Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ New Love Version 2 ❯ Sleep over ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New love

Chapter 2

By Net

"Thank you very much." Koushiro bowed as the twentieth customer walked out of the store.

"Why I have to do this?" The brown hair teenager groan. "I just walked in for a can of coke and now I have to do the shop work. Why had she gone so long?"

Before he could mumble further more, the door was opened and he saw Miyako and Daisuke walked in. Behind them he saw a girl he never met before.

"Finally, you're back. Where have you been? You had gone for a good half an hour."

"I'm sorry, Izumi-senpai." Apologized Miyako. "But we had ran into trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"A digimon had appeared and it attacked me and Ayame." Said Daisuke.

"Ayame?" Koishiro diverted his gaze to the new girl behind Daisuke and Miyako.

The purple eye girl bowed. "My name is Ayame. Nice to meet you."


In the dark.

The enormous eye glowed furiously red.

"The hell's hound had fail! I still can sense its presence!"

Suddenly in the darkness around him numerous pair of eyes appeared.

"I need some more time to recover my strange. I must destroy it before it could regain its power."

The eyes blinked in response before they faded into the darkness.


"Hmm… this is strange." Said Koushiro

The group had now moved to Koushiro's house as Miyako's brother took his turn for watching the shop. They had called Takeru, Hikari, Ken and Iori to join the meeting along with their digimon partner.

"Why a digimon would attacked a girl intentionally." Said Ken. "There must be something behind this."

"And when it died. It turned into an orb instead of just exploded into data." Added Daisuke.

Tailmon turned to Ayame who had listened quietly from the beginning. "Ayame-san. Can't you remember anything about yourself? It might help us find out who's after you."

Ayame shook her head sadly. "No, I still can't remember a thing. But when I saw that dog I think I sense something from it."

"What do you sense?" Asked Hikari.

"I'm not sure but it was dark, evil but yet it was familiar like I had faced it before but I couldn't remember when. " Replied Ayame, looked down her face looked sad.

"C'mon guys!" Daisuke said up. "She has been through a lot for a day. Just give her sometimes to think. Anyway, if there's more of those orb thinggy digimon coming up, we would just squash them away like we're always do."

"Hmm.........m. Sometime even the dumbest could say something good." Said Miyako.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Daisuke, bringing his face close to Miyako's.

"I mean what I just say."

As the two argued, the people around them couldn't help but smiled even Ayame who's just a moment ago was looked so down but now she's giggled at the arguing pair.

After they've realized that everyone was gigling at them. Daisuke and Miyako 's face turned slightly red then looked away from each other.

"Daisuke-kun was right." Said Takeru. "The thing we don't know was too much so we should'nt rush for the conclution but we need to be aware for the time being for our own safety. Because we don't know what's gonna happen. Are you agree with that?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.


That night at Miyako's apartment.

"Alright. You can sleep here." Said Miyako as she put a futon next to her bed.

"Thank you very much Miyako-san" Said Ayame.

"Don't worry." Replied Miyako waving her hand. "I usually invited my friend to sleep over times to times anyway."

"Um...Miyako-san. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Replied Miyako whiled adjusting the sheet.

"Are you Daisuke-kun's girlfriend?"

A loud thud came up as Miyako tripped her own feet and feel to the floor.

"What kinds of question is that!?" Shouted Miyako after getting up.

"I saw the two of you seems very close to each other so I thought the two of you are couple."

"No, we're not couple." Said Miyako. "That hot head reckless boy was not my style."

"But I think Daisuke-kun was a very kind and nice person." Replied Ayame.

"Well, that might come from the fact that he just got his heart broken by a girl he had a crush for so long. That was indeed effected him a lot."

"Then maybe a new love might help him." Said Ayame smiling.

Miyako's face turned bright red as she looked away.

"Just stop it right here. We've many thing to do tomorrow. Let's go to bed." Said Miyako before she switch off the light.

To be continued next chapter.