Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Unoffical 2nd Movie ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(ALL take their seats)

part 3:

TOM: After the Armageddon.

For the usages of the different pronouns, whenever I describe Tai or Mimi as

their true selves, their 'spirits' if you will,

ALL: We won't.

I will use 'he' or 'she' respectively,

CROW (Author): And I do mean use.


other than that, the pronouns will reflect the gender of the body they're in.

MAGGIE (Author): Plus it gets confusing calling a guy in a girl's body a dude.

Tai stood outside of the electronics store in the mall. She was leaning against the brick wall,

ALL (Singing): All and all, you're just another brick in the wall.

her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Where is he?" she asked herself,

CROW: She's waiting for her customer.


"Izzy was supposed to meet me here a half an hour ago!"

TOM (Tai): Yesterday.

She kept her gaze to the ground, avoiding the looks she was getting from the guys passing by.

BRIAN: They must think she's obsessed with pink.

TOM: The singer?

BRIAN: Ok, her too.

"Damn it!" she thought to herself,"I picked out the lest sexy

thing I could find, and I'm still getting stares! I'm sure Mimi just loves that,

but I'm not her! At least, not truly."

CROW: But when it comes to IQ points, you rank right up there with her.

She sighed as he looked herself over. All the skirts and dresses in Mimi's

closet were just too feminine for Tai,

MAGGIE: Seeing that Mimi is, after all, a girl.

so he just picked out a pair of jeans, and a stripped tank top.

TOM (Sarcastic): Oh yeah, that just SCREAMS unsexy.

He hadn't did anything to her hair or put any make up on, which got her stares from Mimi's mother, and he was till getting stares from the guys!

CROW: Just not at the face.


He was the leader of the Digi-destined for crying out loud!

BRIAN (Singing): She came on to me. A free for all.

MAGGIE (Singing): Fu…



This was humiliating, and it was made all the worse by having to wait for Izzy!

CROW: You wait…

TOM: And wait…

MAGGIE: And wait…

BRIAN (Kid): I should have said Chuck E. Cheese please.

She remembered calling him earlier this morning. "Hello, Izzy?"

ALL (Singing): Hello Izzy!

"Oh," the voice on the other end of the phone said, "Mimi, what can I do for


(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)

She wasn't sure how to tell him that she wasn't Mimi, so she just simply said

it. "Oh, Izzy, I'm not Mimi, I'm really Tai."


BRIAN (Tai ala Stone Cold): I said I'm Tai.

BOTS (Izzy): WHAT?!

BRIAN (Tai ala Stone Cold): I said I'm the leader of the DD's.

BOTS (Izzy): WHAT?!

BRIAN (Tai ala Stone Cold): I said…

MAGGIE: Honey?




"Listen, Mimi and I were in the Digiworld, when we found a weird egg. When we

traveled back through the gate, the egg emanated some sort of energy, and Mimi

and I switched bodies. Please believe me."

ALL: Uh, no.

Izzy didn't say anything for a long time, then said,"Mimi, I don't know what

kind of game this is, but I really don't have time for it."

CROW (Izzy): I was downloading porno before you called and disconnected me.


Tai sighed and said,"Listen, remember that one time you and me got drunk and we

let all those rats lose from the science lab?"

BRIAN: Just how many acts did Tai do with the guys anyway?

CROW (Cop): Son, you know this is your 100th arrest?

TOM (Tai): Really? I count 102.

"Oh my gosh! Tai it is you!" Izzy exclaimed,"Wh-how?"

MAGGIE: How soon they forget.

She groaned,"I just told you, remember?"

ALL: Unfortunately.

"Oh yeah, well, listen, um...I suppose you want me to examine that egg, right?"

TOM (Tai): No, I want you to treat me to dinner. YES I WANT YOU TO SEE THE EGG!

"Yes," she said,"I'll bring it over.."

"No," he said,"I'll meet you in front of the electronics store in the mall at

about 12, okay?"

TOM: That was the flashback, right?

BRIAN: Right.

TOM: No wonder I feel like I lost 2 minutes of my life.

Tai looked down at the wrist watch she took off of Mimi's bed. "Izzy!" she said

to herself,"Its 1:00,

TOM: Do you know where you children are?

where are you?"

BOTS (Singing): Where in the world is…


CROW (Singing): Koushiro Izzumi?

Suddenly, she felt as if she was being watched.

MAGGIE (Bugs Bunny): Did you ever have the feeling you were being watched?

She looked up and caught a glimpse of a guy about her age, quickly turning his gaze away from her.

CROW: He thought she was a hooker.


Tai shot his head down, turning beat red. She couldn't take it anymore!


She was going to leave, when she saw Izzy walking towards her.

"Izzy!" she yelled,"Where have you been?"

"Uh, Sorry, 'Mimi', but I was running late this morning,

CROW (Izzy): It takes a while to download porn.


where's the egg?"

"Right here," Tai said, reaching inside of her pink bag. She held up the strange

digi-egg,"Here it is."

MAGGIE: Tai, leader of the DD and master/mistress of the obvious.

Izzy took it and began examining it,"Hmm," he said,"I will need to examine this

a bit more. Did you eat all ready?"

TOM (Sarcastic): Oh yeah, you can eat a metal egg.

Tai shook her head,"No, I didn't. Why? Are you going to take me out?"

Izzy looked at his friend strangely,"I still you're enjoying this too much."

ALL: We agree.

"Hey," she said, opening her arms,"I got a free meal out of Matt last night."

CROW: And he got a b…

BRIAN: Does it rhyme with "CK?"

CROW: Yes.

BRIAN: If you want to live, say nothing.

Izzy smiled slightly,"Really? Does that mean the two of you went out last


Tai started to blush. "Mimi blackmailed me!"

"Right, " Izzy said, smiling slightly as he turned around.

TOM (Singing): I turn around.

"I don't believe it!" Mimi said, through his hand up in the air,"I can't belive

that little witch!"

CROW: What the…?


Kari looked at Mimi in her brother's body strangely,"Um, how do you know that

Tai's got the egg?"

TOM: Because Tai and Mimi were the only ones that swap and if Mimi doesn't have it, who's left?

"Because," he said,"Tai went to the mall, and Izzy went to the mall. Tai's no

doubt going to give him the egg to examine, and then you'll never get your


MAGGIE: For what?

Kari nodded, feeling a strange feeling in her stomach. "Uh, Mimi, I guess I'm

kind of nervous."


"Don't worry," Mimi said,"You'll like being a guy! Its a lot better then being a

girl. Who are you going to switch with?"

CROW: I don't like where this is going.

Kari got a devilish grin on her face,"T.K.'s going to meet me at my house



TOM: TK?! Why does she want to switch bodies?! When did this conversation happen between them?!

(TOM starts to shake)

BRIAN: Whoa, easy, easy. This is a body switching fanfic. No logic can be found here.

Mimi nodded her approval. "He's pretty good looking. Now, where are they?"

ALL: Hell.

Tai took a sip of her soda, then continued," So, can you get it to work again?"

CROW (Izzy): Thanks to this little blue pill.


"Yes," Izzy said, nodding," It seems to work from the energy of our Digivices. I

should be able to get you back to your normal body soon."

"Well," Tai said,"Actually, Matt, sort of wants to use it."

BRIAN: And I don't wanna know why.

MAGGIE: Nether do I.

BOTS: Ditto.

Izzy nearly choked on his hot dog,"What? Who?"

Tai shrugged. "I don't know, but I have to find a girl he can change places


"Who? Sora?"

(ALL chuckle a bit)

TOM: Right, make one of the best characters one of the worst.

CROW: That's like saying "Ok, Mr. Vice President, for being the best VP we have, we're making you an accountant."

She shook her head. "Nah, I wouldn't want to hurt Sora like that,

MAGGIE: Or the readers.

I was thinking more along the lines of Jun."


"What?" he asked,"Why?"

ALL: Don't wanna know.

"I don't know," she said,"But I've got to get Jun over to Mimi's apartment later

tonight, along with Matt."

Izzy looked at her strangely.

BRIAN: I don't blame ya kid.

"Don't look at me like that," she said,"Come on, Izzy, you're a scientist. You

know about experimintaion! Think of what Matt and I could learn about

differences between the sexes!"

CROW: Matt in Jun's body?

(ALL shudder)

BRIAN: Two annoyances in the other body? WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DISSERVE THIS?!

TOM: Burred down Mrs. F's house.

BRIAN: Right. And that's Mrs. N.

TOM: I'll never get used to that.

"All I can think about is the two of you examining each other!"


CROW: That wasn't me.


"Very funny," she said, getting up.

ALL: No it wasn't.

"Where are you going?" Izzy asked.

TOM (Tai): To a better story.

"Just to the restroom," she said,"I'll be right back."

CROW: Didn't he see "Scream?"

BRIAN: You know what that means?

BOTS: He won't be back.

MAGGIE: This isn't a horror fic.

ALL: Dang.

BRIAN: That means he will be back.


A few tables away in the food court, Mimi and Kari overheard this. "So," Mimi

said,"Those little perverts!"


BRIAN: Crow, she means Tai and Matt.


"It doesn't matter though, right?"


Kari asked,"We know where the egg is going to be, we just have to get over there later tonight."

TOM (Singing): Tonight, tonight, the moon is shining bright.

"Yeah," Mimi said, taking a bite of his giant burger. The one thing she noticed

about guys,

CROW: The equipment.


was that their appetites were so much larger. Mimi had eaten at

least four breakfasts this morning.

BRIAN: Four breakfasts?!

"Come on," Kari said, getting up,"Let's go."

MAGGIE: Boy, they like to say that line a lot.

to be continued...

BRIAN: In Hell.

Hahahaha, things are going to get good in the next chapter!

(ALL die laughing)

HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm so sick!

ALL: We agree.

Part 4:

MAGGIE: Boy, this is longer than a DBZ story.

Author's note: This fic ignore's the fact that Mimi lives in America.

ALL: We figured.

So, in other words she goes to school in the same class as Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy.

TOM: And Chief.

CROW: And McCloud.

Tai started to feel nervous as she stood outside in front of the High School,

feeling completely uncomfortable in her new uniform. "No wonder girls are always

so crabby!"



MAGGIE: Guys, that's Tai's mood.


he thought to himself, "These damn uniform skirts are a pain!"

CROW: And seen in porno.


She grabbed the bottom of her skirt and pulled it down slightly. "That feels a

little better," she thought,"Now I've just got to watch out for guys with

mirrors on their shoes!"

TOM: Oh come on, that went out with the 50's.

Tai started to walk towards the school when she heard someone yelled out,"Hi,



BRIAN: Not so loud.


CROW (Booming Voice): The audience is now deaf.

Her heart started to pound fast as he recognized who's voice it was. She turned

around slowly,

MAGGIE (Tai): Slowly I turn, step by step…

and remembering how Mimi would act, she threw her arms up in the air.

BRIAN: And waved them like she just didn't care.

"Hi Sora!" Tai yelled.

"So," Sora said, running up to the person she thought was really Mimi,"How was

your weekend?"

TOM (Tai): Oh, did my homework, cleaned my room, swap bodies with Mimi. Same old, same old.

"Oh, um, well," she said,"I uh, well, Mimi-er, I mean Tai and I went to the

Digiworld to search for that disturbance.."

CROW: What part of keeping it under wraps doesn't he understand?

BRIAN: Considering it was his idea… none.

"Really?" Sora asked,"What did you find? Kari and I didn't find anything."

CROW (Sora): So we made out for ten minutes.


"Oh, we found this weird egg that Izzy's looking at," she said, as the two

started walking inside.

"Say," Sora said,"Didn't you think it was weird that Tai choose teams out of a

hat? That was strange, everyone got all mixed up."

TOM: Oh, its an inside joke. Ha, ha, ha.

ALL (Dully): Funny. Ha, ha, ha.

"You have no idea," Tai said in a whisper.

"What?" Sora asked.

ALL: He said "You have no idea."

"Nothing," Tai said. "Man!" he thought,"This is weird to be talking to the girl

I have a crush on while I'm a girl too! This is so weird!"


TOM: The wrestling match is starting! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

"Well," Tai said,"That's the bell, I'll see you later, okay?"

"Right," Sora said,"Bye."

ALL (Singing): Bye, bye, bye.

After Sora left, Tai reached inside her bag and pulled out a list of Mimi's

classes and her locker.

BRIAN (Reading the list): "Bimbo 101," "How to make the 70's look cool in the new millennium," and "Pink: More than a color, your personality."

CROW: That explains a few things.

"Let's see," she said, walking down the hall,"213, 215, 217, 219,

TOM (Football player): HIKE!

ah, here we go, 220!"

MAGGIE: But instead of a classroom, she finds that it's the men's room.


ALL: Waw, waw, waaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww.

She opened Mimi's locker and saw a wall of pink on the inside, with a picture of some male heart throb taped to the inside locker door.

CROW: And more pink.

She reached to get some of Mimi's books,

MAGGIE: And more pink.

but found that they were trapped underneath a pile of girl's magazines

ALL: And more pink.

and scented perfume of some kind.

TOM: Ode of Barf.

Tai briefly had a vision of spraying that stuff on himself for another date with Matt.

BRIAN: To repeal him.

That sent shivers up his spine,"I can't wait to get back to my old body!"

ALL: Nether can we.

she said to herself,"And I thought the bathroom problems were tough!"

CROW (Tai): Until I read the manual.

As Tai walked to her first class, she realized that the bathroom problems were

pretty easy to overcome. He had gotten over the primary differences pretty

easily, it was the psychological differences that were hard.

MAGGIE (Psychiatrist): And what happened then?


Since everyone assumed he was Mimi, he had to act like her, and that meant like a 'girly' girl,

obsessing over make-up, clothes, and boys.

TOM: And, in Mimi's case, drop his IQ by 10 points.

The first two he could wing, the last filled him with dread.

CROW: Come on Tai, you like Matt, admit it, those Taito fics are true.

Tai walked down the stairs to the locker rooms slowly, unsure of what to do.

MAGGIE: Simple you dummy. Open the door and get dressed.

She wanted to ask Mimi what girls did in the locker rooms,

TOM: The same things guys do.

CROW: Drill holes into the next locker room and peep in while they take a shower?


but Tai had not be able to reach Mimi, since Saturday when they exchanged bodies. She had been dreading this all day, but figured that girls probably did the same things that guys did

in the locker rooms, change into their gym clothes.

ALL: Duh.

She walked down the hall and reached the door to the girls locker room. "Might as well get this over with,"

CROW: Taister! The Tai man. Delaying the inevitable.

BRIAN: Stretching the emotion of anxiety.

MAGGIE: Dragging it on and on.

TOM: Like we are now.

she thought as she walked in.

The first thing she noticed was that their was not stench as their was in the

guys locker room, everything was so clean.

TOM (Random Girl): Cleaning ness is next to godlessness.

Tai was amazed as she started to walk inside towards the rows of benches.

BRIAN: You know, when I was managing my high school's basketball team one time, the school we went to had no visitor locker rooms and we had to stay in the girls' locker room.

CROW: Was it as amazing as most guys' imagination?

BRIAN: Lets just say that Tai isn't drooling over much.

"Hey Mimi!"

She turned and saw Sora standing by two empty lockers,"I saved you one."

MAGGIE: Heaven knows that lockers are being taken left and right now a days.

"Oh great!" Tai thought to himself,"Sora's in this gym class? Maybe I should pay attention when she she talks about her day!"

BRIAN: What's there to listen to? All she says is "Fashon, fashon, fashon." Well, at least in 01.


"Hi, Sora," Tai said, trying to be cheerful as she sat down next to her,

CROW: Seeing that he failed miserably, Sora slapped the pink right out of Tai.

"How was your day so far?"

TOM (Sora): Oh you know, did my homework, disappointed a lot of fanboys by dating Matt.

"Oh not bad," Sora said, taking off her green top,"You know, I really hate my

Biology class. I know that as a florist, I should know biology so I can make

plants properly, but..."

TOM: At this point, Tai is doing the typical guy thing and tuning her out.

Tai didn't hear the rest of what she was saying as he watched Sora take off her

white undershirt. Tai was so focused on her bra, that he forgot where, and more

importantly, who he was.

CROW (Tai): BOOBIES! Wait! Who am I? Who cares? BOOBIES!


"Mimi? Mimi?"

Tai snapped back


and remembered that he was Mimi,"Uh, yes Sora?" she asked, trying to sound more like a girl, making Mimi's all ready high-pitched voice even louder.


(TOM'S head explodes do to Tai's/Mimi's voice)

BRIAN: She was too loud.

(MAGGIE hands TOM to BRIAN, who proceeds to repair him)

She was blushing, and starting to sweat.

Sora sighed, then smiled reasuringly,"I know you think red is an awful color for

a bra, but I really like it and..."

CROW (Sora): I want you to see me with out it.

BRIAN: If I wasn't repairing dome boy, I'd pound you.

"Oh, oh!" Tai said, breathing a sigh of relif,"The color, right, yes, its awful!

Why did you pick something like that anyway?"

MAGGIE (Sora): My mom got it for me. Isn't it cool?


"Because I happen to like red," she said,"Don't you think you should get

changed? You know how much the gym teacher hates it if we're late."

TOM (Repaired): Those gym teachers can be real sticklers about time.

BRIAN: Considering the teachers them selves are late half the time.

"Right," Tai said, starting to pull off her own uniform.


The rest of the day went pretty uneventful.


BRIAN: Passage of time my friend.


(CROW sobs and BRIAN tries to comfort him)

BRIAN: It's said when a pervert's heart is broken. There, there Crow, they may send us a lemon next.


MAGGIE: YOU BAKA! Have you forgotten that lemons traumatize perverts?

BRIAN: Uh, um, they may send us a Digimon fic with lesbian undertones.

CROW: You think so mister?

BRIAN: If I know the Mads…

As long as Tai remembered that he was a she, there weren't anymore problems. Although, after gym, she had to turn the other way while Sora was undressing, but other than that, it was fine.

TOM: Except for that time of the month.

MAGGIE (Tai): STAY AWAY FROM ME! Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that I'm… WOW! I GOT BIG… OH! I'M SO PERVERTED!

She was worried about Cheerleading practice, she had no idea about any of the moves they used and was seriously considering skipping that practice. Then he thought about Mimi's warning.

BRIAN (Singing): Warning, live with out warning.

She had told him that if he messed up her life, she would make his male body (the one she was stuck in) into a total cross dresser.

CROW: Its not so bad. Look at Ranma's girl half when she's splashed with hot water. He's caught in girl's cloths, and gets one of the most popular anime shows in history.

So Tai found herself walking back towards the locker room, when a bunch of girls

that he recognized as cheerleaders ran out, still in their school uniforms.

MAGGIE: Considering that this is a Japanese school, it makes perfect sense.

BRIAN: I think this takes place a few minutes before practice Maggie.

MAGGIE: Thanks hon.

(MAGGIE rewards BRIAN with a kiss and BRIAN is smiling like a dope)

BRIAN (Dazed): Duh… I go night-night now.

(BRIAN passes out)

(BOTS look at MAGGIE)


CROW: If I ever have insomnia, I'm calling you.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Oh, Mimi," a girl he knew as Michelle said, as she ran by,"Practice got

canceled, so we're going to watch the soccer practices."

MAGGIE: Coincidence, or a plot hole?

BOTS: Plot hole.

"Oh good," Tai thought,"I don't have to go to-wait! Soccer practices?! Mimi's in

my body and I'm on the team! Oh great!"

TOM: Well, at least she's not cross-dressing.

(BRIAN wakes up)

BRIAN: WOW! That was one great kiss.

She turned and started running after them.

CROW: But was gasping for air in seconds.

BRIAN (Tai): *Gasp* *Puff* Must… cut… down… on… fatty… foods.

Mimi hated to admit it, but she was really enjoying this. She had watched Tai and the other guys play soccer for a very long time when she cheered for them, so she knew the game. What she really like was the strength in her new body. She found she could run the entire soccer field without stopping for a breath, something she couldn't have done in her old body.

CROW: And we think that TAI is enjoying being Mimi too much.

"Kamiya! Heads up!"


CROW (Player): Too late.

BRIAN (Player): Right in the head.

MAGGIE (Player): On the nose even.

Mimi turned and saw that someone was dribbling the ball up the field, ready to

make a goal. He ran to steal the ball, the wind whipping against his shirtless

chest was a strange, but very welcomed sensation to Mimi.

ALL: 0_o

BRIAN: File that under "Too much information."

Meanwhile, Tai and the rest of the canceled cheerleader practice had sat

themselves on the bleachers watching the game. Tai had been afraid that Mimi

would totally screw up the practice,

BRIAN: And his fears were justified.


CROW (Mimi): I'm sorry couch, but these colors aren't doing it for me.

but, surprisingly, she was doing quite well.

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)

After the 'girls' watched the one they thought was Tai steal the ball away from the other team and pass it to a person on his team, they started whistling and cheering. Tai found himself caught up in their excitement and did the same.

ALL: 0_o

TOM: Is this hinting what I think it is?

MAGGIE: As if them hating each other wasn't the biggest hint already.

On the field, Mimi heard the cheering and turned towards the bleachers. He saw the cheerleaders, and then saw Tai sitting there. He decided to have a little fun, so he waved at Tai.

CROW: Everybody do the wave.

(ALL do the wave)

The girls started gasping, turning to Tai. "Mimi!" Michelle cried out,"Did you see what Tai did to you?"


"No," Tai said,"What?"

"He waved at you! I think he likes you!"


Mimi smiled at the conversation he knew that Tai was getting, so he didn't see the ball pound him in the side of the head.


CROW: Well, if anything, it'll knock some sense into her.

BRIAN: I doubt it.

Tai shivered, as he watched Mimi, in his body, fall to the ground.

BRIAN: For it was a cold 52 degrees that day.

His teammates helped him to his feet and brought him over to the bleachers where he sat with

an ice pack on his head.

CROW (Mimi thinking): All right. Class action lawsuit, here I come.

As the guys went back to their game, the girls turned to Tai. "Well, Mimi,"

Michelle said,"Here's your chance! Go and talk to him!"

TOM: Boy this should be fun.

MAGGIE: File this under "Springer episodes."

BRIAN: "I'm flirting with a girl I don't like who's in my body," on the next Jerry Springer.

Tai was about to protest, but then figured this would be a good way to know what

Mimi had been doing to him, so he said,"All right! I'm going!"

ALL: Wish we can do the same.

He walked down the bleachers like stairs, until reaching the bottom one. "Hi,

'Tai'," she said.

Mimi turned around and saw her old body s

TOM: What? Her old body what?

MAGGIE: Shimmy?

BRIAN: Shined?

CROW: Shook?

Part 5:


TOM (Shaking): Wait! What did Tai as Mimi do?! WHAT DID TAI AS MIMI DO?!

BRIAN: Chill dude! It's not that important right now.

Tai was sitting on the chair to Mimi's desk, trying to get her homework done.

MAGGIE (Tai): Two plus two is… three?

It wasn't easy because her mind kept wandering.

BRIAN: Tai's acting like the real Mimi now.

After Izzy called and said he had figured out how the egg worked, she kept her promise and

CROW: Slept with Izzy because the real Mimi would never do that.


got Jun to come over for a slumber party later that night. She also had to call Mimi and get Kari, T.K. over too.

ALL: Huh?!

TOM: At the risk of exploding, why?

She was glad that Mimi's parents were going to be away that night, things were going to get very confusing.

CROW: I smell foreshadowing.

Tai leaned back in her chair, stretching out. It felt a little weird to see the two bumps on her chest as she did, but he had gotten use to them.

CROW: Hey Maggie, did you have trouble adjusting to having boobs?

(MAGGIE grumbles incoherently)


She then went back to work. She continued on her math problems, when she suddenly noticed that she was twirling her hair like Mimi did. "Must be the stress,"

TOM (Sarcastic): Oh yeah, stress will make you do Mimi type things.

he thought to himself when he noticed something else. She looked down and saw that under the uniform skirt that her legs were crossed.

MAGGIE: Well, that's how he sat in the theatre, thus he did it by default.

"What's happening to me?" she thought,

ALL: You're in a genera that's been done to death.

"Am I really starting to act like Mimi?

ALL: Yes.

I've got to get out of this body soon........maybe tonight...."

ALL: Hopefully.

She got up and looked at her self in the full length mirror. A reflection of an extremely pretty girl with shoulder length pink hair wearing a green school uniform started back at her. "Maybe Matt would like to wear this body, or even T.K........but he wants to go with Jun,


and T.K.'s going with Kari, how do I trick them....."

TOM: When did TK get involved?

(TOM shakes even worse)

The door bell rang.

CROW (Tai): My clients!


"I'll think of this later," she said to herself,"Matt must be here."

MAGGIE (Sarcastic): NO! Really?

She opened the door. "Sora! Wh-what are you doing here?"


ALL: Waw, waw, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Mimi's best friend walked inside. "Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay. I

mean, you were acting weird

BRIAN (Sora): …er than usual.

in school..."

Tai watched Sora's bare legs as she sat down on the couch.

TOM: Uh, Tai, hello? You're a girl. You can't do that.

CROW: Actually she can, only if there's cheesy music and Ron Jeremy.


She was wearing a pink skirt and white shirt. "Well?"

"Oh, right," Tai said, closing the door and sitting next to her,"Well, um,

nothing's really been wrong, I've just...."

MAGGIE (Tai): Had one of those out-of-body-and-in-a-ditz's-body experiences.

The doorbell rang again.

TOM: Get the door. It's Dominos.

BRIAN: Plugging things in Tom?

TOM: And getting rich.

"That must be Matt," Tai thought to herself.

MAGGIE: Tai didn't know at the time, but the neighbor's kid thought it would be funny if he called the pizza place and ordered as Tai 42 pizzas.

CROW: Boy, that bill will make Tai snap. And with Mimi's power of the punch?

BRIAN (Pizza guy): That'll be $54.20 ma'am.



"Uh, Sora, do you mind waiting in my room for a minute? I've got something, uh, private to talk to the person at the door."

TOM (Sarcastic): Oh yeah, that won't rouse suspicion.

BRIAN: I can see Tai's IQ didn't improve in the body of Mimi.

MAGGIE: Hey, he's lucky it didn't go down.

BRIAN: True.

Sora regarded the person she thought was Mimi very strangely. "Uh, okay, Mimi,

I'll, be in your room."

CROW (Sora): Naked.


Once Sora closed the door,

CROW: Tai got out a camera and drilled a hole through the door and saw…

BRIAN: Don't even think about it.

Tai ran over and opened the apartment door. "Kari,

T.K., Mi-er Tai,

BRIAN: Nice recovery. Not.

what are you guys doing here?

ALL: That's what we want to know.

"Beats me," T.K. said, following the other two inside. All three were wearing their normal clothes, "Kari just called up and told me to meet her and Tai here. What's going on?"

TOM (Singing): What's going on?

The doorbell rang again.

CROW (Tai): Note to self, destroy the doorbell.

"This is getting ridiculous,"

ALL: We agree.

Tai thought. "Would you guys mind waiting in the kitchen, while I see who this is?"


TOM (TK): It was just one time!

BRIAN: No more American Pie for you guys.

BOTS: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…

Mimi grabbed Kari and T.K. by the shoulders and led them into the Tachikawa kitchen. Tai opened the door. "Oh, Jun, hi."

TOM: You know, I heard that she got Tai at the end of 02.



TOM: Heh, heh, heh.

"Hi Mimi," Davis's older sister said, walking in, with Davis behind her.

CROW: On a leash.

BRIAN (Shuddering, sarcastic): Thanks for the image Crow.

Jun was wearing a pair of green pajamas,

MAGGIE: She went out in public in that?

BRIAN: This is Jun here Mags.

MAGGIE: Oh, right


while Davis was wearing his usual attire.


BRIAN: No, not his Digiworld attire.


"Davis!" Tai said, surprised,"What are you doing here?"

TOM (Davis): Being bashed.

CROW (Tai): So what else is new?

"I had to bring her stuff!" Davis panted, carrying in Jun's sleeping bag.

BRIAN: Oh come on! A sleeping bag is not that heavy.

TOM: Yeah, but remember how much a wuss Davis is?

BRIAN: Oh yeah.

"I'm glad you and I are going to be able to talk, and become friends," Jun said, "I really envy you Mimi. You're so pretty and popular."

MAGGIE (Jun): And smarter than me by two IQ points.

Tai started to blush. "Uh, thanks. Well, why don't you just put that stuff in my

room, and I'll be right with you."

TOM (Tai): In a year.

"Okay," Jun said, with Davis following her.

"Oh shoot!" Tai thought,"Sora's in Mimi's room!" Outloud she said,"Jun, wait!",

but it was too late, Sora came out of the

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)


"Jun, what are you doing here?"

"Mimi asked me over for a slumber party," Jun said,"Are you staying too?"

CROW (Sora): Yep. And later, we'll…


Tai had to turn around to avoid Sora's questioning stare. When Tai did, she came face to face with Matt, who was just walking into the apartment. "Matt!" Jun shrieked when she saw him.


She charged over and started to hug him. Unfortunately, all this commotion aroused T.K.'s curiosity and he ventured out of the kitchen. "Matt, what are you doing here?"

TOM: Oh boy. I gotta bad feeling this is setting something up.

"T.K.?" he asked, curiously as he turned towards Tai,"what are you doing here?"

"What is going on here, Mimi?" Sora asked, as Tai closed the door.

"Um," Tai studdered,"I, um...."

"Here," Matt said,"I've got the egg that Izzy gave to me."

CROW: There goes the "Keeping it a secrete thing."

"Is that a Digi-egg?" Davis asked,"Is it an Digi-armor?"

TOM (Sarcastic): Oh wait to go Davis. Blabbing about the DD right in front of your sis.

"No," Mimi said,"Its a...well..."

CROW: A wishing well?