Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Love Story ❯ How it started ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: My Love Story

By: E-chan Hidaka

Couples: Taiora with a little bit of Mimato

Genre- Romance/ Drama/ Angst

Setting: Alternate Universe

Rated: PG

Inspired by: A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon. I only own the story. So please do not sue me. Also I do not own anything from A Walk to Remember.

Author's Notes: Please forgive me if you see any mis-typos and grammar mistakes they tend to be my weak points.


Love Story

Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be

The sweet love story that is older than the sea

The simple truth about the love she bring to me

Where do I start?

She fills my heart

She fills my heart

With her first hello

She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine

There'd never be another time

She came into my life and the living fine

Where do I start?

She fills my heart

She fills my heart

With very special things with angels song

With wild imaginings she fill my soul

With so much love that anywhere I go

I'm never lonely

With her along

Who could be lonely

I reach for her hand

It's always there

How long that is last

Can love be measured by the hour in a day

I have no answer now but this much I can say

I know I need her till the stars all burn a way

And she'll be there.

Chapter 1: How It Started...

This is a story about endless love. And how it became a legend throughout Japan...let me explain my story to you. My name is Sora Takenouchi Yagami. I'm sixty-seven years old and my love story took place fifty years ago. Yes...went I was seventeen years old. You're wondering how can I remember so far back. Its one of those things were you cannot forget. I still remember those days like it was yesterday.

I lived in a city called Odiaba in Japan. But back then it was a small town not compared to the Odiaba now. It was August 15, 1959; there lived two respectable families in the town. My family the Takenouchi and the Yagami our families came from two different worlds. My family was rich owning so many flower shops all over Japan and the Yagami was respected because the head of the family was a minister for the town church. Everyone loved that family expect my father something went sour between my father and the minister. So they never got along with each other.

I was a senior in Odiaba High School. I was the most popular girl beside my best friend Mimi Tachiwaka that every guy wishes to date. For me I dated a couple guys but none was like Taichi Yagami. Taichi had changed me. We knew each other since we were kids and even when to the same school till now. He was different. He wasn't total jock hotty even though he was on the soccer team. You know guys they let the ego get to their head but not Taichi. It was different for him. He was nice but plain. Everyone in school called him plain boring Taichi. My other friends keep telling my friend Yamato Ishida that he shouldn't hang out with him. But he wouldn't listen to us. He thought Taichi was interesting with all the bible stuff. I guess that why every girl wanted to get with Yamato because he didn't care if you're popular he would be anybodies friend. But only one girl had stole his hear his girl friend Mimi Tachiwaka the most beautifulness girl in school. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad. Something was different about her too. She was sincere to everyone she met even Taichi.

In Odiaba every year we would have a big play before Christmas the seniors and juniors do it. Since it was a small town back then there were about six hundred students that go to Odiaba High. I enrolled in drama because I didn't wanted to take French 3. Two years of foreign language was enough for me. I wasn't big on acting but that was better then being stuck in Mrs. Hiroshi class learning French. She can be a total bore sometimes. I should know I was in her class for two years in a row. Drama is an okay thing but that more Mimi and Yamato department. They're very good in that department.

I walked into the drama theatre and saw my friends Mimi and Yamato talking to the teacher Miss Tashika. She was around her late twenties early thirties. She was a very pretty lady with nice blonde hair, nice smile and very fun to be around with. "I'm sorry that I am late." I interrupted the class. Everyone looked at me as I spoke. Miss Tashika smiled and said, "How nice of you to join us Miss Takenouchi."

"Once again I'm sorry that I was late." I apologized.

"Its okay Sora. We were just talking about you." Miss Tashika said as Taichi came from behind the stage curtains. He smiled as he saw me. And I smiled back at him slyly. I didn't understand why he smiled at me. But later on I understood why?

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To be continued....

Author's rambles: I hope you guys like it so far. Please review this fanfic so I can continue. I suggestion you guys should read A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It's a heart warming story that you'll enjoy trust me! The opening Love Story is a famous tune that plays in many music/jewelry boxes. I can play the beginning half on the piano. Ah! Enough of me rambling so bye for now.

Please visit my digimon site @ http://www.envy.nu/swtpnayx16

Also visit my collective & personal site @ http://www.envy.nu/angelhoney

Please email me @ echan_hidaka@hotmail.com or sweetpinayx16@yahoo.com if you got any questions or suggestions.