Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 14
“Dodge right!” Jewel shouted. Alec quickly sidestepped to the right, barely avoiding the charging digimon. Although he wasn't hit, he felt many static shocks on his body as the creature came close to him.
“Jeez, what's his problem?”
Jewel and FanBeemon had ran around the crater and caught up with Alec. “That's ShadowThundermon! A Champion level, mutant type digimon of the Virus attribute. His attack is Thunder Bomber.” She said.
“You… you didn't even have to look at your digivice…” Alec said in amazement.
“Where's your partner?”
“Um…” Alec scanned the area, he then spotted Keramon in the distance, “I think he's already fighting the digimon.”
Keramon was flying in a circle over the small Champion level. He was firing off many attacks, but they were all missing. ShadowThundermon just sat there as sparks flew around him.
“Keramon's doing it all wrong!” FanBeemon exclaimed.
“He's charging up, which means the static field he's generating is getting stronger,” Jewel explained, “Keramon can't hit because the energy around ShadowThundermon keeps redirecting his attacks.”
Alec began dashing over to the battle, Jewel and FanBeemon followed. They were only a few meters away, and the air around ShadowThundermon was electrified. Alec called up to his partner, “Keramon, back down. Your energy attacks are useless!”
“What!? No! I can hit him!” Keramon was flying above his foe, firing from all angles. ShadowThundermon's body began to vibrate violently.
“Stand back,” Jewel warned. ShadowThundermon levitated from the ground, sparks popping out everywhere. He took off at blinding speed, making circles around Keramon. The powerful electric current in the air immobilized Keramon. Without warning, ShadowThundermon slammed into the back of Keramon's head with a thunderous bang. Keramon limply dropped to the ground.
“Holy crap! Keramon are you okay!?” Alec began running to the area where his partner landed, but stopped suddenly. The black digimon barely missed him again.
“Humans die!” ShadowThundermon screamed.
Jewel waved her hand towards the opponent, “Go, FanBeemon.”
“FanBee Rush!”
FanBeemon flew at high speed and tackled ShadowThundermon. Jewel helped Alec off the ground while the two digimon duked it out. “She can distract him for a while, but he's still a Champion level. He's been strengthened by a virus, too.”
They looked over at Tsumemon passed out on the ground nearby. Alec leaned down and picked him up “He reverted to his In-Training form…”
“Then he'll probably be fine,” Jewel said, “Now, we need to find a way to significantly damage ShadowThundermon.”
Alec stood, “I think he used up most of his power attacking Keramon. I didn't feel any static electricity when he came close to me again.”
“That means we have to take care of him now before he charges up again. Jump.” They both jumped, dodging another ramming attack from ShadowThundermon. He zipped under them and into the distance. “Even without electricity, his speed makes him very dangerous. Duck.” The black dot on the horizon ricocheted off rock formations and came bouncing back around. The two of them crouched slightly, and they avoided his second attack.
FanBeemon flew over, “He's too fast. He's ignoring me and attacking you guys.”
Jewel tapped her DigiCom uselessly, “That wouldn't be a problem if you could digivolve again.”
“Maybe we can compensate,” Alec began digging in his pockets, “Tsumemon may be out, but I've still got my cards.”
“Digi-Modify? That's so… newbie.”
“Take this,” Alec handed a card to Jewel, “It looks like it could work.”
She took the card and looked it over. “…Okay!” She ran closer to where ShadowThundermon had landed and began waving her arms. “Hey! Human here, come and get me!”
ShadowThundermon rose from the dust, eyes blazing. Jewel and the digimon stared each other down. Before long, ShadowThundermon turned towards Alec. “Larger one more human than thin one. Attack large one!”
“What!?” Jewel was stunned at its remark.
“This isn't good…” Alec stepped back nervously. He clutched Tsumemon in his arms.
“Hey, Sparky!” Jewel had caught ShadowThundermon's attention before he struck. “What's the matter? I'm not good enough to kill!? You fly in here and own the shit out of his partner when they weren't even together. Why don't you fight me man-to-man, and you'll see how good I am when you're dead!”
She passed the card's coding in front of her digivice lens, “Digi-Modify!” Digital Bandage activate!” The DigiCom flashed and a tiny X-shaped bandage shot from the lens. It expanded many times its size and struck ShadowThundermon before it knew what was happening. The corrupted digimon was mummified and dropped to the ground. “Now, FanBeemon!”
“Gotcha! Gear Stinger!” Stingers were rapidly fired from her abdomen and made quick work of ShadowThundermon after it was down. It burst into particles that scattered the air.
“Don't absorb it,” Jewel ordered, “Just leave it alone. That corrupted data did something to us last time.”
Minutes passed as they watched the particles gradually float toward an epicenter. There was a whooshing sound and the data quickly reassembled into a DigiEgg and dropped to the ground. A black flame surrounded the egg.
“I saw something like this in the anime once… Let me try something,” Alec stepped towards the DigiEgg and raised his digivice to it. A bright light emitted from the screen and the aura around the egg dissipated.
“It… vanished. The virus is gone, just like that?” Jewel looked down at her DigiCom, “I guess there's a whole lot more to these things than I thought.”
Alec walked over to her, “You're a lot tougher than I thought.”
“Pfft, you ain't seen nothing, kid,” Jewel boasted.
“So what are you doing here, anyway?” Alec asked, “I came to check out the town.”
“I'm…” Jewel suddenly remembered what she came for. She turned to leave, “I'm looking for someone.” She then took off with surprising speed, FanBeemon flying after her.
“Huh…” Alec was left in the dust. He looked down at his partner in his arms, who was starting to wake up. Alec clicked a button on his DigiCom and promptly said “DigiPort Return!” Their bodies were engulfed in light and they disappeared in a flash.
The boy awoke suddenly; he sat up and looked around. His ice blue eyes fell upon a can of soup. He followed the arm holding it and he came upon the small face surrounded by tangled blonde hair.
“Here,” Rosetta said, handing the soup to him, “You'll feel better.”
He grabbed the can and hastily consumed its contents. He wiped his mouth and set the can down.
“There you go,” Rosetta smiled. The boy looked at her with curiosity.
“Can you speak?” The old man startled him. He was sitting a few feet away. “Can you speak English, boy?” Geoffrey asked again.
He looked back at Rosetta with asking eyes. She smiled again, “It's okay. Just open your mouth and let the words in your head come through.
He gulped. His mouth slowly opened, and sounds seeped out, “O… O-okaaay…”
Geoffrey nodded, “What's your name?”
The boy paused for a long time. After a while he finally mumbled, “…Don't know.”
A middle-aged man carrying a bowler hat came in through the open door with a happy stride, “Ten dollar und eighty seven—“ He stopped suddenly when he laid his eyes upon the situation. “WAH! Vut iz dis!?” He cried with a heavy German accent. He ran over and snatched up the soup can, “…It iz all gone!” He looked down and noticed the teenage boy with ten shining wings sitting on the floor. “Gah! Why iz der un angel in our shelter!?”
“Calm down, Ingo,” Geoffrey laughed. “We found him outside in poor condition this morning. He's much better now, though.”
“Oh, ve have been blessed with our own guardian angel! Praise you!” He bent down and hugged the boy tightly. The boy had a look of great confusion, but he lightly returned the hug by patting Ingo on the back.
Rosetta let out a small giggle. Geoffrey spoke up again, “We were able to save him thanks to Rose here. Made a fire for us,” he said pointing at the trashcan.
Ingo stared at the flames in disbelief. “Rosetta…” he said, “You used magic? But I thought you—“
“Ingo!” Geoffrey yelled, “Don't talk about the past, she has more control now!”
“Yes.” Rosetta said, making a couple sparks fly from her fingertip, “I think I'm ready.”
“…Okay, but be careful. Here,” Ingo handed his jacket to the angel boy. “You can hide yourself with dis. I think Rosetta should take you into town, teach you a few things about ze world.”
The wings on his head perked up. Geoffrey handed him his beanie, “I think this'll help, too.”
Rosetta got up, “Thank you! Come on, let's go.” She helped him up.
“Don't forget dis,” Ingo handed her the money from his bowler hat. “Just bring something back for us.”
“Th… thank you,” the boy whispered. He and Rosetta exited the warehouse and she led him into town.