Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ On The Line ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don't own anything about Digimon. No money is being made and no copyright or
trademark infringement is intended.
Author Notes:
Okay I'm sorry again for the late posting... I've been busy with the end of term I'm handing in
assignments and things... I'm suppose to be working on a project right now but instead I
decided to put the finishing touches on this story and post it instead... I'll just work on the
project tomorrow if I can find the time... Oh well...
Ergh... This chapter was suppose to be longer but unfortunatly I don't have time to write the
rest of it out so... I'll see when I can do it... With exams, Christmas, and everything else
that comes with it is coming up I'm afraid I'm not sure when my next update day is... So I'll
really have to see... I'm going to be busy.
This chapter is longer then usual... I think I clocked it at seven pages... However I did
intend for there to be more but no such luck... Time constraints... *sigh*
Anyways enough chatting oh wards to your questions and my thanx.
Takako :
Heh... Sorry for this not being fast enough... Chapters? I don't know! I'm winging this
story I'm guessing quite a bit because I haven't even got some other plot ideas out yet... I am
going to finish Henry and Rika's year though at school. The story is suppose to end with a
pretty neat ending that I thought up... It's not really new idea but it has a pretty neat swing
to it. I've already written it up and it's locked away in one of my files... Written not
data... However since one of my favourite authors is JK Rowling I'm going to follow her example
and stay tight lip about the ending.
d :
You know I never noticed that Henry and Rika were the only ones in the steamy situation... I'll
have to fix that... I guess it happens because since I'm writing as I go I just let the story
write itself sometimes and there you have Henry and Rika's steamy scenes... Oh well...
Rika Wong/Akiyama :
Ah... Ryo and Alice... Well I'm going to stay tight lip about their situation... Don't worry
there will be more on them.
Silent Angel :
Thank you and I'm sorry I haven't read your fic yet... I promise I'll read your fic in either
a few days or in a day... I'm sort of in a jam with work but when I have the time I'll read it
I promise.
Henrika :
Thank you... I've checked over my reviews I've done too and it's at 500+ right now... Sheesh
I read a lot. I have to cut down and work more on homework instead of reading a fic...
*sigh* The problems with school.
Kara Kasai :
Good luck on your work... It's the end of term soon so I can guess you would have a lot of
Home Work, essays, projects, even possibly an exam rolling around... Geez it's hard to be a
student... Oh well.. Until Next Time.
LB :
Thank you very much... Praises are always good even though it inflates my ego... Don't worry
however school and my teachers are always quick at hand to deflate it just as fast... Hope
you like this chapter.
jenruki-gal4ever :
Well this chapter is longer, I think it's suppose to be about 7 pages in total so it would be
two pages longer then my standard 5 page that I like to do. I hope you enjoy.
~*Jenruki*~ :
Well this is what happens during the dance... The next chapter is the small aftermath and
possibly some other things... I'll have to see when I have the time... Geez I'm tired...
It's right now four in the morning while I'm doing this.... *YAWN*
littleweirdwriter :
I think the person who plays Oliver Wood on Harry Potter is Sean Biggerstaff... Anywho thanx
for the praise and I'm hoping to watch Harry Potter again... *sigh* When I find the time.
jenruki :
Well the next movie for Harry Potter is suppose to be in 2004 the reason is to give Daniel
Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint some time in a real school. Oh well can't wait as
usual. Alice and Ryo you will see more of... But... Well, you'll have to see.
ConstructiveCrtzr :
Thank you, I've been hoping I've been improving... I finally got into an English course for
the following term... So I'll see how I'll do there... I'm going to see if I can take some
creative writing courses during the summer however.
kallie :
You'll have to see about Alice/Sarah with Ryo... I'm going to stay tight lip for now.
dahan :
Unfortunatly yes... We authors on Fanfic usual like cliffhangers because each chapter is like
an episode on TV... Well that's why I like it... Since when I was a baby I watched the old
Batman series show I got the stupid endings in my head... You know, will Batman get out? Will
Penguin escape? Find out next time, same bat time, same bat channel! LOL! I was a pretty
wacked up kid...
Teenager Rika :
Hm... Kenta and Suzy thing is a bit weird I'm still working on it, but Alice/Sarah and Ryo has
this plot thing which I'm working on... LOL! Also your comment on how you read my stories to
get rid of writers block was funny.... Because I read your stories to get rid of writers
block... LOL!
Teenager Kazu :
Thank you for the praise, I'm still sure that there are better fics then mine out there. I was
surprise to find out Teenager Rika has groupies it's funny but it just goes to show you how well
her writing is.... And on your other comment... Eh? (That's all I'm going to say on it.)
§Ñ§ :
I unfortunatly am a worry wart... I worry and worry till I'm so stressed then I worry some more
terrible isn't it? That's my nature... Oh well... Anywho enjoy the story and thank you.
I'm always happy to hear people enjoying my story.
Phew... Well that's all done... It's 4:14 in the morning and I need to grab some sleep...
Hope you enjoy this chapter and everyone thank you for your praise, encouragements, and
On The Line
Chapter 23/?
Candles and torches lit the hall, throwing out a soothing and flickering light. The hall was
hot, even with the cold winds form the open doors and windows the dance hall was a sauna. Music
pounded, the loud bass making the floor tremble like a small quake. An orange hair girl stood
on top of the stage beside the DJ observing the nearly empty hall.
"How long do we have?" asked Rika.
"Five more minutes," answered Eddie glancing at his watch, "Annie said there is already a huge
line outside waiting to get in."
Rika nodded, her eyes wandered to a blue hair boy that was putting the final touches to a table,
her heart pounded slightly faster as she memorized every inch of the boy. His hair was slightly
damp; he was wearing a beige cargo shorts and a very hideous puke green Hawaiian shirt. Rika
felt her ears grow red when she realized she was staring, to make things worst just at that
moment Henry looked up at Rika with his usual easy smile.
Henry ran a hand through his damp hair, which was due to a shower earlier, he knew someone was
staring at him and he was glad at who it was. He started towards Rika, his eyes never leaving
her, dressed in her blue designer swimsuit; she also had a white T-shirt, and a tie on skirt.
"Hey," said Henry grinning reaching the stage.
Sitting down on the stage Rika didn't look Henry in the eye instead kept her eyes on the door to
the hall, "Hey."
"This Hawaiian dance theme was a good idea," said Henry smiling, his eyes wandering over Rika
"Wipe that smile off your face Henry," warned Rika glancing at Henry with a smirk.
"You really look beautiful Rika," complimented Henry holding up one of the tropical flowers he
was decorating the tables with he set it into Rika's hair.
Rika gave Henry a small smile that was only for him, "You sure that isn't your hormones
talking?" teased Rika.
"If it is they're right, you are beautiful," said Henry.
Reaching out Rika held onto one of Henry's hand.
Leaning closer to Rika till they were just centimetres apart Henry grinned, "I could kiss you
right now."
"But we can't," sighed Rika pulling away from Henry, noticing Eddie wanted to talk to her she
gave Henry an apologetic look before heading off to Eddie.
Henry slumped against the stage, "This is what I hate," muttered Henry to himself.
Giving a nod to the people at the door, Rika turned to Eddie who shrugged as students began to
fill into the hall, noticing the heat the students quickly stripped off their heavy jackets
revealing their tropical wears.
The Headmaster of Odaiba Academy stepped up onto the stage with a microphone, instead of his
normal grey ash coloured suit he wore a grey ash colour Hawaiian shirt in an attempt to go with
the theme of the dance. "As always, it is wonderful to see school spirit," began the
Headmaster, "it gives me great pleasure to open the November Dance. Now if the Chair women of
the dance, Miss Nonako could begin the first dance we can get started."
A silent hush fell among the students stepping away from the middle of the Dance Hall, they're
eyes fell onto Rika.
"He never mentioned anything about a dance," muttered Rika stubbornly standing beside Henry, "I
am not going to dance in front of everyone."
Henry looked around the room hesitantly, "I think its tradition Rika."
"Screw tradition," muttered Rika.
"Scared Rika?" grinned Henry.
Rika glared at Henry yanking to the middle of the room, "You wish," she said evenly.
Standing in the middle of the hall Rika awkwardly put a hand on Henry's shoulder.
Smiling Henry took Rika's other hand into his, "Do you know what you're doing?" whispered Henry.
"No," hissed Rika, "I've never really had an interest in dancing, especially ball room dancing."
Horrified the couple saw the Headmaster give a nod to the DJ who started to the music, not
knowing if what they were doing was correct Henry and Rika started to dance to the music.
"As long as we don't step on each other's toes we should be fine," reasoned Henry grinning.
"How can you be smiling at a time like this Henry?" demanded Rika unable to stop from returning
Henry's infectious smile. "We're about to make fools of ourselves."
"Just have fun Rika," said Henry twirling Rika.
Rika laughed, "You are lucky that I'm quick on my feet, I barely knew what you are doing."
The song ended both Henry and Rika were smiling at each other, knowing that the entire dance
hall knew that they did not know how to dance. The students joined in on the dance as the
second song began, Henry looked at Rika curiously, "You want to keep dancing or get out while we
"Let's keep dancing," said Rika leaning against Henry.
After a few more dances Henry and Rika quit the dance floor, Rika gave a quick squeeze to
Henry's hand to get his attention, "I've got to deal with the caterers to get the buffet
"Sure I'll be at the refreshment table," answered Henry nodding to one of the long tables that
held drinks.
Still smiling Henry made his way to the refreshment table and began to pour out two glasses of
punch. Noticing three blond girls staring at him, one of them was familiar her name was Sally,
she was apparently Rika's locker neighbour, smiling tentatively he continued his task of pouring
the drinks.
"Hi you're Henry right?"
Henry looked up to see Sally standing beside him, "Yes I am and you are Sally if I remember
correctly," answered Henry politely.
"You remembered me," said Sally in delight.
Henry shrugged, "I've got a pretty good memory."
"I didn't expect to see you here," said Sally edging closer to Henry.
"Oh," said Henry nodding, "I came with Rika."
"So you going out with her or something?" asked Sally her eyes gleaming.
Henry frowned, "Um... Well..."
Sally's eyes brightened, "So you aren't seeing anyone then," putting a hand on Henry's arm.
Making it a smooth motion Henry pulled his arm away while taking a sip out of his cup, "Well I'm
sorta going through something right now," said Henry nervously.
"I see," said Sally her eyebrows furrowing, "well would it be a problem to ask for one dance?"
Henry frowned, "Well I just got off the dance floor I'm really interested in my drink right now."
"I'm sure I can interest you in something else," cooed Sally seductively.
Taking a step back to get some distance from the blond girl, Henry grimaced when Sally took a
step towards him, "Look I'm sure you are a very nice person," said Henry quickly, "but I'm
really not interested... It's not that I don't find you attractive... Well that's not true, I
don't... Ergh, I don't mean your ugly it's just I..."
"You talk too much," said Sally covering Henry's mouth with her own.
Suddenly Sally found herself on the ground a few feet away from Henry, "What's wrong with you?"
demanded Henry noticeably angry, "I mean I said I wasn't interested, what more do you want me to
Sally stared stunned at Henry nobody had ever rejected her before and now the first time being
rejected she was being humiliated in front of the entire school. Getting to her feet with the
help of her two friends she dusted herself off, "You'll regret that Henry," she snarled.
"I doubt that," said Henry angrily returning the three blond hair girls glares.
Turning around furiously Sally and her two friends stalked away.
Shoulders sagged as Henry sighed, glancing around he noticed everyone staring at him, needless
to say he felt very uncomfortable.
Rika slowly walked up to Henry, she knew he was uncomfortable, well who wouldn't, he was a
foreign person to the school who just pushed the most popular girl in the school. Walking up to
Henry her hand gently touched his cheek.
Henry's eyes were wide, "Rika, I..."
Shaking her head slightly Henry fell silent, with her other hand she pulled out her cell phone
hitting a quick dial number.
The phone rang four times before a very sleepy and irritated voice answered, "Hello?" yawned
Charles, "whoever you are do you happen to know that right now in Switzerland it is in the
middle of the night and I'm trying to sleep?"
"Charles? It's Rika," began Rika calmly, "I'm going to kiss my boyfriend in public right now."
"What!" shouted Charles all sleepiness disappearing from shock, "Rika you can't do this to me!
You have to give me more time then this!"
Rika closed her phone pulling Henry's head down she rested her forehead against his, nervously
she tilted her head back. The kiss was soft and gentle, like a tender first kiss, but it
quickly deepened, the light kisses turning into slow and passionate.
Pulling back from each other the two breathed heavily looking into each other's eyes, an
understanding passed between them, holding Henry's hand tightly they both left the dance hall.
Kenta frowned standing on the balcony of the second floor; he was staring down at the scene
below. She was dancing with a boy, Kenta couldn't wasn't sure what the different range of
emotions that were surging through him were, but one that he was sure was anger. Anger of what
however he wasn't sure, he didn't like that either, he hated not knowing answers, he especially
hated unanswered problems when it affected him. The song ended Kenta watched as the boy
whispered something into Suzy's ear who nodded and followed the boy to one of the refreshment
tables. Mustering his nerves, Kenta decided to talk to Suzy; walking quickly down the stairs he
made his way towards Suzy and the boy.
Smiling at Jeffrey the boy who she was dancing with, Suzy was about to stake a sip of her soda
when she noticed Kenta heading towards her. The usual butterflies filled her stomach, while she
tried to remind herself that she was still angry at Kenta and she wasn't going to talk to him.
Her eyes wandered over Kenta his thousand-dollar hair cut to his deep dark green eyes... Well
maybe a few words...
"Everything okay Suzy?" asked Jeffrey noticing that Suzy stopped paying attention to him.
Glancing over his shoulder he noticed Kenta walking towards them, "Someone you know?"
Suzy nodded her eyes still locked with Kenta, her heart was pounding a mile away, her fist
clenched nervously, biting her lower lip, Suzy's mind kept doing flips. Just before Kenta
reached her a girl got knocked into Kenta.
Catching the girl Kenta straightened up helping the girl to her feet, the girl had dark black
hair, that shined beautifully, her eyes were stunningly violet, she gave Kenta a full smile.
"You okay?" asked Kenta.
"Yeah," answered the girl her hands still holding onto Kenta's, "you're Kenta Kitagawa aren't
"Yes I am," acknowledged Kenta, his mind whirled trying to put a name with the girls face.
"You don't remember who I am do you?" asked the girl amused.
"Tomoya Matasuta," remembered Kenta smiling, "Captain of the debating team."
"You remembered," said Tomoya happily.
"Hard to forget you," said Kenta with a laugh, "as I remembered you were very angry at me the
last time we met."
Tomoya laughed, "Oh that was because I wanted to get more funding for the debating team, but you
got the extra funding for the newspaper instead."
"The newspaper needed more money," explained Kenta.
"Oh don't worry about it," said Tomoya waving a hand, "I just sometimes take thing sway out of
Kenta smiled, "As I remembered you yelled at me for an hour."
Tomoya smiled sheepishly, "I was pretty angry but how about we start on new footing?"
"I'll like that," smiled Kenta shaking Tomoya's hand, "I'm Kenta Kitagawa, Chief Editor of The
"I'm Tomoya Matasuta, Captain of the debating Team," said Tomoya returning Kenta's smile, "now
that we're acquainted, you can treat me to a dance."
"Well I got something," began Kenta.
"I won't take no for an answer," warned Tomoya, pulling Kenta onto the dance floor, "come on one
dance, I'm not that bad."
Relenting Kenta nodded, "one dance," glancing over to Suzy Kenta gave her an apologetic smile
before being hauled off to the dance floor.
Six different very offensive names to call the girl that hauled Kenta away popped into Suzy's
head. A bubbling anger feeling filled her, trying to see Kenta and the black hair girl that
pulled him away, she moved away from Jeffrey to get a better view. Angrily she stared at the
pair, Kenta attempting to dance at the high pace music while his partner danced beautifully
whiles she laughed at Kenta's attempts.
The music ended suddenly and a slow beat music took its place, Suzy glared seeing Kenta and the
girl exchange a few words then a laugh. To her dismay and anger Suzy wasn't sure what happened
but Kenta and the girl were dancing again. Suzy felt like crying as she watched Kenta whisper
something in the girl's ear, which she looked amused and laughed. The dance ended with Kenta
twirling his partner both walked off the floor smiling and laughing. Getting off the dance
floor Kenta spotted Suzy glaring at them.
"Hi," greeted Tomoya to Suzy brightly, "my name is Tomoya."
"Hi," said Suzy coldly.
"I've been looking for you Suzy," said Kenta smiling.
"I can see that," said Suzy pointedly.
"Look I didn't' know you were going out with Kenta," apologized Tomoya, "and I'm really sorry,
it's not Kenta's fault, I dragged him off to dance he was just being polite."
"We aren't going out," interrupted Suzy turning around she stormed away.
"You two aren't going out?" Tomoya asked Kenta.
"I don't know," said Kenta sadly, "I hope you'll excuse me."
Nodding Tomoya watched as Kenta chase after Suzy.
"Suzy wait," said Kenta catching the small girl's arm.
Yanking her arm out of Kenta's grasp, "Why?"
Kenta sighed, "Come on Suzy stop, I want to talk to you."
"Well I really don't' want to talk to you," Suzy retorted.
Kenta stopped suddenly; "Do you mean that?" asked Kenta his voice wavering.
Suzy stopped, "No," said Suzy with regret, "I don't mean it."
Both looked around them noticing that everyone was watching them, "Maybe we can go talk
somewhere else?"
"Yeah," said Suzy somewhat relieved.
Kenta led Suzy to his garden, as they walked both skirted the issue in their mind and instead
they filled the conversation with things they were seeing in the garden.
Finally they reached a large water fountain, small bushes surrounded them, Suzy grabbed a seat
at the side of the fountain Kenta sat at a bench across from her.
"Should we talk?" asked Kenta with a tired smile.
"I was hoping we could just skirt around the issue a little more," said Suzy nervously.
"So... You like stuff?" asked Kenta seeing Suzy's confused face he shrugged, "You said you
wanted to skirt around the issue."
Suzy smiled briefly, "I'm really sorry how I acted today Kenta."
"This party is all four you," said Kenta waving at his mansion behind him with all it's lights
"I know, it's lovely," said Suzy giving Kenta an apologetic look, "it's just..."
"Not what you wanted," finished Kenta nodding, "I know."
Suzy nodded slowly, "But I do appreciate the party, I mean well... It's not everyday that a
girl gets a huge party thrown for her."
Kenta stood smiling, offering his arm to Suzy who took it, they continued their tour of the
large garden. "Ai didn't look happy when she got out of the car," said Kenta carefully.
"It's just a small think between her and me," said Suzy leaning closer to Kenta because the
night was cold.
Kenta didn't seem to notice as he was deep in thought, "Does it concern me?"
"Sorta," admitted Suzy uncomfortably, "yes a little."
"I'm sorry," said Kenta softly.
"You have nothing to be sorry for Kenta, it's just something that Ai and I have to work out,"
said Suzy.
The two finally reached a small clearing; all types of different kinds of rose bushes as well as
beautifully African lily vines surrounded the clearing. In the middle were a table, two chairs,
and two elegant place settings. The shiny silver wear glinted in the soft moonlight and
flickering candlelight.
Suzy gasped turning to Kenta, "You didn't have to."
Before Kenta could speak he saw his Chef rolling out a trolley of food as well as cookware.
Soft music began to play, Suzy turned to see, Kazu, Alice, and Ryo playing instruments.
Suzy smiled happily at Kenta her eyes shining with tears.
Wordlessly Kenta still surprised but with years of grooming and manners they took over. He
pulled out a seat for Suzy, once both of them were properly seated, his cook, Chef Oronzo
DePrina spoke, "Tonight, we will start with a very simple vinaigrette salad, followed by a cold
pea soup, next would be delicious steamed vegetable in a special crème sauce, that would be
followed by a light cold pasta, then some smoked spicy tofu sausage with a sweet sauce, the main
course would be one of my specialties asparagus ravioli, and finally my famous desert strawberry
"Seven courses?" asked Suzy surprised.
Kenta nodded pulling out a bottle that was in the cooler he uncorked it and filled both Suzy's
and his cup with the yellow sparkling liquid.
Suzy looked hesitantly at her cup, picking it up she took a sniff, "Is it alcoholic?"
Kenta smiled amusingly, "Do you trust me?"
Suzy smiled before taking a sip, pulling back in surprise, "Taste lightly like grape juice but
it's fizzy."
Kenta grinned, "Sparkling grape champagne, for those of us who are not allowed to drink real
champagne." Holding out his glass, Suzy clinked her glass with his before taking another sip.
Seven courses later, Suzy wiped her lips carefully she smiled at Kenta happily.
"I still can't believe you were able to put away a seven course meal," said Kenta amused as Chef
Oronzo finished cleaning the table of dishes he rolled away.
"Oh that's not good is it?" asked Suzy worried.
"No, no it's fine," said Kenta shaking his head with a smile, "I think it's healthy, I know how
much energy you use everyday, I'm just surprised because you don't show it."
Suzy turned red from embarrassment, "I'm just lucky."
Kenta glanced at Ryo, Kazu, and Alice who returned, they had left as Suzy and him began to eat,
allowing them privacy for them to talk. Picking up their instruments they began to play again,
seeing Suzy's longing face but nervousness in her eyes, Kenta smiled offering his hand to Suzy,
"You want to dance?"
Suzy nodded allowing Kenta to lead her closer to their friends, awkwardly Suzy placed one hand
on Kenta's shoulder and the other in his hand. Kenta started to lead her in the dance as Kazu
and Alice started to sing.
Ninety miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving I don't know why
So many questions I need to answer
Two years later you're still on my mind
As Kazu and Alice sang Suzy smiled, "This is nice."
A small smile touched Kenta's lips, "Yeah it is."
What ever happened to Emilia Airheart
Who holds stars up in the sky
It's true love just once in a lifetime
Till the captain of the Titanic cry
As they slowly danced Suzy stepped on one of Kenta's feet, "Sorry," she said turning red.
Kenta laughed lightly, "It's okay."
Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
"This is the first time I danced with a boy," explained Suzy.
"I said it was okay," said Kenta gently.
Does anyone know the way to Atlantis
Or what the wind says when she cries
I'm straightened by the place that I met you
For the ninety-seventh time ... tonight
"I just wanted to say sorry," apologized Suzy.
"Apology accepted," smiled Kenta.
Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday well know why I wasn't mean for you
"Thank you," murmured Suzy.
Kenta looked quizzically at Suzy, "For what?"
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
"For all this," said Suzy, "for being you, for trying to get along with a difficult and insane
little girl."
Kenta blushed, "It was nothing."
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Dilaila
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you
"I think it was," answered Suzy.
Kenta shrugged lightly, "You're welcome Suzy."
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
I watch the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me ... tonight
Suzy smiled resting her head on Kenta's chest, Alice, Ryo, and Kazu's voices filled the
background as they all sang the last few versus.
A mixture of feelings ran through Kenta, happy, sadness; at the end he really couldn't put it
down what it was. Holding Suzy closer he smiled, `Vanilla and peaches,' thought Kenta his brows
creasing slightly, that was how Suzy smelled like, his mind whirled as he wondered why he
noticed the smell.
Someday we'll know if love could move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
Kenta and Suzy slowly rocked back and forth in the music, Kenta smiled slightly in amusement,
Suzy didn't really know how to dance so all they were doing were swaying slightly from side to
side. If his parents saw him he knew they would be shaking their heads. Since he was born he
was bred for a higher level of life style he had a ballroom dance teacher as soon as he could
walk. He could do the tango when he was seven and now he was just swaying side to side
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Suzy listened to the steady beat of Kenta's heart, it was somewhat of a perfect night, there was
tension, excitement, a romantic candle light dinner. "Too bad it all ends without a bang,"
thought Suzy amused at herself.
Kenta's mind was still trying to decipher what he was feeling but everything he has learnt over
the years still didn't tell him anything. All the books of wisdom that he read did not help him
in this situation, and he was annoyed, terrified, all in all mixed upped.
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Dilaila
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you
The song and dance ended, Kenta and Suzy pulled away gradually, turning to Kazu, Alice, and Ryo
they clapped. Smiling ruefully Kazu bowed with Alice, while Ryo stood back holding onto a cool
"Thank you and tip your waiter on your way out," said Kazu gleefully.
Ryo rolled his eyes as he started back to the mansion with Alice.
"Let's finish our walk," suggested Kenta.
Suzy shivered slightly, "Gives me a chance to work some of the stuff I ate off."
Kenta shrugged off his light black jacket.
"You don't have to," protested Suzy while Kenta put the jacket around her.
"You're cold," said Kenta, "don't argue."
Suzy closed her mouth, smiling she looked away as they continued to walk down the path.
Juri sobbed again into her hand, she had tried to look for Takato but the house was too big and
filled with too many people.
"Hey Juri you okay?"
Juri glance dup her eyes were red from tears, "No, I can't find Takato."
Kazu frowned, "Why not?"
All the Tamers noticed that a few months after their Digital World adventure that Takato and
Juri had always been able to find each other. It was scary and amazing at the same time. Once
Kenta conducted an experiment where he had the gang lead Takato and Juri apart from each other
to different parts of the city. Each time it would only take Takato and Juri to find each other
in less then half an hour.
"Can't you find him?" asked Kazu confused, "I mean using your weird mojo mind thing?"
"I yelled at him," explained Juri sniffing, "we had a stupid fight. I can't find him now."
"It'll be okay Juri, you'll see," said Kazu trying to cheer Juri up.
Juri sniffed wiping the tears from her eyes, "I don't want to lose him Kazu... I can't..."
"You won't" interject Kazu quickly, "he's completely head over heels in love with you Juri.
It'll be impossible for him to be angry at you."
Juri smiled, "Thanks Kazu."
Kazu shrugged, "Eh... What are friends for? Besides Takato is probably looking for you right
As if on cue Takato skidded into the room looking around hysterically, in his hands was Juri's
notebook that she dropped. "Kazu have you seen Juri?" demanded Takato.
Kazu raised an eyebrow stepping aside so Takato could see Juri he could see the hysteria
disappearing from his friend's eyes.
"Juri," said Takato relieved as he picked Juri up into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry Takato," sobbed Juri tears filling her eyes again.
"You don't have to be," Takato sighed rubbing Juri's back.
"I tried to find you..."
"I know," said Takato, "I tried to find you too."
"I couldn't find you because of the fight," explained Juri.
Takato shook his head as he told his story, "All I found was your book and it was on the floor
and I didn't know what to think... I thought you disappeared or something or someone took you
Juri buried her head into the crook of Takato's neck, "I'm really sorry."
"You don't have to be, I'm really sorry," apologized Takato.
Kazu squeezed the bridge of his nose in slight annoyance, "Not to be a downer on anyone's
parade, but hearing all this is cute and all that I'm sure... However your repetition is
annoying... So let me say a few things, you both are sorry, you both agree that each other has
nothing to apologise for so in fact you both are in good terms again. So there is a party going
on, enjoy it please for heaven sakes and try not to pull another dramatic crisis again please."
Juri and Takato looked surprise at Kazu, looking at each other both nodded, "You want to dance?"
asked Takato.
Juri shook her head; "I want to find a couch so I can hold you for the rest of the night."
Takato grinned, "I know just the place, but can we go grab a few things to eat first?"
Juri nodded happily as she pulled Takato away to a snack table.
Kazu sighed in relief; "Well then I fixed two relationship problems tonight... I'm good, not
another problem in sight."
"Where were you?" demanded a very angry voice.
Kazu frowned turning around his jaw dropped as he saw the girl he was talking to before Kenta
interrupted him early that night. His mind tried bringing a name to her face but he couldn't
remember, "I was helping my friend first, then another friend had a problem and well tonight..."
The sharp sting of her hand caused Kazu's cheek to turn red, "I don't ever want to see you
again," snapped the angry girl as she stormed away.
Kazu sighed, as he rubbed his cheek, "Great everyone got a happy date except me tonight,"
grumbled Kazu. His eyes brightened as he noticed a girl walking into the room giving him a
smile, rubbing his hands Kazu sauntered up to her.
Ryo was sitting on the steps outside of Kenta's mansion; his eyes were fixed onto the heavens
above him.
"So what do you see?" asked Alice sitting beside Ryo.
"I think that's the big dipper," said Ryo pointing up at a star constellation.
"That's the small one," said Alice glancing at Ryo frowning.
Ryo tilted his head studying the constellation in a different angle, "How would you know?"
"Ryo I have a four point GPA, I think I would know," said Alice evenly.
Ryo sighed, "I hate it when I'm wrong."
"Then you must be very annoyed for most of your life," teased Alice.
Ryo chuckled shaking his head, "You have a sharp tongue."
"It keeps boys on their toes," smiled Alice.
"You want to grab a coffee?" asked Ryo.
Alice grinned, taking a dramatic pose by fanning herself with her hand, "Oh dear me Ryo Akiyama
want to have coffee with me how can I refuse."
"Okay, okay," said Ryo raising his hands in surrender, "I get the point."
Grabbing Ryo's hand Alice pulled him towards the road, "Come on coffee sounds great."
I don't own anything about Digimon. No money is being made and no copyright or
trademark infringement is intended.
Author Notes:
Okay I'm sorry again for the late posting... I've been busy with the end of term I'm handing in
assignments and things... I'm suppose to be working on a project right now but instead I
decided to put the finishing touches on this story and post it instead... I'll just work on the
project tomorrow if I can find the time... Oh well...
Ergh... This chapter was suppose to be longer but unfortunatly I don't have time to write the
rest of it out so... I'll see when I can do it... With exams, Christmas, and everything else
that comes with it is coming up I'm afraid I'm not sure when my next update day is... So I'll
really have to see... I'm going to be busy.
This chapter is longer then usual... I think I clocked it at seven pages... However I did
intend for there to be more but no such luck... Time constraints... *sigh*
Anyways enough chatting oh wards to your questions and my thanx.
Takako :
Heh... Sorry for this not being fast enough... Chapters? I don't know! I'm winging this
story I'm guessing quite a bit because I haven't even got some other plot ideas out yet... I am
going to finish Henry and Rika's year though at school. The story is suppose to end with a
pretty neat ending that I thought up... It's not really new idea but it has a pretty neat swing
to it. I've already written it up and it's locked away in one of my files... Written not
data... However since one of my favourite authors is JK Rowling I'm going to follow her example
and stay tight lip about the ending.
d :
You know I never noticed that Henry and Rika were the only ones in the steamy situation... I'll
have to fix that... I guess it happens because since I'm writing as I go I just let the story
write itself sometimes and there you have Henry and Rika's steamy scenes... Oh well...
Rika Wong/Akiyama :
Ah... Ryo and Alice... Well I'm going to stay tight lip about their situation... Don't worry
there will be more on them.
Silent Angel :
Thank you and I'm sorry I haven't read your fic yet... I promise I'll read your fic in either
a few days or in a day... I'm sort of in a jam with work but when I have the time I'll read it
I promise.
Henrika :
Thank you... I've checked over my reviews I've done too and it's at 500+ right now... Sheesh
I read a lot. I have to cut down and work more on homework instead of reading a fic...
*sigh* The problems with school.
Kara Kasai :
Good luck on your work... It's the end of term soon so I can guess you would have a lot of
Home Work, essays, projects, even possibly an exam rolling around... Geez it's hard to be a
student... Oh well.. Until Next Time.
LB :
Thank you very much... Praises are always good even though it inflates my ego... Don't worry
however school and my teachers are always quick at hand to deflate it just as fast... Hope
you like this chapter.
jenruki-gal4ever :
Well this chapter is longer, I think it's suppose to be about 7 pages in total so it would be
two pages longer then my standard 5 page that I like to do. I hope you enjoy.
~*Jenruki*~ :
Well this is what happens during the dance... The next chapter is the small aftermath and
possibly some other things... I'll have to see when I have the time... Geez I'm tired...
It's right now four in the morning while I'm doing this.... *YAWN*
littleweirdwriter :
I think the person who plays Oliver Wood on Harry Potter is Sean Biggerstaff... Anywho thanx
for the praise and I'm hoping to watch Harry Potter again... *sigh* When I find the time.
jenruki :
Well the next movie for Harry Potter is suppose to be in 2004 the reason is to give Daniel
Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint some time in a real school. Oh well can't wait as
usual. Alice and Ryo you will see more of... But... Well, you'll have to see.
ConstructiveCrtzr :
Thank you, I've been hoping I've been improving... I finally got into an English course for
the following term... So I'll see how I'll do there... I'm going to see if I can take some
creative writing courses during the summer however.
kallie :
You'll have to see about Alice/Sarah with Ryo... I'm going to stay tight lip for now.
dahan :
Unfortunatly yes... We authors on Fanfic usual like cliffhangers because each chapter is like
an episode on TV... Well that's why I like it... Since when I was a baby I watched the old
Batman series show I got the stupid endings in my head... You know, will Batman get out? Will
Penguin escape? Find out next time, same bat time, same bat channel! LOL! I was a pretty
wacked up kid...
Teenager Rika :
Hm... Kenta and Suzy thing is a bit weird I'm still working on it, but Alice/Sarah and Ryo has
this plot thing which I'm working on... LOL! Also your comment on how you read my stories to
get rid of writers block was funny.... Because I read your stories to get rid of writers
block... LOL!
Teenager Kazu :
Thank you for the praise, I'm still sure that there are better fics then mine out there. I was
surprise to find out Teenager Rika has groupies it's funny but it just goes to show you how well
her writing is.... And on your other comment... Eh? (That's all I'm going to say on it.)
§Ñ§ :
I unfortunatly am a worry wart... I worry and worry till I'm so stressed then I worry some more
terrible isn't it? That's my nature... Oh well... Anywho enjoy the story and thank you.
I'm always happy to hear people enjoying my story.
Phew... Well that's all done... It's 4:14 in the morning and I need to grab some sleep...
Hope you enjoy this chapter and everyone thank you for your praise, encouragements, and
On The Line
Chapter 23/?
Candles and torches lit the hall, throwing out a soothing and flickering light. The hall was
hot, even with the cold winds form the open doors and windows the dance hall was a sauna. Music
pounded, the loud bass making the floor tremble like a small quake. An orange hair girl stood
on top of the stage beside the DJ observing the nearly empty hall.
"How long do we have?" asked Rika.
"Five more minutes," answered Eddie glancing at his watch, "Annie said there is already a huge
line outside waiting to get in."
Rika nodded, her eyes wandered to a blue hair boy that was putting the final touches to a table,
her heart pounded slightly faster as she memorized every inch of the boy. His hair was slightly
damp; he was wearing a beige cargo shorts and a very hideous puke green Hawaiian shirt. Rika
felt her ears grow red when she realized she was staring, to make things worst just at that
moment Henry looked up at Rika with his usual easy smile.
Henry ran a hand through his damp hair, which was due to a shower earlier, he knew someone was
staring at him and he was glad at who it was. He started towards Rika, his eyes never leaving
her, dressed in her blue designer swimsuit; she also had a white T-shirt, and a tie on skirt.
"Hey," said Henry grinning reaching the stage.
Sitting down on the stage Rika didn't look Henry in the eye instead kept her eyes on the door to
the hall, "Hey."
"This Hawaiian dance theme was a good idea," said Henry smiling, his eyes wandering over Rika
"Wipe that smile off your face Henry," warned Rika glancing at Henry with a smirk.
"You really look beautiful Rika," complimented Henry holding up one of the tropical flowers he
was decorating the tables with he set it into Rika's hair.
Rika gave Henry a small smile that was only for him, "You sure that isn't your hormones
talking?" teased Rika.
"If it is they're right, you are beautiful," said Henry.
Reaching out Rika held onto one of Henry's hand.
Leaning closer to Rika till they were just centimetres apart Henry grinned, "I could kiss you
right now."
"But we can't," sighed Rika pulling away from Henry, noticing Eddie wanted to talk to her she
gave Henry an apologetic look before heading off to Eddie.
Henry slumped against the stage, "This is what I hate," muttered Henry to himself.
Giving a nod to the people at the door, Rika turned to Eddie who shrugged as students began to
fill into the hall, noticing the heat the students quickly stripped off their heavy jackets
revealing their tropical wears.
The Headmaster of Odaiba Academy stepped up onto the stage with a microphone, instead of his
normal grey ash coloured suit he wore a grey ash colour Hawaiian shirt in an attempt to go with
the theme of the dance. "As always, it is wonderful to see school spirit," began the
Headmaster, "it gives me great pleasure to open the November Dance. Now if the Chair women of
the dance, Miss Nonako could begin the first dance we can get started."
A silent hush fell among the students stepping away from the middle of the Dance Hall, they're
eyes fell onto Rika.
"He never mentioned anything about a dance," muttered Rika stubbornly standing beside Henry, "I
am not going to dance in front of everyone."
Henry looked around the room hesitantly, "I think its tradition Rika."
"Screw tradition," muttered Rika.
"Scared Rika?" grinned Henry.
Rika glared at Henry yanking to the middle of the room, "You wish," she said evenly.
Standing in the middle of the hall Rika awkwardly put a hand on Henry's shoulder.
Smiling Henry took Rika's other hand into his, "Do you know what you're doing?" whispered Henry.
"No," hissed Rika, "I've never really had an interest in dancing, especially ball room dancing."
Horrified the couple saw the Headmaster give a nod to the DJ who started to the music, not
knowing if what they were doing was correct Henry and Rika started to dance to the music.
"As long as we don't step on each other's toes we should be fine," reasoned Henry grinning.
"How can you be smiling at a time like this Henry?" demanded Rika unable to stop from returning
Henry's infectious smile. "We're about to make fools of ourselves."
"Just have fun Rika," said Henry twirling Rika.
Rika laughed, "You are lucky that I'm quick on my feet, I barely knew what you are doing."
The song ended both Henry and Rika were smiling at each other, knowing that the entire dance
hall knew that they did not know how to dance. The students joined in on the dance as the
second song began, Henry looked at Rika curiously, "You want to keep dancing or get out while we
"Let's keep dancing," said Rika leaning against Henry.
After a few more dances Henry and Rika quit the dance floor, Rika gave a quick squeeze to
Henry's hand to get his attention, "I've got to deal with the caterers to get the buffet
"Sure I'll be at the refreshment table," answered Henry nodding to one of the long tables that
held drinks.
Still smiling Henry made his way to the refreshment table and began to pour out two glasses of
punch. Noticing three blond girls staring at him, one of them was familiar her name was Sally,
she was apparently Rika's locker neighbour, smiling tentatively he continued his task of pouring
the drinks.
"Hi you're Henry right?"
Henry looked up to see Sally standing beside him, "Yes I am and you are Sally if I remember
correctly," answered Henry politely.
"You remembered me," said Sally in delight.
Henry shrugged, "I've got a pretty good memory."
"I didn't expect to see you here," said Sally edging closer to Henry.
"Oh," said Henry nodding, "I came with Rika."
"So you going out with her or something?" asked Sally her eyes gleaming.
Henry frowned, "Um... Well..."
Sally's eyes brightened, "So you aren't seeing anyone then," putting a hand on Henry's arm.
Making it a smooth motion Henry pulled his arm away while taking a sip out of his cup, "Well I'm
sorta going through something right now," said Henry nervously.
"I see," said Sally her eyebrows furrowing, "well would it be a problem to ask for one dance?"
Henry frowned, "Well I just got off the dance floor I'm really interested in my drink right now."
"I'm sure I can interest you in something else," cooed Sally seductively.
Taking a step back to get some distance from the blond girl, Henry grimaced when Sally took a
step towards him, "Look I'm sure you are a very nice person," said Henry quickly, "but I'm
really not interested... It's not that I don't find you attractive... Well that's not true, I
don't... Ergh, I don't mean your ugly it's just I..."
"You talk too much," said Sally covering Henry's mouth with her own.
Suddenly Sally found herself on the ground a few feet away from Henry, "What's wrong with you?"
demanded Henry noticeably angry, "I mean I said I wasn't interested, what more do you want me to
Sally stared stunned at Henry nobody had ever rejected her before and now the first time being
rejected she was being humiliated in front of the entire school. Getting to her feet with the
help of her two friends she dusted herself off, "You'll regret that Henry," she snarled.
"I doubt that," said Henry angrily returning the three blond hair girls glares.
Turning around furiously Sally and her two friends stalked away.
Shoulders sagged as Henry sighed, glancing around he noticed everyone staring at him, needless
to say he felt very uncomfortable.
Rika slowly walked up to Henry, she knew he was uncomfortable, well who wouldn't, he was a
foreign person to the school who just pushed the most popular girl in the school. Walking up to
Henry her hand gently touched his cheek.
Henry's eyes were wide, "Rika, I..."
Shaking her head slightly Henry fell silent, with her other hand she pulled out her cell phone
hitting a quick dial number.
The phone rang four times before a very sleepy and irritated voice answered, "Hello?" yawned
Charles, "whoever you are do you happen to know that right now in Switzerland it is in the
middle of the night and I'm trying to sleep?"
"Charles? It's Rika," began Rika calmly, "I'm going to kiss my boyfriend in public right now."
"What!" shouted Charles all sleepiness disappearing from shock, "Rika you can't do this to me!
You have to give me more time then this!"
Rika closed her phone pulling Henry's head down she rested her forehead against his, nervously
she tilted her head back. The kiss was soft and gentle, like a tender first kiss, but it
quickly deepened, the light kisses turning into slow and passionate.
Pulling back from each other the two breathed heavily looking into each other's eyes, an
understanding passed between them, holding Henry's hand tightly they both left the dance hall.
Kenta frowned standing on the balcony of the second floor; he was staring down at the scene
below. She was dancing with a boy, Kenta couldn't wasn't sure what the different range of
emotions that were surging through him were, but one that he was sure was anger. Anger of what
however he wasn't sure, he didn't like that either, he hated not knowing answers, he especially
hated unanswered problems when it affected him. The song ended Kenta watched as the boy
whispered something into Suzy's ear who nodded and followed the boy to one of the refreshment
tables. Mustering his nerves, Kenta decided to talk to Suzy; walking quickly down the stairs he
made his way towards Suzy and the boy.
Smiling at Jeffrey the boy who she was dancing with, Suzy was about to stake a sip of her soda
when she noticed Kenta heading towards her. The usual butterflies filled her stomach, while she
tried to remind herself that she was still angry at Kenta and she wasn't going to talk to him.
Her eyes wandered over Kenta his thousand-dollar hair cut to his deep dark green eyes... Well
maybe a few words...
"Everything okay Suzy?" asked Jeffrey noticing that Suzy stopped paying attention to him.
Glancing over his shoulder he noticed Kenta walking towards them, "Someone you know?"
Suzy nodded her eyes still locked with Kenta, her heart was pounding a mile away, her fist
clenched nervously, biting her lower lip, Suzy's mind kept doing flips. Just before Kenta
reached her a girl got knocked into Kenta.
Catching the girl Kenta straightened up helping the girl to her feet, the girl had dark black
hair, that shined beautifully, her eyes were stunningly violet, she gave Kenta a full smile.
"You okay?" asked Kenta.
"Yeah," answered the girl her hands still holding onto Kenta's, "you're Kenta Kitagawa aren't
"Yes I am," acknowledged Kenta, his mind whirled trying to put a name with the girls face.
"You don't remember who I am do you?" asked the girl amused.
"Tomoya Matasuta," remembered Kenta smiling, "Captain of the debating team."
"You remembered," said Tomoya happily.
"Hard to forget you," said Kenta with a laugh, "as I remembered you were very angry at me the
last time we met."
Tomoya laughed, "Oh that was because I wanted to get more funding for the debating team, but you
got the extra funding for the newspaper instead."
"The newspaper needed more money," explained Kenta.
"Oh don't worry about it," said Tomoya waving a hand, "I just sometimes take thing sway out of
Kenta smiled, "As I remembered you yelled at me for an hour."
Tomoya smiled sheepishly, "I was pretty angry but how about we start on new footing?"
"I'll like that," smiled Kenta shaking Tomoya's hand, "I'm Kenta Kitagawa, Chief Editor of The
"I'm Tomoya Matasuta, Captain of the debating Team," said Tomoya returning Kenta's smile, "now
that we're acquainted, you can treat me to a dance."
"Well I got something," began Kenta.
"I won't take no for an answer," warned Tomoya, pulling Kenta onto the dance floor, "come on one
dance, I'm not that bad."
Relenting Kenta nodded, "one dance," glancing over to Suzy Kenta gave her an apologetic smile
before being hauled off to the dance floor.
Six different very offensive names to call the girl that hauled Kenta away popped into Suzy's
head. A bubbling anger feeling filled her, trying to see Kenta and the black hair girl that
pulled him away, she moved away from Jeffrey to get a better view. Angrily she stared at the
pair, Kenta attempting to dance at the high pace music while his partner danced beautifully
whiles she laughed at Kenta's attempts.
The music ended suddenly and a slow beat music took its place, Suzy glared seeing Kenta and the
girl exchange a few words then a laugh. To her dismay and anger Suzy wasn't sure what happened
but Kenta and the girl were dancing again. Suzy felt like crying as she watched Kenta whisper
something in the girl's ear, which she looked amused and laughed. The dance ended with Kenta
twirling his partner both walked off the floor smiling and laughing. Getting off the dance
floor Kenta spotted Suzy glaring at them.
"Hi," greeted Tomoya to Suzy brightly, "my name is Tomoya."
"Hi," said Suzy coldly.
"I've been looking for you Suzy," said Kenta smiling.
"I can see that," said Suzy pointedly.
"Look I didn't' know you were going out with Kenta," apologized Tomoya, "and I'm really sorry,
it's not Kenta's fault, I dragged him off to dance he was just being polite."
"We aren't going out," interrupted Suzy turning around she stormed away.
"You two aren't going out?" Tomoya asked Kenta.
"I don't know," said Kenta sadly, "I hope you'll excuse me."
Nodding Tomoya watched as Kenta chase after Suzy.
"Suzy wait," said Kenta catching the small girl's arm.
Yanking her arm out of Kenta's grasp, "Why?"
Kenta sighed, "Come on Suzy stop, I want to talk to you."
"Well I really don't' want to talk to you," Suzy retorted.
Kenta stopped suddenly; "Do you mean that?" asked Kenta his voice wavering.
Suzy stopped, "No," said Suzy with regret, "I don't mean it."
Both looked around them noticing that everyone was watching them, "Maybe we can go talk
somewhere else?"
"Yeah," said Suzy somewhat relieved.
Kenta led Suzy to his garden, as they walked both skirted the issue in their mind and instead
they filled the conversation with things they were seeing in the garden.
Finally they reached a large water fountain, small bushes surrounded them, Suzy grabbed a seat
at the side of the fountain Kenta sat at a bench across from her.
"Should we talk?" asked Kenta with a tired smile.
"I was hoping we could just skirt around the issue a little more," said Suzy nervously.
"So... You like stuff?" asked Kenta seeing Suzy's confused face he shrugged, "You said you
wanted to skirt around the issue."
Suzy smiled briefly, "I'm really sorry how I acted today Kenta."
"This party is all four you," said Kenta waving at his mansion behind him with all it's lights
"I know, it's lovely," said Suzy giving Kenta an apologetic look, "it's just..."
"Not what you wanted," finished Kenta nodding, "I know."
Suzy nodded slowly, "But I do appreciate the party, I mean well... It's not everyday that a
girl gets a huge party thrown for her."
Kenta stood smiling, offering his arm to Suzy who took it, they continued their tour of the
large garden. "Ai didn't look happy when she got out of the car," said Kenta carefully.
"It's just a small think between her and me," said Suzy leaning closer to Kenta because the
night was cold.
Kenta didn't seem to notice as he was deep in thought, "Does it concern me?"
"Sorta," admitted Suzy uncomfortably, "yes a little."
"I'm sorry," said Kenta softly.
"You have nothing to be sorry for Kenta, it's just something that Ai and I have to work out,"
said Suzy.
The two finally reached a small clearing; all types of different kinds of rose bushes as well as
beautifully African lily vines surrounded the clearing. In the middle were a table, two chairs,
and two elegant place settings. The shiny silver wear glinted in the soft moonlight and
flickering candlelight.
Suzy gasped turning to Kenta, "You didn't have to."
Before Kenta could speak he saw his Chef rolling out a trolley of food as well as cookware.
Soft music began to play, Suzy turned to see, Kazu, Alice, and Ryo playing instruments.
Suzy smiled happily at Kenta her eyes shining with tears.
Wordlessly Kenta still surprised but with years of grooming and manners they took over. He
pulled out a seat for Suzy, once both of them were properly seated, his cook, Chef Oronzo
DePrina spoke, "Tonight, we will start with a very simple vinaigrette salad, followed by a cold
pea soup, next would be delicious steamed vegetable in a special crème sauce, that would be
followed by a light cold pasta, then some smoked spicy tofu sausage with a sweet sauce, the main
course would be one of my specialties asparagus ravioli, and finally my famous desert strawberry
"Seven courses?" asked Suzy surprised.
Kenta nodded pulling out a bottle that was in the cooler he uncorked it and filled both Suzy's
and his cup with the yellow sparkling liquid.
Suzy looked hesitantly at her cup, picking it up she took a sniff, "Is it alcoholic?"
Kenta smiled amusingly, "Do you trust me?"
Suzy smiled before taking a sip, pulling back in surprise, "Taste lightly like grape juice but
it's fizzy."
Kenta grinned, "Sparkling grape champagne, for those of us who are not allowed to drink real
champagne." Holding out his glass, Suzy clinked her glass with his before taking another sip.
Seven courses later, Suzy wiped her lips carefully she smiled at Kenta happily.
"I still can't believe you were able to put away a seven course meal," said Kenta amused as Chef
Oronzo finished cleaning the table of dishes he rolled away.
"Oh that's not good is it?" asked Suzy worried.
"No, no it's fine," said Kenta shaking his head with a smile, "I think it's healthy, I know how
much energy you use everyday, I'm just surprised because you don't show it."
Suzy turned red from embarrassment, "I'm just lucky."
Kenta glanced at Ryo, Kazu, and Alice who returned, they had left as Suzy and him began to eat,
allowing them privacy for them to talk. Picking up their instruments they began to play again,
seeing Suzy's longing face but nervousness in her eyes, Kenta smiled offering his hand to Suzy,
"You want to dance?"
Suzy nodded allowing Kenta to lead her closer to their friends, awkwardly Suzy placed one hand
on Kenta's shoulder and the other in his hand. Kenta started to lead her in the dance as Kazu
and Alice started to sing.
Ninety miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving I don't know why
So many questions I need to answer
Two years later you're still on my mind
As Kazu and Alice sang Suzy smiled, "This is nice."
A small smile touched Kenta's lips, "Yeah it is."
What ever happened to Emilia Airheart
Who holds stars up in the sky
It's true love just once in a lifetime
Till the captain of the Titanic cry
As they slowly danced Suzy stepped on one of Kenta's feet, "Sorry," she said turning red.
Kenta laughed lightly, "It's okay."
Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
"This is the first time I danced with a boy," explained Suzy.
"I said it was okay," said Kenta gently.
Does anyone know the way to Atlantis
Or what the wind says when she cries
I'm straightened by the place that I met you
For the ninety-seventh time ... tonight
"I just wanted to say sorry," apologized Suzy.
"Apology accepted," smiled Kenta.
Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday well know why I wasn't mean for you
"Thank you," murmured Suzy.
Kenta looked quizzically at Suzy, "For what?"
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
"For all this," said Suzy, "for being you, for trying to get along with a difficult and insane
little girl."
Kenta blushed, "It was nothing."
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Dilaila
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you
"I think it was," answered Suzy.
Kenta shrugged lightly, "You're welcome Suzy."
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
I watch the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me ... tonight
Suzy smiled resting her head on Kenta's chest, Alice, Ryo, and Kazu's voices filled the
background as they all sang the last few versus.
A mixture of feelings ran through Kenta, happy, sadness; at the end he really couldn't put it
down what it was. Holding Suzy closer he smiled, `Vanilla and peaches,' thought Kenta his brows
creasing slightly, that was how Suzy smelled like, his mind whirled as he wondered why he
noticed the smell.
Someday we'll know if love could move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
Kenta and Suzy slowly rocked back and forth in the music, Kenta smiled slightly in amusement,
Suzy didn't really know how to dance so all they were doing were swaying slightly from side to
side. If his parents saw him he knew they would be shaking their heads. Since he was born he
was bred for a higher level of life style he had a ballroom dance teacher as soon as he could
walk. He could do the tango when he was seven and now he was just swaying side to side
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Suzy listened to the steady beat of Kenta's heart, it was somewhat of a perfect night, there was
tension, excitement, a romantic candle light dinner. "Too bad it all ends without a bang,"
thought Suzy amused at herself.
Kenta's mind was still trying to decipher what he was feeling but everything he has learnt over
the years still didn't tell him anything. All the books of wisdom that he read did not help him
in this situation, and he was annoyed, terrified, all in all mixed upped.
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Dilaila
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you
The song and dance ended, Kenta and Suzy pulled away gradually, turning to Kazu, Alice, and Ryo
they clapped. Smiling ruefully Kazu bowed with Alice, while Ryo stood back holding onto a cool
"Thank you and tip your waiter on your way out," said Kazu gleefully.
Ryo rolled his eyes as he started back to the mansion with Alice.
"Let's finish our walk," suggested Kenta.
Suzy shivered slightly, "Gives me a chance to work some of the stuff I ate off."
Kenta shrugged off his light black jacket.
"You don't have to," protested Suzy while Kenta put the jacket around her.
"You're cold," said Kenta, "don't argue."
Suzy closed her mouth, smiling she looked away as they continued to walk down the path.
Juri sobbed again into her hand, she had tried to look for Takato but the house was too big and
filled with too many people.
"Hey Juri you okay?"
Juri glance dup her eyes were red from tears, "No, I can't find Takato."
Kazu frowned, "Why not?"
All the Tamers noticed that a few months after their Digital World adventure that Takato and
Juri had always been able to find each other. It was scary and amazing at the same time. Once
Kenta conducted an experiment where he had the gang lead Takato and Juri apart from each other
to different parts of the city. Each time it would only take Takato and Juri to find each other
in less then half an hour.
"Can't you find him?" asked Kazu confused, "I mean using your weird mojo mind thing?"
"I yelled at him," explained Juri sniffing, "we had a stupid fight. I can't find him now."
"It'll be okay Juri, you'll see," said Kazu trying to cheer Juri up.
Juri sniffed wiping the tears from her eyes, "I don't want to lose him Kazu... I can't..."
"You won't" interject Kazu quickly, "he's completely head over heels in love with you Juri.
It'll be impossible for him to be angry at you."
Juri smiled, "Thanks Kazu."
Kazu shrugged, "Eh... What are friends for? Besides Takato is probably looking for you right
As if on cue Takato skidded into the room looking around hysterically, in his hands was Juri's
notebook that she dropped. "Kazu have you seen Juri?" demanded Takato.
Kazu raised an eyebrow stepping aside so Takato could see Juri he could see the hysteria
disappearing from his friend's eyes.
"Juri," said Takato relieved as he picked Juri up into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry Takato," sobbed Juri tears filling her eyes again.
"You don't have to be," Takato sighed rubbing Juri's back.
"I tried to find you..."
"I know," said Takato, "I tried to find you too."
"I couldn't find you because of the fight," explained Juri.
Takato shook his head as he told his story, "All I found was your book and it was on the floor
and I didn't know what to think... I thought you disappeared or something or someone took you
Juri buried her head into the crook of Takato's neck, "I'm really sorry."
"You don't have to be, I'm really sorry," apologized Takato.
Kazu squeezed the bridge of his nose in slight annoyance, "Not to be a downer on anyone's
parade, but hearing all this is cute and all that I'm sure... However your repetition is
annoying... So let me say a few things, you both are sorry, you both agree that each other has
nothing to apologise for so in fact you both are in good terms again. So there is a party going
on, enjoy it please for heaven sakes and try not to pull another dramatic crisis again please."
Juri and Takato looked surprise at Kazu, looking at each other both nodded, "You want to dance?"
asked Takato.
Juri shook her head; "I want to find a couch so I can hold you for the rest of the night."
Takato grinned, "I know just the place, but can we go grab a few things to eat first?"
Juri nodded happily as she pulled Takato away to a snack table.
Kazu sighed in relief; "Well then I fixed two relationship problems tonight... I'm good, not
another problem in sight."
"Where were you?" demanded a very angry voice.
Kazu frowned turning around his jaw dropped as he saw the girl he was talking to before Kenta
interrupted him early that night. His mind tried bringing a name to her face but he couldn't
remember, "I was helping my friend first, then another friend had a problem and well tonight..."
The sharp sting of her hand caused Kazu's cheek to turn red, "I don't ever want to see you
again," snapped the angry girl as she stormed away.
Kazu sighed, as he rubbed his cheek, "Great everyone got a happy date except me tonight,"
grumbled Kazu. His eyes brightened as he noticed a girl walking into the room giving him a
smile, rubbing his hands Kazu sauntered up to her.
Ryo was sitting on the steps outside of Kenta's mansion; his eyes were fixed onto the heavens
above him.
"So what do you see?" asked Alice sitting beside Ryo.
"I think that's the big dipper," said Ryo pointing up at a star constellation.
"That's the small one," said Alice glancing at Ryo frowning.
Ryo tilted his head studying the constellation in a different angle, "How would you know?"
"Ryo I have a four point GPA, I think I would know," said Alice evenly.
Ryo sighed, "I hate it when I'm wrong."
"Then you must be very annoyed for most of your life," teased Alice.
Ryo chuckled shaking his head, "You have a sharp tongue."
"It keeps boys on their toes," smiled Alice.
"You want to grab a coffee?" asked Ryo.
Alice grinned, taking a dramatic pose by fanning herself with her hand, "Oh dear me Ryo Akiyama
want to have coffee with me how can I refuse."
"Okay, okay," said Ryo raising his hands in surrender, "I get the point."
Grabbing Ryo's hand Alice pulled him towards the road, "Come on coffee sounds great."