Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 25

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 25
Dark Continent - Digital World, 3:00 AM in the human world
“Augh!” The chubby little snow bear flashed and split into two small objects. The Humanoid-Spirit of Ice, and the Beast-Spirit of Ice. The two artifacts spun around in the air and sped off in different directions.
“No! He was good!” Petaldramon cried, desperately calling to one of the Ice spirits. Petaldramon looked like a two-tailed dragon made entirely of wood with grass and flower petals growing all over it.
“Keep your bearings, Petaldramon,” Aldamon commanded. He was like a fiery demon-man with feathered wings and a long tail. He had long blonde hair and machine guns on his arms. “I guess we're the only ones left now.”
The two warriors were back-to-back in a forest clearing. There were glancing around at the trees. “Hmm…” Petaldramon stuck his tails into the ground. They sunk in like tree roots. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.
“Petald--?” Aldamon started. But Petaldramon quickly shushed him.
“The trees will tell me where they are.” Many moments passed. Aldamon became tense. Suddenly Petaldramon whispered, “Thirty-eight degrees to your right…” Aldamon aimed his right machine gun in that direction. “Forty-two degrees to your left…” Aldamon aimed his other gun there.
“And the last one?”
“On three.”
Aldamon nodded, and they counted in unison. “One… Two… THREE!”
“Atomic Inferno!” Aldamon unloaded blazing pellets into the forest.
Petaldramon aimed straight forward. “Leaf Cyclone!” The petals around his neck began spinning like a turbine, and huge jets of wind and forest debris shot from his nostrils. He and Aldamon attacked at once.
Suddenly a shadow emerged from each of the concealed spots Petaldramon had indicated. They jumped over the warriors, and the moonlight revealed their forms. They looked like gray, woman-like rabbits in ninja clothing. Their eyes were a piercing red.
The one in the center commanded the others, obviously the leader. “ShadowTruiemon sisters, attack! Gauntlet Claw!” All three of them unleashed a barrage of throwing knives down towards the legendary warriors.
The two of them leapt out of the way and the knives dug themselves into the earth at top speed. Aldamon took off for the ShadowTruiemon sisters. He was hovering in front of them.
He brought his hands together, focused heat energy in them and aimed for the group of ShadowTruiemon. “Solar Wind Destroyer!” He launched an enormous ball of flame from his hands. His foes were caught off guard by the enormous attack, and we're instantly vaporized. “Done!” Aldamon cried triumphantly.
“Purify Scan!” Petaldramon opened his mouth and began drawing in the black cloud that was left behind by the corrupt Digimon.
Looking down at his comrade from the sky, Aldamon gave Petaldramon a congratulatory thumbs up. Petaldramon looked up at him, smiling. Suddenly, the ground underneath Petaldramon became an inky black. An enormous, grinning face appeared on the black spot. Petaldramon failed to notice this, but Aldamon could see it clearly.
“Petaldramon! Watch out!”
Suddenly the face opened its jaws, and Petaldramon sunk into the earth as Aldamon watched in horror. The dark spot vanished, taking the warrior with it. A few seconds passed, and the Spirits of Wood rose from under the ground, then flew off in separate directions.
Aldamon simply floated there in shock, “…I'm the only one left.”
Timberdale - In front of the high school
Rose exited the school after the last bell, and was out front looking for Luke.
“Rose, darling!”
She turned to see Mabel smiling at her. Mabel came closer an put an arm around her shoulder, making her face flush.
“Don't be so bashful. There's no secrets with me.”
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
Mabel held out her hand, flicked it, and a large, dusty book dropped into her palm. Or rather, it floated just slightly over her palm. Rosetta gaped in amazement, “Don't look so surprised, Rose. Take it.”
Rose cautiously put her hands on the book, and grabbed it from the air. “What… is this?”
“Just one of my blank spellbooks, babe. Thought you could use it. Well, see ya later!”
Mabel walked off and vanished behind the building. Rose opened the book. The first page was blank. Gradually, parts of the page began to darken, and lines of text and small diagrams appeared. The page read “Pyrospark,” and gave details on casting, effects, uses, and other information.
“I guess it starts with spells I already know,” Rose said, skimming the page.
“Rose!” Rosetta slammed the book shut, and quickly spun around. Luke ran up to her, and said panting, “Big problem.”
Timberdale - Alec's Apartment
* knock knock *
Jewel creaked the door open and peeked through.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
“Jewel, let him in!”
“-sigh- Fine.”
She opened the door all the way, letting Vinni step into the apartment. “Hehe, what's up guys?” He held Pagumon under his arm like a basketball. Jewel turned around and walked back into Alec's bedroom without a word.
“Now that you're here, we can…” Alec paused when his father walked into the living room. “Go in my room and play video games. Come on, everyone's waiting.”
“Hang on a minute, Alec,” his dad tried calling after him, but they had already shut the door before he could finish his sentence.
They spawned in front of Genesis Forest, where Alec and Derek fought J-Mojyamon.
“Come on.” Jewel and FanBeemon started into the woods. The others followed afterwards.
As they trekked through the trees, everyone was looking around cautiously, while Jewel didn't flinch as she followed a memorized path. Soon they came upon the start of a mountain trail. A Dobermon stood at the bottom and eyed the humans as they approached.
“Hey, it's Dobermon!” Derek exclaimed.
Jewel turned to him, “You've come this way before?”
“Yeah, I met Wormmon in Genesis Manor.”
“Uh-huh,” Wormmon nodded.
“Good.” Jewel held up her DigiCom to Dobermon. It nodded and stepped aside. “Let's continue.”
They climbed the trail that wrapped around the tall peak. “How much further?” Cass tiredly asked.
“We're almost there.” Jewel led them around another turn and they came upon a large field illuminated by the sunset.
“Wow.” Alec and Keramon said bluntly as they gazed down at the meadow.
“Down here.” Jewel jumped and began skidding down the mountainside towards the meadow, with her partner buzzing after.
“Are we supposed to follow her!?” Salamon said as she looked down the cliff.
“Ha, glad I can float,” Keramon smiled and shoved Alec over the side.
“Waaaah!” He tumbled and caught himself, then started skidding down the hill as Jewel did.
“Go for it, Gizamon!” Vinni jumped after Keramon and skid down the hill.
“Yeah!” Gizamon curled up and rolled ahead of Vinni.
Derek jumped down, and Wormmon crawled down the side of the mountain using his sticky feet.
Cass and Salamon were left. “Erm…” Cass picked Salamon up in her arms. “Ready?” Salamon nodded and Cass leapt down to the slope.
When the four newbies landed, none of them were perfectly on their feet. Jewel was standing a few feet away from them with Dobermon X. She waited for them to recover and signaled them to get moving.
“To Genesis Manor, Dobermon.” She ordered.
Dobermon X nodded and began leading the way. They were walking to a broad silhouette in the distance. The field was populated by many Fresh and In-Training level digimon. It was nearly sundown when they arrived at the mansion.
“…Genesis Manor.” Salamon whispered.
“How do you know that?” Cass asked her partner.
“I was born here,” Salamon said, “Almost all Digimon are born here. Gizamon and Keramon are rare exceptions.”
Jewel opened the doors. Babamon stood there.
“Ah, so many humans!” Babamon waddled up to them, “Your partners are strong.”
“Who's the old lady?” Vinni asked rudely.
Babamon turned to him, “This old lady is the one who's gonna smack you back to the ARPANET days if you don't silence yourself and pay attention.” She said, making her broomstick spark with magical energy. Vinni shut his mouth.
“I'm sure Jewel told you this was to be an important meeting,” Babamon began. “I can assure what you know may decide the difference between order being maintained between two worlds, or everything falling into chaos.”
“Tell them about the prophecy.” Jewel mentioned.
“Yes, there's usually a prophecy to go along with these things.” Babamon tapped her broom on the floor, and a large book appeared in a puff of smoke. The book flipped through its pages and floated in front of Babamon.
“In the words of Yggdrasil, origin of the digital from hell to heaven
When all order turns to chaos, we shall rely on the aliens seven
They are strangers to the world, but also heroes
They shall ally with warriors made from ones and zeros
They come from two worlds, yet fight for all
Order will rule, chaos will fall”
The book slammed shut and disappeared in another puff of smoke. “The prophecy tells of aliens from another world who will team up with digimon to save both of our worlds,” Babamon said in summary, “My superiors appointed me to oversee its fulfillment as the chaos part started to unfold.”
“Hang on,” Cass said, “It says there should be seven. There's only five of us.”
“Yggdrasil only approved five DigiEggs for the prophecy.”
“And what's the chaos you're talking about?” Alec asked.
“The corruption,” Jewel answered. “There's an unknown power driving this virus. Lately it's been targeting higher digimon, digimon that make a huge difference in maintaining order in the world.”
“Right,” Babamon nodded, “It's been causing an increase in animalistic behavior among digimon, as you've seen already.”
Derek spoke up, “What are we suppose to do about it?”
“The shadow Digimon appearing in your world means that whoever's responsible for this has infiltrated the human world as well as our own.” Babamon explained.
Alec thought out loud, “Sounds like we'll have to start with some investigation.”
“Hey,” Gizamon spoke up, “Do you think whoever's been spreading chaos and stuff also sent that bounty hunter after the digivices?”
“WHAT!?” Everyone except Gizamon, Salamon, and Cass was clearly surprised at this news.
“What? What happened!?” Vinni questioned.
“Oh yeah…” Cass started, “Salamon told me about a digimon bounty hunter that attacked her and Pagumon on the plane to Minneapolis.”
“Yeah, and he was clearly supposed to find your digivices.” Salamon added.
“You should've said something, young lass!” Babamon exclaimed.
“You mean young Cass…” Wormmon said quietly.
“Hmm…” Both Jewel and FanBeemon were thinking deeply.
“Um… Sis?”
“So they're after the digivices…” FanBeemon started.
“And the digivices can counter the corruption…” Jewel added.
“They sent a skilled bounty hunter instead of a shadow Digimon…” FanBeemon said.
Gizamon chuckled, “Pfft, I wouldn't say `skilled'.”
“Of course, they can't send shadow Digimon after the digivices…” Jewel continued.
“Because the light can purify them.” FanBeemon added.
“That means they'll try and stay close to us.”
“Which is why they've invaded the human world.”
Jewel and FanBeemon turned to the others and began talking in unison. “”So that means they're close. So it shouldn't be too hard to find out what's going on.”” They paused when they noticed the looks they were getting. “”…What?””
All eyes turned to the mansion's doors. A loud noise came from outside. Babamon tapped her broom on the floor, “You kids stay inside.” She then vanished into smoke. Seconds later, her voiced came through the doors from outside. “Children! Get out here now!” Babamon sounded distressed.
The five children and their Digimon burst through the doors and into the field outside. Babamon was standing in front of a massive beast with crimson armor and fiery wings. The children's DigiComs automatically opened analyzer screens. # AncientGreymon. Mega Level. Vaccine. Ancient Dragon Digimon. Special: Omega Corona. # AncientGreymon was passed out on the ground; behind it was a huge gash where it skidded into the ground at high speed.
“What in the hell is-“
“Grrn…” The giant creature awakened, but its eyes were still shut. “Ugh… Who's there!? Run, now!” His body was enveloped in light and shrunk down to a brownish-red beast-man.
Cass and Salamon each left out a small gasp, “Flamemon!”
Cass ran over and bent down to Flamemon. Salamon followed her. Cass put an arm around his shoulder and lifted him up. Flamemon mumbled and rubbed his head as consciousness drifted back.
“Huh… wuh… second human?” He squinted up at Cass' form. “Yeah… the one with the swollen mounds on its torso.”
Cass and Salamon exchanged a confused look. Cass shook her head and responded to Flamemon, “I'd smack you for that comment, but it seems like you've suffered enough damage to the head.”
“Damage to the… OH!” Flamemon suddenly tried getting up real fast, but fell back into Cass' arms.
“Flamemon! What happened?” Salamon asked.
“You shouldn't be here,” Flamemon growled through his teeth as he grabbed his aching head. “Go back to your own world, human. Bad things are happening.”
“Cass!” Alec called over to them, “Is it alright?”
Surprised, Flamemon looked over at the other humans. “Oh Yggdra, no!” He grabbed Cass by the shirt collar and brought her face close to his. “Listen to me. Unless your partner somehow managed to reach Mega level since we last met, you need to get out of here as fast as you can,” he ordered, “Do not stay and fight. You won't stop him and your deaths will mean nothing!”
“Who!? Who in two worlds are you talking about!?” Salamon shouted.
Suddenly, Salamon's eyes widened in fear. Her hair stood on end and she looked panicked. Babamon and the other partners were acting strange, too.
“Wormmon, what is it?” Derek asked the digimon sprawling himself on the ground.
Babamon spun her broom and the end of it ignited. She growled, “It's coming.”