Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 16
Rosetta and the angel were sitting at an ice cream shop. The beanie cap and jacket concealed his wings perfectly. Rosetta was pointing at various things outside the window and talking while angel boy sat and listened.
“And that guy over there is talking to someone else using that phone.” She sipped her soda. A few moments passed, she put her elbow on the table and grinned at him, “You need a name.”
“Hmm?” He looked up from the table.
“Well, what would you like to be called?” Rosetta asked.
The angel boy was silent for a long time. He suddenly perked up. “Lu…” he whispered.
“Eh?” Rosetta raised an eyebrow.
“…Luke. I am Luke!” He said excitedly.
“Wonderful!” Rosetta got up, tossing her empty soda cup in the trash. Luke got up as well. “Come on, Luke!” She walked over to the counter and set some of their money down. “Two cones, please!” They stepped outside, each with an ice cream cone. Rosetta had strawberry, but Luke's was half-chocolate and half-vanilla.
Rosetta licked her cone a few times and hummed with delight. She looked over at Luke who had just finished gobbling down the whole thing. Luke wiped his mouth and smiled at Rosetta, she smiled back.
After a couple seconds he dropped to his knees, groaning and overcome with brain freeze.
Digital World - Server Desert
Jewel stood at the edge of a large crater. It was at least a mile wide, and deeper than a lake. FanBeemon hovered nearby.
“How come we're here?” FanBeemon questioned.
“You know why,” Jewel responded in monotone.
“This is where it happened,” FanBeemon said, “We made this crater when we delivered the final blow to Milleniummon.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Huh?” FanBeemon floated closer to her.
“Was it worth it?” Jewel repeated. “Did we really have to biomerge to defeat Milleniummon? Ryo said he's just gonna come back. I abandoned my old life, my old home, my old friends.”
“Is this about Alec?”
Jewel suddenly started laughing. “After all the stress of keeping it a secret from him and Vinni, he's found his own digimon partner,” her head sunk. “And I can't even reunite with him after two years. I feel… trapped.”
“You're not trapped. You have a choice.” FanBeemon tapped her on the head. “Ryo said you shouldn't run from your problems.”
“…He knows that better than anyone.”
“You made a choice two years ago. You panicked when things took a change and you abandoned those close to you.” FanBeemon turned and looked out over the crater, “Now you have another choice. If you regret the way things worked out last time, now's your chance to fix it.” Jewel smiled. She turned around and began walking back into the desert, FanBeemon followed. “Where are we going?” She asked.
“To find Alec,” she responded, “He probably went off towards Genesis Forest.”
Alec was back in his room. He checked his DigiCom. 13:48. “Shit, it's already past noon!?”
Alec cracked open his bedroom door and poked his head out. “'bout time you woke up!” Catherine was on the couch.
“Uh… `Morning!” Alec smiled, “You work today, right?”
“Labor Day, remember?”
“Oh yeah. Damn, that means the game shops will be closed… Well, see ya!” He shut his door. Alec quickly walked over to his bed and laid Tsumemon down on it. “You okay, buddy?”
Tsumemon's eye slowly opened. Then without warning, he jumped to his feet (all five of them) and leapt off the bed. He scurried over to the computer, turned to Alec, and began hopping furiously.
“FanBeemon already took care of ShadowThundermon. I brought you back here so you'd be safe from further harm,” Alec walked over to the computer. “Now I'm still figuring out this digivice, but I'm gonna try and spawn us in a less… hazardous location.” He looked down at Tsumemon, “You're sure you wanna go back?”
They exchanged glances, and it was clear. “Fine, let's go. Digiport open!”
They landed. Keramon picked himself off the ground. “Huff… huff… O—Okay, let's go get `em!”
“Keramon…” Alec watched him hover forward, and then sink back to the ground. Keramon flashed and shrunk back to Tsumemon again. Alec picked him up again, “Settle down.”
Tsumemon glared.
“Now where are we?” Alec looked around. They were still standing on desert, but there were a few more shrubs, greener than before. He turned around and faced a thick wall of trees, tall mountains in the distance behind them. “Hey, let's check out that forest!”
He began walking towards the trees, and the ground rumbled. “Huh?” Suddenly a beast burst forth from the forest. It was a big ball of brown fur with very large hands and feet. It snarled and danced around the forest's edge wildly. Alec jumped back and pointed his DigiCom at the foe. #J-Mojyamon. Champion level. Rare Animal Digimon. Data Attribute. Special: Jungle Bone.#
“This is no good… Wait!” Alec dug in his back pocket, “Here!” He brought a card up to his digivice lens, “Digi-Modify! D-Terminal activate!”
Energy flowed from the digivice into Tsumemon. He hopped put of Alec's arms and immediately digivolved to Keramon. “Whoa! That's more like it!” He exclaimed.
“That card assists in digivolution,” Alec explained, “You should be able to maintain your Rookie form now.”
“Good thinking, now let's take on this mothe… Wuh!?”
J-Mojyamon was still thrashing around randomly, he turned his back to Alec and Keramon to reveal two creatures clinging to his fur.
“Whoa, Keramon! Back off for a sec!” Keramon slowly dropped his attack stance. “…Who is THAT!?”
Alec looked closely and identified a small boy with dark skin and a worm-like creature hanging on to J-Mojyamon's back fur. J-Mojyamon jumped high in the air, and came slamming down. The impact threw off the boy and digimon and they landed a few yards in front of Keramon. J-Mojyamon turned around, snarled, and drew a large, boomerang-shaped bone.
The boy picked himself back up. Rubbing his bum, he jointed at the foe, “Wormmon, stop him!”
The green bug-like digimon nodded and spewed projectile silk from its mouth, “Sticky Net!” The silk wrapped around J-Mojyamon's wrist and Wormmon pulled, preventing him from using his attack.
“We'll take it from here!” Alec said.
“Huh?” The boy turned his head to see Keramon breeze past.
Keramon floated over near J-Mojyamon, “Bug Blaster!” He fired his attack at the opponent's chest. J-Mojyamon cried out and hastily patted the hit spot with his free hand. Wormmon pulled with all his might and yanked the weapon away from J-Mojyamon.
“Great job, Wormmon!” The young boy shouted.
J-Mojyamon roared and swiftly grabbed for Keramon. He wrapped his hand around Keramon's tentacles and began swinging him around.
“Oh no!” Alec cried.
“Waaah! Yooouuuu sssuuuucckkk!” Keramon wailed as he was jerked around in the air.
Wormmon scuttled backwards a bit, trying for a better shot. “Sticky N—oomph!” J- Mojyamon swung Keramon down and struck Wormmon with his large head.
“Wormmon! Are you okay?”
“Oooh~! I don't wanna fight anymore, Derek.” Wormmon was painfully rubbing his head.
“Argh!” Alec ran past Derek and Wormmon. J-Mojyamon swung at him, but Alec stopped just in time for it to miss. He then leapt up and grabbed onto J-Mojyamon's thick wrist. He hung on tightly as the digimon swung furiously to shake him off. The DigiCom began screeching. “Huh?” J-Mojyamon suddenly grabbed Alec by the back of his jacket and flung him several feet. “Wuaaah!” He landed facedown in the dirt, and as soon as he did the DigiCom emitted a brilliant multicolored light. Keramon began glowing. J-Mojyamon dropped him when his silhouette was engulfed in a sphere and started to expand.
“Keramon digivolve to… CHRYSALIMON!”
The new digimon towered over J-Mojyamon. Its dark eyes stared down as its red horn shimmered in the sunlight, and six bladed tentacles twisted in every direction. It was hovering a few inches off the ground.
An audible “Ooooh!” escaped from both Derek and Wormmon as they stared up at Chrysalimon.
Alec picked himself up, he looked down at his digivice. #Chrysalimon. Champion level. Virus attribute. Unidentified Digimon. Special: Data Crusher.# “Yes,” Alec whispered. He jumped to his feet and shouted triumphantly, “Finish him, Chrysalimon!”
“This is gonna be fun!” Chrysalimon said. J-Mojyamon turned and began to run for it. Chrysalimon extended a tentacle and grabbed his foe. “Let's see how you like it!” He chuckled as he thrashed J-Mojyamon about and slammed him into the ground. “Data Crusher!” Energy coursed down Chrysalimon's tentacle and struck J-Mojyamon. He instantly dissolved into data particles, which Chrysalimon greedily absorbed.
Alec let out a deep sigh of relief. He began walking towards Derek, who was leaning over Wormmon. “Is your buddy alright?”
“Yeah, he just has a headache,” Derek replied.
“Uhnnn…” Wormmon was rubbing his head again.
“Hey kid, what's your name?” Alec asked.
“Um… I'm Derek.”
Derek gave him a weird look, “Y… yes…?”
“I knew you looked familiar,” Alec shouted, “It's me, Alec!”
Derek paused,“…Jason's friend? From before we moved?”
“Yeah! Good to see you again, little guy. How's Jason been?” Alec put a hand on his shoulder.
Derek looked away. “Um… Uh…”
“So you're finally good for something.” Alec and Derek turned to see Jewel staring up at Chrysalimon. FanBeemon was just catching up to her. “Don't move, this is some really nice shade.”
“Hey!” Derek shouted joyfully, “It's… somebody I don't know! Heh…?” Derek quickly said, confusing Alec.
Alec turned to Jewel. “What's up?”
Jewel spotted Derek standing next to him. She gasped and dashed over, hugging Derek tightly. Wormmon was smothered between them.
“You're okay!” She shouted. “You're safe, we can go home now!”
“Huh?” She let go of Derek, Wormmon dropped between them. “…Derek?” Jewel looked up at her little brother. Derek held up his wrist, displaying his digivice.
“Oh, no…” FanBeemon landed on Jewel's shoulder.
Wormmon straightened his antennae and held out a claw to Jewel. “Um, hello. I'm Wormmon. Derek and I are traveling together, um, we're partners you see, and… Oh!” Wormmon hopped closer to her and spoke in admiration, “You must be his brother Jason! Derek's told me of you. You've had so many adventure—“
“Whoa, whoa! System halt! Loading, please wait! 404 Sense not found!” Chrysalimon shouted rapidly. “So your name is Jason? And you're this kid's brother?”
Jewel looked up at him, down to Derek and Wormmon, then over at Alec. She glanced at FanBeemon and breathed deeply, nodding slightly.
“…Yeah,” she looked away.
Alec was stunned. “Dude… What happened?”
“Two years ago, a couple weeks before school started,” she mumbled.
“It was a bio-merging accident.” FanBeemon explained. Derek nodded.
“You disappeared without a word…” Alec walked up to Jewe… um, Jason. They were face to face. Suddenly Alec smacked her in the forehead.
“Arh! What the fuck!? You don't have to hit me!”
“Well, my bad!” Alec said sarcastically, “You only left us like you were never around to begin with. Like we were never around to begin with.”
“I… I was…”
“What? You were afraid? WE were afraid! We did everything we could to try and contact you. After a while, Vinni joined the basketball team and tried forgetting about you.”
“YOU CAN'T TELL VINNI!” Jason grabbed Alec's shoulders.
Alec shrugged her off. “Why the hell not? He's our friend. It's been us three since elementary school. He needed you. After you left…” Alec stopped himself. Jason waited. “…Nevermind.”
“…What?” Jason asked.
“Nothing.” He sighed, “The way you are now, Vinni wouldn't take it well at all.”
There was a long silence. Alec's head hung, Jason stared in confusion. Derek, FanBeemon, and Chrysalimon watched. Wormmon spoke up, “…I'm sorry. I'm afraid I caused this argument.”
Jason looked over at Wormmon sympathetically. She grinned and wrapped her arm around Alec's shoulder. “Argument? Nah, we're just old buddies catching up with each other.” This made Derek smile, making Jason feel much better.
“So where've you been this whole time?” Alec almost forgot to ask.
“Oh, my dad had us relocated to San Francisco.”
“We should be heading back, now that we've found Derek,” FanBeemon said, she was perched on top of Chrysalimon's horn now. This question made Jason stop and think.
`I should go back. I'll leave Derek and Wormmon with dad, and they will be safe. I can't put my brother in the kind of danger I put myself in during my adventures.'
“Derek,” Alec freed himself from Jason's grasp again. “Before you go, I gotta ask. How did you do so well in a fight with a J-Mojyamon?”
Derek folded his arms, “Well, turns out we set up camp a bit too close to its cave, so it ambushed us when we got back from looking for food. Luckily, Minomon was able to digivolve to Wormmon for the first time. So then…”
Jewel listened to her brother ramble on about his battle `Wow. He could handle a Champion level like that… `
“…and I jumped from the branch, grabbing its back. Wormmon climbed up there, too, with his silk attack. It ran around a lot and got us out of the jungle and into the desert. When we got there Alec totally kicked its butt, it was awesome!”
Alec scratched his head, “Well, Derek helped, too.”
Jason thought for a few more moments. “We're staying.” She said finally.
“Huh?” Derek and FanBeemon said simultaneously.
Jewel looked down at here DigiCom. “We're all Tamers. The Digital World needs us. The best way to get things done is to stay together.”
“So what? We're gonna camp here in the DigiWorld?” Alec checked his digivice, “Because, you know, it's getting pretty late.”
“I'm cool with that,” Chrysalimon noted.
“Me, too” Wormmon added.
“Same here,” from FanBeemon.
“Look,” Alec said, “I might be able to convince my parents to let you stay at my place.”
“Really?” She smiled and called over to her brother. “Sound good, Derek?”
“Great!” Alec fiddled with his DigiCom, “Now, um… How are we all gonna zap back at once?”
“Derek, press the top left button and select `DIGICOM-01' to lock-on to his coordinates.” Jewel instructed as she did so. “For future reference, mine is `DIGICOM-00'.”
Derek looked down at his digivice, “Mine says `DIGICOM-02'.”
“Okay, everyone ready? Let's go!” They zapped into nothing one by one, each taking their partner with them.