Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Next time you fall in love [It better be with me] ❯ Back then was when we touched the Starlight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Next Time You Fall In Love

SUMMARY: Taichi and Yamato had been dating for three years in the past. The older digi-destined accidentally overhear Taichi breaking up with Yamato at a re-union picnic, but the blonde refuses to tell the others what happened.

In the future, Sora marries Yamato, and the two have two kids… But what can happen after they are both in love… with other people? Usual warning - yaoi! Yuri as well! Homophobes get away from here! Kath this is for you!

A/N: "Next Time You Fall In Love" does not belong to me, the music is by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the lyrics are by Don Black. Rated R for language and certain situations.

DEDICATED AND WRITTEN FOR: Kath!!! The Tai-fixated, Yama-look-alike who is the greatest Digimon Artist *EVER* and I'm including the official artists in this too! Kath - this is for you! Hope it's OK! Pity Digimon doesn't belong to you either. *Oh* the possibilities!!! ::whispers:: Girly Tai and girly Dai! Oh my!

Digimon adventures dunt belong to me doo dah, doo da. I'm not making any money from this, oh dah doo dah day!

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"I can't believe Yamato and Taichi couldn't come until later," Sora grouched as she balanced the picnic basket on her arm. Mimi shrugged.

"I'm sure something happened between them, something… different. They seem different recently," the pink-haired nineteen year old said, frowning.

"That sounds like them," Takeru grouched, looking up.

"Over there?" Koushiro suggested, noticing a secluded corner surrounded by trees.

"Yeah, that seems OK," Hikari responded.

"Near a waterfall, I can hear one anyway," Jyou commented as they spread out the blanket and set out the food, sitting down carefully to avoid squashing a bug.

"This is a very nice spot."

"Yeah it is onii-chan," Takeru said, then blinked and sweat-dropped. "Onii-chan?"

"Sssshh," Mimi warned, and they moved as a group closer to the trees.

"Over here!" Hikari hissed quietly. "And shush!"

The five crowded around the petite brunette, keeping silent as they looked up to see Yamato standing on one side of the waterfall, facing… Taichi?

"What did you want to talk about Taichi?" Yamato said bluntly.

"You're right, this is a very nice spot -"

"Taichi," Yamato cut in sternly. "If you were just going to talk about the aesthetics about Odaiba park we might as well have gone to the picnic on time."

"I…" Taichi's shoulders slumped, and his head lowered. "That's not what I want to talk about."

"Well what do you want to talk about?" Yamato said softly.

"I… Us," Taichi said flatly, not meeting Yamato's eyes.

"What about us?" Yamato's voice sounded strained. "Look at me, Taichi. What's wrong?"

Taichi lifted his head, his eyes stern. "There is no us any more."

"What?" Yamato seemed shocked, his eyes flashed dangerously and his face paled. He crossed over to Taichi, and put his arms out, resting them on Taichi's shoulders. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm leaving, I… I… we can't," Taichi said, turning his head away and wrenching out of Yamato's grasp.

"Leaving? Where are you going?"

Taichi's shoulders slumped again. "England."

"Taichi… please… why are you going?"

"Because you have a life! Because I can't ruin yours! Because! Just because!" Taichi screamed, turning to face the blonde, tears streaking down his cheeks.

"That's not an answer!" Yamato responded, his voice raising in volume. "I love you, Taichi, you know I do, and I thought you did too."

"You thought wrong," Taichi mumbled, backing away.

"Taichi, please, you're just saying that… You don't mean it… Say you don't mean it!" Yamato protested.

"I can't. I don't love you Yamato."

"Didn't the last three years mean anything to you?"

Taichi's body stiffened suddenly, and turned away only the other six could see the trouble he was having lying to the blonde. "None what-so-ever. I just came to tell you I was leaving… That it's over… It didn't mean anything… I don't love you, Yamato."

"I…" Yamato fell silent. "If you don't then there's no reason to stay around then…"

"I… I'm sorry Yamato," Taichi whispered. "Say goodbye to imouto-chan for me."

"Sure…" Yamato sighed, dropping to the ground, his knees giving out. "I… I do love you… I'm sorry… I can't help it… You know I always will."

"I…" Taichi fell silent and began walking away. "Goodbye Yama-cha - Yamato."

"Goodbye…" Yamato whispered, his head dropping to the ground as he curled up in a foetal position, shaking uncontrollably as Taichi began to run off, tears streaming down his face.

"Onii-chan…" Hikari whispered, horrified that her brother was leaving without saying goodbye… That her brother could do something so horrible when he was so obviously lying…

"I… I have to go to him," Takeru said, tears starting to prick at his eyes.

"Is that safe?" Sora said, shocked at what had happened.

"I'll tell him I just heard the sounds and came to see what was the matter…" Takeru said. "I have to go."

The others nodded and watched as the blonde sixteen-year old pushed forwards through the brushes, knelt down and pulled his brother into his lap. Yamato just clutched onto his brother and cried, sobbing and shaking, oblivious to the world around him. Takeru looked up as Hikari stepped softly into the clearing too.

"I've never seen him like this before," Takeru whispered, his head dropping down again as he pulled his brother closer. "He's never… he must be hurting so badly…" Hikari nodded, looking off in the direction Taichi had run off, and exchanging a glance with Takeru speeded off after her brother. Takeru blinked dazedly after his best friend, then resumed his attention on his older brother.

Hikari swore as she pounded down the pavement, knowing Taichi must have got a taxi to the airport or something. She had gaspingly called her mother, who was crying - she had just found the goodbye note from Taichi and was worried sick.

The petite brunette lowered her head and ran round the corner, seeing the giant airport, and ignoring other startled people, she pelted thorugh the car park, skidded through the doors and past a whole crowd of startled travellers.

Just in time.

She skidded into the departure lounge to see her brother sat on one of the seats, luggage resting against his legs, his head in his arms resting on his knees, obviously crying as well by the way his shoulders were gently shaking. Sighing, she stepped forwards.

"First call for flight 798 to Gatwick airport, London, I repeat, first call for flight 798 to Gatwick airport, London. Please leave by departure gate 8."

Hikari watched as Taichi gently lifted his head up, wiping away the tears and getting ready to leave. She saw him wince as his gaze met hers. Putting on a stern face she walked stiffly over to her brother, reared back and slapped him with all her strength.

Taichi pulled his head back from the slap, his cheek red and eyes blazing. Then he slumped and his head lowered; tears spilling to the ground.

"I deserved that didn't I?" He whispered, his voice cracking.

"How could you leave us like this when we need you?" Hikari demanded, her voice loud, not caring who else heard. "How could you do that to me? Worse of all, how could you do that to him?"

Taichi's head flew upwards. "What?"

"We were metres away from you, you know? Metres… I can't believe you could lie to him like that… I know you love him," Hikari said pointedly, tears coming to her eyes.

"I…" Taichi stopped, defeated, and then stood up. "I have to go. I'll call you when I get there."

"Second call for flight 798 to Gatwick airport, London, I repeat, second call for flight 798 to Gatwick airport, London. Please leave by departure gate 8."

"Onii-chan…" Hikari whispered. Taichi looked at her steadily, hugged her tightly, picked up his luggage and turned to go. "I hope you know you ruined his life. Mum's worried sick too."

Taichi's shoulders stiffened, and he walked off; not looking back. As she watched her brother leave the waiting room, leave her life, it was all Hikari could do to remain conscious as she dropped to the floor, crying uncontrollably.

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"He still won't talk about it," Takeru stated simply.

"Neither will onii-chan," Hikari responded, shuffling uncomfortably in her husband's arms. Takeru frowned at her shuffling, and moved to just sit next to her. Hikari gave up and leaned against his arm instead

"Isn't Mimi back yet anyway? I would have thought she would have called," Takeru said, trying to change the subject. Hikari frowned.

"I'm sure she probably was too eager to see Sora again," Hikari said. "You know how depressed Sora got when Mimi left for America."

"Yeah, I do. Do you think something happened between them?" Takeru raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Otherwise Sora wouldn't have married Yamato," Hikari said, nodding her head. "Yuuko's really getting a problem with them isn't she?" Hikari added, referring to Sora and Yamato's five year old kid.

"I know. She just can't stand being around Atsunuma… He's her brother for crying out loud…" Takeru sighed, frustrated. "You wouldn't have thought they were twins."
"They might have to separate them," Hikari said, frowning, then turning to lie across Takeru she closed her eyes. "I know they have for the next couple of weeks. Your dad's got Yuuko, your grandmother's got Atsunuma… I'm just so… tired. This is all so confusing."
"I know what you mean," Takeru responded. "Shush, love, go to sleep."

"Night…" Hikari whispered, curling into a foetal position and sleeping. Takeru looked down at the woman he had married three years earlier and smiled softly, brushing some of her hair back away from her face so he could watch her sleeping. It had been a long battle winning her from Daisuke, but it was worth it. Of course, Daisuke realising he was gay and in love with Ken kind of won the case for him, but he didn't mind as Hikari chose him before Daisuke realised.

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"OK, I'm going now!"

Sora looked up and smiled at her husband as he quietly left the house. Sighing, she resumed her attention on the kimono she was stitching, unable to stop the tears welling up and slipping down her cheeks.

Mimi would be back in the country now, and there was nothing she could do to stop the pain that was coursing through her body. No-one else knew what had happened. After a blazing row, Mimi stormed off, leaving Sora alone in the pouring rain in Odaiba park… Sora has stubbornly refused to apologise, leading to Mimi storming off to England without saying anything… Two years later, she and Yamato had gotten married. It was a mutual thing - not so much in love with each other - how could they when they loved someone else? - they more needed someone, something, to hold onto. And since they couldn't have who they were in love with…

The auburn-haired woman crying shifted uncomfortably. Thankfully the twins were at her grandmother-in-law's and father-in-law's, being kept apart. Sora honestly didn't know what to do about them…

A doorbell rang once, piercing through her thoughts. Getting to her feet, hurriedly, she wiped her tears away, and went to the door.

"I swear, Yama, if you've forgotten your keys again -" she got out, as she opened the door, and stood, mouth open.

"Hello Sora," said the chestnut-haired woman on the doorstep, holding a wild-haired kid to her side.

Instead of replying, Sora passed out cold.

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"Sora? Sora, please. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Sora looked away, chewing her lip. "I know Mimi, I know." She'd regained consciousness an hour earlier, and was now sat uncomfortably on the sofa next to Mimi as Mimi's kid played on one of Atsunuma's video games.

"So how long have you and Yamato been married?" Mimi asked, trying to change topics.

"Almost six years, we had Yuuko and Atsunuma a year later," Sora replied, watching the small brown-haired kid play silently on the game. "What about your kid? He looks so much like… Oh my… Mimi, did you… with Taichi?"

Mimi stiffened, then realised that tears were coursing down her cheeks.

"It was… I don't know. We were the only ones in the country who really understood what had happened after he…" The chestnut-haired woman shivered. "It was only once. But then, I suppose you know, once is enough… We never married. Afterwards Taichi found out I was pregnant… he offered to take him, but I just… couldn't do that to him."

"Couldn't take his own kid from him?" Sora blinked, horrified. "You know how dotty Taichi gets about kids." Sora stopped and turned to look at her friends expression. "You didn't, did you? He wanted for so long to run a foster home."

"God, I didn't know…" Mimi trailed off. "I just assumed he wouldn't want him… D'you think… Well… With my lifestyle it's so hard finding people to baby-sit him for me… Life as an actress isn't that stable, you know…"

"Mimi." Sora said flatly, looking at her friend, the one person she knew she would always be in love with and took the chestnut-haired woman's hand tightly. "Ask him. I know it must seem awkward - honestly, it's so awkward between me and Yama… In fact, if we're truthful, it's only because of alcohol that our two were born… Neither of us are in this for the sex, that's for sure. We're both in this marriage because neither of us wanted to be alone, and neither of us could be with the person they loved." Sora swallowed briefly; speaking the truth painful for her.

"Does he know about what happened with you and…" Mimi started, blushing and looking away.

"I never mentioned it," Sora said bluntly. "But then he's never mentioned Taichi once in our entire marriage. I've never really mentioned you. We both knew that… we needed someone who understood."

"I…" Mimi trailed off. "I'm sorry…"

"What for? You didn't want me any more, you didn't love me, so why are you sorry? I'm glad you told me the truth as soon as you did," Sora said, ignoring the tears pricking at her eyes.

"It wasn't the truth."

Sora's head whirled faster than the speed of light.


"I was scared… I didn't know what I was saying…" Mimi said flatly, keeping her head turned away. "I loved you so much, I still do, I was so scared everyone would reject us… and you would get hurt… So… I ran away. It's not something I'm proud of, believe me… And now it's too late… I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Sora sat there, just absorbing everything the chestnut-haired woman admitted, a lump forming in her throat which she was so sure would never dissolve, ever.

"I love you too Mimi… I'm willing to forgive if you'll take me back," she said slowly.

Mimi spun around, chocolate-eyes hitting mahogany-eyes squarely.

"God, I love you so much Sora…" she whispered, finding somehow the distance between them was too far, and too close in the same instant.

"I love you too Mimi," the auburn-haired beauty admitted gently, losing herself in Mimi's eyes as she used to so often. Leaning forwards, she closed the distance between them and softly kissed Mimi on the lips.

"I missed that," Mimi whispered hoarsely, her face cracking into a smile. Sora got up, smiling softly at her love. Extending a hand, she pulled Mimi up.

"Come on, upstairs," Sora said gently, knowing how much they both wanted it. Mimi gasped and followed her.

"Kazuo, honey, stay down here," Mimi called gently. "Mommy has important business to take care of."

"Sure mom! I could stay here alllllll day," the wild-haired brunette kid exclaimed, turning back to the TV screen and console in his hands.

Sora smiled sweetly at the little kid, closed the door and dragged the one woman she loved so much upstairs.

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Yamato sighed as he returned to the house. Sora was going to literally kill him for forgetting his keys /again/. How was he supposed to know he had… He was half-way across the Nii-ban district before he'd realised, and headed back. The meeting wasn't so important anyway, the concert tonight was. The blonde haired man rubbed his hand across his eyes, reached up for the doorbell, then realised the door wasn't locked. Shrugging, he reached for the handle and let himself in, heading for the living room where his keys might be. Then again he might have left them on the bedside cabinet…

He opened the door to the living room, tiptoed in quietly, and then stopped in surprise when he noticed the unfamiliar coat and handbag on the floor, and then he saw the brunette kid sat on the floor playing on the video games. A lump rose in his throat when he realised just who the kid resembled.

"Well, hello," Yamato said uncertainly, moving forwards and dropping down next to the kid. "What's your name then?"

The brown-haired kid hit pause, turned to see the blonde looking at him curiously and proudly said: "Tachikawa Kazuo! What's your name?"

"Ishida Yamato. Is your father Yagami Taichi by any chance?" Yamato forced himself to ask the question, perfectly knowing the answer… He had to be Taichi's kid.

"Uhh… I think Mama said that was his name. Mommy and daddy don't live with each other. I don't know my daddy," Kazuo said, scratching his nose.

"And where is your mommy?" Yamato found himself asking questions, feeling detached from the situation.

"Upstairs with the be-yoo-tiful orange haired lady. She was very pretty. Is she your mommy?" Kazuo blinked, then smiled. "I liked her."

"She's my… friend. Not my mommy. My mommy's name is Natsuko, I'm sure you'd like my mommy," Yamato said, laughing at the kid. He was so like Taichi it made him want to laugh, scream and cry all at once.

"Oh, I wanna meet your mommy," Kazuo said firmly. "Mommies are the nicest peoples in the world."
"Wait till you grow up and they start nagging," Yamato replied, laughing, running one hand through his hair. "I have a kid your age too. Atsunuma. I think you'd like him."

"I wanna meet him too. Boy, Yamato, you sound like you know some nice people," Kazuo said, with the conviction only a four-year-old could have.

"I know your mommy too, she's great," Yamato said, standing up and stretching. "I just have to go upstairs and say hi to them, then I have to go play some music for some people."

"You play moo-sic? Me like pretty music! Especially by this rock band mommy said my daddy liked very much…" The brunette's forehead furrowed, indicating the kid was deep in thought. "Uh… Teenage Wolfies? Summat like that…"

"Teenage wolves is the name of my band," Yamato said, smiling down at the kid. "He likes it, huh? He always said he hated it."

"You know my daddy too? He must be nice then too, everyone you know sounds nice," Kazuo said, grinning lopsidedly.

"Yes, your daddy is usually very nice," Yamato said, his eyes distancing. "Get back to your game, if you can get past level twenty, you'll be my best bud for life."

"I'm already up to level nine-teen," Kazuo said proudly, turning back to the game, getting re-absorbed by it instantly. Yamato stood there, softly, watching the little boy enviously. Having so much of Taichi in his life… Even when it was obviously minimal… The blonde swallowed nervously, turned to the bookcase, rifled through it, picked out an envelope, pushed open the door and headed upstairs.

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Sora didn't know what to say when the door opened and Yamato walked through. Her heart lurched into her mouth, her eyes widened and she started to shake slightly.

"Uhhh… Yamato… I…" Sora shifted uncomfortably, while Mimi's cheeks burned with shame.

"Oh, I just forgot my keys. Hi Meems, nice to see ya again," Yamato said, starting to look around the room. "Oh, Kazuo seems great. Nothing like our little terrors anyway."

The blonde sighed, and shifted a pile of books off the table in the corner.

"Oh, yeah, I picked these up yesterday knowing Mimi was back in the country. I thought it was for the best. I've signed them, everything's set, I hope they're OK." Yamato blinked, and passed the brown envelope in his hand to a rather-unclad Sora , who took it, hand shaking. She opened it cautiously.

"Di - divorce papers?"

"Hmmm-mmmm," Yamato agreed, sighing. "Where the hey did I put my keys?"

"Under the bed probably," Sora said, stunned. She flicked through the papers. "You're taking Yuuko, unlimited visitation rights for me and for you… That would definitely solve the uh… problem with them… You're giving me the house… Yama, I can't…"

"Can't do it or what?"

Yamato had just dropped under the bed to search for his keys and his voice was muffled.

"This is way too much," Sora said softly, her voice dropping. "There's no way I deserve this."

"I love you, both of you, very much. And this place'll be great for Atsunuma to grow up in, I'll get him a bus card for when he's old enough, he can visit me any time," Yamato responded, his voice getting more muffled by the second. "Hang on… Found them."

He stood up, holding his keys in one hand. "I'll be out for three days, if you could pack up my stuff I'd be grateful."

"Of course I will," Sora said, tears in her eyes. "I do love you, you know, it's just… This entire marriage has been a lie for both of us."

Yamato's eyes flew to her hers, and seeing the understanding in her eyes, he lowered his head. Lifting it again, he smiled softly. "I wish you both luck in your new life together."

"Thank you, Yamato, thank you so much for giving her up like this, to me of all people," Mimi squeaked softly, scared at what his reaction could have so very well been. "There's no way I deserve her."

"I don't think anyone deserves Sora," Yamato said truthfully. Shifting, he took one glance at the happy couple, and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "Kazuo's a great kid. I only hope Taichi knows that."

Without another word, the blonde musician smiled at the two women, and left the room, leaving them to stare nonplussed at each other.

"That was unreal," Mimi murmured softly, blushing as Sora turned to face her love again. "He's so understanding about all of this… I'd never have expected…"

"Mimi," Sora said firmly. "He understands because this is exactly what he wanted with the person he loves…. But you know Taichi, stubborn as a mule, it'll never happen. I think Yama wants it to happen for someone else he cares for instead. And believe it or not, he does care for all of us digidestined very much. He just never shows it half the time."

"I know…" Mimi found herself cracking into a wide grin. "I love you so much, Sora, how could I be such an idiot to leave?"

"I don't know," Sora replied demurely, then genuinely smiled, picking up her lover's hand softly. "How could I let you?"

Mimi found more tears slipping down her cheeks as she leaned over and rested her hand against Sora's chest, hugging the auburn-haired woman tightly.

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Yamato slid downstairs, tears slipping down his cheeks, and he closed his eyes and leaned against the doorpost.

He didn't know how hard that would be… He knew he wasn't in love with Sora, but still seeing her happy in someone else's arms made him hate himself for taking Sora away from Mimi…

"Mister Yamato?"

The blonde shook himself, quickly wiped his tears away, and smiled at the small brunette tugging at the sleeve of his shirt.

"I got to the twentieth level! All by myself! Say, why are you crying?" Kazuo frowned up at the blonde.

"I'm crying because I'm happy. Your mommy's in love with my friend. They're going to live together," Yamato explained softly.

"Oh, maybe daddy will get me then," Kazuo said. "I would like that. I wanna meet my daddy."

"You're just like your daddy, you know?" Yamato said softly, tears filling his eyes.

"You love my daddy too?" Kazuo blinked. "I love my daddy. I cry when I miss him. I've seen him once, but mommy doesn't know. Don't tell her."

"I won't…" Yamato forced a smile. "And I think everyone loves your daddy."

"You love him then?"

Yamato grinned at the simple way Kazuo saw things. I wish I was four again… Maybe things wouldn't be so complicated… "Yes I do."

"Oh goodie," Kazuo exclaimed, smiling. "Will I see you again?"

"I'm sure you will, but for now I'm going, I have concert, then I'm moving house," Yamato explained. "Nice to see you Kazuo."

"Nice to meet you too, hey, maybe you could be my daddy too! I like you lots and lots!" Kazuo grinned. Yamato grinned, and ruffled the kid's hair.

"I don't think so, we'll be best buds though, ok?"

"Sure! Bye mister Yamato!" Kazuo grinned and skipped back to the game. Yamato shook his head in laughter, and found the tears falling again. Clenching his fists, he sighed and let them fall as he exited the house.

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The blonde found himself driving around aimlessly. He'd rung Akira, apologised for missing the meeting. Akira had said it had been cancelled anyway. That meant he had about four hours to kill before he even had to be at the town where he was playing. He didn't have to even deal with accommodation for the next three days… Although he should started looking for somewhere nearby a little more permanent to live.

Yamato sighed as he found tears falling again. How did he get in such a mess all the time? How did he -?

"Kami-sama!" The blonde shrieked as a car pelted round the corner at a really high speed. Slamming on the breaks and swerving to the side, he barely the red car, which slammed to a stop. Taking a few seconds to gather his breath, the blonde got out of the car, looking to see if the other driver was all right.

"Chikuso! Are you all right?" The other driver was the first to speak. It was a man, in his early twenties, with a baseball cap on and sunglasses. "Kami-sama, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I was going so fast… I'm really sorry."

"It's all right," Yamato responded. "Just a bit shocked that's all."

"Hmmm," the man responded. "Jeez, you're crying. Are you all right?"

"I said I'm fine!" Yamato responded, his voice raising in tempo. He took one scandalous look at the driver. "Maybe you'd better learn to drive."

"Maybe you'd better learn to accept an apology!" The man retorted, pulling off his baseball cap and sunglasses to stare at Yamato accusingly. Yamato stumbled backwards at the brown eyes that glared at him. The hair wasn't the same, nowhere near, but Yamato knew who it was - a gut instinct almost.

"Get shoved!" Yamato responded angrily, tears falling for real now, as he literally jumped into his car, slammed the door, and slumped against the steering wheel wearily. He hadn't meant to yell, but he was so, so sure it was Taichi… It had to be.

Outside, Taichi stared at the car and the blonde man in amazement. He hadn't meant to almost crash into him, why did he have to get so temperamental like that? The blonde guy reminded him strongly of Yamato. The brunette winced at that thought, the memory of how he had broken Yamato's heart and his by leaving like that. By denying he loved the blonde.

Taichi looked up, noticing that the blonde's car hadn't moved off. Curious, ashamed, embarrassed but pretty much concerned, he walked over to the car and noticed the blonde slumped against the steering wheel. He couldn't be…

"Hey man! Are you sure you're ok?" Taichi banged on the window slightly. The blonde's head lurched upwards, and stared at him accusingly, blue shards of ice stabbing into his eyes, just like…

Oh. My. God.

"Yamato?" Taichi whispered softly, tears pricking at his eyes. "Oh my… Yama?"

Yamato blinked, turned his head away, turned the keys and gunned the engine. With a little skid the car started to move away.

In complete shock, Taichi scrambled back to his car, gunned his engine, and started to chase after the blonde. He didn't know why he was doing it, only that he was inexplicably drawn to him.

He must have chased the blonde for almost an hour when Yamato pulled his car to the edge of the road, into a service-station's car park. Taichi slammed the car into reverse, after accidentally by-passing the station and swerved his car in next to Yamato's. The blonde got out of his car angrily, and Taichi got out to face the man he was in love with.

"Taichi what the hell did you want?"

Taichi stared at him impassively. "I wanted to talk to you."

Yamato stared at him accusingly, then in bewilderment. Eventually he nodded, and jerked his head towards the small road-side café. "There."

Taichi nodded, and in a daze followed the blonde as he stalked to the café.

Ten minutes later he was facing Yamato as the blonde sipped at a black coffee.

"What did you want to talk about?" Yamato asked crisply.

Taichi blinked, at a loss. "I…"

"I met your kid. He seems great," the blonde stated, his eyes searching for something outside of the window. Taichi swallowed and nodded.

"Kazuo. Yeah, well… he is great…"

"He wants to live with you, you know?"

Taichi blinked. That was new to him.

"Talk to Mimi," Yamato followed on, ignoring the brunette. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She and Sora will be looking after Atsunuma, he's more than a handful for both of them."


"I married Sora six years ago. We had two kids," Yamato responded in a monotone.

"Sora?" Taichi sounded slightly surprised. "Yeah, she always did have something for you."

"Yeah right. I walked in on her in bed with Mimi," Yamato added, laughing a dry, humourless laugh.

"Jeez," Taichi whistled softly. "Well, I suppose…"

"I deserved it?" Yamato sounded bitter. Taichi didn't blame him. "I never loved Sora, of course I deserved it. I took her away from Mimi."

"I think Mimi left before you could do that," Taichi said softly.

"Yeah, well, I was in love with you, and she still married me. What does that say about how much she loved Mimi," the blonde said bluntly. "It says she did love Mimi, but she was just as hurt by Mimi as I was by you. We needed someone who understood what the other was going through. Although I never did."

"You didn't?"

"I wish I didn't love you… I was wrong for tying you down like I did," Yamato said stiffly, resuming his attention on his coffee.

Taichi was silent as he gulped down his own green tea.

"Well I'm sorry for wasting three years," he finally said.

"Yeah. So am I," Yamato said softly, fighting the tears again.

"I lied," Taichi said eventually. "When I left."

"Huh," the blonde grunted, an uncommitted sound.

"I loved you. I'm sorry. I did. I loved you so much it hurt too much to ruin your life," Taichi said softly, lowering his head, tears dripping down his nose and splashing onto the table.

"Ruin my life?" Yamato sounded incredulous. "Ruin my life? You ruined it by going!"

"I know, Hikari said… She hates me now, I'm sure of it."

"Can you blame her?" Yamato retorted, lifting his head to meet Taichi's gaze, blue eyes hitting brown squarely.

"I… do you hate me?" Taichi sounded nervous.

"Yes," Yamato responded bluntly. "You know I do."

"Yes, I rather suspected that," Taichi returned, just as bluntly.

"Just as much as I love you, which is really screwing my head up at the moment," Yamato said, clenching his eyes shut briefly, having to try extra hard to prevent the tears threatening to fall again.

Taichi was silent as he played with his mug. "I'm sorry.." he whispered. "God I love you so much, so much more very day and it's wrenching me apart knowing I was the one that did this to you…"

"Did what?" Yamato managed to ask, not exactly being coherent as the tears started to leak out anyway.

"I hurt you and I can never forgive myself for that," Taichi said, struggling to get the words out. "I made you hate me. But I deserve that. I ran away because I was too much of a coward to face up to the fact that I couldn't bear anything to happen to you. I ran because I knew I couldn't bear to see you hurt any more… I don't know what I was thinking."

"Taichi, please." Taichi lifted his head, tears still running down his face, to see Yamato's pale face covered with tears as well. "Please don't. You might not love me any more, but I still love you, no matter what I said… I love you, Taichi, I can't bear to see you in pain…"

"I… Yama…" Taichi burst out, before settling down and resting his head on his arms. There was silence as they both sat there, crying quietly.

Taichi didn't know how long he had sat there, trying to calm down, but when he finally lifted his tear-streaked face Yamato had gone.

"Did I just dream that?" He whispered to himself. Trying to get himself ready to drive again, he gulped down the rest of his tea (which had gone cold) and turned round to get his coat off the back of the chair.


The brunette turned round wildly, his eyes widening, as he saw a burgundy-haired man arm in arm with a blue-haired man. Taichi blinked, wiped at his face wildly, and then blinked again.

"Uh… yeah…" Taichi said cautiously.

"Hi man! Great to see you in Japan again!" The burgundy-haired man said.

"We're just on our way through to Kenbaya for the concert, we have one extra ticket if you want to join us," the blue-haired man added, smiling.

Taichi blinked again. "Excuse me? Who are you?"

The burgundy-haired man's mouth dropped open. "Geez, Yagami, it's only been eight years and you've forgotten the one and only Motomiya Daisuke?"

Taichi gaped, then recovered himself. "Daisuke! And… Ken? Wow! Who'd a thunk it?"

"Really? Everyone else said it was kinda obvious," Ken said, frowning.

"Sarcasm, genius boy," Taichi said flatly.

"So, what happened to you? You look like shit," Daisuke stated truthfully.

"Nice to see you've learned tact," Taichi grumbled.

"So?" Ken said, returning with three fresh teas and pushing one firmly over to the short-haired brunette. "What happened?"

"I had a run in - literally - with Yama," Taichi admitted finally after a minute's silence as they sipped at the teas.

"Ouch," Daisuke said, softly.

"Yep," Taichi replied. "Ouch. And it's all my fault."
"So what are you going to do about it?" Ken asked thoughtfully, snaking an arm around Daisuke's back.

"I don't know," Taichi said softly, truthfully. "Return to England I suppose. I'm only here for my job."

"Taichi, please, you can't. Do you love him or not?"

Taichi blinked at the directness of Daisuke's question.

"I…" He sighed, looking at the table. "You know I do."

"Does he? No, let me rephrase that - did he?"

Taichi was silent. "I don't know."

"Taichi, you can't run away again. You have to go and tell him how you feel. You have to beg forgiveness. He loves you Taichi, he always fucking has, and you're too dumb to see that! You were too dumb to accept he'd do anything for you because he loved you. He does, he always has, he always will! No matter what you do to him!" Daisuke's voice raised in volume as he yelled at the former leader of the DigiDestined.

Taichi blinked, then looked at Daisuke, horrified, tears rising in his eyes quickly despite his attempt to hold them back. He made a choking sound, and started to sob violently, trembling.

"How could I be so stupid? He'll never take me back now… Never… Oh god what have I done?" Taichi raised his tear-streaked face to look at his two old friends. They both had matching expressions of concern mixed with understanding and sympathy. Taichi took a moment to compose himself.

"I'm going back, Daisuke, Ken. I have to go leave as soon as possible. It's for the best, as soon as I'm gone he'll forget about me, I know he will," Taichi started. Daisuke cut him off quickly.

"Like hell! He hasn't forgotten you for the last eight years, what makes you think he'll friggin' well stop now!"

"Daisuke!" Taichi gasped as the burgundy-haired man yelled at him.

"Don't you Daisuke me! You are coming with us to the concert, and you are going to apologise to EVERYONE. Yamato, Hikari, the DigiDestined, your FAMILY heck the whole fucking world if you have to! You're a complete asshole, yanno that? Now say you will or I'll knock you out right here, right now and drag you unconscious to this thing! And don't say I can't knock you out, coz I've been taking Kendo lessons from Iori's granddad."

Taichi sat there, shell-shocked. Ken smiled a little.

"He can be a little… impossible to resist sometimes," the blue-haired man murmured, smiling.

"What do you mean sometimes?" Daisuke added sweetly. Taichi sighed, and rested his head on his arms.

"Well?" Daisuke demanded, and waited for Taichi's answer.

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"Jeez, Yamato, what the fuck is up with you?"

Yamato turned around to see Takashi looking at him, concern evident in his eyes.

"Uh… nothing," the blonde said quickly, turning back to his guitar as he continued retuning it.

"Like hell!" Yutaka added. "Did you and your missus have an argument?"

"Not exactly," Yamato admitted gently. "We're getting divorced."

"Fuck," Akira whistled softly. "Sorry, man."

"Naw, don't be. It was my fault," Yamato said gently.

"What, did you have an affair with someone?" Takashi asked, exchanging a worried glance with Yutaka and Akira.

"Well, actually, she did, but…" Yamato focussed his attention back to his guitar. "It's all so complicated."

"Well what's happening with the kids?" Akira pressed on.

"I'm going to be looking after Yuuko, Sora'll look after Atsunuma, everything's fine," the blonde said, fidgeting quietly. "Everything's sorted."

"If she had an affair with someone else, how come it's your fault?" Yutaka asked, frowning.

"Like I said, it's complicated!" Yamato retorted angrily.

The other three exchanged worried looks.

"Yama," Takashi said softly and pointedly. "We're your friends. I'd like to think we're some of your best friends. You have to tell us what makes this so complicated."

"I…" Yamato began, then stopped. "I can't."

"Yes you can," Akira said warmly.

"I…" Yamato's eyes flew up to see the other three sit around him, smiling gently, encouragingly. The blonde took a deep breath and began. "Well, you remember sixteen years ago… with the whole digiworld thing."

"You mean when you and your friends saved the world? Don't rub it in again, mister!" Akira snorted. Yamato levelled a glare at the keyboard player.

"Well Sora was one of us, as you knew…"

"Yeah, yeah, you, Sora, eh… Tachikawa Mimi, Izumi Koushiro, Kido Jyou, Yagami Hikari, your otoutochan Takeru, and what's his name? Uh, Yagami Taichi," Yutaka said, trying to remember. He saw Yamato's involuntary wince when he heard Taichi's name.

"You weren't, like, in love with Mimi were you?" Takashi asked gently.

"No, I wasn't," Yamato said, then he laughed gently, almost hysterically. "Sora was though."

"Fuck!" Akira spat out. "Your wife is in love with a woman?"

Yamato nodded. "Yeah. The stupid thing though, was that I knew that when we got married. And she knew I… didn't love her."

All three instantly got the idea that Yamato was about to say something else. Yutaka winced involuntarily.

"You're gay as well, aren't you?" He asked, pointedly. Yamato's eyes filled with tears, and he slumped over in the chair, holding his face with his hands and he started to cry gently.

"Fuck, Yamato, you think there's any shame in that? Did you think we'd want to stop being your friends just coz you're gay?" Akira exploded, instantly speaking for all three of them.

Yamato's shoulders shook painfully. "I… yeah, I guess I thought you would."

"Jeez, Yama, we knew you were upset when Taichi left, but we never guessed… You loved him?" Takashi put his hands on his hips and whistled softly. "We always joked around that you two would make a great couple…"

"Takashi…" Akira warned quickly. "You're still in love with him, aren't you? And you hate him because he left, and you're confused."

"When did you two become fucking head doctors?" Yamato sobbed out, still shaking slightly.

"Yama - do you love him or not?" Yutaka asked finally, getting straight to the point.

"I…" Yamato looked up, and noticing the stubborn looks his friends were giving him, he sighed. "Yes, I do. I always have, and… I don't know, it's hurts so much but I can't… stop."

"And does he love you?" Akira pressed on.

"I… he said he did… but I don't know whether to believe him…" Yamato trailed off.

"When did he say this?" Yutaka asked.

"About an- an hour ago… He ran into me on the motorway… almost crashed into me, the idiot… We talked in a café, but I… I couldn't stay there…" Yamato admitted gently.

Takashi was about to say something when a phone started to ring. He blinked, and realised it was his.

"Excuse me a second," Takashi said gently, getting out his cell phone and hitting receive.

"Moshi-moshi? Daisuke? Do you want to talk with Yamato? No? Oh, you want to talk to me? I'm honoured… Yeah I'm being sarcastic. You - you what? You fucking bastard! That's perfect! Yeah, he just told us… I can't believe he didn't tell us before… Yeah… Wow. Bring him. Definitely. You had to knock him out??? Jeez, just as stubborn as… yeah. You'll be here for the start of the concert? Cool. Hey man, tell Ken he still owes me five hundred yen… He knows what for. OK, man, bye!" Takashi hit the disconnect button and grinned at his friends, then blinked at Yamato's startled expression.

"He - he's not coming is he?" Yamato squeaked softly.

"What, Daisuke?" Takashi asked innocently.

"No, Taichi," Yamato said softly, biting his lip and looking away as he said the name, then closing his eyes and lowering his head again.

"How fucking much did the bastard hurt you?" Akira asked, concern growing in his eyes.

"Have you ever been in love?" Yamato asked.

"No," Akira admitted gently.

"I have," Takashi said softly.

"What's it like?" Yutaka asked for him and Akira.

"It's… painful, but nice at the same time. Who am I kidding, being in love is great. It's like being on a natural high. The great times are so great, man, it's incredible, Indescribable… And the low times, man, are they low! It's like you can't help but want to be near them, you want them, so, so much it hurts. No matter what they do, you want to be with them. It's great, and painful, all at the same time, like they're… a furnace almost, burning inside you…" Takashi trailed off. "And when they leave, or stop loving you, it's like your entire universe has crashed around your ears, it hurt even worse before, it feels like there's no reason to carry on… And the worst of it is that you still want them, no matter how much they don't want you."

Akira blinked, and was faintly surprised to see Yamato still sobbing gently. He'd never even seen the blonde cry before, and now he was crying his eyes out like a baby.

"Come here," Akira whispered softly, enveloping his arms around the blonde's shoulders and letting him cry his eyes out on his knees while he held Yamato to stop him from shaking too much. His gaze lifted up and matched with Takashi's and Yutaka's as the blonde's tears and shaking increased almost violently.

The trio winced en masse as Yamato shook violently, betraying his pain and anger inside.

"I think we might have to step in here and do something," Takashi murmured.

"Yeah, I agree," Yutaka said, nodding firmly.

"So do I, but what can we do?" Akira asked, holding the blonde tightly.

"I think I have an idea," Takashi said, then paused thoughtfully and passed out a music book to the keyboard player and guitarist. "Let's learn a new song."

The other two looked at song, read the lyrics, and nodded.

"Can't wait for the concert," Akira said softly, smiling at his friends as he held their main vocalist protectively.

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There was a lot of darkness. Yamato told him he hated him. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything…

"YAMA!" Taichi screamed, struggling to sit upright. He suddenly found a pair of arms keeping him down. "No! Yamato where are you?"

"Jeez, Taichi, calm down! Calm down! It was just a nightmare!"

Taichi struggled to open his eyes and found two warm violet eyes blinking back at him. "Ken, I'm sorry, I thought…"

"Hey, it's OK… Daisuke did hit you kind of hard," Ken said apologetically. From the front seat of Taichi's car Daisuke snorted.

"Yeah, Taichi, we borrowed your car. It's cheaper than calling another taxi to take us to the concert," Daisuke said, no hint of remorse in his tone.

Taichi massaged his head gently. "Daisuke, you could have waited for my answer before you knocked me out."

"Well you would have said no," Daisuke protested.

"Maybe not!" Taichi retorted, his head pounding. Ken passed him some aspirin.

"Yeah, well, you're going now," Daisuke said firmly. "Even if Ken has to knock you out, and trust me he's way stronger than me."

"Oh great, I've been kidnapped by a couple of homicidal maniacs," Taichi murmured, taking the aspirin dry.

"Hey," Ken protested.

"OK, OK, very cute homicidal maniacs," Taichi conceded.

"He thinks we're cute?" Ken looked scared for a moment.

"He is gay too, yanno, Ken-chan. Jeez for someone with an IQ of 174 you're pretty dumb," Daisuke said, grinning.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking," Ken apologised quickly, then grinned. "If Yamato rejects you, you could always come and live with us as a threesome and -"

Taichi and Daisuke collapsed into giggles.

"What?" Ken said, trying to look innocent.

"Give over, Ken," Taichi sighed.

"He thinks I'm cute! Wahoo!" Ken grinned.

"So do I!" Daisuke protested. "Now shut up so I can drive without crashing into anything."

"Yes sir!" Taichi and Ken responded in unison, then collapsed into giggles.

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"I don't think I can do this," Yamato protested gently as he tuned his guitar up off stage, strumming a few chords.

"What? Sing? Or forgive him?" Akira asked as pointedly as he could.

Yamato froze for a second, then turned away.

"I… forgive myself…" the blonde admitted.

"Wha-?" Akira blinked, then stared. "Ishida, there's nothing to forgive! If anything he's the idiot!"

"Well, yeah," Yamato agreed softly, his eyes distant. "That has been said about him. I always thought it was because he was more… misunderstood. He never thought of what he was doing, he just did it, because…" Yamato smiled suddenly. "Because he thought he could make a difference. Unerringly, he didn't care what happened, he just did what he thought was right…"

"Did what he thought was right?" Akira asked softly. The blonde froze and looked at him.

"He always has…. And it took the consequences for him to realize what he did wrong… And he's too damn stubborn to forgive himself…" Yamato trailed off. "Like me I suppose… Akira. I do forgive him, I do… Only I don't think he loves me any more like I love him, and I don't want to take that chance…"

Akira paused for a second. "Yamato, listen to yourself. Do you love him?" Akira waited for Yamato's pause then brief cursory nod. "Do you want him?"

"I…" Yamato paused, then bit his lip. "Very much still. But he doesn't want me, he said that a long time ago…"

"Stop right there!" Akira demanded. Yamato's mouth dropped open uneasily. "Just… stop. Everything will be fine. Go out there, sing your song."

Yamato still looked uneasy as tears started to leak out again and he brushed them away angrily.

"And - and if he can't - forgive hims-himself?" Yamato got out.

"Then we'll break every bone in his body," Akira grunted.

Yamato suddenly found himself choking with laughter, and he giggled for a while. "Thanks, Keeza," Yamato said, using Akira's childhood nickname.

"Shut up, Yama-bama," Akira returned teasingly. "Come on, you gotta practice or we'll suck tonight!"

"Correction: You'll suck tonight," Takashi called out from somewhere above them.

"Thanks, Takashi," Akira replied dryly. He picked up Yutaka's drumstick and threw it at Yamato. "Come on, blondie, practice!"

"Bugger off," Yamato said cheerfully.

"That's our boy, back in the action!" Yutaka yelled, picked up the drumstick and crashed on his drums. "Come on! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!!!!"

"Sitting outside on a railway track

Wondering which way we could get back…"

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"Thank you very much," Sora said, passing over the rest of the legal documents and receiving the other documents from her lawyer. "It's done," the auburn-haired woman said to Mimi, who blinked, and smiled, holding Kazuo to her side.

"I rang Mrs. Yagami while you were out," Mimi admitted gently. "She's going to look after Kaz till Taichi can find somewhere for him. That's if he wants him, I'll give him the choice."

Sora nodded. "I have to get these to Yamato, are you up to driving to the concert?"

"Got tickets?" Mimi asked cheekily.

"Yep," Sora replied, grinning.

Mimi blinked, trying to work her mouth, and then pulled her outside to where Mimi's red Corvette was parked, and Kazuo was playing the back.

"I'll take a detour round at the Yagami's," Mimi said, kissing her love briefly. Sora blushed.

"Meems!" Sora protested quickly, then smiled warmly. "I do love you."

"I love you too," Mimi said sincerely. "I'm so sorry for what I did and -"

"Shush!" Sora whispered, pressing two fingers to her lover's lips. "I love you. That immediately forgive anything, you know that."

"I…" Mimi's face cracked into a wide grin. "Yamato's right, no-one deserves you."

"I know," Sora said teasingly, getting into the car and watching Mimi as the chestnut-haired woman got into the drivers' seat. "Lay on MacDuff!"

Mimi chuckled, gunned the engine and the car sped off to reach whatever destination the curved road of life would take them. Together.

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"We're here," Daisuke announced, choking slightly. Ken had been singing all of the way there, trying to annoy Taichi and Daisuke, by singing all the elements to the latest J-Pop tunes. Ken glared at his boyfriend, as he'd just started a rendition of "Hikari densetsu" and had just reach Manganese.

"Thank goodness," Taichi murmured, holding his head.

Ken cackled. "Heh, being the evil digimon emperor taught me one good thing - how to cackle nicely!"

"The only good thing," Daisuke murmured, then cocked his head to one side. "Apart from bringing us closer together, ne?"

"Are you ready for this?" Ken asked Taichi seriously. The brunette turned his head away.

"I'm ready for rejection…" Taichi said softly. "But I deserve it and -"

No-one found out what Taichi was gonna say as there was a knock on the window. Taichi blinked, then gaped, and then blushed. Sora and Mimi were stood there nervously, arms around each other's waists. The three men got out of the car, and Daisuke locked it up before tossing the keys back to Taichi.

"Uh… Mimi…" Taichi said nervously.

"Stop right there, fly boy," Mimi said sternly. "What happened happened because it was meant to happen. And Kaz is yours, if you're willing to have him. I just want us to be friends again, like before."

Taichi blinked in disbelief. "You mean? Oh kami-sama… thank you. Thank you so much. You don't know what that means to me… are you sure?"

Mimi nodded. "Sora and me'll have enough to deal with Atsunuma, and besides life as an actress… it's hard to find time for your kid."

Taichi smiled, and hugged the startled woman before hugging Sora too. "Thank you. Where is he?"

"At your mum's house," Mimi said.

"Hey, are you guys… sorry, girls, official now?" Daisuke butted in.

Sora nodded. "The divorce just got processed."

Mimi handed Taichi some papers. "These are his birth certificates and everything…"

"Thanks…" Taichi found tears leaking out for the billionth time that day.

"Oh man you made him cry again!" Ken exclaimed folding his arms. "There's only one solution to that…"

"Please no, please no," Daisuke moaned, and put his hands over his ears as the five began to walk through the cars to the concert hall.

"Wha -" Mimi managed to get out as Ken stated to sing the element names again to the tune of the Welsh National Anthem.

"Hydrogen, Helium, Magnesium, Argon! Americium, Zinc, Gold, Copper and Iron!"

Sora looked horrified for a second, then hit Ken and started on her own version (which sounded scarily close to the original welsh.)

"My hen laid an egg in the top of the tree!" Sora yelled out.

"This is gonna be a long night," Taichi groaned.

"Ya think?" Daisuke responded sarcastically.

"Nope otherwise I wouldn't have got into this stupid mess," Taichi groaned and slammed his hand across his forehead. "I'm sorry, guys, I can't do this. I *can't*."

Daisuke and Ken exchanged one look, moved behind the brunette and picked him up by each of his arms, dragging him along. Mimi and Sora giggled, before chasing after them. There was no way Taichi was going to run away from anything *ever* again.

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Ten minutes till the last song of the concert…

Yamato sighed and brushed his hand over his forehead, eagerly wishing the interlude was shorter so he could get the concert over and finished. Padding softly into their shared dressing room, Yamato blinked as he noticed a huge box sat in his seat with a huge tag reading "For the blonde digi-destined formally known as Matt."

He blinked. Not another one from fans, didn't they give up?

Rolling his eyes to the ceiling, he moved across and opened the box, wondering idly where the other three were.

"Probably in the toilet," Yamato said to himself, then wincing when he realised what he did. "You're going crazy Yamato, talking to yourself and referring to yourself in the third person." Resuming his attention to the box of six single white roses, he blinked at the card inside and the papers. The papers were his and Sora' official divorce statements, and the card…

The card was white and scrawled on with a red permanent marker.

"Everything's sorted, the idiot loves you still, he *does* and has never stopped. He feels he doesn't deserve it, but could you feel it in your heart to forgive him and try again?

PS we dragged him into the concert kicking and screaming - he's scared how you'll react. But don't feel you have to take him back just coz he's here, he really was stupid.

All the best,

Ichijouji Ken, Motomiya Daisuke, et. al."

"He… he does love me," Yamato whispered, in an astounded hollow voice. His hand moved reflexively into a fist shape, crumpling the card in his hand. "He does… I'm not gonna lose him now. No way, no how. I love him too much for that." He stood up, smiling for the first time in ages, a predatorial glint in his eyes. "That boy is going down."
He quickly gulped down a glass of water, and picked up his guitar to go see where the others were. He blinked to hear some noise in the stadium part of the concert hall, then stalked closer to hear what was going on. The blonde was shocked to see Akira, Takashi and Yutaka on stage with microphones, and talking to their audience.

"OK, people, we're not sure when Yamato'll be back, but remember, he's been having a really sucky time at the moment - Motomiya Jun has NOT been helping at all, so don't you say anything lady - so scream as loud as you can when he comes back on stage," Akira said, whispering into the microphone. The audience of adoring fans and family of the band nodded collectively.

"But sorry ladies, just coz he's divorced doesn't mean he's available," Takashi said ruefully.

There was a scream of disappointment from half of the audience.

"Sorry, but we need your help for him to get the brunette he's in love with," Yutaka said.

"Oh man I knew I should have dyed my hair brown!" Came Motomiya Jun's indignant squawk.

Yutaka frowned when he saw some movement near the front, and grinned evilly when he saw Daisuke and Ken restrain Taichi again. "Yagami Taichi, move and die," Yutaka added thoughtfully.

The entire audience made some kind of sounds, as the people who knew the name and who it belonged to gasped, and the others gasped as they heard it was a man's name.

"So, I'm sure he'll be here soon," Takashi said, grinning. "So come on, we want him to be happy, don't we?"

"YEAH!" Came the scream of the audience.

"So let's be supportive," Yutaka added.

Yamato blinked, and found himself getting the worst stage fright he'd had in years.

"And remember, pretend we were receiving questions from the audience - a getting-to-know-us quiz," Akira said, grinning.


The three members of Teen-age Wolves on stage blinked as they heard the voice.

"Hey Yamato, you're late!" Akira said. "Now, Motomiya Jun was just about to ask Yutaka a question, but I suppose she can ask you instead."

"Thanks," Yamato said dryly.

The red-head in question blushed, and screamed out: "Is it true you're divorced? Why didn't you tell me?"

Yamato blinked, then grinned. "It is true, yes, and well, I don't know how I could have forgotten to tell one of my best friends."

The red-head blinked, then fainted.

"Oops," Yamato added thoughtfully, and the audience giggled slightly.

"I have a question!" A male voice jeered out.

Yutaka, Takaishi and Akira frowned; having been meaning to cut the questions off after Jun's.

"Fire away," Yamato said dubiously, moving to join his friends on stage.

"This is for all of you: What are your views on homosexual relationships?"

All four members of the band blinked in unison, then suddenly Akira smiled. Their fans were so supportive, they were helping them make Yamato happy.

"Well," Akira said. "I don't mind. Whatever makes people happy."

"Same here," Takaishi added.

"Ditto," Yamato shrugged, blushing slightly.

"Heck, I actively encourage them, even though I'm not gay myself," Yutaka grinned evilly.

"Good on ya!" The guy called back.

"Ooh, I have a question!" A small girl called out from the front. "What's your fave song ever? To all of you?"

"Negai Kenaeru Kagi," Takaishi said. "Just coz Yamato-san sings it so well."

"Moonlight Densetsu," Akira supplied. "I love Sailor Moon, especially Sailor Saturn…"

"Eugh, that's sick, she's like eleven or something in the series!" Yutaka smirked. "Version up, by Tenjin Umi. That songs so cool!"

Yamato paused, remembering their practices this morning. "Next time you fall in love," he gently admitted, being truthful. It was a beautiful song. Akira smiled. Fate was going their way, definitely.

"What does that go like?" The girl frowned.

Definitely going their way.

"Rather funny you should mention that," Yamato commented, directing a glare in Akira's direction. "Rather funny indeed. That's our next number."
The audience screamed in response.

"And… well… it's dedicated to someone who I love and I don't care if they don't return the feelings," Yamato added, encouraged by the supportive smiles of his friends. "I just wanna say - Taichi, I love you, I want you to be mine again. And I don't care what I have to do for that."

There was complete silence, then a thud somewhere down in the audience as Motomiya Jun hit the floor again, and the audience screamed. Akira smiled at his friend.

"He'll be yours by the end of the night," Akira said, grinning. "Good on you for going for it."

"Thank you for supporting me, I could never have done it otherwise," Yamato whispered back, blushing slightly as he picked out Taichi from the entire mass of people standing there. The brunette was gaping at him, tears in his eyes, being restrained by Daisuke and Ken. Yamato swallowed suddenly. Did Taichi want to go?

Then the blonde smirked, a sudden realisation hitting him. He wasn't about to let Taichi get away from him as easily as he did last time.

He blinked, and nodded to the others and the introduction music started out. Yamato picked up his mike and began to sing softly, crooning out the lyrics to the one he loved.

I guess I'm not too good at keeping love alive for long

I think I've found the answer but the answer's always wrong

My first love was my true love but it should have been my last

The only time I'm happy's when I'm dreaming in the past

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

Sometimes you turn away from what your heart tells you is right

And so you settle for whatever gets you through the night

The flame you thought was dead may suddenly begin to burn

And broken hearts can be repaired, that's something that you'll learn

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

I've relived every moment that I ever shared with you

What fools we were to end a dream that looked like coming true

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

I guess I'm not too good at keeping love alive for long

I think I've found the answer but the answer's always wrong

My first love was my true love but it should have been my last

The only time I'm happy's when I'm dreaming in the past

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

Next time you fall in love

It better be with me

The way it used to be

Back then was when

We touched the Starlight

Yamato held the last note and dropped it away gently, a small smile lingering on his face as the audience cheered and blue eyes caught the stare of brown eyes. From that expression, Yamato knew Taichi was *his* and he was never going to run away again.

"That boy is mine," Yamato whispered, smirking, as the audience screamed on in appreciation; as he waved and walked off stage with his friends.

"I think…" Akira said thoughtfully, squeezing his friend's shoulder gently. "I think he always was. *Yours.*" The black-haired boy grinned, then moved off to yell at Yutaka. "Actively encourage? You're weird, man!"

Yamato shook his head in mirth, smiling, for the one time in his life feeling like something that had gone missing had returned. Now to get that in concrete.

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"You. Now. In there."

Still roughly man-handling Taichi, Ken and Daisuke literally threw the brunette into a room, and stalked in after him; followed by Sora, Mimi, Koushiro and Jyou, who they had also found lurking around the site.

"Man, Daisuke, you don't have to beat me up to get me to do what you want! Just ask, next time, OK?" Taichi glared daggers at the burgundy-haired man.

"Why? You treated Yamato like shit, why shouldn't we treat you like shit?" Ken demanded finally.

"I…" Taichi's shoulders slumped. "You should treat me like shit. I deserve it."

"That's right, you fucking bastard!"

Taichi's head lurched up to see Yamato glaring at him, hands akimbo. The brunette's eyes widened and tears leaked out.


"And shut the hell up!" Yamato added, pushing past the others crowded around the doorway. He stalked over to Taichi picked him up by the collar and pressed his lips forcefully onto Taichi's. He finally released him, glaring at him fiercely. "I love you , Taichi - " he kissed him again "- I have always loved you -" another kiss "-and I am NOT going to let you get away that easily again!"

Taichi blinked, then blushed, and stepped away. "I'm sorry for hurting you," he whispered. Yamato bit his lip to stop tears from coming as he shook quietly. "And it would be the greatest thing in the world to me if you did what I don't deserve and forgive me. I love you, Ishida Yamato, you, and I always have."

There was a happy squeak from Jyou of all people, as Yamato stepped forwards again and wrapped his arms tightly around Taichi; both found tears pricking at their eyes.

"Oh god, there's nothing to forgive, Taichi, there's nothing to forgive," Yamato murmured, pressing his face into Taichi's short hair. "I love you."

Taichi collapsed against Yamato, and the blonde clutched onto him like he was the last thing on earth.

"You know," Taichi whispered after a long few minutes. "That song you sang? Did you really mean it for me?"

Yamato pulled away slightly, his eyes red and bleary. "I… I did."

"It didn't have to be the next time, the first time was all I needed… All I needed was a swift, sharp kick in the rear to help me see that," Taichi admitted softly, smiling through his tears.

"Taichi…" Yamato sighed, still clinging onto the brunette.

"Hmm?" Taichi made an uncommitted sound.

"Shut up," the blonde said pointedly.

"Make me." Taichi found himself laughing for the first time in years.

"Love to," Yamato said simply, crushing the slightly shorter man to him possessively and sealing their lips together.

"Aw, that's so sweet," Mimi sighed, clasping her hands together. Sora smiled, blushing, happy to see them so happy finally. The auburn-haired woman wrapped her arms around her love, and smiled happily.

"It's so… everything seems so right now," Ken murmured, his arms round Daisuke as he found his eyes beginning to water.

"Ne, Ken, are you crying?" Daisuke teased.

"Uh… no," Ken said quickly.

"Well you're the only one not!" Daisuke ground out, throwing his arms round Ken's neck and bawling loudly for a few seconds before pulling away and kissing Ken's nose.

"Uh… guys?" Koushiro piped up. "Guys, do you want to, uh… Oh never mind…" The red-head blushed and turned around. "Does anyone else think we should leave them to it?"

Five heads went up and down vigorously, as the six digi-destined who were not wrapped around each other and making out like there was no tomorrow quickly vacated the room and locked the door to the small room they were in. Leaving the two men to, uh, catch up on the latest developments, shall we say.

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"I'm coming!"

Mrs. Yagami wiped the icing sugar off her nose that she was making beef jerky with and quickly ran to the front door to see who it was that was calling this late. She flung open the door, ready to shoo off whoever it was, and ending up gaping to see her son - who she hadn't seen in over eight years! - standing there shyly with one arm wrapped round a blonde man's waist.

"YAGAMI TAICHI I OUGHTA SLICE YOUR EARS OFF!" She shrieked, launching forwards and yanking her son out of the corridor, wrapping her arms tightly around him and boxing his ears. "You don't know what you did to me! You inconsiderate, annoying, irresponsible, handsome young man!" Mrs. Yagami finally pulled away, tears spilling down her cheeks and she grinned. "Great to see you back! Why didn't you say goodbye properly? And you have a SON? I'm a grandmother at fifty-one? I oughta kill you, oh Taichi I missed you!"

Taichi blinked, and grinned, tears leaking out for the billionth time that night. "I missed you too, mama-chan," he said truthfully. "I'm so sorry."

"It's all right, honey, do you want to stay for dinner? Kazuo and I have been making Beef Jerky," Mrs. Yagami smiled. "He's so sweet. Oh!" As if for the first time, Mrs. Yagami saw Yamato standing rather uncertainly out in the corridor. "Is it… Ishida Yamato? No way! Good to see you!"

Yamato smiled gently. "It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Yagami."
"Oh so formal!" Mrs. Yagami smiled softly back at the blonde. "Any boyfriend of my Taichi's is welcome here."

Yamato gaped at her slightly, then smiled and entered the apartment, taking off his shoes. "Is Kazuo here?" He asked gently, as Taichi moved back to hold onto him.

"You know him?" Mrs. Yagami smiled. "He's in the kitchen."

Yamato turned to look at Taichi, as the brunette struggled to hide the emotions he was feeling. He hadn't properly seen his son in ages… Smiling at his mother, Taichi gently walked forwards, tugging Yamato after him.

"DADDY! And Mister Yamato!" Kazuo shrieked as he saw the two men enter the kitchen. "Mommy said you would be coming for me! She didn't say anything about Mister Yamato though."

"Kazuo," Taichi whispered softly, tears spilling to the floor. "I…"

Kazuo jumped off the chair he was sat on and launched himself into his father's arms, grinning insanely. "I'm glad I'm coming to live with you. Will I still get to see Mommy?"

"All the time," Taichi croaked through his tears. "And grandmamma too."

"Good!" Kazuo said; his eyes shining with tears as well. "That's great!" The small wild-haired child wriggled out of his father's arms and dove to hug Yamato's leg. The blonde gasped, startled, then smiled.

"How about you, Mister Yamato, do I get to see you too?" Kazuo looked upwards, his eyes opened wide. Yamato found a lump in his throat.

"I… I would love you and Taichi to come and live with me and my daughter Yuuko. If… if you're father wants to, and if you do," Yamato said, sincerely.

Kazuo grinned, and looked up at his father. "Can we? Can we can we can we?"

"I…" Taichi gulped, a smile lighting his face and he kissed Yamato gently. "I'd love to. Very much."

Kazuo yelled his delight before disentangling himself from Yamato and going to hug his grandmother. "Grandmamma! Did ya hear that? I get to live with bofe of them!"

"Yes, that's great news!" Mrs. Yagami looked delighted. "I'm happy everything has worked out so good for you! Uh, do you wanna stay for dinner, guys?"

"Actually," Taichi started delicately. "I needed to talk to Yamato, if you could look after Kazuo for one more night and we'll pick him up in the morning, if that's OK with you and him."

"Yeah, sure," Mrs. Yagami replied. "That'd be great. But don't think you're getting out of eating my cooking, you are both coming to dinner tomorrow whether you like it or not."

"Yeah, that would be fantastic," Taichi said, smiling softly. "How bout that, Kaz? I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Yay!" Kazuo giggled. "And I get to stay with you and Mister. Yamato and Mister. Yamato's dor-tah forever?"

"Yes," Yamato said, exchanging a warm glance with Taichi and kissing his love softly; then replying for both of them. "Forever."

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^_~ OWARI ~_^

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