Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Never Ever ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~p · a · r · t · 3~

[ L u n c h ]

Heza yawned as she walked to her table carrying her tray. It had not been a good morning for her. She had overslept and wound up late for first period, then fell asleep during a test in second. And, in third she spilled a beaker of some bluish fluid. Basically, she had just been a total ditz.

She calmly sat down in her usual spot and lay her head down on the table in front of her. "*yaaaaaaaaaaaawn* Konnichiwa, minna-san..." she muttered. She didn't even notice that only Yamato and Jyou were at the table.

"Tired?" Yamato asked.

"Hai... today has just been awful... Heza no baka..." She yawned again and closed her eyes.

"Hmm... It's that time of the year, where everyone falls asleep. That's how you know winter's coming," Jyou said, calmly eating his rice.

Just then, Taichi and Sora showed up. "Konnichiwa," Sora said, sitting down.

"*yawn* Tadaima..." Heza muttered.

"Oi.. Heza looks pretty tired... you get any sleep last night?" Taichi asked.

"Not very much... I fell asleep listening to my clock radio then woke up at about midnight. It took about... I dunno.. three hours to fall asleep again... I just had so much on my mind..."

"Hai, I always find it hard to sleep when something big happens," Sora said, taking a bite out of her apple.

"Iie... it's not just that... that dream I had in Algebra the other day... I just can't get it out of my head... what if something's going wrong in the Digital World?" Heza asked, keeping her voice down so other tables wouldn't hear.

"Going wrong where?" a sudden voice asked.

Heza sweatdropped, then nervously looked at the person. It was Kamira. "Ahh... nowhere..." she muttered, giving her an icy glare.

Kamira simply smiled at this, and sat down.

"Where's Koushiro?" Yamato asked.

"I don't know... he suddenly disappeared after third period.. he didn't even say where he was going..." Kamira said, a slightly worried tone in her voice.

"I'll go and look for him," Jyou asked, standing up. He put his tray away and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Still... I can't stop thinking about that dream... it was so strange...." Heza said, her eyes clouding a little. Yamato put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey... just think about something else, don't worry about it. It was just a dream..." he said.

"Oh, that reminds me..." Kamira began. "I had an odd dream last night too... I saw a starnge brown rabbit.. it spoke to me about some thing called a NeoCrest... I haven't the faintest idea what it meant though, we all know rabbits can't talk..."

Heza's ears perked up on the word 'NeoCrest.' *Nani?! What the hell? Why would Ryuuichii-san be dreaming about a NeoCrest? Oi, this is just getting weirder and weirder....* she thought. Her mind reeled.

********************************************************** **********
[ 6 t h P e r i o d : A l g e b r a ]

"Now, graphing on the coordinate plane, 1x would be a straight line going through the origin, or 0,0. Reading from left to right, the slant would be going up...." Ayuhaza-sensei droned on.

*I can't take much more of this....* Heza thought, calmly taking notes. *I'm just so tired...* Her thoughts were broken as a wad of paper hit her on the head. She un-crumpled it.

Heza-chan -

I need to talk to you after school. It's kind of important, we can talk on the way home...

- Yamato

Heza thought to herself a minute, then grinned. She quickly scribbled a reply, then tossed it backwards.

Great, I have something to tell you too..

What she didn't notice was that Ayuhaza-sensei was standing right in front of her. "Yakanori-san, Ishida-san, out in the hall..."

********************************************************* **********
[ A f t e r S c h o o l ]

Heza yawned as she walked home with Yamato. She had practically fallen asleep during seventh period. She explained her case to Monzoku-sensei, who had let her miss cheerleader practice that day. "Ano... what did you have to tell me, Yama-chan?" she asked Yamato.

He stopped walking and looked at the ground. He seemed to be groping around for things to say. Finally, he muttered, "You go first..."

Heza's face turned bright red. She had been thinking about what she wanted to say ever since he had given her that note. "Uhm...." she looked down at the ground. Despite the fact she had been thinking about it all afternoon, she lost it. It was pretty simple, but difficult at the same time. She thought about everything that had happened ever since she moved to Odaiba, and came to a basic conclusion. She loved him. "Yama-chan... we've been good friends for a long time now, ne?" she asked, turning even redder.

"Hai..." he said quietly.

Heza was quiet for a minute before speaking again. "Well... I've always wondered... it's been three years.... and we haven't really... well, what I'm trying to say is...." she stammered. *No. I've lost it. I can't say it...* She began sweating lightly.

Yamato's face stayed the same bright red as he thought about what she was trying to say.

"I...." Heza swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. "I...." *I can't do it... it's just too hard....* She clenched her fist, her eyes starting to blur. "Gomen nasai!!" she blurted as she turned around and ran. She kicked up a light cloud of dust as she careened around a corner.

Yamato stood there, surprised, yet relieved, but angry at himself, all at the same time. He then leaned against a nearby brick wall. "Aishiteru, Heza-chan..." he muttered before turning around in the opposite direction.

******************************************************* *************

"Baka! Baka! Heza no BAKA!!" Heza shouted at herself as she ran blindly down the street. She tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell to her knees. She buried her face in her hands, unable to control the tears flowing from her eyes. "Yamato... why can't I tell you how I feel?! Why is it so hard?!" she muttered. She then sensed a strange aura, and looked up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Who's there?! Show yourself!!"

"Yakanori-san?" a gentle voice asked from behind. Heza turned around and saw a girl in a red-and-gold school uniform, with dark blue hair and bright green eyes.

Heza scowled. "I don't want to deal with you today, Ryuuichii-san," she hissed.

Kamira cautiously approached Heza, concern in her eyes. "Nani? Are you... alright?" she asked.

Heza stayed kneeling on the ground. "I'm fine. Why should you care?!" she asked roughly.

"Yakanori-san... I know you resent me for tripping you during the soccer tournament... but you have to put the past behind you," Kamira said, kneeling next to her. "Seriously though, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Ryuuichii-san."

"It's Ishida-san, isn't it?" Kamira recieved no answer, just a stray tear fell from Heza's eye. "I knew it. Did he say something to you to upset you?"

Heza saw that Kamira wasn't going to give up until she told her what was wrong. "Iie... it's not him, it's me.." Heza rose from the ground and sat on a nearby bench. Kamira sat down next to her. "You see, we've been together for nearly three years now... yet we've only acted like good friends. Neither of us has the nerve to make anything else out of our relationship... and today, he told me he had to talk to me about something. I was glad, because I had something to tell him too. I'm not going to hide it from you, since you're trying to help me, but.... I love him."

Kamira's eyes brightened. "Yakanori-san.. is that all? You can't tell him how you feel?" She then began giggling.

Heza glared at her. "What's so funny?" she demanded.

"Nothing... it's just that you need to wait for the right time... perhaps the reason you couldn't tell him is because that it's not time yet... you just have to wait for the right moment..." Kamira paused for a moment. "It's not just you; it's both of you. You're just not ready to make a commitment yet."

"But what if he doesn't love me back? I'm so scared that he's going to tell me he likes someone else..." Heza shuddered at the image that popped into her head. (PC's Note: Relax, you perverts, she's just thinking about Kuraire... -.-;)

Kamira put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You shouldn't worry about that... you've been such good friends for so long... I don't think Yamato would do that to you.. you have such a nice personality... to tell you the truth, I heard him talking to Yagami-san earlier... I couldn't hear much of the conversation, but I did hear the words 'Heza,' 'tell her,' and 'love....'"

Heza's eyes lit up. "Really? Yama-chan said that...?"

"Well, that's what it sounded like..." Kamira said.

For the first time, Heza actually smiled at the blue-haired girl. "Arigatou, Ryuuichii-san. Arigatou gozaimasu (sp? o.o)..."

"Nani... and one other thing... can we drop the '-san' thing? It's just so formal... I mean, we're friends now, aren't we?"

"Hai. Gomen nasai.... Kamira-chan," Heza said, standing up.

"You don't have to apologize, Heza-chan..."

They smiled at each other. Heza felt all of the resentment and harsh feelings slip away. "Hai. So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Kamira-chan..."

"Yes. Oh, and before we part, I just want to tell you this little secret..."

"Nani? What's that?"

"Well...." Kamira blushed lightly. "I've kind of had this crush on Koushiro for the last week or so....." she shyly admitted.

Heza smiled. "See you tomorrow..." she said, giggling.

"Ja ne...."

********************************************************** **********
[ Later that evening.... ]

Heza stood in front of her mirror, in her blue flannel pajamas, with the clouds and crescent moon shapes on them. She combed out her short brown hair, then quickly spun it into two buns. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, then her eyes traveled down to the crescent-moon pendant around her neck. Yamato had given it to her on her birthday about a year ago. She sighed, then turned on her clock-radio.

'Never ever ever ever felt so low
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never ever ever ever felt so sad
The way you're feeling well you've got me feeling really bad...'

*I guess I'll have to wait to tell you my feelings, Yama-chan...* Heza thought before sitting down on her bed. She squeezed the stuffed bunny she had recieved from Sora, and lay down on her back. She was going to be all alone; her parents had gone away for the weekend. She slowly dozed off listening to the sounds of All Saints.

********************************************************** *********
[ The middle of the night.... ]

Heza opened her eyes to find herself in a strange forest covered in mist. She was still in her pajamas, and still held the white plush bunny. "Where am I....?" she muttered.

"Heza-chan...." a light voice came from the mists.

"Who....? Who's there?"

A figure appeared in the mist. It was very short, and yellow, with bright blue eyes. The figure had black arms and legs, and looked like a star. "Heza-chan...." it said.

Heza's eyes opened wide. "Ruunamon?!" she asked the figure. The mist cleard. It was indeed, Ruunamon. "Oh.. Kami-sama... I can't believe.. oh Ruunamon!!" Tears began to flow once again, and Heza ran towards the Rookie Digimon. However, just as she got to her, she disappeared. "R-Ruunamon?"


Heza turned around. Ruunamon was now in a different spot. Heza once again ran to her, and was greeted by another vanishing act. "Ruunamon...." Heza then noticed that she was surrounded by a ring of Ruunamon.

"Heza-chan...." they said in unison.

"Ruunamon.... why are you doing this?" She then felt a rumbling under the ground. She was knocked to her rear by a sudden explosion. A gigantic silver dragon appeared from it, and all of the Ruunamon vanished into thin air.

"Ninth DigiDestined.... you will fall to me...." it roared.

Heza quickly got to her feet and began running. She ran with all of her strength, but the dragon still followed her. It circled around her, and fired a blast of golden energy at the ground, creating a canyon. "Nani?!" Heza felt herself falling, then grabbed on to the ledge. The dragon disappeared.

Heza squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, she saw Yamato looking down at her. "Y-Yama-chan! Help me!" she pleaded. Yamato did nothing. He stood there, looking down at her, a blank stare in his blue eyes. "Yama-chan...." He turned around and walked away from the ledge. "Yama-chan! Don't leave me!!" Heza then saw the dragon again, only this time, he fired the blast of energy straight at her. Heza closed her eyes again and braced herself for the impact.

"YAMATO!!!!!!" Heza yelled, shooting straight up. She opened her eyes, to see that she was still in her bed, with the radio on. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, and began to feel sick. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. After she had finished letting go of her dinner, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She felt hot and woozy, yet cold at the same time. She was breathing hard, and began crying. She walked back into her bedroom and sat down on her bad, shivering.

Heza sat there crying for a few minutes, then picked up her phone. She fumbled with the number.

[ Heza dials Yamato's number. ]
Yamato: *sleepily* Moshi-moshi?
Heza: *crying* .... Yama-chan?
Yamato: Heza-chan... *Pause* It's three a.m... is something wrong?
Heza: Hai.... would it be all right if I... came over for a while...?
Yamato: *surprised* Sure....
Heza: Arigatou... I'll be there in a minute...
Yamato: Hai...
[ Heza hangs up. ]

Heza quickly slid into her pink fuzzy slippers, still clutching her stuffed bunny. She walked out the front door of her apartment, shutting it behind her. Crying the whole way, she quickly walked up the two flights of stairs to Yamato's apartment. She softly knocked on the door.

After a few moments, Yamato answered the door, looking a bit tired. "Are you okay, Heza-chan...?" he asked. He then saw her tear-streaked face, and practically woke up. "Nani? What happened to you?!" He put his hand to her forehead, surprised at how hot it felt. Yet she was shivering. "Oi... let's get you inside..." he said, moving over so she could enter, and shut the door. "Now... what happened?"

Heza looked at him for a second, then leaned against him, still crying.

A blush crept across his nose, then he hesitantly put his arms around her. "Tell me... what's wrong?"

"I... I need to sit...." Heza mumbled. They moved over to the sofa and sat down.

Yamato put his hands on her shoulders, so she faced him. "Now... tell me what happened..."

Heza wiped her eyes. "It was horrible... I was back in the Digital World... and Ruunamon... she kept running away from me; every time I tried to reach out to her she would disappear... then I saw this gigantic silver dragon... it said something like 'Ninth Child, your soul is mine...' or something to that effect.... it kept on chasing me and firing blasts of energy... then the ground in front of me broke, and I was hanging on a ledge.... and then I saw you. You just stood there, looking down at me... didn't even make an attempt to help me... then you walked away and the dragon fired a blast of energy... I woke up right when it would have hit..." Heza squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the image.

Yamato was quiet for a moment, then he pulled her into a tight hug. "Kami-sama... it was just a dream... It's okay now, you're perfectly safe...." She backed away from him and rubbed her eyes again. "Heza-chan, you know I would never abandon you like that... if anything happened to you, well... I don't know what I'd do... I care about you too much to just...." He cut himself off, realizing what he was saying.

"Arigatou, Yama-chan..." Heza muttered, smiling a little.

Yamato smiled back, then leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Heza's grin grew wider, then she wrapped her arms around his waist.

A million thoughts ran through Heza's head at once. *If this isn't love, then why does it feel so good?* They stayed like that for a while, until she drifted off to sleep.

After about ten minutes, Yamato looked down to see that she was peacefully sleeping. Trying his best not to wake her, her carefully lifted her up and carried her down the two flights of stairs, back to her apartment. He had to fumble with the doorknob a bit, but finally managed to get inside (remember, she left it unlocked, the ditz :B). After carrying her to her bedroom, he set her down in her bed and pulled her blanket over her.

Yamato kneeled down beside Heza's bed and watched her sleep. He took her hand and gently squeezed it. "Heza-chan... I know I should wait until you're awake to tell you this... but it just seems so much easier this way... You have no idea how much I care for you... I never want to see you hurt... if anything happened like that, I would just.... I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You probably wonder why, but..." He leaned over and softly kissed her on the forehead again. "I love you..."

Yamato watched her sleep for a few more minutes, then lay his head on the bed next to her and fell asleep.

********************************************************** ***********
[ A few hours later... ]

Heza's eyes fluttered open just barely. The first thing she saw was a head full of blonde hair. "Yama-chan...." She sat up and looked around to find that she was in her own room, and Yamato was kneeled beside her bed, asleep. She looked down at him. *He must have carried me back here... I can always count on Yamato....* She gently stroked his hair, then lay back down and went to sleep.