. I wrote a handful of limey stuff. It's nothing I brag about."

TOM: "I wonder how they can do it with wings…"

CROW: "Can we read those?"

HALEY: "Well, the fic is over, let's get going."

{HALEY AND CROW leaves. HALEY forgets TOM.}

TOM: "Hey, don't forget me! Come back, come back! I don't have any legs! Don't leave me, come back!"

HALEY: "You sound like that kid from a Christmas Story when he got his tongue stuck to a lamppost."

TOM: "Don't forget me!" {bouncing} "I DON'T HAVE ANY LEGS!"

HALEY: "Okay, okay! Careful, TOM you're full of sugar! You might hurt yourself!"

CROW: "Yeah, no one has legs like yours…"

HALEY: "Grr!" {HALEY uppercuts CROW and his beak points to the ceiling.}

CROW: "You try to complement someone and they uppercut you."

{HALEY picks up TOM and they meet in the lobby. On a sugar high, TOM bounces around}

TOM: "Sugarsugarsugar! Heehee!" {He falls off the table.} "Where's the candy? Gimmie, gimme!"

HALEY: "This is not normal."

{BRIAN enters.}

BRIAN: "Hi, what did I miss?"

CROW: "Your girlfriend was flirting with TOM."


BRIAN: "He was what?! CROW! YOU ARE DEAD!"

{CROW runs away. BRIAN chases him and stops to loos at TOM.}

BRIAN: "Dude! What in the world happened to TOM?"

HALEY: "All I did was give him some candy."

CROW: "How do you survive around her, man? She's nuts!"

HALEY: "Am not!"

{TOM gets off his sugar high and comes around.}

TOM: "Brian, when did you get here?"

BRIAN: "Just now."

TOM: "You know Haley hurt my feelings?"

BRIAN: "Did I just miss something?"

HALEY: "Just a misunderstanding. Where've you been anyway?"

CROW: "Careful, Brian, she'll stab you in the eyes. She's one loaded gun!"


{HALEY charges CROW and BRIAN grabs her waist to keep her from killing him}

BRIAN: "He is not worth it!"

HALEY: "How can you stand him?"

BRIAN: "You get used to it I guess."

HALEY: "I don't think I'm at that point yet. You didn't answer my question, where were you?"

TOM: "I saw him with some girl the other day…"

BRIAN: "Hey!"

HALEY: "What?"

BRIAN: "I just came back from getting you these…" {Brian pulls out a bouquet of flowers and a box of candy.} "Happy Valentine's Day."

HALEY: "Oh Brian! Thank you!" {HALEY jumps up and hugs him and kisses him.}

BRIAN: "I love you."

HALEY: "I love you more."

BRIAN: "NO! I love more!"

{TOM and CROW look both confused and sick and partially 'awwwwd'}

CROW: "Excuse me while I throw up…"

BRIAN: "Let's go into the theatre and watch some movies."

HALEY: "Good idea."

TOM AND CROW: "Can we come too?"


{HALEY AND BRIAN enter the theatre holding hands.}

CROW: "Let's spy on them!"

TOM: "Yeah!"