Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time ❯ The Crests ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay Disclaimer FUN FUN. Digimon doesn't Belong to me it belongs to Fox kids or something like that. Cuz if it did Taichi and Yamato would be kissing and making out with othe things involved every episode!!!!

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During the night, their Digivices had gone off and awakened Izzy and Mimi.

“Izzy, what does this mean?” Mimi asked Izzy.

“Maybe our crests are around here somewhere. Let’s go find out.” Suggested Izzy. Mimi was reluctant to go but she got up and started to follow Izzy. They kept walking until they found this strange shack. They walked inside and was surprised by what was in it.

There, in the middle of the shack, was a well. Izzy looked at his Digivice and noted that their crest was down there.

“Oh joy.” Mimi said sarcastically. But she was the first to start climbing down the well. About half way down the well their Digivices started glowing. Then two symbols appeared in front of them. Then out of nowhere voices began speaking.

“I am the Spirit of Knowledge,” The voice began speaking. “Izzy for your knowledge of extraordinary things in life. I see you worthy of the Crest of Knowledge. Use my power well, for wisdom is gained from knowledge, young grasshopper. My name is MegaKabuterimon.” With that the voice was gone and he saw a crest floating down in front of him.

“I am the Spirit of Sincerity,” The voice began speaking. “Mimi, for your sincerity towards life. You have always been true to yourself and others. I deem you worthy of the Crest of Sincerity. Use it well Milady. My name is Lilymon.” Also after the voice finished speaking a crest came floating down in front of her.

After that, they returned to camp for the night and fell right back asleep.
The next morning, Tai woke up before everyone and decided to go for a walk to think.


As he walked along the path in the forest he looked around himself at the forest. He looked at how the forest lived. The trees had rooted where their seeds had fallen, all the living things in the forest lived off of each other. None of them worry about who they grow next to, not just because they don’t have a choice, but I am sure that if they had a choice that they would stay.

He had never really thought about life this much. He usually would just wake up and do what he was suppose to do, what society wanted him to do. Here in the Digital World, you did want you wanted to. Everyone was an equal. Ever since he had met Yamato it was always about them. Matt didn’t care what people thought, except for his father and Sora. He could tell that Matt was worried about what was going to happen when they went back to the Real World. He personally would rather just take Matt and runaway from everything. But instead of worrying about it, he turned around to go back to the campsite.

When he arrived, everyone was still asleep. As he sat down by the fire, to get it ready, he noticed that Izzy and Mimi were wearing crests. ‘Where did those come from?’ he thought to himself.

As he was finishing up, everyone was waking up. Matt was the first to wake up. He walked over to Tai and sat right next to him cuddling.

“Good morning sleepy head.” Tai said as he kissed him on the cheek.

“Why are you up so early?” Matt asked Tai. “I figured that you would sleep in after last night.”

“I was going to,” Replied Tai. “But there was stuff on my mind”

“I hope your not worrying about anything.”

“Worrying about what?” Asked Kari as she walked over to sit by her brother.

“Nothing.” Replied Tai. “So how was your sleep?” Tai and Matt then giggled after what they saw during the night.

“Fine. What’s with the giggling?” She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Nothing.” Replied Matt but he couldn’t contain himself anymore. “We saw you last night.” He blurted out.

She looked shocked. She had gone completely white as a ghost. “What? How could you Tai!”

“Don’t worry. As long as you keep our secret we’ll keep yours.” Replied Tai with a smirk on his face.

“What secret?” T.K. asked as he woke up and went to sit down next to Kari.

“Oh nothing really, Your brother and my brother was just being peeping Tom’s last night.” Kari said with anger in her voice.

“Hey, it’s not like we did it on purpose.” Matt started to say. “You guys were the loud ones not us. We did our thing without being loud and getting caught.” It had escaped his mouth before he could stop it. He clasped his hand over his mouth as he looked around, making sure that no one had heard him.

“Really now.” Mimi said as she walked up to the fire to get warm.

“Yeah, but really, let’s not talk about it. Okay, not here at least.” Replied Matt taking a glance at Sora to make sure that she was still asleep.

“Yeah we don’t want to hear the mouth today.” Joe said making his way into their little circle they had going on around the fire. “That is all she does is gripe. ‘Yamato this. Yamato that’ It just gets so old.”

“What Sora?” Asked Izzy as he also joined the circle. “You are correct though.”

“Again I am sorry for causing this guys.” Matt said apologizing.

“We didn’t know that she would be this annoying about it.” Stated Tai.

“Like we said, it’s not your fault. She doesn’t know you guys like we do.” Kari said trying to cheer the two of them up. Not long after that, Sora woke up and they had to discontinue their conversation. She didn’t act suspicious. They all sat down and ate their breakfast. Izzy and Mimi talked about how they had found their crest in the night. As their conversation came to an end. Joe noticed something.

“Hey there is a dot on my Digivice!”

“Well then that means that your crest is nearby.” Izzy stated while taking a look at his Digivice. “It seems to be in this direction.” He pointed to the North.

As soon as they were done packing, they left in search of Joe’s crest. As they made their way North, along the forest path, Sora was walking all alone thinking to herself.

‘Why am I here?’ she thought to herself. ‘It’s obvious nobody needs me.’ She felt depressed. She had only came along to be able to get close to Matt. She knew that arranged marriages hardly ever had love involved. All she had to do was look at her parents to see that. Matt’s parents were also the same way. She sighed as she followed the others. Then she felt something, more like something trying to tell her something. She looked at her Digivice and noticed something. There was a dot.

“Biyomon.” Said Sora to her partner.

“Yes Sora?” Replied the Digimon

“I need to ask you something or rather do something for me.”

“Anything Sora.” Said Biyomon. Biyomon was confused.


As the others made their way to a lake, Joe looked around.

“All that’s here is a lake.” Stated Joe.

“My stay here in the Digital World, has taught me that everything is not how it looks.” Mimi explained. “There is something here because your Digivice would not just lead you here for no reason.”

“That’s true.” Replied Kari.

They all looked around for clues. Then all of a sudden Joe’s Digivice shot out a beam of light and went straight into the middle of the lake. As if being parted by a mysterious being, the lake water shot up and split straight down the middle.

“Prodigious.” Izzy said amazed.

“I’ve never seen anything like this.” TK. said stunned by such a miraculous thing happening in front of him.

“Yes. It certainly is beautiful. Don’t you think so Matt?” Tai asked Matt.

“Yeah. I have never seen something like this before.” Matt replied. “So what are we suppose to do?” Matt asked Izzy. But before Izzy could answer Joe started walking into the lake with Gomamon.

“Joe what are you doing?” Kari yelled at him.

“Don’t worry. I feel something down here. I’ll be alright, I’ve got Gomamon. Just trust me okay?

“You got it dude.” Tai said.

As he walked down the lake bottom he noticed something glimmering on the ground. As he made his way towards it he saw a crest. He ran towards it. But before he could grab it, the walls of water came crashing down around him. Gomamon leaped for him and caught him just in time. Gomamon dragged Joe out of the water and everybody ran over to make sure he was alright.

“Joe! Are you okay?” Asked Mimi with a bit of concern in her voice.

He managed to cough up a ‘yeah’ making everybody feel at ease. As soon as he recovered he took another look out at the lake. He knew he saw something.

“There was something out there. I saw it.”

“Are you sure?” Asked Izzy.

“Yeah, trust me I saw it.” Replied Joe.

As if it was coming out of nowhere they heard a voice.

“Trust.” The voice said. They all looked around to look for the voice when Matt noticed something.

“Look over there!” He said and everyone looked. They saw a spirit materializing. It was a giant turtle with spikes down his shell and on his head, with a hammer in hand he spoke.

“My name is Zudomon, the Spirit of Reliability. Are you a trustworthy person Joe Kido?” The spirit asked.

“Yes he is.” Mimi said.

“I agree. I trust Joe with my life.” Tai said

“I do to.” Everyone agreed.

“Then there you have it. I deem you worthy of this Crest of Reliability.” The spirit said. Then appearing from the lake A crest floated down in front of Joe. The spirit disappeared within Gomamon. Then Matt noticed something. His crest started glowing and it felt warm against his chest.

“What’s going on?” Matt said getting scared.

“What?” Asked Tai.

“My crest it’s getting all warm and stuff.” He said taking it out to show them.

“It is glowing too!” T.K. said amazed by the faint blue light illuminating from it.

“What does it mean Izzy?” Kari asked.

“Well it is the Crest is of Friendship. So maybe there is something wrong with one of our friends?” Replied Izzy.

“But that is impossible. Everyone is here.” Stated Mimi. As she looked around she noticed something. There was Biyomon but there was no Sora.

“Where is Sora?” she asked Biyomon.

“Hey that’s right she isn’t here.” Kari said with a puzzled look on her face.

“Why didn’t you tell us she left!” Tai shouted at Biyomon.

“She asked me not to. She said that she had to go look for something. Se said that when you noticed she was gone to tell you that she was gone. Sorry she asked me to do that.” Biyomon said feeling like she did something bad.

“It’s okay Biyomon it’s not your fault.” Matt said trying to comfort her. He glared at Tai for yelling at her.

“What! What’s that look for?” Tai said shouting and walking away. “I’m going to go look for her.”

“Hey, could you look after Biyomon for me Mimi. Thanks.” Matt said running after Tai “Why did you have to yell at Biyomon like that for.” He growled at Tai.

“You know and I know, that she only did it cause Sora asked her to. So don’t yell at Biyomon cause it’s not her fault.” Matt said trying to get Tai to understand.

“Well I can’t yell at Sora, cause she isn’t here now is she.” Tai yelled.

“I never thought you could be so cold, Taichi Yagami.” Matt said. With that he turned around and walked away.

Being alone gave him time to think. ‘I shouldn’t have yelled like that. Stupid Tai! I better go apologize to everyone’ He turned around and went back in the direction everyone was in and when he got there he noticed something. Nobody was here. Where had everyone gone?

“Agumon have you seen anyone?” Tai asked his Digimon.

“No Tai. When we were walking back, I didn’t see nor hear anybody leave.” Agumon replied

Tai was starting to get worried. Kari was out there somewhere and so was everybody else.

“Come on Agumon we got to go look for everybody.” Tai said as he started walking in any direction.


“T.K.!” Matt yelled walking through the forest. He couldn’t believe that they had just left. ‘Where could they be. Oh god please let T.K. be safe!”


As they were walking T.K. noticed something.

“Kari, do you think that Matt and Tai are okay?”

“Yeah., probably a lover’s first quarrel, that’s all.” Kari said with a giggle. “What do you think we are going to find, our crests?”

“I don’t know. I still feel kind of bad leaving everybody behind. Matt is probably so worried now that he is screaming or something.” T.K. said with a smile.

“Well he should be alright, we told everyone to tell them that we would be back after we found our crests. They were just calming Biyomon down from Tai yelling at her.”

“Yeah that’s true. Oh well I won’t worry about it.” Replied T.K.

As they were walking they noticed another temple like the one that Tai and Matt found their crests. As they approached it they saw a similar pattern on the temple. But instead of the symbols for Courage and Friendship they saw two other symbols. As they walked up to the doors beams shot out of their Digivices. Two spirits materialized, One was an Angel with a purple visor. The second was another Angel, with a gray visor and a pink cloth around her arms. The male Angel was the first to speak.

“Hello. My name is MagnaAngemon.” The Angel said

“And my name is Angewomon. We are the protectors of the Temple of Hope and Light.” The second angel said.

“Have you come to take Hope and Light back into our world Digidestined?” The first angel asked.

“Umm. Sure.” T.K. said confused.

“Then the trial begins.” MagnaAngemon shouted. They were enveloped in a blinding white light


“Biyomon get back here!” Yelled Mimi as she, Izzy and Joe ran after the Digimon.

“No! She needs me.” Biyomon yelled back.


As Matt and Gabumon sat down to rest Matt was left thinking about recent events.

“Gabumon, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure Matt.”

“ I know this is going to sound weird and all but, am I a good friend?” Matt asked his partner.

“Yes you are Matt. Why do you ask?” asked the blue Digimon.

“Because of this.” Matt started to explain as he took out his crest. “I have the Crest of Friendship, but am I really all that good of a friend. I don’t deserve this. I should have noticed when Sora left but I didn’t.” Matt said throwing his crest on the ground and walked away. When it hit the ground the glowing stopped.

“ Matt.” Gabumon walked over to the crest and picked it up. He put it away in his fur as he ran after Matt to catch up with him.


As if the blinding light had come from nowhere it had returned to that similar place. T.K. and Kari looked around to see where they were but they couldn’t. They were in pitch black. As T.K. looked around for something that might shed some light, Kari grappled to his side.

“T.K. I’m scared.” Kari said with a little concern in her voice.

“It’s okay. I’m here with you. Do you have a clue where we are?” T.K. asked Kari.

“No. I can’t see anything to tell.” Replied Kari. “If only we could see a little bit we could actually try to do something or go somewhere."

“Well we may not be able to see but we can go on our senses. What can you make of this place Kari?” Asked T.K.

“Well I can hear something but I am not quite sure what it is.” Replied Kari. “Wait that is the sound of water!”

“Yeah your right. We are by a beach I think.” Replied T.K.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Look feel what we are standing on it feels like sand.” Explained T.K.

“You’re right. All we have to do is believe in ourselves.” Replied Kari. After she said that T.K. saw a light.

“Look, there is a light.” T.K. said grabbing Kari and running towards. As they approached the light, they felt a warmth come over them.

“What is this light?” Asked Kari.

As if he had knew all along he answered without even knowing.


“Hope? How is this light Hope?” Kari was starting to get confused.

“Because.” Came a familiar voice. “This is the light of Hope. Light and Hope work together in the world. Without Hope there is no Light.”

“MagnaAngemon is that you?” T.K. asked.

“Yes and no. I am MagnaAngemon but I am also not.” Replied the voice.

“What do you mean?” Asked T.K.

“What he means is,” Came the voice of Angewomon. “He is the spirit of MagnaAngemon but he is not whole. None of us our whole. The spirits of the crests live in them. But we are not whole.”

“What do you mean Angewomon?” Asked Kari.

“You will soon find out young ones.” Replied MagnaAngemon

“Can I ask a question?” T.K. started. “Why is this light so faint?”

“Why do you think young ones.”

“Because there is little Hope left. It is like you said. There can be no light at all but as long as you have Hope then that is all the light you need. But if you have no Hope, then there is no light, even if the sun is out.” Explained T.K.

“Correct child. You saying that means that there still might be a chance for this world. For that I will give you the last of my strength, Child of Hope. Use it well.” With that MagnaAngemon’s presence faded and the faint light turned into a crest which floated into T.K.’s hands. The Crest glowed brightly and restored light to the surroundings.

As they looked around, they noticed that they were indeed on a beach. But it was not a normal beach. Everything was black and gray. So dull and emotionless.

“What is this place?” Asked Kari.

“This is the World of Darkness. The alternate universe of the Digital World.” Angewomon started to explain. “This is the place that has no hope. That is why there is hardly any light. Digimon who lose hope in this world are here, or rather their bodies are in the Digital World, while their souls are attracted here and succumbed to the darkness. If you can promise that you will try to bring this world back to normal then I shall aid you on your journey.”

“If you can give me the power to help these tormented souls then I can promise you that I will try.” Replied Kari.

“That is all I wanted to know. I will give you the Light, for I see it so bright in you my child.” With that Angewomon along with the World of Darkness disappeared and all that was left was a pink light floating down towards Kari. It landed in her hands and felt warm.

“Well we should head back to the others than.” T.K. said. They turned back and went towards the campsite with their Crests around their neck. As they walked T.K. noticed something. “Kari are you al right?”

“Huh? Yeah why?” She replied.

“You just seem a little spaced out that’s all.”

“Oh I was just thinking about that World of Darkness. I could have sworn I saw something that couldn’t possibly be real.” Explained Kari.

“What so you mean?” Asked T.K.

“I thought I saw a human.”