Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Still in Timberdale, a heavy-set man twirling a set of keys ambled around the street corner. He froze as he saw the destruction of his video arcade. The shock was replaced with anger when he spotted an extremely thin and unkempt teenage blonde in a ragged old nightgown crouched to the floor snatching the quarters scattered about by the previous battle. “What did you do to my business!?” The girl looked up suddenly, quickly stuffed the quarters in her mouth, and dashed down the street faster than the man could keep up.
After she had gotten away, she spit out the quarters and dried them with her gown. She flipped her long, tangled hair back and sat down in an alleyway. Breathing a sigh of relief, she gave the cross on her bracelet a light kiss, thankful for her successful scavenging. She held the quarters in her fist and made her way down the alley, stepped over trashcan shrapnel, and continued on with her day.
There was a large room with a brilliant pillar of rainbow light right in the middle of it. A sudden warp opened up and expelled a heroic looking lizard man with brilliant plating. He slowly approached the glowing light.
“Our leader has spoken with the Great Angels. They have ordered that I be sent to speak with the Catalyst,” called the golden knight. A figure appeared in the middle of the brilliant light.
It was a female digimon; she wore a large, snow-white flower gown, with purple-tipped petals. She appeared angelic, with her big purple-tipped wings, similar to her gown. On her chest, she bares a mark. It was a large, red triangle with small black triangles on each side. She had beautiful, flowing cyan hair that seemed to flow down over her shoulders like a waterfall. She had large, adorable green eyes on her nearly human face. She spoke in a crystal clear voice that seemed to enchant even the air in the room. “Good day, Magnamon.”
“L-lady Catalymon!” Magnamon immediately dropped into a bow, “So good to see you! It is a good day, my lady, organizer of all activities of digivolution's light!”
“We must get right down to business,” said the gorgeous being of light, “I'm sure the legendary warriors have gathered enough info on these pesky viruses plaguing our digital world?”
Magnamon was on his feet again, and standing attentively in front of the light-shrouded woman, “Yes, AncientGreymon has come to the conclusion, that the viruses induce a certain `Dark Digivolution' that your highness has no control over.”
“Right, and I have already figured out a way to make certain digimon immune to the virus, and only a digivice can neutralize it.”
“I still do not see my purpose in these schemes, Lady Catalymon.”

”Ah, but this is where you are most important. Please Magnamon, step into the light.”
Magnamon was astonished, “I… I… I'm honored, Lady Catalymon! This is truly an honor!” He stepped into the rainbow pillar. There was a sudden blast of light, and Magnamon disappeared.
Pagumon and Nyaromon had raided the fridge and left food all over the kitchen. They were still stuffing their faces by the time Vinni and Cass came to check on them. Vinni was astonished. “You never told me they were bottomless pits.”
“You think I saw this coming?” She grabbed Nyaromon and started cleaning up, “I'm sorry about all of this.”
“Hey, no, it's alright. A guest is a guest, and you've brought something exciting into my life.” Vinni pointed over at the fur ball, and suddenly realized Zurumon was no longer around. “You're not Zurumon!” He said as he picked up the new red-eyed creature with gray fur.
“Yeah, I digivolved to Pagumon! Cool, huh?”
“You… change?”
“They advance levels as they gain experience and energy. You kinda learn this as you go, so don't worry,” Cass said as she stared out the window. “Hey Vinni?” She asked.
“Do you often get fog around here?”
“Not really…”
Nyaromon's eyes narrowed and her fur stood on end. Cass smirked and headed for the door, “Go time.”
Vinni look out the same window to see a large cloud covering an area in the distance. “Oh, over by the bridge!”
Pagumon was already waiting at the doorway, “Come on! Cass's already on her way.”
Vinni carried Pagumon under his arm and caught up with the other two. Nyaromon spoke as they were running down the road towards the rising fog in the distance, “It's a digital field. When digimon arrive in this world a fog appears to stabilize the digimon. It's a natural occurrence and a sure-fire way to spot a wild digimon.”
“Then you better suit up!” Cass said as her DigiCom flashed many colors. Nyaromon jumped from her arms.
“Nyaromon digivolve to… SALAMON!”
They soon arrived at a sandy area on the water's edge. In the distance was a view of the golden gate bridge. A pair of beastly eyes illuminated from the thick mist, “Data… I need more data!”
“Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!” Pagumon followed Salamon into the Digital Field, Vinni and Cass jumped in after.
Both of their DigiComs emitted a bright flash as they touched the field of digital particles. “Whoa… My eyes feel refreshed all of a sudden!” Vinni exclaimed.
Towering over all of them was a large crustacean-like animal. Black and gray all over, with whiskers swaying in the wind. Its eyes were glowing red and it was in a trance-like rage.
Cass gazed up at the creature; “We don't have the laptop with us. How are we suppose to know what lobster-face over here is?”
“Um… Oh, wait!” Vinni pressed one of the buttons on his wristwatch digivice, activating its built in Analyzer. A hologram window sprung forth from the screen and displayed data for the Digimon they were facing. “ShadowEbidramon. It says that it's a Champion level, crustacean digimon. Virus attribute, and its special attack is Twin Scissors.”
“Giant enemy crab? Salamon! Hit its weak points for massive damage!” Salamon obeyed and started hitting the digimon with her Puppy Howling move. ShadowEbidramon grew angry, and tried grabbing her with one of its claws. Salamon quickly jumped to the side, causing ShadowEbidramon's claw to get stuck deep in the sand. She continued to fire her attacks, although they didn't seem to have any effect on the enemy at all.
“This isn't working… Huh?” Her cell phone started to ring, so she brought it out and saw that the caller was her friend Alec. “Yeah, what?” She answered.
“Hey Cass, I was wondering if you're up for an hour of Soul Calibur or something at the arcade?” Alec said from the other end of the call.
“I'm, eh, busy with something. Yeah, I probably won't be done for a whil—Ah! Watch it!” Cass was hit with sand after ShadowEbidramon swung its claws at her partner.
“Cass? Are you okay? What's that noise in the background?”
Cass glanced up at their aquatic foe. It was roaring and swinging wildly at Salamon, who was much better suited for terrestrial combat. “Nothing… erm… I'm watching sci-fi movies too loud. Gonna hang up, don't call back!”
“Hey, wait—“ Was all Alec could say before Cass hung up and turned off her cell phone.
Salamon had barely made a scratch on ShadowEbidramon with her weak Rookie attacks, and was tired out from dodging its claws. ShadowEbidramon made one more grab, and firmly gripped Salamon in his claw. “No, Salamon!” ShadowEbidramon was squeezing tighter and tighter, ready to kill its prey and absorb her data.
“Cass… I need to… digivolve!” Salamon gasped out.
“I… I don't know how I did it last time.” Cass was pressing any combination of buttons she could to make her digivice do something, but nothing happened.
“Yeowch!” Pagumon bit Vinni's hand to free himself from his Tamer's hold and jumped in to save Salamon.
“Acid Bubbles!” Pagumon fired bubbles from his mouth that exploded when they hit ShadowEbidramon's claw. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough force to loosen his grip at all.
“Pagumon, get out of there!”
“Never, she's gonna be fried! Acid Bubbles!” Pagumon fired another attack, but it didn't have any effect either. The attack did catch the attention of Pagumon's target. The annoyed Champion knocked Pagumon into the air with his free claw.
“Ah, Pagumon!” Vinni's DigiCom suddenly went crazy with many-colored lights and screeching. Pagumon felt a sudden surge of energy, and he was engulfed in the light.
“Pagumon digivolve to… GIZAMON!”
He was now a toad-like creature with four webbed feet, a large toothed mouth, orange and yellow fur all over, and razor sharp fins running down its back. Vinni's Analyzer displayed data on his partner's new form.
“Gizamon: Rookie level, Sea Animal digimon. Virus Attribute. Special Attack is Spiral Saw.”
“Now we can fight!” Vinni exclaimed.
“I'm way ahead of you. Spiral-“
“Magna Punch!”
ShadowEbidramon suddenly dropped Salamon to the ground. It flashed a brilliant gold, and exploded into millions of tiny data particles. From behind it, a golden blur flew past Cass and Vinni, and into the distance. The digital field vanished.
Cass was stunned, “Ehhh… Okay.”
“Gizamon, that was incredible! How'd you do that `Mego Punch' or whatever?”
“Um… I didn't do anything.”
“Salamon!” Cass rushed over and picked her partner up in her arms.
Salamon coughed and whispered, “I think I'm ready for bed now.”
Cass nodded, “Let's go back to your house, before anyone finds out we were here.”
Cass with Salamon, and Vinni and Gizamon alongside, the group quickly dashed out of sight.