Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Summer Vacation ❯ Stop To Eat,Realization, And Getting There ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey everybody!!! CuteSora here with another chapie!I hope you like the story so far.And remember to review after you read.This is my first fan fic ever so don't expect much.

Chapter 3:Stop To Eat,Realization, And Getting There

(Sora's Car)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

(12:00 pm)@@@@@@@@@@@


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I heard my stomach grumble.I turn to face Sora she was biting her lip looking at me but still concentrating on the road.I'm hungry!! I whined.I heard her laugh.Me too I can tell I heard your stomach.Hey you guys hungry I asked T.K and Kari only to find them sleeping on each others shoulder.I found it cute.They were so perfect for each other but as I know Tai he wouldn't allow it.Everytime they get close and alone Tai somehow just pop in the picture and say "Not too close to my sister blondie.Its kind of scary.I bet if they go to the movies alone he will be eating popcorn right behind of them with Davis.(LOL)He is so overprotective.So is Davis he's always bugging Kari!I already knew what Kari has a crush on my little brother ever since they met because shes always with him,agrees with him,and almost tell each other everything not including their feelings for each other.Just like me and Sora.Their like our mini me or something.I thought to myself(LOL)Hey Sor look at those two.I told Sora.Sora turned around then payed back attention to the road.They are so cute together they would be a cute couple if only Tai and Davis give them some time together ALONE they would be toghether already!

Sora replied.I'm getting hungry and I bet T.K and Kari are hungry and I KNOW your hungry.And I bet the others in Mimi's car are hungry too so lets call them.You call Mimi couse I'm driving.Sora ordered.Hai!I answered and pulled out my cell phone and dialed Mimi's phone number.I hold my cell to my ear and waited for Mimi to pick up.On the second ring a very cheerful girly high pitch voice sang Hello Mimi speaking in person!!!Hi Meems its Matt I was wondering if we could stop and eat couse everybody here is hungry.What about your group?Sure I know everybody is hungry right guys?Mimi asked her group.I heard a YES!! FINALLY!!! I NEED TO EAT SOON OR I'LL DIE IN STARVATION!I knew it was from Tai and Davis in the same time.They have so much in common that I'm beggining to think they were seperated at birth and end up as horrable Jun's little brother instead of Tai's.Mimi giigled.Well lets eat at Burger King since its only two miles away.Is that okay Matt?Mimi asked.Yeah perfect just lead the way and we'll be following ya!

With that I hung up and put my cell on my pocket.Okay were eating in Burger King just two miles away so just follow her kay Sor.Sure Sora said like I have a choice but to follow her.And Burger King great.Sora replied.I'll wake up T.K and Kari.I said and turned around to see still two 14 year old soon to be couples still sleeping.Hey T.K!!! Kari wake up you two love birds.I yelled shaking the both of them.It didn't work.I knew what will wake up T.K couse I used several times before.OMG T.K WAKE UP KARI'S ABOUT TO JUMP OUT THE CAR!!! I yelled at T.K. Huh!! What no!He panick only finding Sora and I laughing at him.T.K didn't find it very funny.He shook Kari to wake up and woke her up.

(In Burger Kings Parking Lot)@@@@@@@@@@

(12:38 pm)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

(Tai)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@

Finally we reach Burger King's parking lot finding only one car parked in there.Sora's car soon arrived and parked beside us.I saw T.K jumped out and helped Kari out the car reciving a peck on the cheek.Soon followed by Matt and Sora smirking looking at T.K and Kari.Hey I yelled.Hey yourself Matt yelled.Sora and Kari giggled.T.K chuckled.He's kidding Tai he's just cranky couse he's hungry.All of us entered Burger King.Me,Matt,Ken,Davis and T.K smirked when we spotted some hot chicks that looks like four 17 or 18 year olds.Were gonna order food Sora said to me and four other guys who is mentally staring at the girls scattered around Burger King.Sora lead Kari,Yolei,and Mimi to the cashier.

They turned around and smiled.Hi I said to a girl with long raven hair which is up to her waist who's wearing a tight jean mini skirt and a white tank top that says K-Girl in pink letters.She smiled at me and said Hi.My name is Kagome she smiled said and handed her hand.I shaked it.Name's Tai.I smirked.She nodded and got pushed away by a girl with a similar face but have different face shape and a longer hair up to her ass.She looks like a slut with her outfit.She was wearing a tight mini mini skirt with a pink tank top that says Whore in white letters with sparkles on it that only cover half of her stomach.She gave me a slutty smile and said in a high pitch tone like Mimi's Hi my name is Kikyo the eldest twin sister of the bitch over there she pointed at Kagome.Kagome smirked yeah I might be a bitch but atleast I'm not a slutty whore.I totally agree with your t-shirt it describes you well Kik!

Kagome replied.Kikyo turned around and flirted with the cashier guy.A girl with long black hair which reach up to her bra straps she was wearing a short short and a light Pink tank top that says Boomerang Babe in Baby blue letters.Hi she said my name is Sango and there over there is my cousin Ayame she said and pointed at a girl with a long black hair probably as long as Yolei's.She was wearing a Baby blue tank top that says Foxy in Magenta letters.Well we have to get going so lets go Kagome said to her three friends.They exited Burger King.What a waste I said.I met four hot chicks and they introduced themselves to me and didn't get a single phone number.I whined.Matt,T.K,Davis,and Ken chuckled and each of them patted me on the back and walk where Kari,Sora,Yolei and Mimi was already eating WITHOUT them.Hey I yelled.Save some for me!!Wait for me!!I sat down and attacked my lunch.

(1:23 pm)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

(Outside Burger King)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


Well that was a good lunch.Everybody said yeah or yup and it was great.I think we should get going 3 more hours of driving and we have to be there by dinner time!Mimi said cheerfully.Oh no!Matt's driving this time.I'm tired of driving atleast all he have to do is follow you.Sora whined.Fine he'll drive.That okay Matt.I asked the blonde.Sure whatever I'm bored doing nothing anyway.Matt answered.Hey is it okay if T.K come with me this time and you'll have Davis couse he wont stop whining about Kari.NO!!!! Please don't Kari whined.Davis looked hurt.Please I don't want to have a headache.I rather have T.K he's quieter and don't bother me every second.Kari whispered.I agree with her I said.Lets keep our own people.With some pleading and convincing we were back ob the road again.

(1 hour later)@@@@@@@@@@@

(Sora's Car)@@@@@@@@@@@@@

(Sora)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@

I turned on the radio to wake up Matt couse he looks bored and about to fall asleep.One of my fav's song was on and I think it would help Matt awake I started to sing it it.Kari sang along with me we didn't know that Matt and T.K was listening to us couse Matt was paying attention to the road and T.K was listening to his cd player so we sang the best that we could.It wasn't everyday that either me or Kari sing.It was called Since You Been Gone.....

(Since You Been Gone)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


Here's the thing
We started out friends
It was cool, but it was all pretend
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone


You dedicated, you took the time
Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say
Is how I picture me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say


But since you been gone
I can't breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you, now I get what I want
Since you been gone


How can I put it, you put me on
I even fell for that stupid love song
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
How come I'd never hear you say
I just wanna be with you
Guess you never felt that way


But since you been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah, yeah
Thanks to you, now I get, I get what I want
Since you been gone


You had your chance, you blew it
Out of sight, out of mind
Shut your mouth, I just can't take it
Again and again and again and again


Since you been gone (since you been gone)
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get (I get)
You should know (you should know) that I get
I get what I want
Since you been gone
Since you been gone
Since you been gone


Wow I didn't know that Sora and Kari can hit the high notes like that.Heck I didn't even know that Sora and Kari can sing that good.That was the first time I ever heard the two of them sing...

(Mimi's Car)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

(Two Hours Later)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


I saw a huge two story beach house up ahead.There was a medium size sign that says: WeLcOmE tO lOvE sHaCk MiMi AnD hEr SpEcIaL dIgIdEsTiNeD fRiEnDs!!!I smiled we were finally here.Were here everybody!!! I sang out loud..Tai and Davis cheered.Sora's car parked beside us and we all got out and unload our stuff from the car.We all said our ooh's and ahh's and amazing and cools out of our system.Well I told you its huge and I told you there was hot guys in here.I said cheerfully and broke the silence while I stare at two cute guys one with a silver hair and one with a black hair in a low pony tail.They were just wearing shorts and no t-shirts on.I almost drooled.Sora tapped my shoulder.I turned around and found all of them staring at me.Well ring the doorbell already I can't hold my duffle bags that long.Kari whined.Oh yeah!I rang the doorbell two times and stepped back.Coming a lovely voice sang and we heard footsteps.Somebody open the door and..............

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Well u guys like?It seems like everytime I write my chppie's get longer huh?Well please review and tell me what you think!!!
Thanks for reading my story.I love you guys!!!Keep reading my chappies!!!


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