Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Now, Forever and Always ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9:
Meanwhile…(God, I suck at titles.)
Tai was still sitting with Matt and Sora, although they had now been joined by Yolei.
“They’ve been gone too long.” Said Yolei.
“Huh.” Tai didn’t bother with a proper response. He was too tired.
“They’ll be okay.” Sora spoke brightly, trying to lighten the mood.
Matt and Tai grinned. Their dark moods being slightly alleviated.
The dull light in the room suddenly brightened as the door opened, dazzling them until their eyes adapted to the sudden brightness. A guard stood there, rifle levelled.
“Out. The master wishes to speak.”
Tai hauled himself to his feet.
“Great. More megalomania.”
“Quiet back there!” shouted the guard.
Tai raised an eyebrow, but didn’t reply as Matt, Yolei and Sora got to their feet. They filed out of the door, and into the main hall. Paul stood in his usual place behind the podium. The guard snarled as they passed.
“Move it!”
He jabbed the butt of his rifle into Sora’s back, but the blow was checked by Matt, who grabbed hold of the gun, and yanked it out of the man’s hand.
“I’d put it down if I were you.” Came an amused voice from near them.
Tetsuo McKane, Ex-S.A.S officer, and fighting companion of Liam Dillon, stood there, a cigarette dangling loosely from the corner of his mouth. There was an amused look on his face, and as he leant against the wall, his hand rested lightly on the holstered Browning at his side.
Matt nodded. He knew bad odds when he saw them. He placed the rifle on the floor, and kicked it towards the guard. The man picked it up, and immediately swung it the blonde man.
Matt ducked back from a blow that… never came.
McKane moved in fast, jabbing his fist into the guard’s kidneys. The guard doubled over and McKane raised a knee into his face. He then lifted the man up and head butted him with total economy. The guard fell, groaning, to the floor, and McKane knelt down next to him.
“You treat these people with respect, or next time I’ll bloody kill you.”
He stood, leaving the man there, and strolled over to Matt.
“You Okay?” he asked.
Matt and Sora nodded, surprised. McKane leaned close, and whispered.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be out of here soon.”
Before they could ask what he meant, he had turned and walked away.
They looked up at the stage as Paul Miyomoto began to speak.
“I think it’s finally time you knew why you are here. The facility you stand in is a giant tower in the digital world. It essentially acts as a focusing mechanism, enhancing and strengthening the bond between Digimon and their human partners. This creates a huge amount of energy. I intend to use this energy to re-open the sealed gates between the digital world and our own. Then comes the good part.”
He stepped to the side of the podium, and looked down at them.
“I will also use the energy to resurrect the fallen armies of the twelve. I’m sure at least some of you know what I mean.”
A cruel smile spread across his bearded face, as there were gasps of horror from the crowd. He relaxed his mind, ending the thought stream that he had sent out, images of the horror of the dark army.
“This army will be under my command. And I will use it to conquer the real world, and the digital world.”
His gaze swept over the crowd, their shocked features looking up at him after the invasion of their minds.
“You have a choice. Either co-operate and live. Or resist and be swept away with the rest of the weaklings on the worlds.”
Tai and Matt looked at each other, and each knew what the other was thinking.
‘This guy is insane. We’ve got to get out of here.’
The guards re-appeared to walk them back to their cells, but Paul stopped them.
“There’s no point now. Our time is nearly at hand.”
he grinned narrowly.
“Bring them out.”
Matt felt Tai stiffen with anger beside him as a bound Kari and Ken were brought onto the stage
Davis clung to Lightdramon’s back as they galloped across the landscape at high speeds, and felt a slight pain as Gatomon clung against him. The little cat Digimon had decided to go with them instead of Liam, and she thought that maybe now it had been the wrong idea. The link between steed and rider was deep, and neither spoke, seeming only to communicate by their thoughts.
She was snapped out of her reverie by Davis’s voice. He half turned as she looked up at him.
“Yeah Davis?”
“Can you keep an eye out for that second chopper? Liam can’t see behind him without slowing down.”
She nodded, and Davis passed back another radio headset. The cat-Digimon slipped it over her large ears, and twisted around, scanning the sky.
“Ya see anything?”
Liam Dillon’s louder-than-normal voice came over the airwaves, sounding into her ears.
Gatomon shook her head, forgetting that she couldn’t be seen, then she saw it.
“It’s coming up fast behind you! Get out of there fast!” she yelled into the microphone.
Liam didn’t respond, but as she watched, the Paladin Blade veered to it’s right, and dropped down in altitude.
“Davis, he’s comin’ past us, fast. He’s after you, not us.”
Gatomon looked at the new chopper, as it power housed past the Paladin Blade, and aimed straight for them.
“I’m gonna head for the canyon… give him less room to manoeuvre. Follow us if you can.”
He leant down close to Lightdramon’s ear, and spoke.
“Head for the canyon!”
The armoured Digimon nodded, concentrating on running for the relative cover of the high-sided walls.
If anything, the pursuing helicopter got lower.
Lightdramon veered into the canyon entrance as a line of bullets stitched their way behind him.
In the Paladin Blade, Liam tried desperately to keep up with the enemy aircraft. His own helicopter rocked as he slammed the throttle forward.
The Irishman looked through his flight-helmets eyepiece, which showed him all the readings he needed, fuel, weaponry, and the lot.
In the seat next to him, Mimi felt herself being pressed back into her seat as they followed the enemy chopper into the narrow canyon.
Jun looked over their shoulders, out of the front window, as two white trails of smoke started to snake away from the stubby pods under the helicopters armament wings.
Lightdramon surged forward when Liam’s yell came over the radio.
“Rockets! You’ve got rockets incoming Davis! Feckin’ Move yourself!!!”
The armoured version of Veemon ran even faster, pushing himself to the limits of his endurance. His long legs pumped away underneath him as the smoke trails neared behind them. The canyon walls pressed in on them, and the first rocket slammed into the rock face, behind and above them. The explosion shook the ground beneath them, but Lightdramon refused to slow even a iota.
Then the second Rocket slammed into the ground behind just them.
Davis felt his Digimon partner buck beneath him, thrown forward by the force of the blast. Then he was flying through the air, thrown from Lightdramon’s back as his friend collapsed and de-digivolved into Veemon. Gatomon stood shakily beside him, as the helicopter bore down on them.
He pushed her out of the way as a stream of cannon shells chewed into the rocky ground between them. She fell over backwards, tumbling head over heels as Davis leapt out of the way of the fire.
Veemon wasn’t moving. She dodged to her feet and sprinted over to him. She leapt to his side, and grabbed his arm.
The blue-skinned Digimon groaned, and staggered to his feet, leaning on her for support. The started to move to Davis, as the helicopters blade noise resounded in their ears.
Davis stood from behind the rock he was using for cover, and drew his Berettas. Taking Careful aim, he blasted three rapid shot’s at the pilot’s canopy. The helicopter veered slightly as the bullets slammed into the armoured glass, the pilot instinctively jerking away, pulling the stick with him. The helicopter nearly slammed into the side of the canyon, but at the last second veered back onto course.
But in the meantime, Davis had grabbed the two Digimon and was running like hell towards the end of the canyon.
They were too heavy, weighing him down. He stumbled, and nearly fell, carrying them under his arms.
The cry came from above him. He looked up.
Pegasusmon swooped out of the sky above him, Tasha, TK and Salamandramon clinging too his back. Tasha stuck out her hand and Davis hoisted Gatomon onto his shoulder unceremoniously. The cat Digimon looked down at him, realising what he intended.
Her yell punctuated the air, as Tasha reached down and grabbed her arm, hauling her up onto the Back of the flying Digimon.
Veemon leapt down to Davis’s side, as he pulled out the Digiegg of friendship once more.
As they ran, he digivloved back into Lightdramon, and Davis leapt back onto his back.
Pegasusmon gained altitude above them, as they ran for a raised plateau at the end of the canyon, twisting and turning through the curves in the rock, the helicopter spraying bullets into their wake.
Lightdramon twisted suddenly, and for a moment, TK thought they had been hurt, and clutched the flying horses mane as they suddenly dived sharply.
But at the same moment, both armour-Digimon released a blast of energy, the flashed towards the helicopter, both striking at the same moment…
And both washing over the helicopters armour, with causing a dent. Somehow the helicopter was shielded against Digimon attacks.
Then Davis realised why the armour had such a dark colour. The thoughts raced through his head, making connections as they went.
The black rings, the black armour, the control spires. Everything clicked together, as he twisted in his seat and started firing at the pursuing aircraft. The pilot was less nervous this time, however, and didn’t veer away as the bullets struck. Sparks flew up from the canopy as he fired, but the helicopter bore down him, cannon blazing.
One heavy bullet struck Lightdramon’s back leg. It failed to penetrate the armour, but it did manage to knock him off balance slightly. Davis swung to the side in his seat as a rock out cropping suddenly came very close to his head.
It caught his arm, slamming him further sideways. He squeezed his legs as hard as he could around Lightdramon’s midriff, and grabbed some of the black armoured outcroppings on the Digimon’s side. His right ear scraped briefly along the ground, causing him to flinch with pain, scraping a layer of skin off of the top. He tried in vain to haul himself up, but Lightdramon was just moving too fast, and the rushing air kept him from doing anything except hanging on for dear life.
“Are you Okay?”
Lightdramon yelled, his voice surprisingly loud, despite the rushing wind. Davis yelled his response back at his companion.
“Yeah! Head for the end of the Plateau! We can meet the others there!”
Lightdramon burst from the canyon mouth in a blaze of speed, as the helicopter fired another volley of rockets at them.
The first exploded against the ground in front of them, sending dust flying into the air, and carving a deep pit into the rock of the plateau.
Lightdramon dodged the next round as it exploded close nearby. Too close.
The last missile sailed clean over the edge of the plateau, sailing off into the distance, to land somewhere in the forest below.
Lightdramon skidded to a halt, nearly throwing Davis from his precarious hanging position.
Empty air.
The cliff face ran down almost vertically underneath them, trailing off into the forest.
Davis hauled himself back up onto Lightdramon’s back, as the Digimon turned to face his pursuer.
The six barrels of the Helicopters nose mounted Gatling gun started to rotate, winding up to their full speed, aimed straight at them. Davis felt Lightdramon tens beneath him, ready to leap out of the way of the bullets.
Suddenly the helicopter burst into a ball of fire, exploding in a dazzling burst of light and flame.
Liam Dillon let out a victorious yell over the radio, as the two rockets he had fired slammed into the enemy helicopter.
The burning aircraft fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, not twenty yards from where Davis and Lightdramon suddenly flattened themselves against the ground to avoid the shrapnel
Then it was over. Pegasusmon touched down lightly next to them, as the Paladin blade landed a little further away, it’s rotors putting out the last flames on the enemy helicopter.
Davis sat shakily as Lightdramon’s form shrunk back into that of Veemon. He looked up into Liam’s smiling face.
“Little close?”
The big Irishman reached down, and helped him to his feet.
“Hey, it worked didn’t it?”
Mimi looked at the pile of scrap that had been the helicopter, and then at Liam.
“You really don’t take prisoner’s do you?” she asked sadly.
“Never could see the point. Would you rather that they had blown Davis away?”
“No, but I…”
“Then get used to it. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”
He shrugged.
“It’s just the terrible times we live in.”
They walked to the edge of the plateau, and looked into the distance. There, glinting in the morning light, rising sharply out of the ground, stood the huge focusing tower.
It’s imposing height peaked at just under cloud level, with too mini- towers, linked by a gangway.
“I think we’d better ride with you from now on Liam. Cos there ain’t no way I’m getting down this cliff otherwise.” Said Davis.
He picked up his Berettas, which had fallen to the floor when Lightdramon had skidded to a halt. He pressed the catches on the sides, and the empty magazines fell to the floor.
“So what do we do now?” said Jun.
Davis was silent as he looked into the distance, and as Tasha looked at him she could tell exactly where his mind was going to.
“Davis?” she asked, as behind her, Pegasusmon de-digivolved into Patomon. Still Davis was silent.
TK walked forward and put a hand on his shoulder, Davis didn’t turn, but suddenly he laughed. Turning towards them, a cold grin spread across his face.
“What do we do now?” he asked Jun’s earlier question.
In one swift, smooth motion, he pulled another magazine out and slammed it into the butt of his Beretta.
“Now we go and get our friends back.”
“What was it?”
Paul Miyomoto spoke angrily at McKane, as the S.A.S man looked at him impassively. Then he shrugged.
“Simple really. Your last ‘experiment’,”
He said the word disdainfully, as if he didn’t consider what Paul was doing in any way an experiment.
“Your last experiment overcharged one of the focusing chambers. Took the whole room out. We’ll need to repair it before we can proceed. We thought this would happen. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Paul nodded, and walked over to the wall.
A black katana hung there, and he lifted it away from its hooks, and looked at the blade, as if trying to peer deep into its surface.
“He’s coming. Soon the crests will all be complete. Little does he know it, but his companions bring with them the key to the twelve gates.”
He laughed, a hollow, cruel sound.
“Soon, the little Paladin will be crushed, and his companions will provide fodder for my army of dark warriors.”
He looked back up at McKane as the Englishman stood watching him.
“Post watchmen on the focusing chambers. That way we’ll have some warning when they overload next time.”
McKane nodded. Paul turned to walk away, and called back to the Englishman over his shoulder.
“Our time is nearly at hand my friend. Soon we will be master of the world. Both the worlds.”
He walked out into the corridor, and McKane lit a ciggarette as he watched the retreating figure. He muttered under his breath.
“Not if I can help it, you bastard.”
The explosive charged he had placed in one of the twelve focusing chambers had brought Liam and the Paladin, Daisuke, a few more hours, same as the release of the Digimon had. But it was getting dangerous. There was only so much more he could do. If they didn’t get here soon…
Tetsuo McKane pushed that thought from his mind, slung his rifle over his shoulder, and went to post the watchmen.
Meanwhile…(God, I suck at titles.)
Tai was still sitting with Matt and Sora, although they had now been joined by Yolei.
“They’ve been gone too long.” Said Yolei.
“Huh.” Tai didn’t bother with a proper response. He was too tired.
“They’ll be okay.” Sora spoke brightly, trying to lighten the mood.
Matt and Tai grinned. Their dark moods being slightly alleviated.
The dull light in the room suddenly brightened as the door opened, dazzling them until their eyes adapted to the sudden brightness. A guard stood there, rifle levelled.
“Out. The master wishes to speak.”
Tai hauled himself to his feet.
“Great. More megalomania.”
“Quiet back there!” shouted the guard.
Tai raised an eyebrow, but didn’t reply as Matt, Yolei and Sora got to their feet. They filed out of the door, and into the main hall. Paul stood in his usual place behind the podium. The guard snarled as they passed.
“Move it!”
He jabbed the butt of his rifle into Sora’s back, but the blow was checked by Matt, who grabbed hold of the gun, and yanked it out of the man’s hand.
“I’d put it down if I were you.” Came an amused voice from near them.
Tetsuo McKane, Ex-S.A.S officer, and fighting companion of Liam Dillon, stood there, a cigarette dangling loosely from the corner of his mouth. There was an amused look on his face, and as he leant against the wall, his hand rested lightly on the holstered Browning at his side.
Matt nodded. He knew bad odds when he saw them. He placed the rifle on the floor, and kicked it towards the guard. The man picked it up, and immediately swung it the blonde man.
Matt ducked back from a blow that… never came.
McKane moved in fast, jabbing his fist into the guard’s kidneys. The guard doubled over and McKane raised a knee into his face. He then lifted the man up and head butted him with total economy. The guard fell, groaning, to the floor, and McKane knelt down next to him.
“You treat these people with respect, or next time I’ll bloody kill you.”
He stood, leaving the man there, and strolled over to Matt.
“You Okay?” he asked.
Matt and Sora nodded, surprised. McKane leaned close, and whispered.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be out of here soon.”
Before they could ask what he meant, he had turned and walked away.
They looked up at the stage as Paul Miyomoto began to speak.
“I think it’s finally time you knew why you are here. The facility you stand in is a giant tower in the digital world. It essentially acts as a focusing mechanism, enhancing and strengthening the bond between Digimon and their human partners. This creates a huge amount of energy. I intend to use this energy to re-open the sealed gates between the digital world and our own. Then comes the good part.”
He stepped to the side of the podium, and looked down at them.
“I will also use the energy to resurrect the fallen armies of the twelve. I’m sure at least some of you know what I mean.”
A cruel smile spread across his bearded face, as there were gasps of horror from the crowd. He relaxed his mind, ending the thought stream that he had sent out, images of the horror of the dark army.
“This army will be under my command. And I will use it to conquer the real world, and the digital world.”
His gaze swept over the crowd, their shocked features looking up at him after the invasion of their minds.
“You have a choice. Either co-operate and live. Or resist and be swept away with the rest of the weaklings on the worlds.”
Tai and Matt looked at each other, and each knew what the other was thinking.
‘This guy is insane. We’ve got to get out of here.’
The guards re-appeared to walk them back to their cells, but Paul stopped them.
“There’s no point now. Our time is nearly at hand.”
he grinned narrowly.
“Bring them out.”
Matt felt Tai stiffen with anger beside him as a bound Kari and Ken were brought onto the stage
Davis clung to Lightdramon’s back as they galloped across the landscape at high speeds, and felt a slight pain as Gatomon clung against him. The little cat Digimon had decided to go with them instead of Liam, and she thought that maybe now it had been the wrong idea. The link between steed and rider was deep, and neither spoke, seeming only to communicate by their thoughts.
She was snapped out of her reverie by Davis’s voice. He half turned as she looked up at him.
“Yeah Davis?”
“Can you keep an eye out for that second chopper? Liam can’t see behind him without slowing down.”
She nodded, and Davis passed back another radio headset. The cat-Digimon slipped it over her large ears, and twisted around, scanning the sky.
“Ya see anything?”
Liam Dillon’s louder-than-normal voice came over the airwaves, sounding into her ears.
Gatomon shook her head, forgetting that she couldn’t be seen, then she saw it.
“It’s coming up fast behind you! Get out of there fast!” she yelled into the microphone.
Liam didn’t respond, but as she watched, the Paladin Blade veered to it’s right, and dropped down in altitude.
“Davis, he’s comin’ past us, fast. He’s after you, not us.”
Gatomon looked at the new chopper, as it power housed past the Paladin Blade, and aimed straight for them.
“I’m gonna head for the canyon… give him less room to manoeuvre. Follow us if you can.”
He leant down close to Lightdramon’s ear, and spoke.
“Head for the canyon!”
The armoured Digimon nodded, concentrating on running for the relative cover of the high-sided walls.
If anything, the pursuing helicopter got lower.
Lightdramon veered into the canyon entrance as a line of bullets stitched their way behind him.
In the Paladin Blade, Liam tried desperately to keep up with the enemy aircraft. His own helicopter rocked as he slammed the throttle forward.
The Irishman looked through his flight-helmets eyepiece, which showed him all the readings he needed, fuel, weaponry, and the lot.
In the seat next to him, Mimi felt herself being pressed back into her seat as they followed the enemy chopper into the narrow canyon.
Jun looked over their shoulders, out of the front window, as two white trails of smoke started to snake away from the stubby pods under the helicopters armament wings.
Lightdramon surged forward when Liam’s yell came over the radio.
“Rockets! You’ve got rockets incoming Davis! Feckin’ Move yourself!!!”
The armoured version of Veemon ran even faster, pushing himself to the limits of his endurance. His long legs pumped away underneath him as the smoke trails neared behind them. The canyon walls pressed in on them, and the first rocket slammed into the rock face, behind and above them. The explosion shook the ground beneath them, but Lightdramon refused to slow even a iota.
Then the second Rocket slammed into the ground behind just them.
Davis felt his Digimon partner buck beneath him, thrown forward by the force of the blast. Then he was flying through the air, thrown from Lightdramon’s back as his friend collapsed and de-digivolved into Veemon. Gatomon stood shakily beside him, as the helicopter bore down on them.
He pushed her out of the way as a stream of cannon shells chewed into the rocky ground between them. She fell over backwards, tumbling head over heels as Davis leapt out of the way of the fire.
Veemon wasn’t moving. She dodged to her feet and sprinted over to him. She leapt to his side, and grabbed his arm.
The blue-skinned Digimon groaned, and staggered to his feet, leaning on her for support. The started to move to Davis, as the helicopters blade noise resounded in their ears.
Davis stood from behind the rock he was using for cover, and drew his Berettas. Taking Careful aim, he blasted three rapid shot’s at the pilot’s canopy. The helicopter veered slightly as the bullets slammed into the armoured glass, the pilot instinctively jerking away, pulling the stick with him. The helicopter nearly slammed into the side of the canyon, but at the last second veered back onto course.
But in the meantime, Davis had grabbed the two Digimon and was running like hell towards the end of the canyon.
They were too heavy, weighing him down. He stumbled, and nearly fell, carrying them under his arms.
The cry came from above him. He looked up.
Pegasusmon swooped out of the sky above him, Tasha, TK and Salamandramon clinging too his back. Tasha stuck out her hand and Davis hoisted Gatomon onto his shoulder unceremoniously. The cat Digimon looked down at him, realising what he intended.
Her yell punctuated the air, as Tasha reached down and grabbed her arm, hauling her up onto the Back of the flying Digimon.
Veemon leapt down to Davis’s side, as he pulled out the Digiegg of friendship once more.
As they ran, he digivloved back into Lightdramon, and Davis leapt back onto his back.
Pegasusmon gained altitude above them, as they ran for a raised plateau at the end of the canyon, twisting and turning through the curves in the rock, the helicopter spraying bullets into their wake.
Lightdramon twisted suddenly, and for a moment, TK thought they had been hurt, and clutched the flying horses mane as they suddenly dived sharply.
But at the same moment, both armour-Digimon released a blast of energy, the flashed towards the helicopter, both striking at the same moment…
And both washing over the helicopters armour, with causing a dent. Somehow the helicopter was shielded against Digimon attacks.
Then Davis realised why the armour had such a dark colour. The thoughts raced through his head, making connections as they went.
The black rings, the black armour, the control spires. Everything clicked together, as he twisted in his seat and started firing at the pursuing aircraft. The pilot was less nervous this time, however, and didn’t veer away as the bullets struck. Sparks flew up from the canopy as he fired, but the helicopter bore down him, cannon blazing.
One heavy bullet struck Lightdramon’s back leg. It failed to penetrate the armour, but it did manage to knock him off balance slightly. Davis swung to the side in his seat as a rock out cropping suddenly came very close to his head.
It caught his arm, slamming him further sideways. He squeezed his legs as hard as he could around Lightdramon’s midriff, and grabbed some of the black armoured outcroppings on the Digimon’s side. His right ear scraped briefly along the ground, causing him to flinch with pain, scraping a layer of skin off of the top. He tried in vain to haul himself up, but Lightdramon was just moving too fast, and the rushing air kept him from doing anything except hanging on for dear life.
“Are you Okay?”
Lightdramon yelled, his voice surprisingly loud, despite the rushing wind. Davis yelled his response back at his companion.
“Yeah! Head for the end of the Plateau! We can meet the others there!”
Lightdramon burst from the canyon mouth in a blaze of speed, as the helicopter fired another volley of rockets at them.
The first exploded against the ground in front of them, sending dust flying into the air, and carving a deep pit into the rock of the plateau.
Lightdramon dodged the next round as it exploded close nearby. Too close.
The last missile sailed clean over the edge of the plateau, sailing off into the distance, to land somewhere in the forest below.
Lightdramon skidded to a halt, nearly throwing Davis from his precarious hanging position.
Empty air.
The cliff face ran down almost vertically underneath them, trailing off into the forest.
Davis hauled himself back up onto Lightdramon’s back, as the Digimon turned to face his pursuer.
The six barrels of the Helicopters nose mounted Gatling gun started to rotate, winding up to their full speed, aimed straight at them. Davis felt Lightdramon tens beneath him, ready to leap out of the way of the bullets.
Suddenly the helicopter burst into a ball of fire, exploding in a dazzling burst of light and flame.
Liam Dillon let out a victorious yell over the radio, as the two rockets he had fired slammed into the enemy helicopter.
The burning aircraft fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, not twenty yards from where Davis and Lightdramon suddenly flattened themselves against the ground to avoid the shrapnel
Then it was over. Pegasusmon touched down lightly next to them, as the Paladin blade landed a little further away, it’s rotors putting out the last flames on the enemy helicopter.
Davis sat shakily as Lightdramon’s form shrunk back into that of Veemon. He looked up into Liam’s smiling face.
“Little close?”
The big Irishman reached down, and helped him to his feet.
“Hey, it worked didn’t it?”
Mimi looked at the pile of scrap that had been the helicopter, and then at Liam.
“You really don’t take prisoner’s do you?” she asked sadly.
“Never could see the point. Would you rather that they had blown Davis away?”
“No, but I…”
“Then get used to it. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”
He shrugged.
“It’s just the terrible times we live in.”
They walked to the edge of the plateau, and looked into the distance. There, glinting in the morning light, rising sharply out of the ground, stood the huge focusing tower.
It’s imposing height peaked at just under cloud level, with too mini- towers, linked by a gangway.
“I think we’d better ride with you from now on Liam. Cos there ain’t no way I’m getting down this cliff otherwise.” Said Davis.
He picked up his Berettas, which had fallen to the floor when Lightdramon had skidded to a halt. He pressed the catches on the sides, and the empty magazines fell to the floor.
“So what do we do now?” said Jun.
Davis was silent as he looked into the distance, and as Tasha looked at him she could tell exactly where his mind was going to.
“Davis?” she asked, as behind her, Pegasusmon de-digivolved into Patomon. Still Davis was silent.
TK walked forward and put a hand on his shoulder, Davis didn’t turn, but suddenly he laughed. Turning towards them, a cold grin spread across his face.
“What do we do now?” he asked Jun’s earlier question.
In one swift, smooth motion, he pulled another magazine out and slammed it into the butt of his Beretta.
“Now we go and get our friends back.”
“What was it?”
Paul Miyomoto spoke angrily at McKane, as the S.A.S man looked at him impassively. Then he shrugged.
“Simple really. Your last ‘experiment’,”
He said the word disdainfully, as if he didn’t consider what Paul was doing in any way an experiment.
“Your last experiment overcharged one of the focusing chambers. Took the whole room out. We’ll need to repair it before we can proceed. We thought this would happen. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Paul nodded, and walked over to the wall.
A black katana hung there, and he lifted it away from its hooks, and looked at the blade, as if trying to peer deep into its surface.
“He’s coming. Soon the crests will all be complete. Little does he know it, but his companions bring with them the key to the twelve gates.”
He laughed, a hollow, cruel sound.
“Soon, the little Paladin will be crushed, and his companions will provide fodder for my army of dark warriors.”
He looked back up at McKane as the Englishman stood watching him.
“Post watchmen on the focusing chambers. That way we’ll have some warning when they overload next time.”
McKane nodded. Paul turned to walk away, and called back to the Englishman over his shoulder.
“Our time is nearly at hand my friend. Soon we will be master of the world. Both the worlds.”
He walked out into the corridor, and McKane lit a ciggarette as he watched the retreating figure. He muttered under his breath.
“Not if I can help it, you bastard.”
The explosive charged he had placed in one of the twelve focusing chambers had brought Liam and the Paladin, Daisuke, a few more hours, same as the release of the Digimon had. But it was getting dangerous. There was only so much more he could do. If they didn’t get here soon…
Tetsuo McKane pushed that thought from his mind, slung his rifle over his shoulder, and went to post the watchmen.