Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Tamer ❯ My Tamer ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Toei Animation called just informed me that they own Digimon, so I guess I don't.

I've been getting a lot of requests to do a Renaki fic, so I finally wrote one. Actually, this is probably my favorite Tamer couple. Not that I am a major Yuri fan, but I am a major fan of couples that are supported by the show. This is the one of the most show-supported couples. Even the US dub left most of the hints in. This has nothing to do with my other Tamer fics. This fic contains Yuri, crossbreeding. It is mainly story but there is a lemon (sex scene) at the end. If any of that isn't your thing, you had better not read this. As in all my stories, the Tamers and their friends are all 13. Also, in Japan, it is legal to have sex at 13 so don't flame me for that. I use only Japanese names and attack names. I also use Japanese titles (san, chan, kun etc.). I will translate and Americanize for you at the end of the fic. Enough stalling, here's the good stuff:


My Tamer

"Matador Charge!" I leapt over the charging bull-like creature. Bullmon were aggressive but not very smart. I, being a warrior, prided myself in my knowledge of the enemy. I landed on the ground and charged inward, leaving only two meters distance between my foe and myself. I did this because I knew he would not be able to use his changing attack at this close of range. Which meant he was like to rely of his secondary maneuver, "Tail Whip!" as usual I was correct. I caught the whipping tail in air and used it to draw my foe into a standing-sidekick.

The moment of stagger was all I needed, "Wisteria Punch!" I cried, sending out a small volley of razor-sharp Wisteria leaves. Although the green projectiles appeared to miss, each leave cut my adversary as it passed by. A Child form Digimon might have fallen, but Bullmon was an Armor type so he required a little more 'persuasion'.

"Finish him off," my Tamer, Makino Ruki, commanded. Her voice was firm but yet I could sense something more within the words. Something…

My opponent growled, waking me from my brief distraction. A fatal error, I leapt into the air, my limbs and back curled my form into a ball like shape. Once I felt I had built significant energy for my task, I uncurled into my normal shape, "Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" I shouted my attack, an instinct that comes naturally for a Digimon. More Wisteria leaves appeared around me. This time, however, they were not the traditional green. They glowed white with the energy I had bestowed upon them. They pointed themselves at the bull and rained down destruction upon him. He didn't have a chance. His body broke up into tiny life force particles, or data, as I believe Ruki calls it. In the past, I would have absorbed his life force to use with my own. Recently, however, I had discovered that the energy from my Tamer could provide me with more power than any life force would ever hope to.

I landed on the ground and looked at my Tamer. Her warm violet eyes showed her pride in me. She walked slowly, almost methodically, to my position. She looked up at me, smiling, "Good job, Renamon," she spoke my name softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips into contact with my own.


I jolted awake, panting heavily. The sun was just beginning to peek over the eastern horizon, casting its golden glow upon the land. I sat up on the branch I was sleeping on. That dream, my mind was still groggy, but I could remember every bit of it. It was far from the first time I had dreamt it. All of the dreams were different, yet all of them seemed to end with a common theme, Ruki's love for me.

A love I was not even sure existed outside of my own mind. I knew Ruki cared for me, even if her words never expressed it. This, however, was far deeper than caring. This was love. Love, knowing that your heart belongs to your lover and hers to you, enjoying another's presence, missing that presence when she isn't there and then, of course, there is physical side of love.

I mentally smacked myself for drifting into that area of my mind. Why am I thinking this? She was not even my species. How could she ever love me as more than a friend? She could not. Simple as that, she could not.

I stood up and stretched, taking in a large breath of morning air in the process. I jumped down from my perch in the tree and walked over to the door to Ruki's room. Quietly, I slid it open and examined my tamer's sleeping form. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Her chest rose and fell under the blankets, and I found my own breathing matching hers. Her violet eyes were closed and her silky hair poured a sea of red across her pillow. I had always liked her hair better when she let it down. Of course, none of these things I could ever tell her. I sighed and turned to leave.

"Renamon, is that you?" Ruki's voice sleepily asked.

"Yes," I softly said.

"What are you doing?"

Admiring you, my beautiful tamer. If only I could have said that aloud, "Nothing. I thought I heard you call for me. I am sorry for waking you," I hated lying to her, but she could never accept the truth. I left her room, shutting the door after myself.

I felt a droplet of water hit my chest fur. I looked toward the sky but saw no clouds. I brought a hand to my face and felt what I had feared. I was crying. I wondered how long I had been crying. It was not the first time, and probably would not be the last. I sat cross-legged on the cool grass and buried my face in my purple gloves, "I love you Ruki-chan," I mumbled in between sobs.


I was watching myself walking through a forest in the Digital World. I knew I must have been dreaming again. I soon recognized my surroundings. This was the place where it had happened. Where she had entered my life. I watched the form that was myself as it walked toward its destiny.

"Soon, I will be stronger. I will be the best. I must be," I heard my doppelganger speak. I was so naïve back then. Caring only for power, wanting only to be the strongest Digimon I could be. That is why I sought for Ruki. She was the best, the only one worthy of being my tamer. She would help me become stronger. I never thought of her as being more than a partner.

I watched as my past self stepped past the other Digimon. Ones that had come with the same intent as me, become Ruki's partner. A pillar of light engulfed her body as she looked for the last time at the world she had known.

I now found myself outside the Makino home. This was not any memory I recognized. I watched as yet another version of myself leapt from tree to tree. She landed next to a girl I knew very well.

"Ruki-san?" she spoke. I still found it odd hearing my voice come from another as I stood quietly watching the two figures interact.

"What do you need, Renamon?" even in the dream, her voice was melodic to me.

"I have something I need to tell you. Something I have felt for a long time," my eyes widened. She could be going to say that, could she?

"What is it?"

"Ruki-san, I love you."


"I love you. I have felt this way for some time, but was afraid to tell you."

"You love me?"

"Yes, she loves you," I found myself speaking, although neither of the individuals acted as if they had heard me.

"You're just data. How can you feel love?"

"We Digimon have emotions too."

"I'm sorry, Renamon. I just don't think I can love you in that way. You aren't even a real creature. You're just data," I was sure her words cut as deeply into the heart this Renamon as they did into mine.

The other Renamon grasped Ruki by the shoulders softly, "Please Ruki-san, I love you."

"I'm sorry Renamon," she repeated.

"Please just let me show you how much you mean to me," the other Renamon hugged Ruki closer.

Ruki slapped her across the cheek, "I said no. What's wrong with you? I thought I knew you, but I guess I was wrong," she turned and walked away.

As I watched as the clone of myself sobbed with the pain of her broken heart, I couldn't help but allow my own hurt to flow in a river of tears. The other Renamon held her arm out towards Ruki and spoke softly, "I love you Ruki-san."


Again, I awoke with a start. I had been resting in the park after my routine morning workout when I had had that dream. What was it all about? Was it some kind of premonition? No, that cannot be. I would never be forceful with Ruki, and she has never struck me before. Still, I could not get the dream from my mind.

Perhaps this was some kind of sign. A warning, something to prevent me from making a horrible mistake. I glanced upward at the sun, using it to tell time, and gasped. I had overslept, Ruki must have returned from her classes a while ago.

I stood up and jumped into the air, leaping from treetops, light poles and any other tall objects. I usually traveled in this method. I enjoyed the stealth and quietness it gave me. Soon, I arrived at the Makino home. I made my way to Ruki's room via the rooftop. I checked for any other human presences. When I was sure there were none, I landed on the ground and walked to the door.

"You can come in, Renamon," Ruki called from within her room. I often wondered how she knew when I was near. I entered the room. Ruki was sitting at a small table organizing her Digimon cards. She gave me a curious look, "Where were you? You're always right there when I get home but today you weren't. I was…" she trailed off, but I knew what she was going to say.

"I am sorry for making you worry. I overslept," I said, stepping forward.

Her facial expression shifted from curiosity to concern, "Have you been crying?"

I gasped and brought a hand quickly to my face. My fur was still very moist. In my hurry to get back to her I had forgotten about it. I could not tell her the truth. I was painfully forced to lie again, "I was washing before I came here," I realized my slip immediately.

Ruki cocked an eyebrow, "You said you were sleeping. Renamon, what's wrong?"

"I cannot say."

"Please tell me. I am…" after some silence, she finally finished, "I care about you. I don't want to see you hurting, physically or emotionally," her tender words pieced through any defenses I had left.

Even if it cost me her friendship, I had to tell her, "Ruki-san I…" the image of the dream Renamon and her fate popped into my mind. I quickly shook it off and, using all my courage, preceded, "I love you. I want to be more than just your partner and friend, but if you do not, I will understand," I prayed that my words would be met warmly.

Ruki sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, she spoke softly, "I love you too. Somehow, I feel like I always have. I just was…well, I was…"

"Afraid it would ruin our friendship," I finished for her.

She smiled so warmly that it practically made my body temperature rise just looking at her, "Yes, that it exactly. I'm so sorry I didn't say this. I'm sorry I caused you to cry. I love you Renamon."

She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Without hesitation, I hugged back, enjoying the warmth of my tamer's body. I looked down into her eyes. For a brief moment, we peered into each other's souls. We leaned forward at a slow, almost grueling, pace. At last my dream was realized as her lips met my muzzle. This was no dream; it was one hundred percent real. I was slightly surprised when I felt her tongue pressing through my lips, but made no effort to resist. We continued the kiss for a few minutes, yet it seemed to end so fast. We gasped for air but still never broke the embrace.

She looked into my eyes once again. I knew exactly what she was thinking, "Ruki-chan, we should not. We cannot just…"

"I don't see why not," she interjected in a very reassuring tone. I closed my eyes and moaned softly as I felt her hands moving on my back. Slowly, lower, and lower, until they were…

"Ruki, time for dinner!" Hata Seiko, Ruki's grandmother, called.

My tamer sighed with the same frustration I felt, "Coming grandmother!" she yelled. She then turned to me, "I'm sorry. I'll be back."

Some time later, Ruki returned from eating with a plate of food for me. I had had little appetite lately yet tonight I finished the entire plate. I attributed it to the fact that my depression was gone. As I was finishing the last piece of fish, Ruki's D-arc began glowing. A familiar site, it usually indicated the presence of a rogue Digimon.

"Ready for battle?"

"I always am."

Usually Ruki would have an out by now, but she turned to face me and spoke in a quite tone, "Maybe later we can have a little battle of our own," she smirked as she headed out the door. I smiled at the prospect and followed her.


The battle thus far had been routine and almost monotonous. The blue-skinned, twin bokken wielding, Yashamon was not a weak Digimon, but with my warrior skill and finesse, as well as a few timely card slashes, I was in complete control. What would happen next, however, would surprise even me.

In a move of desperation the rogue Yashamon charged toward Ruki, "Ruki-chan, look out!" I called, but she was too paralyzed with shock to move. I moved to her with breakneck speed. I leapt into the air as the Yashamon was doing a double cross-slash with his weapons. I was able to kick the first bokken away but not the second. It collided hard with Ruki's left ankle. She yelped in pain and collapsed, grasping her wounded ankle.

In a fit of rage, I attacked the Yashamon. Punches and kicks flew at lightning speed until he stumbled back onto the ground. I jumped into the air and charged my attack quickly, "Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" my foe was dispatched, but I had other concerns. I ran to Ruki and knelt at her side, "Ruki-chan are you ok?"

"I'm fine," she said, although the swelling in her leg indicated she clearly was not.

"Let me see it," I ran my hand gently across the wounded area, checking to see if it was broken. Part of being a warrior was being able to analyze wounds, both on yourself and others. Ruki gritted her teeth but did not cry out. I sighed with relief, "It is not broken, just badly bruised," Ruki tried to stand but collapsed again, "What are you doing?"

"Going home. It's getting late," she answered pointing to the sky.

"I will carry you."

"No, I can do it," she started to try to stand again. It pained me to see her struggle. I knew even if it killed her, she would never ask anyone for help, even me. Without warning I scooped her into my arms, "Hey! You don't have to..."

"I know I do not have to, but I want to," I smiled down to her and she smiled back.


We arrived quietly at Ruki's home. I carried Ruki slowly through the hall. I saw her grandmother resting in a chair. She looked as if she had been reading a book and fallen asleep. There were no signs of Ruki's mother. Based on what Ruki had told me, I assumed her mother was out 'dating' with another human. I carried Ruki to her room and lay her softly on her bed area of the floor, "How is your ankle?" I asked softly, kneeling beside her.

"I'll be fine," she answered, determined as ever. She wrapped her arms around me back, "Thank you, Renamon. Not just for today, but for all the times you've helped me," she pulled me down into a passionate kiss. It probably lasted several minutes but again it seemed to end so quickly. Ruki, however, was far from done, "Don't go Renamon. Sleep here, with me," her words were of utmost sincerity.

"But Ruki-chan, I failed you today. I should have been there to protect you, but I failed. You deserve a better protector than me."

"No you didn't. You never have. If it wasn't for you I…" she fidgeted for a moment, "I would never have felt love. I want you Rena-chan, no one else," I sighed she rubbed my outer tight. She had never called me chan before.

"Thank you, Ruki-chan," a small gasp escaped my mouth as her hand worked its way around to my backside, "I know you love me. You do not have to…" my words were silenced as she placed a finger to my lips.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to," she said, repeating my words from earlier, "Please, let me do this for you," the hand that was once on my mouth bushed slowly down across my chest fur.

My mind and body gave in to the pleasure as I lay down next to my tamer. Putting her body weight on her knees, she sat up and straddled me. Her hands made circular motions on my sensitive chest area, stimulating the breasts under the fur. I tried not to moan, as I knew her grandmother was sleeping but a few rooms away. She leaned down and kissed me once again. I found my hands probing her, slowly reaching under her T-shirt to feel the soft skin beneath. Another moan was heard, this time from Ruki, as I massaged the small of her back. Our tongues continued their dance of love as our body temperatures rose. Ruki was first to break the kiss.

"Rena-chan," she whimpered softly in my ear. She pushed away from my face and lifted her shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Her small white bra was the next thing to go, leaving me with my first look at her human breasts. She had changed with me in the room before, but I had always looked away. I would never betray her trust and did not want to see her in this manner unless I truly felt she wanted me to. Hoping it would provide her with the same pleasure, I retch up with my arms and made the same massaging motion she had done for me. Her soft moaning indicated her pleasure as I continued my treatment.

She grasped my hands softly and pulled them away, "Relax, I want to do this for you," she said in a voice so tender it aroused me just hearing it. I lay my hands on the ground and obeyed. She went down once again, this time kissing at my chest. I closed my eyes as I felt them. Small kisses here and there, working there way down. Down to my upper abdomen, my stomach, my waist and to my…

"Ruki-chan, are you sure?" I asked, knowing her next destination.

"Very sure," she said, resuming the kissing.

"Ohh, Ruki-chan," I moaned out the second her lips hit my outer folds. I had allowed no one, not human, Digimon, male or female to touch me there. Nor had I ever touched myself there. I felt I was saving myself for someone special, someone who I could give my heart and body to, someone, like her. I moaned out again as her tongue hit my special area. It was like she knew just what to do, but yet, I knew she had never been with another. Unless she, "Ruki-chan, have you ever thought about this before?"

She stopped and looked at me, blushing slightly, "Sometimes, I dream about this, about us."

I smiled at her, "So do I," she smiled back and went back to her labor of love. I couldn't help but moan out loud as her tongue ran across the super-sensitive bulb of my sex. Her tongue continued by exploring my insides, stimulating the sensitive walls. Ruki's eyes were closed as she focused all her attention to me. I placed my hand on either side of her head, running them through her hair. In the process, I accidentally pulled off her hair band, allowing her red hair to fall across my crotch. Ruki began a thrusting motion with her tongue. In and out, increasing my need for release. All the while, her hands were rubbing the lips of my vagina. Empowered by hormones, I used my hands to push her face and tongue deeper into me. I knew my climax was close. She must have to, because she increased the speed of her tongue thrusts. Bringing her hand down and squeezing my clit was the final stimulation I needed.

"Ruki-chan!" I groaned out loud and arched my back sharply. My sexual juices flowed out of me as my body was washed in orgasmic pleasure. To my surprise, Ruki continued licking me throughout my climax. Whether she enjoyed the taste or did it as a token of love, I would never know. As my orgasm settled, I relaxed back into a laying position on Ruki's bed area.

When she was sure I was done, Ruki stopped her licking and snuggled close to me, "How was that?" she whispered.

I panted some more before finally answering, "That was wonderful. Thank you so much, Ruki-chan."

"If you wouldn't have come forward with your feelings we might never have been together. I'm the one that should thank you."

I looked over at her and smiled, "You have not had your turn," I rolled on top of her, "yet," I positioned myself at her chest, careful to avoid her wounded ankle, and cupped my mouth around one of her breasts. I made my tongue make a circular motion around her nipple until it became hard from the treatment. I flicked the hard nipple with my tongue as I sucked lightly at her. I repeated the procedure of her other breast. Her constant moaning was beckoning me to proceed. I felt her arms on my head, rubbing behind my long-pointed ears. She did not know, but this was a very sensitive and pleasureful area for me. I moaned out slightly, attempting to tell her to continue. All the while my hands were at work undoing her jeans. I pulled away from my sucking and her caress and pulled her jeans off. Despite my care, Ruki groaned slightly as I pulled the left leg of her pants. I looked apologetically at her.

"I told you it's not your fault. Please keep going, I have wanted this for so long," looking into her eyes, I could not resist even if I had wanted to. Only her purple, lace panties clothed her now. I gently pulled them off as well. I stopped for a moment, gazing at my tamer's body. She was more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I shook out of my daze and focused on my task, pleasing her.

I place my hand onto her sex and rubbed softly, "Do you like that?" I asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from her.

"Mmm hmm…" Ruki moaned out.

"Then you'll really like this," I assured, leaning my muzzle down to her sex. I exhaled, breathing warm, stimulating air over her moist snatch. I licked her outer lips lightly, teasing her for what was to come. My tongue was naturally rough, which only added to Ruki's pleasure as she whimpered my name softly. I lapped at her sacred area again, tasting her juices. It was certainly deferent from anything I had tasted before. It was not the best tasting fluid, but just knowing that it caused her pleasure made it all the sweeter. Once again, I found her hands massaging the sensitive area behind my ears. I moaned into Ruki, causing her to shudder in pleasure. In my oral probing, my tongue brushed her clit lightly. Seeing the good reaction from my tamer, I tried something new. I wrapped my lips around the nub as best I could, suck and licking it as I had her breasts. Ruki groaned out loud and thrust her hips into my muzzle. I stopped, not wanting her experience to end so quickly, and resumed licking her sexual lips.

"Rena-chan, that feels so good," Ruki moaned. As she continued rubbing my ears, I brought a hand down and began giving my own sex some relief. Meanwhile, I entered her with my tongue and began the same thrusting motion she had given me earlier. I pushed further into her, the tip of my muzzle entering her canal. My tongue thrust as deep as possible, tasting more of Ruki's bittersweet fluid. As my own need for release grew, I began thrusting two clawed fingers in and out of my own slit. Ruki's breathing was now very labored, "Rena-chan, I'm going to cum," she panted out. I gave her one final long, deep, lick before I felt her inner walls contact and squeeze at my tongue and muzzle. She cried my name as her hands stopped rubbing and grasped my head, holding it in position. My mouth was flooded with a juice that tasted so much better. I now knew why Ruki had enjoyed it so much. I greedily lapped at her as I sped up my own finger thrusts. Ruki's hips and hands finally fell away from my face. Using my knees to support me, I rubbed the bulb of my sex with a feverish lust. I finally groaned with relief, my juices spilling onto my hand as my second orgasm passed through my body, and collapsed on the bed area next to Ruki.

We both just lied there for a while. No words were said. None were needed. Ruki was the first to break the silence, "Thank you, for tonight."

"I love you Ruki-chan," I said, snuggling up to her.

"I love you, too. I'm so glad you choose me as your tamer."

"I knew you were the best. I just…" I blushed under my yellow fur, "I just did not know how right I was."

Ruki blushed a little and smiled. She pulled the cover over our bodies and whispered softly to me, "Good night, Rena-chan."

"Good night, Ruki-chan," we kissed once more before settling in to sleep. I hugged her closely, sharing my body heat with her. She closer her violet eyes and drifted off to sleep. I soon joined her. Her, she was my friend, my tamer, my lover.

The End




Hata Seiko=? (If anyone can tell me Ruki's grandmother's name in the US dub, I'd be grateful. Sorry, but I just don't watch the dub version that much.)



Chan=a title given to close friend, childhood friend, close sibling or boy/girlfriend

Author's Notes: Well, I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly liked writing this. As usual I tried to keep it as in character as I could. Yes, Renamon did live in the Digital World before joining Ruki, and it is also true that she only joined her originally in the hope of becoming more powerful. I don't know if any of that was changed in the dub but that is the way it was in Japan. (Aside from the forest thing. I made that up for plot purposes) A bokken is like a heavy solid wood sword. As always R&R. Don't flame me because I won't bother to read them. However, like any writer, I want to improve my skills so if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to submit it.

Signed as always,

The §upreme Øverlord of Ðarkness