Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My New Year's Story ❯ The Whole Story ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Yeah! Here's my New Years Story for Digimon!

Ruki: Bout Time

Tai: Finally!

Me: Takato, Raven, and their new friend Christian live in a very big house together since they own a very important business so they could afford it, couples: Rukato, Raven x Tanna, Christian x Holly.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything involved in this storie

Me: Now lets get this story on!

Italics= Thoughts

-=Takato's POV=-

Another boring day at the office, I wish something cool would happen! Like my assistant Ruki going out with me, but sadly that will never happen… Pulling up at my mansion's gate I reached out and typed in the code for the gate, after the gate opened I drove up the drive way and into the garage where two other cars were parked.

Sighing I got out and walked into the big house waiting to be tackled by Guilmon or BlackAgumon begging to be fed. But to my surprise they didn't! Creeping quietly I walked into the kitchen to see that it wall decorate with New Years stuff and food every where, seeing Christian walking into the kitchen BlackAgumon behind him who was at the moment eating lots of candy, "Hey Christian what's with all the decoration and food?" He just shook his head and pointed to the calendar looking over at it I realized today was New Years Eve! "Only us three are celebrating New Years Eve?" he shook his head once again, "Nope I invited most of the Office to the party." I heard loud thumping noises then Raven came running in, "Have you guys seen BlackAgumon?" I pointed to the virus digimon attempting to sneak up on a chair and into the chips. Raven ran over and ripped the dinosaur off the chair and made a mad dash up-stairs, "I wonder how those two got partnered together…" Chris just shook his head in a bemused way.

After talking to chris I walked up-stairs only to be jumped on by a flying red mass with black markings before I was on the floor and being licked. "Nice to see you to Guilmon," pushing him off me I turned to Raven who was at this moment playing against BlackAgumon in ATV Off Road Fury 2, "Why aren't the digimon aloud downstairs?" Still looking at the screen he replied, "Their stomachs can eat everything down there so were keeping them up here for the party." Walking off towards my Bedroom I hear BlackAgumon shot out thay he won.

Once in my bedroom I started to change into my normal attire but remembered that I had a party to go to and put on some nice clothes. Before heading out I wondered if that meant Ruki was going to be at the party and decided to ask Christian later.

Walking back downstairs I found Chris dancing around like a maniac while chanting, "She's coming," I was about to ask what he's doing when I noticed Raven walking in with a stick that he labeled the, "Trip Stick" since so many people have tripped on it. Raven slowly walked by him then immediately stuck the stick out making Chris fall flat on his face but for someone reason Chris just kept spinning around in circles chanting the same thing. A anime sweat drop started to appear on Raven's head, laughing I kicked Christian then went up to the game room where I started to play Red Faction 2.

While playing the game, which I was almost through when the doorbell rang yelling for Christian or Raven to go get it in which they just yelled back that I had to get it. Pausing the game I walked down the stairs, through the kitchen then finally made it to the front door, opening it I saw Holly, Sora, Ruki, and Tanna standing there. "What are you doing here? The party doesn't start for another hour." Holly replied first, "We came here to help set things up." I nodded and opened the door open wide enough for them to come in and walked into the kitchen were the other two guys were.

A couple hours later (a/n: it was 6:30 and the party started at 7:30 so it's 8:30) almost the whole company was here Kazu, Kenta, Ryo, Tai, Sora, Ruki, Tanna, Holly, Jenrya, and some other guys that I didn't really remember there names. The party so far was boring all's people did was talk and talk and once more talk, walking up into the game room where all the digimon were currently. When I got up there BlackAgumon and Terriermon were playing Ace Combat 4 in which BlackAgumon was losing badly since he only has three fingers or claws whatever you call them.

I stayed up there until 11:00 which surprised me I thought they would have known I was missing, the whole time I was up here we were playing games and were currently taking turns playing Shinobi which Terriermon was of course winning being the one to always play games. Around 11:10 Ruki came up ranting about why she should never ever go to a party with her company again, "What? You don't like the party my friends had?" She just glared at me then turned away, Oh great… what a way to start a conversation… Wait! I know! "So What are you doing up here?" she replied after a seconds silence, "It's boring down there." I an idea hit me at that moment! "Want to play a game with me?" "Whatever," she replied I set up Red Faction 2 thinking that I can beat her in it but she proved me very very wrong as she wiped the floor with me four times! "I thought you couldn't play video games," "I can't" was her reply.

11:30 we decided to play a computer game called Global Operations she of course some how beat me again and was the best on her side, "You shouldn't be able to beat me!" She shook hear head, "Beginners luck," she spoke before killing me again!

11:45 We stopped play games and started watching T.V, "Now you can't beat me since were watching T.V!" She whacked me upside the head, "I can too." I found the T.V quite boring so I started a conversation, "Are you seeing anyone?" She shook her head no, "Oh," What else can we talk about? What time is it? What! 11:45! I should get down there. "Ruki don't you think we should go down there now?" She only nodded.

After taking five minutes to turn everything off up stairs we walked downstairs to hear the very bad music from Kazu and Kenta trying to sing, "Chris where are you?!" I yelled at that instant he appeared in front of me, "Shut those two up it's giving me a headache." He nodded and ran up on the stage accidentally tripping on a stair and tackling the two off. "Want to sing with me?" She shook her head no, "To bad you are!" Pulling her up on the stage I try to keep the pinkness on my face from her view while she was trying to keep her reddening cheeks out of mine. (a/n: He didn't know she was blushing though)

On the stage I picked up a microphone and threw it to her and picked up my own while I dragged her up I told her what we were going to sing, clearing my throat we began

Both: Half past twelve
And I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone
How I hate to spend the evening on my own
Autumn winds
Blowing outside the window as I look around the room
And it makes me so depressed to see the gloom
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer

Ruki: Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day

Both: Movie stars
Find the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to win
It's so different from the world I'm living in
Tired of T.V.
I open the window and I gaze into the night
But there's nothing there to see, no one in sight
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer

Ruki: Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day

Both: Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight...
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight...

There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer

Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight

The whole crowd erupted into applause causing me to blush a little, "Thank you, thank you." Walking off the stage and to the back where the refreshment tables we were located. "Ruki, you have a nice singing voice." She turned away with a slight blush I grinned, "You don't have such a bad one yourself." It was my turn to turn away and blush. "Hey Takato! Ruki! Get over here in 30 seconds the balls going to drop!" Raven yelled, "Come on let's go," walking towards the T.V with Ruki trailing behind me. Fifteen seconds later, "15….14….13….12….11….10….9&hellip ;.8….7….6….5….4….3….2….1&h ellip;0!!!!" feeling a little bit brave I leaned over an kissed Ruki I was about to pull away when she grabbed my hand and pulled me back kissing me again pulling away I just smiled, "I guess it kind of late to say I love you." In the corner of my eye I saw Raven and Tanna kissing also Christian and Holly, "Looks like my friends are getting together too." She just pulled me into another kiss.

Me: Finally finished!

Ruki: That was long.

Takato: Yeah! I got to kiss Ruki!

BlackAgumon: Bring Me Candy!

Me: This story is the begging of a series so stay tuned for it! Till next time C'ya!