Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 23

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 23
“You're not getting away with this!” Jason yelled at their foe. Jason, FanBeemon, Ryo, and Monodramon were facing a colossal digimon. Its metal face resembled a rabbit, but the rest of its body was an enormous, green siege mech.
“Even if I lose, Lord Milleniummon will lead us to the new world!” MegaGargomon said, ready for battle.
“Let's go FanBeemon!” Jason held up his wrist, the DigiCom glowed brilliantly. FanBeemon began digivolving.
“FanBeemon digivolve to… WASPMON!”
“We're ready, too!” Ryo said, holding his D-Power up to his heart. “Bio-merge activate!”
Ryo and Monodramon began shining, their bodies shrunk into small spheres, and spun around each other. The glowing orbs came closer with each revolution until they collided and combined.
“Monodramon Bio-merge to… JUSTIMON!”
“Here we go!” Justimon ran at MegaGargomon.
“Waspmon,” Jason said to his partner. “Fly us up there, try and get me on his head!”
“Okay!” She swept up Jason and soared swiftly towards MegaGargomon's head.
“It is pointless to resist!” MegaGargomon spread out his arms. All over his body, hatches opened up revealing missiles, chain guns, cannons, and other weaponry. “Mega Barrage!” Every single weapon began firing at once.
Waspmon swiftly flew through screaming missiles and exploding energy bombs. Jason focused on the giant digimon's head. He jerked his head to the side, barely dodging a rocket. He couldn't hear anything but millions of loud explosions melded into one loud roar. Waspmon took a sharp vertical climb when she reached MegaGargomon's chest, and flew about 20 feet above his head. The homing missiles were closing in on her.
`Now!' Jason commanded in his mind.
“Okay! Go for it!” Waspmon threw Jason downwards, then immediately made a somersault and sped off in the opposite direction, the missiles following after her.
Jason felt the missiles breeze past a few feet behind him. His eyes met his doe's as he dropped down. A few feet above MegaGargomon's nose, he balled his left hand into a fist. The power of the digivice engulfed his arm, and he put all his strength into a downward strike. “NNNAAAARRGGHH!”
“NNNAAAARRGGHH!” Jason opened her eyes. She was sitting up in her bed; Puroromon was perched on the bedpost above her. She heard the shower running in the next room. Over on the floor next to her, Derek was knocked to the ground, rubbing his forehead. “Oh my God! Derek, did I hit you!?”
“No,” he picked himself up. “I was a couple feet away, but it still knocked me back.”
She looked down at her left arm. The glow from her digivice was fading. “What just happened…?” The shower stopped.
“I think you were dreaming,” Puroromon said, “Your face was contorted, like you were in distress. I was worried and got Derek. He was trying to wake you up, but then you suddenly yelled and threw a Surge Slam.”
Jason put her other hand over her DigiCom, “…I'm sorry.” She suddenly remembered she was topless, and quickly pulled her quilt up to cover herself.
“It's alright… I'm glad you're okay,” Derek began to leave the room. Alec suddenly came in the doorway.
“Hey, guys. You better hurry andWHOA!” He turned away, “Jason! Since when did you sleep nude!?”
“I didn't bring any pajamas,” she yelled, “and I'm not wearing girls' underwear any longer than I have to. Now get out! Both of you!” Alec and Derek quickly left the room, leaving Jason to get ready for school.
Vinni and Cass were coming up on the high school. Their houses were close enough to walk. When they arrived, they made their way down the hall and stopped at the entrance to the cafeteria. Hundreds of other teenagers were crowded around table, picking up their schedules and catching up with friends.
“Okay, let's see if this works,” Cass clicked some buttons on her DigiCom. She locked on to DIGICOM-00, a compass appeared on her screen. “This way!” She walked towards the signal's epicenter, and Vinni followed her.
“There you are!” Alec called over to his friends. Jewel and Derek were with him. Vinni and Cass joined them.
“So you guys dropped Salamon and Gizamon off at DOS Eisley?” Jewel asked.
“Yep, just like we agreed,” Vinnu replied.
“But isn't DOS Eisley kind of dangerous?” Alec asked, remembering his experience at the cantina with Woodmon and Myotismon.
“You'll never find a more wretched hive of malware and villainy. Keramon should feel at home,” Jewel said with a smirk. “Besides, wild digimon aren't likely to attack a group of five.”
“Alright, let's go get our schedules,” Derek said, he made his way over to the Freshmen line while the others got in line for Juniors.
Zeb and Mabel had just arrived at the school. They came upon the cafeteria.
“Dis is nuts!” Zeb complained, “How're we `sposta find a digivice in dis huge herd of humans!?”
Mabel closed her eyes and concentrated, “Don't worry, I'll just scope out the closest concentration of magical energy…. Over there.” She pointed to a blonde girl looking shyly around at all the people around her.
She wore a navy blue sweater and a white skirt. She was standing with a blonde kid wearing a hat with loose, blue button-up shirt and khakis.
“Remember, da digivices are worn on a human's wrist, dey behave like a normal timepiece,” Zeb reminded her.
Mabel squinted at the distant girl, “I can't tell from here, she's wearing long sleeves. Hang on…”
They walked over to the other two. “Excuse, me?” She said to the girl, “Would you tell us what time it is?”
“Um…” Rosetta glanced around the cafeteria for a wall-hung clock.
“Come on, don't you have a… watch? Or something?” Zeb asked, remembering what the things were called.
“Sorry, no,” Rosetta pulled back her sleeve, nothing but her arm. “But that clock over there says it's 7:15.”
“Hmph,” Mabel and Zeb turned and walked away, surprising Rosetta with their rudeness.
“What da hell? I thought you sensed magic on her?” Zeb asked.
“Bah! She's a natural magic user, same as me.”
“Really? I didn't think humans were capable of dat,” Zeb said, looking back at Rosetta.
“Come on, we need to receive instructions like the other children are doing.” The two of them went to get their schedules.
“Wait just a minute, Mab,” Zeb stopped her.
“What is it!?” She growled.
Zeb pointed out the separate lines of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. “Da kids are divided into skill levels, kinda like Digimon. If we don't figure out what level we should be dey might find us out.”
He grabbed a short Freshmen nearby, “Hey, kid. I'll give ya one good guess as to what class I'm in, or I'll beat your ass.”
The kid was shaking, “Uh… um… Y-You're a Senior!?”
Zeb dropped the kid, “Thanks.” The Freshmen hurried away, terrified. Zeb turned back to Mabel, “So I guess I'm suppose to get in the line full of higher-levels.”
“I'll get in the line next to it,” Mabel suggested. “I appear old enough for Junior level.”
They split up and got in line for their schedules.
Rosetta and Luke had gotten their schedules. They were looking at each other's and their own.
“We have different classes,” Luke said softly.
“And different lunches,” Rosetta looked at Luke. “Will you be alright by yourself?”
Luke nodded, “What about you?”
She grinned, “You're more worried about me? I'm not the one with wings.”
He gave a small smile. Suddenly the bell rang, Luke almost jumped out of his pants.
“I guess it's time to go,” she embraced Luke in a hug and they split up, each heading to their own classes.