Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Introduction ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


In the Digital World, that was where. They buried Tai in the Digital World, they knew that that was where he would want to be, in the land that he died to protect. File Island was where, the first place the Digidestined arrived in the Digital World.

After Piedmon's defeat, the Digital World returned to normal, and Spiral Mountain disintegrated, all except for the top of that mountain of hell. Destiny's Peak was true to its name, it had another part yet to play. Another chapter to write in history.

The Digidestined didn't care about that, all they cared about was the young man that they were now laying to rest. It was a cave inside of the majestic Infinity Mountain, which they converted into a tomb. All the Digimon and Digidestined helped. Drimogemon smoothed out and flattened the sides of the cave into a square room. Mearamon and Frigimon built a coffin for the Digidestined of Courage, the Yokomon made flowers which they laid at the entrance of the tomb. Centarumon fired a twenty-one gun salute. Finally, Matt, Izzy, Joe, and T.K. laid Tai's body into the coffin. With great regret and sadness, the closed the lid, and sealed the tomb.

The years following Tai's death were hard on everyone. After he died the Digidestined returned home, to the loving arms of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya were happy to have Kari home, but devastated at the lost of Tai. Everyone was. For weeks afterwards, the Kamiya household was flooded with gifts of money, flowers, cards, anything and everything was sent to them, always about Tai's sacrifice for the world, but they weren't the ones that needed the support, Sora was.

She became completely withdrawn, never leaving her house except for school and work. Kari was extremely worried about her, and often times spent the night there. Mrs. Takenouchi and Mrs. Kamiya often joked about Mrs. Takenouchi's house guest, but Kari was always welcomed, and if it wasn't for her, Sora would have never gotten over her depression.

The Digidestined did have a leader, Tai was without a successor, they needed one. They tried to recruit Kari as leader, but, she refused. She then surprised everyone the day that she quiet, saying that she would prefer to carry on Tai's fight against the evil Digimon alone, away from the Digidestined. No one was sure why she decided to leave, perhaps there was just too many memories of her brother with them. In any event, the Digidestined needed a leader. Matt was nominated, but everyone was surprised when Sora won.

Kari helped them see that Sora needed their help, that the lose of a close person is tough on everyone, and that Sora just couldn't deal with it. Counseling wasn't helping, how can you explain to an adult why a ten-year-old kid had to watch her best friend die in front of her while trying to save a planet? The only ones that could help were the Digidestined, and they did.

They helped Sora realize that they needed her, not anyone else, to be Tai's successor. "The Digidestined need a leader," they explaimed,"And you are it."

Through tears and sniffles, Sora agreed. "You're right, I've done enough mopping around. If I'm going to lead the Digidestined, its about time I start!"

However, it was too late. The evil that she should have been able to prevent was here. Two years after the Fall of Spiral Mountain, they appeared.

He called himself Oikawa, but, to the hundreds he killed, and the millions he enslaved he was the Lord of Darkness. He suddenly appeared in the Digital World, at first a man, but, he soon showed his true colors. He sought to conquer the Digiworld, his tools were death and destruction, and his weapons were four Digimon of incredible power, called the new Dark Masters.

The first was the Dark Master of Famine, the Demoness Spider Arukennimon. She was a Digimon of pure evil, one that delighted in destroying the hopes of thousands of Digimon. She melted away the substances of their dreams. They were gone, destroyed by the famine.

The next Dark Master was the bringer of Pestilence, a new Digimon called Plagemon. This evil Digimon delighted in in the suffering of her victums. She lived for the sickness of despair. She was a flower Digimon, in the shape of a beautiful young woman. Her blond hair flowed over her green skin, and the black petals that covered her red dress shot the venom of sickness.

The third of the Dark Masters was Diaboromon. This Digimon was much like Arukennimon, a spider type Digimon, but, one that was covered in an impenetrable black armor, a living weapon connected to the blackness of Diaboromon's soul. This Dark Master of War burned the cities of the Digital World, and imprisoned thousands. He never killed, except when absolutely neccacary. He was a fighter, not a killer.

No, the killer was the last, and most powerful of the Dark Masters, Milleniumon, the Dark Master of Death. He was the one that the Digimon feared the most. A being of such hate and darkness. Rumor was that his stop watch held the time of death for every being every born or created.

Sora was true to her world, she lead the Digidestined against Oikawa, and his Dark Masters. She devoted herself to stopping Oikawa and the Dark Masters, but, she could not. Within two years, the Digital World was theirs, and they set their sights on earth.

Year 5 of the Fall of Spiral Mountain

In the remote regions of the Digital Mountain range, a large complex rested on a mesa, nestled peacefully between two mountains. It was a large octagon shaped building with guard towers at every vortex. Inside the massive building, was a collection of laboratories. To the outside, it looked like a normal laboratory building for Oikawa, but, the Digidestined knew that appearances were deceiving.

The Gardromon kept their gaze towards the mountains and air. Their job was simple, find the enemies and destroy them. However, this day would mark their first failure.

The Gardromon in the northern vortex was staring at the northern area of the mountain range, searching for any intruders. With his radar, he could sense a speck of dust one the tree a hundred yards in front of him, but, he never 'saw' the intruder until it was too late.

The invader appeared behind the Gardromon and, with a swipe of his bladed hand, destroyed the mechanical guard. He chuckled to himself, saying something about how easy it was. The inside of the small guard tower was a round room, with a large open window, and a small computer console below it. The intruder taped a large button to the right of the screen, and an image of the complex appeared. Seven glowing dots appeared on the seven vortexes the octagon. The intruder pressed another couple of buttons, and the eight light vortex lit up.

The intruder walked over to the edge of the window, and put his bladed hands over the edge. He shot them down, where they pierced the ground. A second later, a hooded figure started to climb up the chains that ran from the hands to his wrists. Once the figure was inside the booth, the intruder wound up his arms back to his wrists.

The hooded figure reached up and pulled off the hood, revealing the face of a young woman with long purple hair. She turned to the intruder. "Are we safe?"

"Yes, Izzy's plans were correct, I was able to break the defensive system and make the computer think that there is still a Gardromon in this booth. As long as we don't get caught inside, we'll be fine."

The young woman nodded. "You do good work Shurimon."

"Thank you Yolei. Shall we go?"

"Yes," Yolei said, moving towards the metal door inside the booth. A vision of about a thousand Gaurdromon on the other side, all pointed at her briefly flashed through her mind. She shook that thought out, and quickly opened the door. To her relief, there was nothing on the other side. "Come on," she told her Digimon.

They walked down the long hallways of the building. For a place that was full of laboratories, they had yet to find any doors. As they were staring at the metal walls, they were just beginning to wonder if there were any doors in this place, when they heard something. That's when they noticed that they hadn't seen any corners either. They quickly slid up against the wall, pressing as hard as they could. A few feet down, they saw a portion of the wall slide apart, and a Gaurdromon hovered out. He reached over and pressed a small section of the wall, and the opening disappeared.

As the Gaurdromon floated down to the opposite end of the hall, Yolei turned to Shurimon and smiled. "That's the way in."

The two quickly ran down the hall to where they saw the Gaurdromon leave. They leaned up against the wall, and pressed the section of the wall. The door opened, but, they didn't hear anything. Shurimon peeked around and stared into the room. He breathed a sigh of relief. "There's no one inside."

Yolei let out the breath she was holding too. "Let's go."

They walked into a large computer room. There was a small switch on the wall near the door. Shurimon flicked it and the door slid shut. Yolei walked over to the computer and started typing in the keyboard.

A set of number and words started to appear on the large screen. Yolei's fingers began to dance across the keyboard. Shurimon couldn't help but blink as the computer screen changed and flashed at an extremely fast rate. "How can you read that so fast?" Shurimon asked.

Yolei just chuckled. "You have no idea....Ah, here we go!"

She hit the enter button, and a large molecule chain appeared on the screen, followed by a set of numbers and words. Both Digimon and Digidestined's eyes opened wide. "We've got to get this back to Sora, now!" Yolei said.

In the center of the Digital World, was a massive city. It was the center city of the Digital World. Hundreds of business had the head offices here, it was the home of thousands of Digimon, and it was also the capital of the Digital World, home to the Lord of Darkness.

He did not have a castle, but an office building. He did not have a thrown, but, a impressive office chair. His throne room was an office. He was a medieval warlord reborn in a world that worshiped science, not magic.

Oikawa leaned back in his chair, tapping on the arm rests. He was dressed in a normal business suit, with an overflowing trench coat. He glared at his four subordinates threw stone eyes. He spoke with a raspy voice, a deep reminder of the power at his finger tips. "Report."

Milleniumon stepped forward and bowed. "My lord, there has been a security breach at the Cul Laboratory."


"Highly classified files were viewed," Plagemon said, stepping forward,"I belive that they were the files on DO-15."

"Lovely," Oikawa said, sighing. He turned to Diaboromon,"What is the progress on our Western Front?"

Diaboromon's face was emotionless as he spoke in a completely computerized voice. "The American Digidestined are holding an impressive front. We have not broken through it yet, but, rest assured, we will."

"Good," Oikawa said,"I want you to personally oversee the delivery of the DO-15."

"As you wish," Diaboromon said, bowing,"I will not fail you."

"Good," Oikawa said,"You are dismissed."

"DO-15," Yolei said, clicking the button as the screen behind her changed to a large molecule strand,"It is a computer virus that systematically breaks down the hard drive of any computer. It is so lethal, that the entire computer becomes useless."

The rest of the Digidestined around the conference table nodded. The person at the far end of the square table spoke. "What does Oikawa plan to do with this?"

Yolei sighed. "Well, Sora, they plan to send it through the main Digital Gate here in the Eastern Region, where they will unleash in in the center of Tokyo."

"If those computer systems fail," Izzy said,"Then the entire world wide computer systems will crash!"

"Yes," Yolei said,"While that is true, it is not Oikawa's goal. He wants to use the virus as a way to lower the human population."

"I don't understand," Sora said.

"Well," Yolei said, sighing slightly,"All beings in the Digital World are Digital, while all beings on Earth are mostly organic. When beings from either side travel to the other, they becoming that world's norm. In other words, while we are in the Digital World, we are Digital information, and, when the Digimon are on earth, they become organic. When the DO-15 travels through the gate , it will becoming an organic virus, which will destroy the DNA of every organic being on Earth."

The Digidestined gasped. "We've got to stop it!" Matt said, slamming his fist into the table,"All of our family and friends are in danger!"

Sora sighed, keeping more patient. "When is the virus going to be unleashed?"

"Tonight," Yolei said.

Sora clenched her fist. "T.K., you, Joe, and Yolei will be coming with me. We'll stop that virus."

"You?" Matt asked,"Are you sure? I don't know if it is such a good idea."

"I am tired of being behind the scenes," Sora said,"I'm tired of always staying back here, in our base. I am the Digidestined leader, its time Oikawa saw what he was up against."

"Alright," Matt said, raising his hands,"What ever you want. You're the boss."

Sora turned to the rest of the Digidestined and nodded. "You are dismissed."

The Digidestined pulled away from the table and started to scatter, when T.K. ran over to Izzy. "Hey," he said,"Is there any news about Kari?"

Izzy shook his head. "No, we haven't heard anything about her since she defeated Arukennimon in the Battle of Oceania."

T.K. nodded. "Well, keep me informed, please."

"Of course," Izzy said,"I know how much you care about her. If I find any bad news, I'll tell you right away."

"Thanks," T.K. said smiling.

"T.K.!" Sora barked, from across the room,"Let's move!"

Oikawa had the Digital World, but, he wanted Earth, that was common knowledge; they only way to Earth were the Digital Gates, but, sending an entire army through the normal gates was time consuming, not to mention almost impossible. The way to send an invading army to earth from the Digital World was through the Main Gates. Four giant television sets in the center of the four areas of the Digital World. To protect the gates from Oikawa's forces, the Digidestined set up defense systems around the four gates. The American Digidestined and their Digimon allies protected the Western Digital Gate, while the Siberian Digidestined protected the Northern Gate, and the South American and African Digidestined guarded over the Southern Gate. The Eastern Gate was the duty of the Japanese Digidestined.

The defense system was a stone tower that stood around the large television set, resting against the mountain range, in the grassy field. The Digimon guards, the Mushroomon and the Floramon, were ready to repel whatever Oikawa threw at them, they were even more confident now that the Digidestineds were here to help.

T.K. sighed as he leaned on his elbows, on the brick ledge of the tower. He adjusted his binoculars, and scanned the area in front of him. "I don't see anyone yet," he sighed.

"They'll show up," Patamon said, tapping against T.K.'s head,"They've never canceled before."

T.K. half smiled. "You're right."

"Hey, penny for your thoughts..."

T.K. turned to the right, and saw Yolei and Hawkmon walk up to them on the ledge of the tower. "Hey," T.K. said,"Shouldn't you be inside the tower?"

"Hey, Sora and Joe are in there," Yolei said,"Our fearless leader told me to help you out here."

"So," Hawkmon said, as T.K, turned back to watch the horizon,"Have you seen any trouble yet?"

"No," T.K. said, adjusting his binoculars again,"Nothing yet."

"So, um, T.K.," Yolei said, leaning against the ledge,"What do you...um...think of me?"

"Of you?" T.K. asked,"Do you mean, am I glad that we're friends?, then yeah, I am."

"Just friends?" Yolei thought sighing,"We're just friends? 'sigh'. I want to be more than that, but how do I tell him? The only reason I joined the Digidestined was so that I could be closer to him, but he's got it bad for some girl that left the team long before I joined. I've got to tell him how I really feel."

She was about to open her mouth when, T.K. shouted. "There they are! Okay, let's get ready to...oh shoot!"

He dropped the binoculars and grabbed his communicator. He opened the D-terminal and started typing. 'Sora, we've got trouble, one of the Dark Masters is here!"

T.K. waited for a few seconds, then read the in-comming message. 'Okay, get back inside now, we'll attack from here."

"Okay," T.K. said, turning to Yolei,"Let's get back inside the tower."

"I'm right behind you," Yolei said, following him down the stairs.

Outside, Diaboromon and his squad of Tankmon stopped in front of the tower. "Now," Diaboromon said,"We attack quickly, and overcome the guards inside, understand?"

The Tankmon nodded.

"Good," Diaboromon said,"Now, attack."

The Tankmon rolled forward towards the door. They pulled their heads back, ready to blast the door open, when the door flew open, and the Digidestined ran out. Magna Angemon, Aquillamon, and Ikkakumon blasted through the Tankmon with simple ease. Even though the Tankmon fought as well as they could, they still fell against the three Digimon.

Diaboromon growled in displeasure as he watched his forces being defeated by the hateful Digidestined. It was time that he steped into the battle. He charged at the Digidestined Digimon, flicking them aside.

"Shoot," T.K. thought, watching Magna Angemon fight as best he could against Diaboromon,"We're never going to win against a Mega Digimon!"

Sora placed a hand on T.K's shoulder,"Leave it to me."

Biyomon flew past her out of the tower and into the battlefield. "Biyomon digivolve to Bridramon! Bridramon digivolve to Garudamon!"

Diaboromon eyed the massive phoenix soaring towards him. "Ahh," he said,"So, this must be the Digimon of the famous Digidestined leader. So far, I am not impressed!"

Garudamon started fighting against Diaboromon. She attacked from the air, swooping down, and blasting into the Dark Master of War. He reached up his hand and fired a chain from the top of his wrist, which twisted around Garudamon's leg. He grabbed hold and pulled Sora's Digimon to the ground. Garudamon brought his fist around and pelted Diaboromon, sending him to the ground.

"Ha!" Sora thought,"My Digimon is stronger than I thought!"

Diaboromon jumped to his feet and his arm stretched out, blasting Garudamon in the face, sending her skidding across the ground. Diaboromon then flew up and landed next to Sora's Digimon. He raised his hand, and was about to deliver the final move to Garudamon, when he was pelted in the back by a high energy blast. He spun around and glared at the being in the air.

"Its Kari and Nefertimon!" T.K. cheered happily, while Yolei sighed in defeat.

Kari held on tightly as Nefertimon fired another energy blast from her mouth, which blasted into Diaboromon's back. He quickly surveyed the situation. His Tankmon had been defeated, the Digidestined had brought in a very powerful Mega Digimon. If he kept this fight up, he was sure he would lose, but, he still had the DO-15, which he could release at another date.

He just glared at the Digidestined. "Fine, you have won!" he said, jumping into the air,"But, I will not go back in defeat!"

He fired a cannon blast from his chest at Nefertimon crashing her into the ground. Diaboromon laughed as he flew off.

"Kari!" T.K. cried, watching as the young Kamiya fell off of her Digimon, and crashed her head into the brick of the tower. He ran over to where she was lying motionless. "Kari, Kari," he said, shaking her,"Kari, wake up. Please, wake up!"

Kari's eyes rolled back into her head, and she fell to the ground. "Let me through," Joe said, pushing past T.K. He placed his fingers against Kari's neck. "No pulse," he said, placing the palms of his hands over Kari's chest. He began counting to himself, and pushed against Kari's chest. Nothing happen. He counted again, and pushed once more. Nothing happen.

"Three time's the charm," Joe said, pushing against Kari's chest. Suddenly, Kari took a deep breath, and her eyes snapped back into focus.

"You're all right!" T.K. said, throwing his arms around her,"I thought I lost you."

"W-what happened to me?" she asked, looking around.

"You beat Diaboromon, "Sora said, a little sternly,"What are you doing here?"

"I thought you could use my help," she said,"But, that's not the important part." She turned to Joe,"W-was I...dead, a few seconds ago?"

"Well," Joe said,"Your heart stopped beating, if that's what you mean. Why?"

"B-because," she said,"I..I saw..a tunnell.."

"The tunnell?" T.K. asked.

Kari nodded. "Yeah, but, there was another person there, an angel. He- he told me that...that my brother was alive. That he had already been sent back!"

"What?" Sora asked,"Kari, are you sure?"

Kari nodded, a big smile on her face. "Tai's alive! I've got to find him!"

"Kari," Sora said. She was sure that Kari was delusional. She hadn't seen her in over three years, and, she was ready to leave again. Sora wanted to talk to Kari, get to know her friend again, when, her D-terminal started beeping.

"What now?" she asked, opening the cover. Her eyes opened wide and she gasped.

"What is it?" T.K. asked. Joe and Yolei ran over to her, and Kari eyed her, concerned on her face.

Sora could hardly speak. "I-Izzy says that reports are coming in from all over the Digital World, of a Digidestined with a Metalgreymon, whose's description matches Tai's perfectly!"

Cody stood nervously outside of Tai's tomb. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked his companion.

Matt nodded. "Yes, I saw those news reports, I need to be sure, and this is the only way."

Cody reluctantly nodded. He turned to his other companion. "Alright, Digmon, do your stuff."

"Roger," Digmon said, placing his drills against the rock wall of the tomb,"Rock Crackin!"

The side of the mountain started to crack and crumble away, creating a large doorway. "Okay," Matt said, sighing,"Let's go."

They walked inside and Cody gasped. "No," Matt said,"I..I don't belive it!"

The coffin was still inside the tomb, the lid opened, but, the coffin was still there. It was the body inside, that was missing.

"He's gone!" Cody said.

"No," Matt said, a slight smile crossing his face,"Maybe's he's really back."

.................................first sighting.........................................

The peaceful File Island mountain range had become a battlefield. The Mekanorimon poked up from behind the large rocks they were using as cover and started firing. On the other side of the field, the Numemon fought as hard as they could against the black ring wearing Mekanorimon, flinging their slime against them, but, always falling short.

Behind the Mekanorium, the Dark Master of Famine laughed wickedly. Arukennimon raised the whip that she carried in her hand, and crashed it down onto the ground beneath her. A group of floating black rings appeared behind her. "Fight as hard as you can," she grinned at the Numemon,"You're still going to become my prisoners!"

The Dark Rings flew past the Mekanorimon, heading right at the Numemon. They adverted their eyes, waiting when the rings were clamp onto them, stealing their freedom, but, instead, they heard a loud explosion.

Quickly turning back around, they saw that the rings had been destroyed. Then, their eyes shot open as the Mekanorimon were blasted away. Arukennimon was shock. "What's going on here?" she shouted.

"I am," a voice from above said. Arukennimon turned her head upward, and saw two figures standing on a ledge above them. She couldn't make out the smaller figure, but, she knew the larger figure as a Metalgreymon. "Y-you!" Arukennimon shouted,"It..It can't be you!"

"But it is!" the shadowy figure said, the moonlight glistening off the goggles on his head as he raised a Digivice in his hand,"And I am the Master of Courage!"

.............................................first sighting................................

The Floramon ran as fast as she could through the forest. She didn't know how far away that monster was, but, she wasn't going to let that sicko get her. She was so focused on what was behind her, that she crashed into something.

Her heart started to beat with fear as she turned around. She screamed when she saw the Sukamon laughing there. He grabbed her arms and pushed her to the ground. "No use scream, sweetheart," he said with a doopy laugh,"I'm still going to get my pleasure from you."

The Floramon started to feel sick, when the Sukamon was suddenly thrown off her. She was completely confused as she got up and saw a figure drop down between her and her attacker. The figure wore a long cape, and carried a sword at his side, but, she recognized the goggles on his head.

The figure glared down at the Sukamon. "You, are the worst kind of scum!" he said.

"Please, please," the Sukamon said, backing away,"Don't kill me, please!"

"You would have kill this poor Floramon, right after you raped her!" the figure said, raising his hand,"And, for that, you must die!"

He fired a ball of flame from his palms and blasted the Sukamon away.

The Floramon back up slightly. "Y-you are...him, right?"

"That is right," the figure said.

"B-but, you're dead," the Floramon said.

"No one can kill me," the figure said,"And evil will now know the vengeance of Tai Kamiya, the Fire Master!"

......................................first sighting...............................................

The Yokomon stood sadly in front of the re-sealed tomb of Tai Kamiya. They remembered the time when he arrived, and saved the village from a Black Gear possessed Mearamon. He was their friend, and they would miss him.

They felt a breeze on their backs. They quickly turned around and gasped. There was a Metalgreymon standing right behind them, with a human near his feet, but this human was different than any other human they had ever seen before. This one was part machine! The left side of his body was pure machine.

He glared at the tomb with through a red-jewled eye, his goggles throwing the moonlight off of them. "I..Its you," one of the Yokomon said,"Right?"

"That's right," the human said,"I am Tai Kamiya, and I have returned."