Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Never Ever ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~p · a · r · t · 5~

[ One week later... ]

"Man, the Art Club sure did a great job of decorating those lanterns..." Yamato commented as the group moved through the streets of the festival site.

"Hai.. everything looks awesome!" Taichi said.

"I wish we didn't have to wear these short skirts for this... IT'S FREAKING COLD OUT HERE!!" Heza shouted, rubbing her arms. She was wearing her cheerleader uniform, as was Sora. "Sora-chan, can I pleeeeeeeease use the blanket?" she begged her friend, who was sharing a large blanket with Taichi.

"Hey, I'm wearing my uniform too," Sora said, grinning.

"Traitor," Heza muttered. "Kamira-chan, I don't know how you can stand it out here in that!"

"Well, I'm used to the cold... the winters in North Korea were MUCH colder than this," Kamira said. She was wearing her band uniform, which consisted of a blue jacketlike blazer, and a short pleated skirt with green trim. She had on a blue hat (you know, like them kind school bands have x.o;) with a green plume sticking from the front. She carried her trumpet case at her side.

"Still..." Heza murmured, rubbing her arms. "I'm not used to the cold, despite that I've lived here for three years... the winter in Sixton wasn't NEAR as cold!" She sneezed.

"Well, once you start your marching and stuff, it'll more than likely warm up..." Yamato, who was walking beside her, said. "But, that won't start for like another hour, so..." He put his arm around her.

Heza's face turned a bit pink as she looked up at him and smiled.

"Heh, I bet Heza-chan's feeling warmer already!" Taichi said, looking at them over his shoulder. "Nani... where'd everyone go?" He noticed that Takeru, Hikari, Jyou, and Koushiro were missing.

"Remember, Taichi-kun? Jyou and Koushiro are helping set up for tomorrow night's dance...." Sora told him.

"I know, but what about Takeru and Hikari?"

"Oh, they prolly went off somewhere for a little quiet time... (PC's Note: Don't take that last remark TOO hard. Especially you, Kai! ^.^;;)" Yamato said. "I wouldn't blame them, us older kids must be pretty boring..."

"Well, your little brother better not try anything on imoutochan, or else someone's gonna be a bit sore...." Taichi threatened.

"Nah... Takeru wouldn't hurt Hikari for anything..."

"Attention! The cheerleaders and the band need to meet in the school gymnasium in ten minutes!" A loudspeaker above them blared.

"I guess we'd better go, huh?" Kamira said, nudging Heza.

"Oh... hai. C'mon, Sora-chan... break away from your little Taichi-poo and help us with this parade..." Heza teased.

Sora glared at Heza, then left the warmth of Taichi's blanket. The three girls began to walk toward the gymnasium.

******************************************************* ************

"The sooner you all get stretched, the sooner we can start, remember!" Monzoku-sensei said, directing the cheerleaders in stretching.

"Yakanori-san, you had better not mess up!" Kuraire, who was behind Heza, warned. "You're head cheerleader; if something bad happens then it's your fault!"

"Kuraire, just shut up. You wouldn't be saying that if you were head cheerleader," Heza retorted quietly.

Kuraire was silent the rest of the time. She couldn't come up with a comeback.

About fifteen minutes later, the ten cheerleaders were in the formation of how they would be performing. Heza was in front, as the point of the triangle, with Sora and Kuraire behind her. They were standing at the corner of the main festival street. The band, who was behind them, were tuning their instruments.

"One minute to start!" Monzoku-sensei informed.

"If it gets any colder out here, I'm gonna freeze..." Heza muttered.

"I know... once we get started it'll be okay though..." Sora whispered from behind her. Kuraire simply turned her nose up and looked away from them.

"Ready, and.... GO!" Monzoku-sensei said. The entire group began marching at the same time. Heza took a deep breath as they started moving.

********************************************************** **********
[ About 20 minutes later... ]

"That was awesome!" Taichi told the three girls as they returned to the group.

"Arigatou, Taichi-kun," Sora said as she grabbed her part of the blanket that was over Taichi's shoulders.

"I could hear your trumpet over everyone else's, Kamira-chan," Koushiro, who had taken a break from decorating to watch the parade, said.

Kamira smiled at him. "Arigatou...." she muttered, slightly blushing.

Heza, however, wasn't in such a good mood. "I have to wear this thing out here in the cold all evening.... it's not fair...." she muttered, rubbing her arms.

"Hey, why don't we head over to the carnival, the lights are all lit up and everything!" Sora suggested.

"Ooooh, good idea... I wanna go on the roller coaster!" Taichi said.

Heza shuddered. "I'll have to pass on that one..." she said.

"Why? It'll be fun.." Yamato said, smiling at her.

Heza couldn't answer. Just the thought of riding on anything made her feel even colder. "Uhm... I don't care too much for heights?"

"Riiiiight... You're comin' with us whether you like it or not, Heza-chan!" Taichi said, poking her.

"No way. I am absolutely not riding on that thing."

********************************************************** *********

"I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this!" Heza exclaimed as they stood in line for the roller coaster.

"Hey, ya win some, ya lose some..." Taichi said.

"And look at it this way. You'll be riding with Yamato...." Sora said, an evil grin on her face.

Heza thought for a minute. "Well... that wouldn't be so bad, I guess..."

"Then let's go, we're next in line," Koushiro said from behind, nudging them.

"Eep... uhh... I'd rather not..." Heza protested.

"Come on.." Sora said, grabbing her wrist. "It won't be very long..."


"Uhm, look. If Heza-chan doesn't want to ride, then you really shouldn't force her to... trust me, I know from experience," Yamato said, taking Heza's hand.

"What he said."

"Ah, alright. Just go off and do your own little thing..." Koushiro pushed past them, Kamira trailing behind. She flashed a thumbs-up sign at Heza. She grinned back.

************************************************************ ********

Meanwhile, Kuraire was watching them from nearby. *That little... I wish I knew what was so special about her to make Yama-chan care about HER more than ME...* she thought, flaming with jealousy. She watched as the two of them walked away from their group, who had boarded the roller coaster. *I can't beleive this. I'm going to have to discourage her from liking him... because nobody gets Yama-chan but Shoneza Kuraire!*

Kuraire ducked behind the bush as Heza and Yamato passed by. She could hear them talking.

"So... why didn't you want to ride?" Yamato asked Heza.

"Ano... I've had bad experiences with roller coasters in the past..." Kuraire could barely make out what Heza said, but she could understand for the most part.

*I bet she's just making that up to get sympathy from my Yama-chan...* Kuraire trailed after them, keeping as quiet as possible. This was hard to do, being that the ground was a bit slippery where Kuraire stood. She fell over on the concrete. "Itai!"

"Nani... did you hear something, Yama-chan?" Heza asked, suddenly stopping.

"Prolly just some little kid stubbing his toe or something... let's play some games!" Yamato said.

*Some little kid?! Oooh that baka....* Kuraire flared, picking herself up. As soon as she did, however, she fell right back down. "Shimatte!"

****************************************************** **************

"Want to try the softball toss?" Yamato asked Heza, looking around at the game booths.

"Iie... I don't have very good aim..." Heza said quietly.

"I could help you... besides, they have really big teddy bears as prizes.. and everyone knows about your collection of stuffed bears..." Yamato said, scanning the prizes hanging from the top of the booth.

"Well... okay. I'll give it a shot," Heza said, grinning.

"Step right up, try your luck. Two out of three in the basket wins a prize of your choice!" the carney at the booth said, handing Heza three softballs.

She threw the first one. It bounced off of the wall. "Ugh... I can't do this, Yama-chan..." she said, frowning.

"Come on, you've got two more shots... let me help you," Yamato said, picking up a softball. He placed it in Heza's hand and held it for a moment. "Okay, try it underhanded, like this...." He directed her throw, still holding her hand. The softball landed in the basket with a thud.

"Yatta!" Heza shouted, smiling. She picked up the last softball. "I think I can do it now...." She aimed carefully, and tossed it lightly. It hovered on the rim of the basket for a second, then landed inside it.

"Awesome job, bishojo... pick any prize off of the ceiling," the carney said, pointing up to the numerous stuffed animals. There were all kinds of animals. Birds, snakes, cats... but one stood out more than any other.

"That one!" Heza said, pointing to a black-and-yellow star with arms and feet. It had bright blue eyes and pink spots on its cheeks. Her eyes lit up as the carney handed it to her.

"Why that one?" Yamato asked.

"It reminds me of Ruunamon..." Heza said quietly. She began to feel a bit sad again.

"Hmm... it sure does," Yamato said, noticing the resemblance. "Let's go and ride something..."

Heza looked up at him. "Hai..."

********************************************************* ***********

*Nani! He helped her win that stuffed starwhatever?! Ooh... I could just kill that Yakanori girl...* Kuraire thought as she watched Yamato and Heza walk off toward the ferris wheel that had been rented for the carnival. *I'd better follow them...* She walked out from behind the softball booth and followed them to the ferris wheel.

She pulled her hood down over her eyes and got in line, not noticing that Taichi and Sora were seperating her from Yamato and Heza. Sora and Taichi also seemed too distracted to notice that their two friends were in front of them. *Shimatte... I'm not going to be able to watch them! I'll have to find some way to get in front of them so I can watch from above....* Kuraire tapped Taichi on the shoulder. "Excuse me..."

"Hai?" Taichi asked, not noticing that the cloaked figure behind them was Kuraire.

"Ano... would you mind if I got in front of you? I uhh... was seperated from my boyfriend and I really want to sit by him... he's standing in front of that blonde guy there..." Kuraire said, pointing to someone in front of Yamato.

"Hmm... should we, Sora-chan?" Taichi asked.

"Well, she wants to sit with her boyfriend... I don't blame her, the ferris wheel is one of the most romantic rides, if it gets stuck at the top..." Sora said.

"Okeydokey. Go on ahead..." Taichi said to Kuraire.

"Arigatou..." Kuraire hopped in front of them and was now behind Yamato and Heza. She scowled down at their hands, which were intertwined with each other. "Ahh.. excuse me..." she said, tapping Yamato's arm. She repeated the same story she had used on Taichi and Sora, and moved up again. She tapped the guy in front of her, told him the story, and asked if he could play along with it, just to humor her. The two of them boarded the ferris wheel, followed by Yamato and Heza, then Taichi and Sora.

************************************************************ *******

Heza looked down at all of the festival lights as she and Yamato ascended to the top of the wheel. "Wow... what a view...." she said.

"Hai, it's really nice...." Yamato said. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"Nani, are you okay, Yama-chan?" Heza asked, looking at him.

"Hai... there's just something I want to ask you...." he said, not taking his eyes off of the lights.

"Go ahead..." Heza said, flushing a bit.

Yamato turned to look at her. "Ano... are you going to the dance tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Hai, I am...." Heza muttered, not taking her eyes from his.

"Well... Do you... uhm... want to.... bemydate?" he finished quickly, turning bright red.

Heza contemplated this for a minute. She smiled at him. "Hai, I'd love to..." she said.

"Really? Great!" Yamato said, his blue eyes lighting up.

*Urgh! That rotten little scamp! What the hell does he see in her?!* Kuraire thought as she glared down at them from the top cart. The guy next to her absently put his arm around her. "Nani yo?! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kuraire asked him.

"Hey, you said I should act as your boyfriend..." he said, shrugging.

"Hai, but that was only just so I could spy on those two down there!" Kuraire shouted, pointing at Heza and Yamato, in one cart lower than them.

"Aww man..."

Kuraire leaned back against the seat in a huff.

"The sky sure is beautiful tonight..." Heza said, looking up at the many stars above them as the ferris wheel started moving again. "Just seeing so many stars reminds me of Ruunamon's Star Dust attack..." Her eyes began to blur as she looked down at the stuffed star in her arms.

"Heza-chan.... I miss Ruunamon too. Everyone does... but you've got to put your past behind you, and wait for the future. Who knows, maybe we'll get called back to the Digital World and then you'll get to see her again..." Yamato said, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"But how far into the future? I just can't stop thinking about her... it's like every time I look up at the sky, something there puts an image of her into my head..." Heza said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Yamato took her face in his hands. "Heza-chan... I promise, you will see her again... maybe not for many years, but everyone sees an old friend at least once... maybe tomorrow, at the dance, we'll get called back. The chances of that are very slim, but still... it's there." They looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes, blue and brown, then Yamato slowly started to lean forward.

Heza's heart was pounding. Her mind was reeling, a thousand different thoughts running through her brain. *Kami-sama... it's finally going to happen...* She closed her eyes. Just a little closer....

"Hah! Look at the lovebirds!" an all-too-familiar voice below them said.

Heza's eyes snapped open, and Yamato leaned back against the seat, his face dark crimson with embarassment and anger. *Kuso! We were so damned close too!* They looked down at the culprit.

"Heheh, don't mind us!" Taichi shouted up at them. "Just go ahead and kiss like we're not even here!" he said, laughing. Sora, who was sitting next to him, hung her head in shame at the big-haired boy beside her.

"Yagami Taichi, one of these days... you're going to get what you deserve!" Yamato yelled.

********************************************************** **********
[ The next day, about an hour before the dance.... ]

"Hmm... which one, minna-san?" Sora asked, holding up two semiformal gowns. She, Heza, and Kamira were all in Heza's bedroom deciding on an outfit for the dance that night.

"Hmm... I think you should wear the red one..." Heza said, absently twirling her brown hair.

"I dunno..." Sora said, doubtful.

"I personally like the gold one. It goes really nice with your hair color, Sora-chan..." Kamira said, munching on a cookie.

Sora looked in Heza's mirror, holding up both dresses in front of her. The one on her right was bright red, and had spaghetti straps. It also had a short skirt. The other one was gold silk and touched the ground. It had a halter neckline and an open back. "Hai, you're right... besides the gold one would look better with my shoes," Sora said, laying the red one on the bed.

Heza shrugged. "Fine, if you don't want my opinion..." she joked, laying down on her bed.

Kamira giggled, then reached into her duffel bag. "Do you think this would look nice?" she said, holding up a lilac tubedress with a rhinestone bodice.

"Wow... that one will go great with your skin tone," Heza said, sitting up. "It doesn't look half-bad with your hair either..."

"Hai, I like it," Sora said, flashing a thumbs-up sign. "Now for your dres, Heza-chan..." She stood up and walked to Heza's closet.

"I dunno if I have anything nice enough in there..." Heza said, scratching her back.

"What about this one?" Sora said, pulling a royal blue kimono from her closet.

"Iie, too traditional..." Heza said, shaking her head.

"How about this?" This time, it was a black frock.

"Too oldish."

Sora browsed for a minute or two, then her eyes lit up. "I know you can't say no to this," she said, pulling a red sleeveless dress from her closet. It had a black and white yin-yang symbol on the front, and a green sash with embroidered dragons on it. There was a slit up each side to about mid-thigh.

"Heza-chan, it's perfect! You have to wear that..." Kamira said, nudging her friend.

Heza looked at the dress for a minute. "I forgot I had that... sugoi! I'm wearing this one!" she said triumphantly.

About half an hour later, the three girls admired themselves in Heza's mirror. Sora had curled her hair to where there was a nice wave to it. Kamira's hair was naturally wavy, and she had piled it up on top of her head with little violet flower clips. Heza had tied her hair up in two buns, and had put a pink scrunchy decorated with cloth sakura blossoms around them. Two green ribbons hung from each bun, and she had left her blonde streaks hanging.

"Well bishojo, I think we're ready to conquer the Odaiba High Yuki Dance, don't you?" Heza asked, her determination surfacing. (PC's Note: In IHC Heza had Confidence. Determination is her Japanese crest.)

"I think we are," Sora said, her love for her friends taking a toll.

"As do I," Kamira said. (I'm not ready to reveal her attribute yet :P)

"Okeydokey. Look out world, here come the true bishojo of Odaiba High!" Heza shouted. Her two friends looked at each other and sweatdropped at Heza's confidence. It was ceratinly going to be an interesting dance...