Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Doors and Data ❯ A Second Interlude ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any other names owned by Toei Animation Ltd. Co. Original characters are mine and mine alone, and I would appreciate a request if one should decide to use my characters in a story-with proper credit to myself as well of course.
If you feel like it, review the story on the website you're reading it from, or send positive feedback to renabhall2@yahoo.com. I'd like to specify that positive feedback is classified as praise, or constructive criticism. Flames will be ignored. Don't send e-mails in all capitals please.
Chapter 7: A Second Interlude
Who are you?
"I'm you of course," a voice hissed, "Or at least I am now. Thank you for lending me your essence, I'd never be able to achieve my goals without you."
My essence?
"Why yes, didn't you realize what you were doing? Not that I care, but it's a shame to be granted such power as mine and not even appreciate what I've done for you!"
I thought you were thanking me a second ago…
"Well yes there is the little thing about needing a form to survive…but this is trivial compared to what I saved you from, yes? Not lonely now, are we? I shouldn't imagine so, being part of me all the time. Isn't this life better than the hollow shell you were before?"
I just missed him so terribly…
"Missed who small one?"
…I don't know. I can't remember. I feel like I've forgotten something very important…it makes me sad.
"Sad? You humans are so weak. It sickens me that I need you to survive. What have you to be sad about? It only makes you even softer than you already are, and I'm not sure I need such pathetic human emotion part of me," the voice pondered.
I don't care. It hurts so much…
"Pain…yes pain we understand. Pain is awfully fun isn't it? I think there's somebody close whom we could cause pain…"
I don't want to hurt anybody…
"Probably not, but are you going to do anything about it? No, because you're nothing but a sniveling little girl who can't do anything on her own without feeling sorry for yourself. It's a wonder the Sovereign ever selected you to help out their little pet tamers. And then to be defeated…" the voice shook with anger.
Stop…just stop, please.
"Stop! Please Stop!" the voice mocked.
That's not funny! I just can't handle it anymore…you…him…why can't I remember?
"I'll admit I might have had a hand in that little girl, you didn't need it in the first place. It was what held you back, kept you locked away inside of yourself!"
I'm nothing without it though…I didn't realize…that he was such a strong part of me. I don't like it here without whatever you took away from me. Living with pain was better than this!
"Too late now child, there's nothing you can do to stop me."
This is too much…I don't want to be here anymore. I wish I could die…
"Afraid I can't let you do that."
Just let me sleep…please.
"That's the spirit child, make it easier for me. Are you saying you'll let me kill your friends with your body? Don't you feel bad for them?
I don't have any friends. I just don't care anymore.
"I know human child," the voice laughed, "That's how you made it so easy."
Just let me sleep, I hate it here.
"Gladly. It's enough trouble dealing with one of you. Don't worry about an alarm either, I'll make sure you never wake up."
…I…thank you.
What is this place?
"Don't you recognize it?" hissed a voice, "this is yourself, your own mind. Or rather, our mind now."
Our mind? Is that what I did?
"What we did brat, and once again, I feel obligated to tell you how thankful I am for letting me use you. Human emotion is so fun to feed off of, it's a shame I couldn't get rid of all of it entirely, but hate, fear and despair I might make an exception for."
What are you doing with me?
"Don't make me repeat myself, I'm the stronger one here now, your friend gave up-though you never really met her. It's not what I'm doing, it's what we're doing-and what we're doing is getting ready to fill the worlds with as much hate, fear and despair as we can before we annihilate both."
This isn't fair! I didn't want any part of this, I just wanted Leomon back! …I wanted to see him smile again…
"Ugh…love is so disgusting. I'm glad to say that that wandering data following you can't help you now."
You mean Leomon? I knew he was there with me!
The voice paused at the name. It briefly wondered why it couldn't repress her memory totally, then quickly recovering said, "Ha! That's a laugh, you had completely given up on him and you know it."
That's not true! I never doubted-
"Then why are you with me?"
"What is it? Nothing to say? I thought so. You're almost worse than the other girl; she at least acknowledges how pathetic she is."
…It just hurt so much being alone…I just wanted to be with somebody…
"You wanted to be with somebody yet you abandoned all your friends, including Takato, who visited you all the time? Face it, you didn't want friends. You wanted somebody like me who could just use you so you didn't have to make the decision to live anymore.
But I couldn't live…not like that…
"Worthless little brat. I think you enjoy wallowing in your own self-pity. Fine, if you want it that way you can-I'll just take everything else that I might find useful…and leave you with nothing but pain."
You can't do that! I thought I was part of you too!
"You were, human, but since your friend gave up I'm now two-thirds of this relationship, and you just got out-voted."
You can't do that!
"I just did," and the voice laughed to itself as it tore every fond memory and all the joy from her mind and buried it deep inside itself.