Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Summer Vacation ❯ Mimi's Idea ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The digi gang is headed for the beach for summer vacation.Which means Beach,Fun,Guys,Girls,Drinking,Partying,And lots of chaos!!!Chapther 1:Mimi's Idea
It was the last day of school for the gang before summer vacation and they couldn't wait to get out of school.They were still thinking what should they do for the whole summer.

(At School)@@@@@@@@@@

Matt,Tai,Mimi and I were sitting in their last class before school ends and the most boring class of the day, Social Studies.Who cares about what happen to the past anyways.What's in the past is in the past!I thought to my self.I felt two pair of eyes staring at me and I knew who it belongs to.My two best friends for life one who is Yamato Ishida the most popular guy in school who is chased by herd of crazy fangirls everyday.He has a perfect blonde hair and a pair of deep blue eyes that you can easily get lost into,and the lead singer of the Teenage Wolves.Yeah he is very attractive alot of girls I mean alot of girls will do anything to be his girlfriend or atleast go on a date with him.But unfortunaley he doesn't date.I'm his best friend and he tells me almost everything and he said if he wants to date someone its has to be a special someone.One of my best friends Mimi Tachikawa thinks he have a crush on me because he stares at me or look at me everytime he have a chance.I have to admit I have a crush on him since we met and he makes me blush alot.I look at his way and caught him stare at me I met with his deep blue orbs and got lost in it.He shot me one of his charm smiles which make me turn around and blush.

I was staring at Sora again.I just couldn't help it she was like a fallen angel to me I develop a crush on her when we were 13 and we are now 16.I never got a nerve to ask her out because if she rejects me our beautiful friendship will fall into place and I don't want that and I rather have her as my best friend than nothing.She turned around and I made eye contact with her beautiful ruby orbs.I gave her my charm smile and I caught her blush and turn around.I smirked.Sometimes I wonder if she feels the same about him too.

The school bell rang, ending our last class.Everybody rushed out the classroom even our teacher Mrs.Kanna leaving Mimi,Sora,Tai and I.Finally our summer vacation starts. Tai blurted out.Yeah I'm so happy.Its been a rough year.Mimi agreed.So what are we going to do?I asked.We can't just do nothing all summer.They three of them shot me a blank expression which gives me a hint of I HAVE NO IDEA.... Hey what about a road trip to my new beach house my mom and dad rented for my cousin Alyssa the beach house is huge and have 3 bathrooms,6 bedroom with its personal bathroom and a living room,kitchen and a game room.Mimi asked.Thats a great idea Meems.Sora agreed.How about it you guys you guys up for it?Sora asked me and Tai.Sure why not and lets bring T.K,Kari,Ken,Davis,Yolei with us if they have nothing planned. Since Izzy is going to help Joe go to Philippines to a summer job as doctors then we don't have to worry about them.Okay then its settled were going to have a road trip lets just ask our parents and get packed.Sora,Mimi and Tai nodded.We need to go shopping then.Mimi chirped.Darn I was hoping you wouldn't say that.Oh well I need to get a new swimsuit anyway.Sora sigh.Matt and Tai smirked yeah you guys do that make sure its sexy too.Bakas I heard Sora whispered.Thank You!Tai and I said at the same time.Well Lets get going we have to tell the others and get ready.We all nodded went out to the school's parking lot and get into our individual cars and drove apart.(Tai)@@@@@@@@@@

I arrived at my apartment unlocking the door.As usual Kari have T.K,Davis,Ken,Yolei in our living room watching tv.Hey guys I greeted.They all said Hey.You guys have something planned all summer than watching tv all day and go out?They all gave me a weird look.No why do you ask you have something in mind TAi?Kari asked.Well Mimi is planning on going to have a road trip and go to the beach house to join her cousin Alyssa all summer.And she asked if you guys wanted to come with us.I answered.Yolei squeled.I would love to go Tai.I have nothing better to do but I have to ask my parents and pack so bye.Yolei ran to the door and slammed it hard making the frames on the wall to shake.Kari giggled.You guys going or what?Kari asked Davis,T.K and Ken.I guess if your going Kari i'm going.Davis answered with a smirk in his face.I'll go too if you going too Kari.T.K responded.I guess i'll go too since everybody is going.Ken said.Great I said I'll call Mimi then.Well I guess I have to get going I need to get packing.T.K said and said bye and walk out the door.Me too!Davis said and said his good bye and was followed by Ken.As soon as Kari heard the door shut she ran to her room to pack.I too headed to my room to pack my stuff.I couldn't wait till we leave for our road trip.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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