Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ On Bottom ❯ On Bottom ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon.

Jyoushiro or Koushyou (??????) Anyway, a lemon. PWP. Yaoi.
Lemon - descriptive sexual intercourse.
PWP - (Plot? What Plot?) no plot.
Yaoi - boyxboy relationship.
If you're still not disgusted with the idea of boys having sex with boys, go read. And review!!!

~On bottom~

It was never easy - no...

It was next to impossible... No.

There wasn't a language in existance... Yes! There wasn't a language in existance to describe his feelings toward the tall handsome majestic iceberg that was Kido Jyou.

Koshiro buried his fingers in his short spiky hair and clutched it painfully. His features glowed with the computer blue. Low humming erupted through the speakers when Koshiro clicked on another site.

Another gay site.

But he had already been there, seen that and the vital information was safely stored in his memory.

Internet was not enough.

Koshiro swirled around in his chair and stared down Jyou's sleeping figure on the couch. The tall bluenette was dozing the rest of the night away after returning from Taichi and Yamato's party. Why he had chosen to come with Koshiro was a mystery and Koshiro could think of some suggestive answers.

The redhead propped his chin on his hands and imagined what he could do to this magnificent body. Theoretically - a lot. But to perform an actual touch was - to put it mildly - was out of the question.

Another important obstacle in their ahem relationship was that Koshiro didn't know whether Jyou wanted him. By acute observation he figured Jyou was a bit of gay - jealous glances at Yamato and Taichi who were generally known as a 'happy couple' (and that with multiple fights they originated!) told him as much. But he was put off by the fact that Jyou always mildly refused any invitation to lay either with Yamato or Taichi or both. Plus, Koshiro was confused by Jyou's habitual visits. Of course, when the Chosen children grew distant and kept their love priorities above everything else, Koshiro automatically was the only person Jyou could rely on.

After all, Jyou was a modest elegant student of medicine with ideas to save the world.

Jyou wasn't asleep. His eyes opened a slit and stared at the pensive redhead with longing. Since he stayed awake, he had spied on Koshiro's activity in the Internet. It was very .. hmm.. resourceful.

*I don't doubt he is at least a bi,* Jyou thought. *But does he like me the way I want him to like me?*

But heaven knows, those gay sites were such an invitation..

*I'm indecisive,* Jyou gulped. *He wouldn't surf those sites without a purpose. Maybe he does want me here. Maybe there are some dirty thoughts lurking in his pretty head. What does he want me to do?* He bit his lip helplessly. *I have nothing against..*

*I'm scared... You're thinking too much,* both of the boys thought.

Jyou discarded the pretense and rose on his elbow, softly calling, *Koshiro?*

At the same time Koshiro raised his head and let go of his chair with frightening determination. He stopped at the sound of his name.

"Koshiro?" Jyou whispered and trembled.

"Jyou... can I join you on the couch?"

"I would like you to."

Koushiro lowered himself in the warm circle of his arms. His thoughts jumped out of his head with the first contact of those muscular strong arms.

"Not much room.." Koshiro commented in level tone though his breath stuck in the lower half of his stomach.

"Maybe... if you were on bottom," Jyou suggested.

Koshiro sunk into the pillow, his quickened heartbeat deafening him. He made a soft whimpering noise and wriggled for comfort when Jyou covered his body with his own. His eyes twinkled with desire. Koshiro gulped.


Words? Who needed words? Koshiro parted his lips and threw his head back.

Jyou felt a stab of lust go down his spine. His lips caught the side of Koshiro's face and step by step travelled to his burning mouth.

Koshiro accepted Jyou's mouth when it reached his and played with his tongue. He drove his sharp damp tip alongside the length of Jyou's tongue and sucked in his delicate raw smell and rich spit.

Clumsily, they broke up and panted. Koshiro shifted his legs and trapped Jyou's hips between his knees.

"Jyou!" he breathed. "It may be a little late for talking but I wanted... I love you."

Jyou forced his hand from under Koshiro's back to brush his long dark hair and tuck it behind his ear.

"Thanks, Kou.. Now do you mind showing me what you learnt in Internet?"

"Not at all!"

Koshiro pushed Jyou up to get access to his chest and unbuttoned his shirt. He slid downwards and placed kisses on Jyou's shoulder - un-clothed and glowing white in the dark. Jyou bent his neck and kissed a track from Koshiro's line of thick hair down the bridge of his nose and dove to his lips. They kissed eagerly.

Koshiro moaned, found it wonderfully stimulating for Jyou and dubbed their rustling movements with gasps and groans.

Jyou released the redhead's neck. He hurriedly unfastened his shirt and pulled the loose ends out of Koshiro's trousers.

Skin touched skin, liquids were exchanged between their hungry mouths, gasps followed. Koshiro ran his fingers to Jyou's ass and found it as tight and round as he liked it. A sharp weight of blood unleashed in his groin and the boy jerked his body up. A hard wall of Jyou's trembling stomach and hips met his on their way down.

The boys groaned.

Jyou darted his hand inside Koshiro's trousers and explored his erection. He lifted his body over the boy's figure and straddled his hips. Koshiro nodded distractedly, arching under Jyou's tentative movements.

Jyou pulled all of his clothes down and proceeded to do the same to his own.

Koshiro blindly groped for the blanket on the back of the sofa and threw it over their naked merged forms. He was sure his parents wouldn't go check him in the middle of the night but in any case he wanted to spare them the sight of him and his friend, his crush, in the middle of sexual intercourse. A tube of lubricant landed beside his elbow, and he grabbed it, his shaking fingers unscrewing the lid. It had a faint smell of vanilla. Koshiro licked his lips as if he licked into an ice-cream. Vanilla... Orchid... Tropical America.. The sweet flavour extracted from the seeds of that tropical plant... So much like Jyou... He clucked his tongue... Van-n-nill-la... Long pointed delicate petals, a strong climbing stem, hot sun streaming through the roof of the jungles... It reminded of a drug trip.. His breath came as rushed and shallow when desire washed over him like a wave of fire.

Rhythm as natural as the heartbeat burst under Jyou's fingers closed on Koshiro's manhood, his hand sliding from base to the tip. Hot moisture stained his hand.

Koshiro squeezed half a tube of lubricant out on Jyou's ass and massaged it into the passage coating his tender skin that was to be his, for the first time and only his soon. His fingers slipped impatiently inside the tunnel of muscles and Jyou gave a soft cry. The cry broke into million shards of whisper and gasps as the violating finger pushed deeper. The boy, now weak and compliant arched his back with his beautiful hair flying in the air in disorder.

"Oh god, Kou..."

That wall of ice shattered and Koshiro found himself face to face with the sweet boy of his dreams, cleared of panic, filled with love. With his love.


Kou... Cooing. Gasping. Koushiro licked his lips in ecstasy. He moaned the feeling rising from his erected cock out into the darkness of the room.

Whispering his pet name over and over again, Jyou rubbed into him while being stretched and overtook. All the initiative was Koshiro's. Though staying on his back and straddled, he brought Jyou down on his cock and pushed inside, groaning out with intensity of feeling that descended on him.


"Slower!..." Jyou pleaded. His lower lip was bitten by fierce attacks to muffle his cries. Koshiro waited out while Jyou was ready to envelope him further, he, too, was shaking all over and moaning.

"Oh, Jyou, Jyou!" Koshiro ran his hand on the pleasurous spots in between Jyou's thighs and grasped his cock. Quick calculated strokes sent Jyou into a wild rhythm of sex. It was sudden and almost rough. He couldn't think of anything else than the pleasure, he couldn't feel the pain, he rode Koshiro with all the force. His hair flew about his head and several strands invaded his mouth, choking him every time he inhaled and screamed. Koshiro was meshed into the sofa with erratic jerks he no more had control of. His body, caught between Jyou's sharp knees followed the action and shot towards it as he laid back, thoughtless and waiting for orgasm.

"Oh god!" Jyou cried, clenching Koshiro's sides, and came at the last crushing motion of his body. Koshiro arched in his own orgasm, meaningless words of love escaping his mouth.

One moment of overall bodily malfunction, one moment of no heartbeat, a brief fear, no fear... Climax of all love... sweet tiredness possessing every limb, then a new heartbeat, a new surge of blood, and warmth in previosly convulsing muscles... Yes...

Sperm coated hands caught Jyou's falling form and pressed the limp body close. Koshiro and Jyou stayed in the same position cheek to cheek, breath to breath..

"I love you, Kou," Jyou whispered on the verge of sleep. "Kou..."

Koshiro pulled the blanket over from its place on the floor and tucked it around them to keep warm. At some point he knew they would go to the bathroom but right now he was fatigued and his mind demanded sleep and a break from the outrageous things his body had done. A peaceful moment...

"You're right, Jyou," he muttered not sure if his lover (YES! Lover!) was awake or not, "it's much better..." he edged his face into the comfortable crevice between his shoulder and neck, "..when on bottom..."
